Pojasnilo | 14. 3. 2025 |
ISSN | Revija | Založnik/Izdajatelj | Št. čl. v COBIB.SI (2019) | Odprti dostop![]() |
0002-5712 | [Allemagne d'aujourd'hui] | PUF,; Presses universitaires du Septentrion | 0 | |
0244-6103 | [Cahiers d'études romanes] | Centre de dialectologie et de linguistique (Toulouse) | 0 | |
0220-5610 | [Cahiers victoriens & édouardiens] | Université Paul-Valéry, Centre d'études et de recherches Victoriennes et édouardiennes | 0 | |
0153-0313 | [Lengas] | Centre d'études occitanes | 0 | |
0291-8927 | [Lettres, sciences humaines et sciences de la terre. Organisation des enseignements 2e et 3e cycles] | Université de Bordeaux trois | 0 | |
1074-164X | [Mediterranean studies] | Central Missouri State University | 0 | ✔ |
0080-2549 | [Revue des études arméniennes] | Klincksieck; Association de la Revue des études arméniennes; Association de la Revue des études arméniennes | 0 | |
1715-9261 | |nalyses (e-vir) | Dép. de français, Université d'Ottawa. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-2963 | 1611 | Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1560 | 19 (e-vir) | Birkbeck College, Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0148-2076 | 19th century music | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8606 | 19th-century music (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
2550-2247 | 3L (e-vir) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | 0 | |
2013-3294 | 452 F | Asociación Cultural 452F | 0 | |
1128-7209 | A.I.O.N. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Dipartimento di studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria | Edizioni dell'Ateneo,; Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
1724-6172 | A.I.O.N. Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Dipartimento di studi del mondo classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione filologico-letteraria | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
0001-2793 | A.U.M.L.A. | Australasian Universities Modern Language Association | 0 | |
1232-1966 | AAEM. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | Institute of Agricultural Medicine.; Instytut Medycyny Wsi im. Witolda Chodźki (Lublin) | 0 | |
2153-8492 | AAUP journal of academic freedom (e-vir) | American Association of University Professors | 0 | |
0080-5297 | Abhandlungen der Sächsichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig | Hirzel | 0 | |
0720-6763 | ABI-Technik | Holz | 0 | ✔ |
2191-4664 | ABI-Technik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0065-0382 | Abr-nahrain | University of Melbourne. Department of Semitic Studies.; University of Melbourne. Department of Middle Eastern Studies.; University of Melbourne. Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies. | 0 | |
0001-3374 | Absatzwirtschaft | Handelsblatt-GmbH | 0 | |
1012-8255 | Academia | Departamento de Administración de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad de Chile | 0 | ✔ |
2056-5127 | Academia (e-vir) | Departamento de Administración de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad de Chile | 0 | |
1533-7812 | Academic leadership (e-vir) | Academicleadership.org | 0 | |
0895-4852 | Academic questions | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | |
1936-4709 | Academic questions (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | |
0044-5851 | Acadiensis | Dep. of History, University of New Brunswick. | 0 | ✔ |
1712-7432 | Acadiensis | Department of History, University of New Brunswick | 0 | ✔ |
1315-401X | Acción pedagógica | Gabinete de Asistencia Psicopedagógica, Núcleo Universitario del Táchira | 0 | |
2244-8756 | Acción Pedagógica (e-vir) | Universidad de Los Andes / CDCHTA. 2012 | 0 | |
2155-2851 | Accounting history review | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
2155-286X | Accounting history review (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9480 | Accounting in Europe | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9499 | Accounting in Europe (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0949-1775 | Accreditation and quality assurance | Springer-Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
1432-0517 | Accreditation and quality assurance (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1980-7686 | Acolhendo a alfabetização nos países de língua portuguesa (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Educação | 0 | |
1585-1923 | Across languages and cultures | Akadémiai Kiadó | 1 | ✔ |
1588-2519 | Across languages and cultures (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8244 | Across the disciplines | WAC Clearinghouse | 0 | |
2191-253X | Act | Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater, Universität Bayreuth | 0 | |
1874-6349 | Acta analytica (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0044-5975 | Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2543 | Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2551 | Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5210 | Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0065-1044 | Acta Baltico-Slavica | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | ✔ |
2392-2389 | Acta Baltico-Slavica (e-vir) | Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0418-453X | Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis | [Universitas] | 0 | |
1909-9711 | Acta colombiana de psicologia | Universidad Catolica de Colombia | 0 | |
1504-9922 | Acta didactica Norge (e-vir) | Acta didactica Norge | 0 | |
1588-2586 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1216-9803 | Acta Ethnographica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1803-408X | Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostraviensis | Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
2571-0273 | Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostraviensis. Studia germanistica (e-vir) | Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
0065-1273 | Acta Germanica | P. Lang | 0 | |
0001-5830 | Acta historiae artium | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2608 | Acta historiae artium Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5857 | Acta historica Leopoldina | Barth | 0 | |
1216-2574 | Acta juridica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1588-2616 | Acta juridica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1216-8076 | Acta linguistica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
1588-2624 | Acta linguistica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers] | 0 | |
0716-0909 | Acta literaria | Departamento de Español, Universidad de Concepción | 0 | |
0717-6848 | Acta literaria (e-vir) | Departamento de Español, Universidad de Concepción | 0 | |
0001-6241 | Acta musicologica | Société Internationale de Musicologie = Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft = International Musicological Society | 0 | |
2296-4339 | Acta musicologica (e-vir) | Breitkopf & Härtel | 0 | |
1869-1099 | Acta oceanologica Sinica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6373 | Acta oeconomica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 1 | ✔ |
1588-2659 | Acta oeconomica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6438 | Acta Orientalia | Munksgaard | 0 | |
1588-2667 | Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6446 | Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 1 | ✔ |
1121-2179 | Acta philosophica | Armando Editore. | 0 | ✔ |
1825-6562 | Acta philosophica (e-vir) | Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0355-1792 | Acta philosophica Fennica | Societas philosophica Fennica; North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1983-4675 | Acta Scientiarum | Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá | 0 | |
1983-4683 | Acta Scientiarum (e-vir) | Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6993 | Acta sociologica | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3869 | Acta sociologica (e-vir) | Munksgaard for the Scandinavian Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1669-7286 | Actas y comunicaciones del Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval (e-vir) | Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval Prof. José Luis Romero, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires | 0 | |
1015-8758 | Acta theologica | Teologiese Fakulteit, Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat, Teologiese Fakulteit | 0 | ✔ |
2309-9089 | Acta theologica (e-vir) | Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State | 0 | ✔ |
0300-5402 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae | Univerzita Karlova; Karolinum | 0 | ✔ |
1802-4696 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review | Karolinum | 0 | |
1805-9406 | Acta Universitatis Carolinae Oeconomica, Czech Economic Review (e-vir) | Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies | 0 | |
1844-7562 | Acta Universitatis Danubius | Editura Universitara "Danubius", | 0 | ✔ |
2065-0175 | Acta Universitatis Danubius | Editura Universitara "Danubius", | 0 | ✔ |
2069-0398 | Acta Universitatis Danubius | Editura Universitaræa "Danubius" | 0 | ✔ |
2067-340X | Acta Universitatis Danubius. Oeconomica | Editura Universitaræa "Danubius" | 0 | ✔ |
1212-1185 | Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis | Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého | 0 | |
1213-8312 | Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica (e-vir) | Fakulta tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého | 0 | |
0335-5322 | Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales | Maison des sciences de l'homme | 0 | |
1545-4517 | Action, criticism, & theory for music education | Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville | 0 | ✔ |
1765-2723 | Activités (e-vir) | [Association Recherche et pratique sur les activités] | 0 | |
0192-4788 | Activities, adaptation & aging | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1544-4368 | Activities, adaptation & aging (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1316-8533 | Actualidad contable Faces | Universidad de los Andes | 0 | |
2244-8772 | Actualidad Contable FACES (e-vir) | Universidad de Los Andes / FACES | 0 | |
0258-6444 | Actualidades en psicología | Instituto de investigaciones psicologicas | 0 | ✔ |
2215-3535 | Actualidades en psicología | Instituto de investigaciones psicologicas | 0 | ✔ |
1126-6244 | Adamantius | Pazzini editore; Morcelliana | 0 | |
1543-2777 | Adapted physical activity quarterly | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0736-5829 | Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2008-4633 | Addiction and health | Kerman University of Medical Sciences | 0 | |
2008-8469 | Addiction and health | Kerman University of medical Sciences | 0 | |
1940-0632 | Addiction science & clinical practice | MasiMax Resources, Inc.; National Institute on Drug Abuse. | 0 | |
1940-0640 | Addiction science & clinical practice (e-vir) | National Institute on Drug Abuse; MasiMax Resources, Inc. [Distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
0001-8260 | Adler | Heraldisch-genealogische Gesellschaft "Adler" | 0 | |
0894-587X | Administration and policy in mental health | [Human Sciences Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3289 | Administration and policy in mental health | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0364-3107 | Administration in social work | Haworth Press. | 0 | |
1544-4376 | Administration in social work (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0001-8392 | Administrative science quarterly | Cornell University; Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1930-3815 | Administrative science quarterly (e-vir) | Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
1092-6755 | Adoption quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1544-452X | Adoption quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1722-3954 | Ad Parnassum | Ut Orpheus | 0 | |
0342-7633 | Adult education and development | Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes | 0 | |
0256-1530 | Advances in atmospheric sciences | China Ocean Press | 0 | ✔ |
1861-9533 | Advances in atmospheric sciences = | Science Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2165-9486 | Advances in education (e-vir) | Research Publishing, Inc. | 0 | |
1382-4996 | Advances in health sciences education (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1677 | Advances in health sciences education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2090-3480 | Advances in preventive medicine | 0 | ||
2090-3499 | Advances in Preventive Medicine (e-vir) | Hindawi | 0 | |
1329-0584 | Advances in social work and welfare education | Australian Association for Social Work and Welfare Education.; Australian Association for Social Work and Welfare Education. | 0 | |
0001-9046 | Aegyptus | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7888 | Aegyptus | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0393-5965 | Aerobiologia | Pitagora Editrice | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3025 | Aerobiologia (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1430-1938 | Aethiopica | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2194-4024 | Aethiopica (e-vir) | Hamburg Univ. Press | 0 | ✔ |
0001-9593 | Aevum | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1827-787X | Aevum (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0250-4650 | Afer | AMECEA Pastoral Institute. | 0 | |
0123-8884 | Affectio Societatis | Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Psicologâia | 0 | |
0001-9747 | Affrica | Associazione fra le imprese italiane in Africa; Edizioni IPI | 0 | |
0949-2100 | AfP | 0 | ✔ | |
2366-0945 | AfP (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0001-9720 | Africa | International African Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0184 | Africa (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0256-2804 | Africa insight | Africa Institute of South Africa. | 0 | |
0001-9909 | African affairs | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2621 | African affairs (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2094 | African and Asian studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2108 | African and Asian studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0001-9933 | African arts | African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2108 | African arts = (e-vir) | African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles | 0 | ✔ |
0306-0322 | African book publishing record | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7263 | African conflict & peacebuilding review (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
2156-695X | African conflict and peacebuilding review | Africa Peace and Conflict Network.; West African Research Association. | 0 | |
0145-2258 | African economic history | African Studies Center, Boston University, etc.] | 0 | |
2163-9108 | African economic history (e-vir) | African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin | 0 | |
1753-2523 | African historical review | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; UNISA Press | 0 | ✔ |
1753-2531 | African historical review (e-vir) | UNISA Press; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1993-8233 | African journal of business management (e-vir) | Academic Journals | 0 | ✔ |
2071-2936 | African journal of primary health care & family medicine (e-vir) | OpenJournals Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2071-2928 | African journal of primary health care and family medicine | OpenJournals Publishing AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1369-6823 | African philosophy | Carfax | 0 | |
2308-7854 | African population studies (e-vir) | Union for African Population Studies | 1 | |
0002-0184 | African studies | Witwatersrand University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2872 | African studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5156 | African studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
2152-2448 | African studies quarterly (e-vir) | University of Florida, Center for African Studies | 0 | |
0002-0206 | African studies review | African Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
1555-2462 | African studies review (e-vir) | African Studies Center, Michigan State University | 0 | ✔ |
0304-615X | Africanus | Unisa Press | 0 | |
0001-9828 | Africa Quarterly | Indian Council for Cultural Relations. | 0 | |
1868-6869 | Africa spectrum | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of African Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
0001-9887 | Africa today | Africa Today Associates, etc. | 0 | |
1527-1978 | Africa today (e-vir) | American Committee on Africa | 0 | |
0772-084X | Afrika Focus | AVRUG; Brill | 0 | |
2031-356X | Afrika Focus | Gents Afrika Platform | 0 | |
1860-7462 | Afrikanistik online | Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. | 0 | |
0002-0397 | Afrikaspectrum | Institute of African Affairs, German Institute of Global and Area Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0947-8353 | Afrika Süd | Informationsstelle Südliches Afrika; Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung in der BRD und Westberlin e.V. | 0 | |
0002-0427 | Afrika und Übersee | Universität Hamburg; Universität Hamburg; Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
2749-0971 | Afrika und Übersee (e-vir) | Abteilung für Afrikanistik und Äthiopistik at Universität Hamburg | 0 | ✔ |
2147-110X | Afroeurasian studies | Müsiad | 0 | |
0739-4853 | Against the current | Against the Current | 0 | |
2162-2876 | Against the current (e-vir) | Center for Changes (Detroit, Mich.) | 0 | |
1469-1779 | Ageing & society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0144-686X | Ageing and society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0163-5158 | Ageing international | Springer US | 0 | ✔ |
1936-606X | Ageing international (e-vir) | [International Federation on Ageing, Publications Division, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0177-9265 | Agora | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; Katholische Universität Eichstätt | 0 | |
1516-1498 | Ágora | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica. | 0 | |
1809-4414 | Ágora (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica | 0 | |
1989-7200 | Ágora | [Foro para la EF, la Actividad Física y el Deporte de Castilla y León] | 0 | ✔ |
1578-2174 | Ágora para la educación física y el deporte | Valor Educativo de la Motricidad.; Foro para la Educación Física, la Actividad Física Recreativa y el Deporte de Castilla y León.; Asociación Valor Educativo de la Motricidad. | 0 | |
0002-1482 | Agricultural history | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8290 | Agricultural history (e-vir) | Agricultural History Society | 0 | ✔ |
2048-7010 | Agriculture & food security (e-vir) | BioMed Central Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1773-0155 | Agronomy for sustainable development (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1774-0746 | Agronomy for sustainable development | EDP sciences | 1 | ✔ |
0587-5234 | AIAS Informationen | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Interdisziplinare Angewandte Sozialforschung. | 0 | |
1901-6859 | Aigis (e-vir) | Aigis | 0 | |
1461-0213 | AILA review | Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée; Free University Press; J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1570-5595 | AILA review | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1125-0240 | Aion | Istituto Universitario Orientale. Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. | 0 | |
1873-9318 | Air quality, atmosphere & health | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1873-9326 | Air quality, atmosphere & health (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-969X | A journal of church and state | J. M. Dawson Studies in Church and State, Baylor University | 0 | ✔ |
0364-0094 | AJS review (e-vir) | Association for Jewish Studies. | 0 | |
1475-4541 | AJS review (e-vir) | Association for Jewish Studies | 0 | |
1378-5087 | Akkadica | Assyriologische Stichting Georges Dossin.; Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin. | 0 | |
0930-1437 | Albanische Hefte | 0 | ||
0324-542X | Alba Regia | Fejér Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága | 0 | |
1553-3956 | Aleph (e-vir) | Hebrew University | 0 | |
1565-1525 | ALEPH: historical studies in science and judaism | Edelstein Cent., The Hebrew University | 0 | |
2365-7782 | Alexander Kluge-Jahrbuch | V & R Unipress, | 0 | |
0955-7490 | Alexandria | Gower Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4551 | Alexandria (e-vir) | Gower | 0 | ✔ |
0002-5216 | Alfa | UNESP, Instituto de Letras, Ciências Sociais e Educação | 0 | |
1981-5794 | Alfa (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários | 0 | |
0002-5275 | Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
2352-1244 | Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1122-1887 | Allegoria per uno studio materialistico della letteratura | FAE Riviste | 0 | |
0340-7969 | Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Frommann-Holzboog | 0 | |
0950-3110 | Al-Masaq | Dept. of Modern Arabic Studies, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1473-348X | Al-Masaq (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0716-4254 | Alpha | Departamento de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad de Los Lagos | 0 | |
0718-2201 | Alpha: (e-vir) | Departamento de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad de Los Lagos | 0 | |
1126-8557 | Alpha omega | Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum | 0 | |
0211-3589 | Al-Qantara | Instituto "Miguel Asín" | 0 | ✔ |
1988-2955 | Al-Qantara | [CSIC, Instituto Miguel Asín] | 0 | ✔ |
1286-4986 | ALSIC (e-vir) | [Laboratoire d'informatique de Besançon] | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3754 | Alternatives | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1303-5525 | Alternatives (e-vir) | s. n.] | 0 | |
2163-3150 | Alternatives (e-vir) | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0344-1822 | Alte und neue Kunst | Schöningh. | 0 | |
0942-3818 | Altlasten-Spektrum | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
0232-8461 | Altorientalische Forschungen | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6761 | Altorientalische Forschungen (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0344-5593 | Altpreußische Geschlechterkunde | Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- und Westpreußen | 0 | |
0002-6654 | Altpreussische Geschlechterkunde. Familienarchiv | Verein für Familienforschung in Ost- u. Westpreussen e. V.. | 0 | |
2035-7680 | Altre Modernità (e-vir) | Università degli Studi di Milano | 0 | ✔ |
0942-4555 | Alvíssmál | Verl. für. Wiss. und Bildung Aglaster | 0 | |
0044-7447 | Ambio | Royal Swedish Academy or Sciences | 1 | ✔ |
1654-7209 | Ambio (e-vir) | Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5164 | Ambio (e-vir) | Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0044-7471 | Amerasia journal | 0 | ✔ | |
0002-7294 | American anthropologist | American Anthropological Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1433 | American anthropologist (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1073-9300 | American art | Oxford University Press; National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution | 0 | ✔ |
1549-6503 | American art (e-vir) | Published by Oxford University Press in association with the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution | 0 | ✔ |
0002-7375 | American artist | Watson-Guptill Publications | 0 | |
1051-3558 | American Catholic philosophical quarterly | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2153-8441 | American Catholic philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1011 | American educational research journal (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8312 | American Educational Research Journal | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0094-0496 | American ethnologist | American Ethnological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1425 | American ethnologist (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0065-860X | American imago | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1085-7931 | American imago | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0161-6463 | American Indian culture and research journal | American Indian Culture and Research Center, University of California | 0 | |
0095-182X | American Indian quarterly | Southwestern American Indian Society | 0 | |
1534-1828 | American Indian quarterly (e-vir) | Southwestern American Indian Society | 0 | |
0002-905X | American Jewish archives | American Jewish Archives.; Hebrew Union College.; Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.; Jacob Rader Marcus Center. | 0 | |
0164-0178 | American Jewish history | Johns Hopkins University Press for the American Jewish Historical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3141 | American Jewish history (e-vir) | American Jewish Historical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9114 | American journal of archaeology | Archaeological Institute of America | 0 | ✔ |
1939-828X | American journal of archaeology (e-vir) | Macmillan Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0091-0562 | American journal of community psychology | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2770 | American journal of community psychology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1066-2316 | American journal of criminal justice | College of Law Enforcement, Eastern Kentucky University | 0 | ✔ |
1936-1351 | American journal of criminal justice (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3262 | American journal of dance therapy | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0146-3721 | American Journal of Dance Therapy | American Dance Therapy Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1945-5488 | American journal of economics and business administration (e-vir) | Science Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6744 | American journal of education | University of Chicago Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1549-6511 | American journal of education (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9475 | American journal of philology | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3168 | American journal of philology (e-vir) | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0092-5853 | American journal of political science | Published by University of Texas Press for Midwest Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5907 | American journal of political science (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9548 | American journal of psychoanalysis | Human Sciences Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0277-7126 | American journal of semiotics | Schenkman Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-2990 | American journal of semiotics | Philosophy Documenation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1554-6128 | American journal of sexuality education | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1554-6136 | American journal of sexuality education (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9602 | American journal of sociology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5390 | American journal of sociology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0896-7148 | American literary history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4365 | American literary history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9823 | American literary realism, 1870-1910 | University of Texas at Arlington, Dept. of English. | 0 | ✔ |
0065-9142 | American literary scholarship (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2125 | American literary scholarship | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9831 | American literature | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2117 | American literature (e-vir) | [Duke University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0734-4392 | American music | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2349 | American music (e-vir) | Sonneck Society and the University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4658 | American nineteenth century history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7903 | American nineteenth century history (e-vir) | Frank Cass Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0481 | American philosophical quarterly | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2152-1123 | American philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Dept. of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
1532-673X | American politics research | Sage Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3373 | American politics research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1935-990X | American psychologist | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0678 | American quarterly | University of Pennsylvania, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6490 | American quarterly (e-vir) | University of Minnesota Press for the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota | 0 | ✔ |
0275-0740 | American review of public administration | Midwest Review of Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3357 | American review of public administration (e-vir) | Midwest Review of Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1224 | American sociological review | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8271 | American sociological review (e-vir) | American Sociological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0026-3079 | American studies | Mid-America American Studies Association, University of Kansas | 0 | |
2153-6856 | American studies | University of Kansas; Mid-America American Studies Association | 0 | |
0044-8060 | American studies in Scandinavia | Nordic Association of Southern Denmark | 0 | |
1433-5239 | American studies journal | Zentrum für USA-Studien, Stiftung Leucorea an der Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg | 0 | |
2199-7268 | American studies journal (e-vir) | Inst. für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | 0 | |
1941-7624 | American theological inquiry (e-vir) | [Wipf and Stock Publishers] | 0 | |
1942-2709 | American theological inquiry | Wipf and Stock Publishers | 0 | |
0340-2827 | Amerikastudien | Fink | 0 | |
2625-2155 | Amerikastudien (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1582-9146 | Amfiteatru economic | Editura ASE | 1 | |
2247-9104 | Amfiteatru economic (e-vir) | Editura ASE | 0 | |
0003-1992 | Amperland | Druckerei und Verl.-Anst. Bayerland Steigenberger. | 0 | |
0165-7305 | Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-6719 | Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0304-6257 | Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik | Rodopi | 0 | |
0101-4714 | Anais do Museu Paulista | USP, Museu Paulista | 0 | |
1982-0267 | Anais do Museu Paulista | Universidade de São Paulo, Museu paulista | 0 | |
0003-2468 | Analecta Bollandiana | Société des Bollandistes | 0 | |
2507-0290 | Analecta Bollandiana (e-vir) | Société des Bollandistes | 0 | |
1918-7351 | Analecta hermeneutica (e-vir) | Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Philosophy | 0 | |
0569-9878 | Anales cervantinos | Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes"; Instituto de Filología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas); Centro de Estudios Cervantinos; Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8325 | Anales cervantinos | Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0213-2958 | Anales de filología francesa | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4678 | Anales de filología francesa | Edit.um | 0 | ✔ |
0272-1635 | Anales de la literatura española contemporánea | Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies | 0 | |
2327-4182 | Anales de la literatura española contemporánea (e-vir) | Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies | 0 | |
0210-4547 | Anales de literatura hispanoamericana | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1696-909X | Anales de literatura hispanoamericana (e-vir) | UCM. Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Española IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Española IV.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Española IV. | 0 | |
1988-2351 | Anales de literatura hispanoamericana | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
0213-5663 | Anales de prehistoria y arqueología | Universidad, Servicio de publicaciones | 0 | |
1989-6212 | Anales de prehistoria y arqueología | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia | 0 | |
0212-9728 | Anales de psicología | Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Murcia. | 0 | ✔ |
1695-2294 | Anales de psicología | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. | 0 | |
0569-9924 | Anales galdosianos | University of Pittsburgh.; Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.); Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas.; Boston University. | 0 | |
0121-4705 | Analisis politico | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0 | |
1330-0598 | Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU | 0 | ✔ |
1848-7815 | Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zavod za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti | 0 | ✔ |
Y500-3652 | Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU | 0 | |
0171-5860 | Analyse & Kritik | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2365-9858 | Analyse & Kritik (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0003-2638 | Analysis | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8284 | Analysis (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0945-6740 | Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie | 0 | ||
1421-9689 | Analytische Psychologie (e-vir) | Brandes & Apsel | 0 | |
0301-3006 | Analytische Psychologie = | Brandes & Apsel | 0 | |
1300-4220 | Anatolia turizm ve çevre kültürü dergisi | Nazmi Kozak | 0 | |
0066-1554 | Anatolica | Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten | 0 | |
0929-077X | Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0577 | Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0740-2007 | Ancient philosophy | Duquesne University.; Philosophy Documentation Center, | 0 | ✔ |
2154-4689 | Ancient philosophy (e-vir) | [Dept. of Philosophy, Duquesne University] | 0 | ✔ |
0066-1619 | Ancient society | Ancient society. Afdeling Oude geschiedenis. Katholieke Universiteit | 0 | |
1783-1334 | Ancient society (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0329-3807 | Anclajes | Instituto de Análisis Semiótico del Discurso | 0 | |
1851-4669 | Anclajes (e-vir) | Instiltuto de Análisis Semiótico del Discurso, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa | 0 | |
1438-2091 | Angermion | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-9426 | Angermion (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0341-0900 | Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft | Institut für Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e.V.; Ifaa. | 0 | |
0340-5222 | Anglia | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8938 | Anglia | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0003-3286 | Anglican theological review | Anglican Theological Review, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2163-6214 | Anglican theological review (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
2035-8504 | Anglistica AION an interdisciplinary journal (e-vir) | Università degli Studi di Napoli "L' Orientale" | 0 | |
0947-0034 | Anglistik | Winter | 0 | |
0263-6751 | Anglo-Saxon England | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1474-0532 | Anglo-Saxon England (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1209-0689 | Animus (e-vir) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | 0 | |
0341-289X | Annalen des Historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein | Böhlau | 0 | |
0065-4124 | Annalen - Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Menselijke wetenschappen | Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika.; Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale. | 0 | |
0395-2649 | Annales | Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
1953-8146 | Annales (e-vir) | Éditions de l'EHESS | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4010 | Annales de géographie | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
1777-5884 | Annales de géographie (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4436 | Annales historiques de la Révolution française | Société des études robespierristes (France) | 0 | |
1952-403X | Annales historiques de la Révolution française (e-vir) | Société des études robespierristes | 0 | |
1845-4046 | Annales Instituti archaeologici | Institut za arheologiju | 0 | |
1848-6363 | Annales Instituti archaeologici (e-vir) | Institut za arheologiju | 2 | |
0239-4251 | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska | Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej | 0 | |
1732-1352 | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej | 0 | |
2083-361X | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska | "Versita" | 0 | |
2083-3636 | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska (e-vir) | Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej (Lublin) | 0 | |
0393-3180 | Annali | Istituto universitario orientale. | 0 | |
0547-2121 | Annali | Istituto universitario orientale. | 0 | |
1124-3724 | Annali. Sezione germanica | Istituto universitario orientale, Napoli; Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale | 0 | |
0394-5073 | Annali del Dipartimento di filosofia | Universitá degli studi, Firenze. Dipartimento di filosofia. | 0 | |
1824-3770 | Annali del Dipartimento di filosofia | Firenze University Press | 0 | |
1127-7130 | Annali di archeologia e storia antica | [Istituto universitario orientale] | 0 | |
0066-2275 | Annali di sociologia | Centro di studi sociologici. | 0 | |
1898-2263 | Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (e-vir) | Institute of Agricultural Medicine | 0 | |
0736-9387 | Annals of dyslexia | Orton Dyslexia Society | 0 | ✔ |
1934-7243 | Annals of dyslexia (e-vir) | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1614-2446 | Annals of finance | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1614-2454 | Annals of finance | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
2000-7396 | Annals of innovation & entrepreneurship | Co-Action Publishing | 0 | |
0975-2404 | Annals of library and information studies (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR | 0 | |
0972-5423 | Annals of Library and Information Studies | CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) | 0 | |
1370-4788 | Annals of public and cooperative economics | De Boeck Université | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8292 | Annals of public and cooperative economics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0770-8548 | Annals of public and co-operative economy | CIRIEC | 0 | |
1464-505X | Annals of science (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0003-3790 | Annals of Science | Taylor and Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0002-7162 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | Published by A.L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3349 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (e-vir) | American Academy of Political and Social Science | 0 | ✔ |
0004-5608 | Annals of the Association of American Geographers | Association of American Geographers | 0 | |
1467-8306 | Annals of the Association of American Geographers (e-vir) | The Association | 0 | |
0066-3832 | Annual bulletin of historical literature | Historical Association (Great Britain) | 0 | |
1467-8314 | Annual bulletin of historical literature (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | |
0734-5348 | Annual of Urdu studies | C.M. Naim | 0 | |
2331-4478 | Annual of Urdu studies (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin--Madison. | 0 | |
0084-6570 | Annual review of anthropology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-4290 | Annual review of anthropology (e-vir) | Annual Reviews Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1548-5943 | Annual review of clinical psychology | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1548-5951 | Annual review of clinical psychology (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0538 | Annual review of critical psychology | Discourse Unit, Bolton Institute | 0 | |
1746-739X | Annual review of critical psychology (e-vir) | Discourse Unit | 0 | |
1743-159X | Annual review of education, communication and language sciences | School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences | 0 | |
1543-5938 | Annual review of environment and resources | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2050 | Annual review of environment and resources (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1550-3585 | Annual review of law and social science | Annual Reviews | 1 | ✔ |
1550-3631 | Annual review of law and social science (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1094-2939 | Annual review of political science | Annual Reviews, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-1577 | Annual review of political science (e-vir) | Annual Reviews, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0066-4308 | Annual review of psychology | Annual Reviews. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2085 | Annual review of psychology (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
0360-0572 | Annual review of sociology | Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2115 | Annual review of sociology (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
0066-4413 | Annual survey of American law (e-vir) | New York University School of Law | 0 | |
0003-5157 | Annuarium historiae conciliorum | 0 | ||
1432-5810 | Ansichten | Deutsches Polen-Institut Darmstadt. | 0 | |
0003-5424 | Anthos | Graf + Neuhaus AG | 0 | |
0003-5459 | Anthropologica | Centre canadien de recherches en anthropologie. Université Saint-Paul. | 0 | ✔ |
2292-3586 | Anthropologica (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press, Journals Division | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2923 | Anthropological journal of European cultures | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2931 | Anthropological journal of European cultures (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
0003-5483 | Anthropological linguistics | Anthropology Department, Indiana University. | 0 | |
1944-6527 | Anthropological linguistics (e-vir) | Archives of Languages of the World, Anthropology Dept., Indiana University | 0 | |
0003-5491 | Anthropological quarterly | Catholic University of America Press | 0 | |
1534-1518 | Anthropological quarterly (e-vir) | Catholic University of America Press | 0 | |
2083-4594 | Anthropological Review | Institute of Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University; "Versita" | 0 | ✔ |
0918-7960 | Anthropological science | Anthropological Society of Nippon | 0 | |
1348-8570 | Anthropological science (e-vir) | Anthropological Society of Nippon | 0 | |
1463-4996 | Anthropological theory | Sage Publications Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2641 | Anthropological theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0702-8997 | Anthropologie et sociétés | Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval | 0 | |
0161-7761 | Anthropology & education quarterly | Council on Anthropology and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1492 | Anthropology & education quarterly (e-vir) | Council on Anthropology and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1409 | Anthropology and humanism (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-9167 | Anthropology and humanism | Published by the Society for Humanistic Anthropology, a unit of the American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0967-201X | Anthropology in action | [British Association for Social Anthropology in Policy and Practice] | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2285 | Anthropology in action (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0719 | Anthropology of the Middle East | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0727 | Anthropology of the Middle East (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
0883-024X | Anthropology of work review | Society for the Anthropology of Work | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1417 | Anthropology of work review (e-vir) | Society for the Anthropology of Work | 0 | ✔ |
0257-9774 | Anthropos | Anthropos Institut | 0 | ✔ |
2942-3139 | Anthropos (e-vir) | Anthropos Institut | 0 | ✔ |
0066-4774 | Antichthon | Sydney University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0214-7165 | Antigüedad y cristianismo | Universidad, Área de historia antigua | 0 | ✔ |
1989-6182 | Antigüedad y cristianismo | Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0942-0398 | Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption | Wiss. Verl. Trier. | 0 | |
0003-5696 | Antike und Abendland | M. von Schröder | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0421 | Antike und Abendland (e-vir) | Marion von Schröder Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0003-570X | Antike Welt | Philipp von Zabern | 0 | |
2011-4273 | Antipoda (e-vir) | Universidad de los Andes-Ediciones Uniandes | 0 | |
1900-5407 | Antipoda revista de antropologia y arqueologia | Universidad de los Andes. | 0 | |
0066-4812 | Antipode | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8330 | Antipode (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0003-598X | Antiquity | Heffers Printers Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1744 | Antiquity (e-vir) | Antiquity Trust | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4079 | Antiquity (e-vir) | Antiquity Trust | 0 | |
0003-6064 | Antonianum | Pontificio ateneo antonianum | 0 | |
1898-6773 | Antropological review | Largo Publishing Services | 0 | ✔ |
2027-0208 | Anuario colombiano de fenomenologia | Programa editorial universidad del valle, | 0 | |
0210-5810 | Anuario de estudios americanos | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos.; E.E.H.A.; Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Sevilla) | 0 | ✔ |
1576-2912 | Anuario de estudios americanos (e-vir) | Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Sevilla); Universidad Internacional de Andalucía; Fundación Histórica Tavera; Fundación El Monte | 0 | |
1988-4273 | Anuario de estudios americanos | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0066-5061 | Anuario de estudios medievales | Escuela de Estudios Medievales (España); Institución "Milá y Fontanals"; Universidad de Barcelona | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4230 | Anuario de estudios medievales | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0213-053X | Anuario de lingüística hispánica | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | |
0066-5215 | Anuario filosófico | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
2173-6111 | Anuario filosófico | EUNSA | 0 | ✔ |
0211-3538 | Anuario musical | Instituto Español de Musicología. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4125 | Anuario musical | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0378-8652 | Anzeiger | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
1728-015X | Anzeiger der philosophisch-historischen Klasse (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 0 | |
1430-5496 | Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums | Germanisches Nationalmuseum | 0 | |
0003-6293 | Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft | Universitätsverlag Wagner | 0 | |
0066-5282 | Anzeiger für slavische Philologie | Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
1021-3058 | äOu-měi yánjiäu | Zhäongyäang yánjiäuyuàn äou-měi yánjiäusuěo.; Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. | 0 | |
0003-6390 | Apeiron | Monash University, Dept. of Classical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7093 | Apeiron (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1699-4825 | Aperturas psicoanalíticas | Aperturas Psicoanalíticas | 0 | |
2157-7129 | Aphra Behn online (e-vir) | Aphra Behn Society | 0 | ✔ |
1392-1649 | Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba | Technologija | 0 | |
2029-2139 | Aplinkos tyrimai, inžinerija ir vadyba (e-vir) | Technologija | 0 | |
0392-2359 | Apollinaris | Universitatis Lateranensis | 0 | |
0003-6536 | Apollo | Apollo Magazine; Spectator | 0 | |
0363-2318 | Appalachian heritage | [Berea College Press, etc.] | 0 | |
1940-5081 | Appalachian heritage | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
0888-4080 | Applied cognitive psychology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0720 | Applied cognitive psychology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1611-6607 | Applied economic quarterly | Duncker u. Humblot. | 0 | ✔ |
0003-6846 | Applied economics | Chapman and Hall | 1 | ✔ |
1466-4283 | Applied economics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4851 | Applied economics letters | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4291 | Applied economics letters (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5122 | Applied Economics Quarterly (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0960-3107 | Applied financial economics | Chapman and Hall | 0 | |
1466-4305 | Applied financial economics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
0142-6001 | Applied linguistics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-450X | Applied linguistics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1868-6303 | Applied linguistics review | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1868-6311 | Applied linguistics review (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1350-486X | Applied mathematical finance | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4313 | Applied mathematical finance (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
0895-7347 | Applied measurement in education | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4818 | Applied measurement in education (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0146-6216 | Applied psychological measurement | Applied Psychological Measurement, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3497 | Applied psychological measurement (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1871-2576 | Applied research in quality of life (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-2584 | Applied research in quality of life | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1874-4621 | Applied spatial analysis and policy (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1874-463X | Applied spatial analysis and policy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-5487 | Applied water science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-5495 | Applied water science (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1614-905X | Aptum | Hempen | 0 | |
0570-5398 | Arabica | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0585 | Arabica | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0957-4239 | Arabic sciences and philosophy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0524 | Arabic sciences and philosophy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0983-1509 | Arabies | Arabies; Société de conseil en communication | 0 | |
0941-5025 | Arbeit | Lucius u. Lucius. | 0 | ✔ |
2365-984X | Arbeit (e-vir) | De Gruyter Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
0941-5351 | Arbeiten + lernen | Friedrich. | 0 | |
0176-3717 | Arbeiten + lernen, Die Arbeitslehre | Friedrich. | 0 | |
0171-5410 | Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik | Narr | 0 | |
0402-7817 | Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege | Landesamt für Archäologie | 0 | |
0323-4568 | Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht | Verlag Die Wirtschaft | 0 | |
0003-7648 | Arbeit und Recht | Bund-Verlag | 0 | |
0723-2977 | Arbitrium | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8849 | Arbitrium | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0333-0656 | Årbok ... | Stavanger museum | 0 | |
1893-1782 | Årbok ... | Museum | 0 | |
0210-1963 | Arbor | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-303X | Arbor | [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas] | 0 | ✔ |
0229-2807 | Arc | McGill University. | 0 | |
2817-1799 | Arc (e-vir) | [Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University] | 0 | |
0003-7982 | Arcadia | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0642 | Arcadia (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4087 | Arcadia (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | |
0261-3417 | Archaeologia Aeliana | The Society of Antiquaries | 0 | |
0003-8008 | Archaeologia Austriaca | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
1816-2959 | Archaeologia Austriaca (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Austrian Academy of Sciences Press | 0 | |
0306-6924 | Archaeologia Cambrensis | Cambrian Archaeological Association. | 0 | |
0003-8032 | Archaeologiai Értesítő | Akadémiai | 0 | ✔ |
1589-486X | Archaeológiai értesítő | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0066-5924 | Archaeologia Polona | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
2719-6542 | Archaeologia Polona (e-vir) | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
1866-9557 | Archaeological and anthropological sciences | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1866-9565 | Archaeological and anthropological sciences (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1075-2196 | Archaeological prospection | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0763 | Archaeological prospection (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0570-6084 | Archaeological reports | Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2041-4102 | Archaeological reports (e-vir) | Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1555-8622 | Archaeologies | World Archaeological Congress | 0 | ✔ |
1935-3987 | Archaeologies | Altamira Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8121 | Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania | University of Sydney | 0 | |
1463-1725 | Archaeology international | Institute of Archaeology, University College | 0 | |
2048-4194 | Archaeology international (e-vir) | Institute of Archaeology, University College London | 0 | ✔ |
0003-813X | Archaeometry | Blackwell Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1475-4754 | Archaeometry (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0255-9005 | Archäologie der Schweiz | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, SGUF | 0 | |
0724-8954 | Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg | Theiss | 0 | |
1434-2758 | Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan | Deutsches Archäologisches Institut | 0 | |
0003-8105 | Archäologischer Anzeiger | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0342-734X | Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt | Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums | 0 | |
2364-4729 | Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt (e-vir) | LEIZA Verlag | 0 | |
0948-8359 | Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | |
2039-4543 | Archeoarte (e-vir) | Università degli studi di Cagliari. Dipartimento di scienze archeologiche e storico-artistiche | 0 | |
0066-605X | Archeologia | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
0391-8165 | Archeologia classica | L'Erma di Bretschneider | 0 | |
2240-7839 | Archeologia classica (e-vir) | L'Erma di Bretschneider | 0 | |
1120-6861 | Archeologia e calcolatori | All'Insegna del giglio | 0 | |
0003-8180 | Archeologia Polski | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
2719-7034 | Archeologia Polski (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
1422-5417 | Archi | Casagrande | 0 | |
0044-863X | Architectura | Deutscher Kunstverlag | 0 | |
2569-1554 | Architectura (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0003-8504 | Architectural design | Academy Editions | 0 | |
1554-2769 | Architectural design (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons; AD Publications Expediting Services] | 0 | |
0003-8628 | Architectural science review | Page Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9622 | Architectural science review (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7515 | Architektur.aktuell (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0570-6602 | Architektur aktuell | Springer | 0 | |
1010-4089 | Archithese | Verlag Arthur Niggli AG | 0 | |
0003-9497 | Archivalische Zeitschrift | Böhlau | 0 | |
1389-0166 | Archival science | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7500 | Archival science (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0250-5673 | Archiv des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Bern | Historischer Verein des Kantons Bern | 0 | |
0003-8911 | Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-6796 | Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0003-892X | Archiv des Völkerrechts | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1868-7121 | Archiv des Völkerrechts (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1866-5381 | Archiv digital | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9519 | Archive for history of exact sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0657 | Archive for history of exact sciences | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6121 | Archive for the psychology of religion = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4134 | Archives de l'art français | Société de l'histoire de l'art français (France) | 0 | |
0003-9675 | Archives des lettres modernes | Lettres modernes | 0 | |
0003-9748 | Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique | Association des conservateurs d'archives, de bibliothèques et de musées | 0 | |
0003-9756 | Archives européennes de sociologie | Plon | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0583 | Archives européennes de sociologie (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9896 | Archives of environmental health | Heldref Publications, etc. | 0 | |
0260-9541 | Archives of natural history | Society for the Bibliography of Natural History. | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6260 | Archives of natural history (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0002 | Archives of sexual behavior | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2800 | Archives of sexual behavior (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8946 | Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte | Bouvier | 0 | |
0003-8970 | Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8997 | Archiv für die civilistische Praxis | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1868-7113 | Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0066-6297 | Archiv für Diplomatik | Böhlau | 0 | |
0003-9101 | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0650 | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0943-3988 | Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie und Soziologie | Heymanns | 0 | |
0066-6327 | Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens | Buchhändler-Vereinigung | 0 | |
0066-6335 | Archiv für Geschichte von Oberfranken | Historischer Verein für Oberfranken. | 0 | |
0066-636X | Archiv für hessische Geschichte und Altertumskunde | 0 | ||
0003-9160 | Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht | Kirchheim | 0 | ✔ |
2589-045X | Archiv für Katholisches Kirchenrecht (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9225 | Archiv für Kriminologie | Schmidt-Römhild | 0 | |
0003-9233 | Archiv für Kulturgeschichte | Böhlau | 0 | |
0066-6386 | Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft | Ars-Liturgica-Kunstverl. | 0 | |
0066-6432 | Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte | Gesellschaft für Mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. ;; Bistumsarchiv Vertrieb. | 0 | |
0003-9292 | Archiv für Musikwissenschaft | Steiner | 0 | |
2366-2794 | Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Wiesbaden | 0 | |
0066-6459 | Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1551 | Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0177-1094 | Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | Luchterhand | 0 | |
2363-5614 | Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9381 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte | Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn | 0 | |
2198-0489 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
0341-8375 | Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte. Beiheft Literaturbericht | Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn | 0 | |
1436-3038 | Archiv für Religionsgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-8888 | Archiv für Religionsgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0084-6724 | Archiv für Religionspsychologie | Mohr. | 0 | ✔ |
0066-6491 | Archiv für schlesische Kirchengeschichte | Institut für Ostdeutsche Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte | 0 | |
0066-6505 | Archiv für Sozialgeschichte | Dietz | 0 | |
0003-9454 | Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht | Verlag Dokumentation; Schweitzer; Stämpfli; Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht | 0 | |
0003-9462 | Archiv für vaterländische Geschichte und Topographie | Verlag des Geschichtsverein für Kärnten | 0 | |
0340-3564 | Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit | Deutscher Verein für Öffentliche und Private Fürsorge; Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0004-0177 | Archivio di studi urbani e regionali | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0391-5646 | Archivio giuridico "Filippo Serafini" | Società tipografica modenese | 0 | |
0004-0207 | Archivio glottologico italiano | Felice Le Monnier | 0 | |
0391-7770 | Archivio storico italiano | Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Toscana | 0 | |
2036-4660 | Archivio storico italiano | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0004-0347 | Archivio storico lodigiano | Società Storica Lodigiana. | 0 | |
0004-0371 | Archivio storico ticinese | Archivio storico ticinese (Bellinzona) | 0 | |
0004-0398 | Archivní časopis | Archivni sprava MV ČR | 0 | |
0210-5624 | Archivo de filología aragonesa | Institución "Fernando el Católico" | 0 | |
0066-6742 | Archivo español de arqueología | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Español de Arqueología | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3110 | Archivo español de arqueología | (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0428 | Archivo español de arte | Instituto Diego Velázquez; Instituto de Historia (España) | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8511 | Archivo español de arte | Instituto de Historia, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0044-8699 | Archív orientální | Academia | 0 | |
0724-8822 | Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi | Harrassowitz. | 0 | |
0391-7320 | Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum | Istituto Storico Domenicano | 0 | |
0066-6785 | Archivum historiae pontificiae | Pontificia Università Gregoriana | 0 | |
0037-8887 | Archivum historicum societatis Iesu | Institutum historicum societatis Iesu | 0 | |
0378-2808 | Archivum ottomanicum | Peter de Ridder Press. | 0 | |
0342-6270 | Archiv und Wirtschaft | Vereinigung Deutscher Wirtschaftsarchivare e.V. | 0 | |
2545-3491 | Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne (e-vir) | Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Ośrodek Archiwów, Bibliotek i Muzeów Kościelnych | 0 | |
0518-3766 | Archiwa Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne | Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski | 0 | |
1994-6961 | Archnet-IJAR: international journal of architectural research (e-vir) | Archnet-IJAR | 0 | |
0570-734X | Arctos | Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys = Klassisk-filologiska föreningen = The Classical Association of Finland | 0 | ✔ |
2814-855X | Arctos (e-vir) | Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0894 | Area | Institute of British Geographers; Royal Geographical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4762 | Area (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0211-6707 | Áreas | Universidad de Murcia; Fundación Cajamurcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-6190 | Áreas (e-vir) | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0975 | Arethusa | The Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6504 | Arethusa | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0920-427X | Argumentation | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8374 | Argumentation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1565-8961 | Argumentation & analyse du discours | ADARR-Département de français, Université de Tel-Aviv | 0 | |
0178-1073 | Ariadne | Stiftung Archiv der Deutschen Frauenbewegung. | 0 | |
1361-3197 | Ariadne | University of Abertay Dundee. | 0 | |
1361-3200 | Ariadne (e-vir) | University Library, University of Abertay Dundee. | 0 | |
0004-1327 | Ariel | University of Calgary | 0 | ✔ |
0164-4297 | Arizona State law journal | College of Law, Arizona State University. | 0 | |
0066-7668 | Arkiv för nordisk filologi | LiberLäromedel | 0 | |
0095-327X | Armed forces and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1556-0848 | Armed forces and society (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0716-0852 | ARQ | Escuela de Arquitectura. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
0717-6996 | ARQ (e-vir) | Escuela de Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
1695-2731 | Arqueología de la arquitectura | Universidad del País Vasco; Instituto de Historia (España) | 0 | ✔ |
1989-5313 | Arqueología de la arquitectura | Instituto de Historia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.; Universidad del País Vasco. | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4104 | Arqueología iberoamericana | Pascual Izquierdo Egea | 0 | ✔ |
1566-5399 | Ars disputandi (e-vir) | Igitur | 0 | |
0001-2343 | ARSP | F. Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0730-7187 | Art documentation | Art Libraries Society of North America | 0 | ✔ |
2161-9417 | Art documentation (e-vir) | ARLIS/NA | 0 | ✔ |
0004-3400 | Arte cristiana | Scuola beato angelico | 0 | |
0004-3125 | Art education | National Art Education Association | 0 | ✔ |
2325-5161 | Art education (e-vir) | National Art Education Association | 0 | ✔ |
0004-3443 | Arte lombarda | Edizioni "Arte lombarda" | 0 | |
0392-5234 | Arte Veneta | Electa | 0 | |
0004-3648 | Artibus Asiae | Artibus Asiae Publishers; Museum Rietberg | 0 | |
2296-4215 | Artibus Asiae (e-vir) | Avalun-Verl. | 0 | |
0391-9064 | Artibus et historiae | IRSA | 0 | |
1661-4941 | Articulo (e-vir) | www.articulo.ch | 0 | |
1594-378X | Artifara (e-vir) | Università degli studi | 0 | ✔ |
2361-7365 | Artifara | Edizioni dell'Orso | 0 | |
0924-8463 | Artificial intelligence and law | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8382 | Artificial intelligence and law (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0004-3249 | Art journal | College Art Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
2325-5307 | Art journal (e-vir) | College Art Association of America | 0 | |
0142-6702 | Art monthly | Britannia Art Publications Ltd | 0 | |
2151-6200 | Arts and social sciences journal (e-vir) | AstonJournals | 0 | |
1063-2913 | Arts education policy review | Heldref Publications; Music Educators National Conference | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4395 | Arts education policy review (e-vir) | Heldref Publications in cooperation with Music Educators National Conference | 0 | ✔ |
1946-1879 | ASAGE (e-vir) | American Society for Aesthetics] | 0 | |
1016-4987 | Aschkenas | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1865-9438 | Aschkenas | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0210-4466 | Asclepio | Instituto "Arnau de Vilanova"; Instituto de Historia (España) | 0 | |
1988-3102 | Asclepio | [Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas] | 0 | ✔ |
0217-4472 | ASEAN economic bulletin | Institute of Southeast asian studies | 0 | |
1999-253X | ASEAS (e-vir) | ASEAS | 0 | |
1551-6970 | ASHE higher education report | Jossey-Bass | 0 | |
1554-6306 | ASHE higher education report (e-vir) | [Jossey-Bass]; Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | |
1610-2932 | Asia Europe journal | Springer | 3 | ✔ |
1612-1031 | Asia Europe journal | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0092-7678 | Asian affairs | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1590 | Asian affairs (e-vir) | Crane, Russak & Co. on behalf of American-Asian Educational Exchange | 0 | ✔ |
2154-2171 | Asian American literature discourse & pedagogies (e-vir) | San Jose State University | 0 | |
1472-4782 | Asian business & management | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1476-9328 | Asian business & management (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1916-9655 | Asian culture and history | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1916-9663 | Asian culture and history | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
0116-1105 | Asian development review | Asian Development Bank | 0 | ✔ |
1996-7241 | Asian development review (e-vir) | Asian Development Bank | 0 | ✔ |
1463-1369 | Asian ethnicity | Carfax,; Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2953 | Asian ethnicity (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1882-6865 | Asian ethnology | Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture | 0 | |
2210-6723 | Asian journal of business ethics | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
2210-6731 | Asian journal of business ethics (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1871-0131 | Asian journal of criminology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-014X | Asian journal of criminology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1347-9008 | Asian journal of distance education | Asian Society of Open and Distance Education | 0 | |
1946-052X | Asian journal of finance & accounting (e-vir) | Macrothink Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2229-3795 | Asian journal of management research (e-vir) | Integrated Publishing Association | 0 | |
0044-9202 | Asian music | Society for Asian Music. | 0 | |
1553-5630 | Asian music (e-vir) | Society for Asian Music | 0 | |
0066-8435 | Asian perspectives | University Press of Hawaii | 0 | ✔ |
1535-8283 | Asian perspectives (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Press | 0 | ✔ |
0955-2367 | Asian philosophy | Carfax Publishing | 2 | ✔ |
1469-2961 | Asian philosophy (e-vir) | Taylor & Frances | 0 | ✔ |
1911-2017 | Asian social science | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1911-2025 | Asian social science | Canadian Centre of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
0004-4687 | Asian survey | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-838X | Asian survey (e-vir) | Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley | 0 | ✔ |
0742-5457 | Asian theatre journal | University of Hawaii Press | 6 | ✔ |
1527-2109 | Asian theatre journal (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Press | 0 | ✔ |
1876-407X | Asia Pacific education review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1598-1037 | Asia Pacific Education Review | Institute of Asia-Pacific Education Development. | 0 | ✔ |
1387-2834 | Asia-Pacific financial markets | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6946 | Asia-Pacific financial markets | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1609-4913 | Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (e-vir) | Hong Kong Institute of Education | 0 | |
1976-7951 | Asia-Pacific journal of atmospheric sciences (e-vir) | Korean meteorological society | 0 | ✔ |
1976-7633 | Asia-Pacific journal of atmospheric sciences (Print) | Korean meteorological society | 0 | ✔ |
0218-8791 | Asia Pacific journal of education | Published for the National Institute of Education by Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1742-6855 | Asia Pacific journal of education (e-vir) | Published for the National Institute of Education by Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0217-4561 | Asia Pacific journal of management | School of Management, National University of Singapore | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9958 | Asia Pacific journal of management (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0218-5385 | Asia Pacific journal of social work | Department of Social Work and Psychology, National University of Singapore. | 0 | |
2165-0993 | Asia Pacific journal of social work and development (e-vir) | Eastern Universities Press, an imprint of Marshall Cavendish International | 0 | ✔ |
2994-9769 | Asia Pacific journal of social work and development | Marshall Cavendish Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2215-1354 | Asia-Pacific language variation | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2215-1362 | Asia-Pacific language variation (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1343-9006 | Asia-Pacific review | Institute for International Policy Studies; IIPS | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2937 | Asia-Pacific review (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0004-4717 | Asiatische Studien | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2235-5871 | Asiatische Studien (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0721-5231 | Asien | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde | 0 | |
0001-253X | Aslib proceedings | Aslib | 0 | |
1758-3748 | Aslib proceedings (e-vir) | Aslib | 0 | |
1933-2882 | Aspasia | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1933-2890 | Aspasia (e-vir) | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1863-8155 | AStA | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-8163 | AStA | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1762-6110 | Astérion (e-vir) | ENS éd. | 0 | |
0341-7212 | Ästhetik und Kommunikation | SOVA | 0 | |
1437-8639 | Astronomie + Raumfahrt | Friedrich | 0 | |
2340-1176 | Atalanta | Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Literatura Española | 0 | ✔ |
0176-8530 | Atelier | Atelier-Verl. Fritzsche. | 0 | |
2221-4186 | Atención! | LIT Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | 0 | |
0004-6493 | Atene e Roma | Le Monnier | 1 | |
0004-6574 | Athenaeum | Università | 0 | |
0940-516X | Athenäum | Schöningh | 0 | |
1947-380X | Athletic training education journal (e-vir) | National Athletic Trainers Association | 0 | |
0197-4254 | Atlantic economic journal | Atlantic Economic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9678 | Atlantic economic journal (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0210-6124 | Atlantis | Antonio Garnica | 1 | |
1989-6840 | Atlantis (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos | 0 | |
1943-3921 | Attention, perception, & psychophysics | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-3361 | Attention, perception, & psychophysics | Psychonomic Society | 0 | |
1943-393X | Attention, perception & psychophysics (e-vir) | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
0001-4419 | Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino | Accademia delle scienze | 0 | |
2336-1980 | AUC Geographica (e-vir) | Charles University Carolinum Press | 0 | ✔ |
0178-7128 | Aufklärung | Meiner | 0 | |
2702-1424 | Aufklärung (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0179-2555 | Augen-Blick | 0 | ||
0004-8003 | Augustiniana | Augustijns historisch instituut | 0 | |
2295-6093 | Augustiniana (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0094-5323 | Augustinian studies | Villanova University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-7917 | Augustinian studies (e-vir) | Villanova University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0004-8011 | Augustinianum | Institutuno patristicum augustinianum. | 0 | |
2162-6499 | Augustinianum | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
0341-1230 | Aurora | J. Thorbecke | 0 | |
0210-5853 | Ausa | Patronato de Estudios Ausonenses. | 0 | |
2014-1246 | Ausa | Patronat d'Estudis Ausonencs | 0 | |
0343-186X | Aus dem Antiquariat | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Antiquariat im Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. | 0 | |
0067-0642 | Aus Forschung und Kunst | Habelt in Komm. | 0 | |
0175-6133 | Ausgrabungen und Funde in Westfalen-Lippe | P. von Zabern | 0 | |
0720-7123 | Auskunft | Landesverband Hamburg im Deutschen Bibliotheksverband. | 0 | |
0479-611X | Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte | Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung | 0 | |
0176-8212 | Ausserschulische Bildung | Arbeitskreis Deutscher Bildungsstätten e.V.; AdB. | 0 | |
1802-6419 | Aussiger Beiträge | Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, Filozofická fakulta | 1 | |
2570-916X | Aussiger Beiträge (e-vir) | Univerzita J.E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
1834-2000 | Australasian accounting business and finance journal | School of Accounting & Finance, University of Wollongong] | 0 | |
1834-2019 | Australasian accounting business and finance journal | University of Wollongong,School of Accounting & Finance] | 0 | |
1449-3098 | Australasian journal of educational technology | ASCILITE | 0 | ✔ |
1449-5554 | Australasian journal of educational technology (e-vir) | ASCILITE | 0 | ✔ |
0004-8402 | Australasian journal of philosophy | Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6828 | Australasian journal of philosophy (e-vir) | Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
0311-6999 | Australian educational researcher | Australian Association for Research in Education | 0 | ✔ |
2210-5328 | Australian educational researcher | AARE; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3311 | Australian geographer (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9182 | Australian Geographer | Geographical Society of New South Wales | 0 | ✔ |
1325-8338 | Australian humanities review (e-vir) | La Trobe University | 0 | ✔ |
1835-8063 | Australian humanities review | ANU E Press | 0 | ✔ |
1839-0846 | Australian journal of business and management research | New South Wales Research Centre Australia | 0 | |
2050-5884 | Australian journal of education (e-vir) | Australian Council for Educational Research] | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9468 | Australian journal of French studies | Monash University | 0 | ✔ |
2046-2913 | Australian journal of French studies (e-vir) | F.W. Cheshire for the Department of Modern Languages, Monash University | 0 | ✔ |
1035-7718 | Australian journal of international affairs | Australian Institute of International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1465-332X | Australian journal of international affairs (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0726-8602 | Australian journal of linguistics | Australian Linguistics Society | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2996 | Australian journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1036-1146 | Australian journal of political science | Dept. of Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy for the Australasian Political Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
1363-030X | Australian journal of political science (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8497 | Australian journal of politics & history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9522 | Australian journal of politics and history | University of Queensland Press | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9530 | Australian journal of psychology | Melbourne University Press | 0 | |
1742-9536 | Australian journal of psychology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Health Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9697 | Australian literary studies | University of Queensland Press | 0 | |
0005-0067 | Australian psychologist | University of Queensland Press on behalf of the Australian Psychological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1742-9544 | Australian psychologist (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1832-1526 | Australian review of public affairs (e-vir) | School of Economics and Political Science, University of Sydney | 0 | |
0954-0954 | Australian studies | British Australian Studies Association. | 0 | |
2042-5120 | Australian studies (e-vir) | BASA | 0 | |
1033-9434 | Australian women's book review | AWBR. | 0 | |
0067-2378 | Austrian history yearbook | Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5255 | Austrian history yearbook (e-vir) | Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
1350-7532 | Austrian studies | Edinburgh University Press; Modern Humanities Research Assocation | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4262 | Austrian studies (e-vir) | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0967-5507 | Auto/Biography | Auto/Biography Study Group | 0 | |
1479-9715 | Auto/Biography (e-vir) | Hodder Arnold Journals; Sage | 0 | |
0898-9575 | Auto/biography studies | Joyce and Elizabeth Hall Center for the Humanities.; Autobiography Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2151-7290 | Auto/biography studies (e-vir) | [Auto/Biography Studies] | 0 | ✔ |
2145-4515 | Avance en Psicologia Latinoamericana (e-vir) | Editorial Universidad del Rosario | 0 | ✔ |
1794-4724 | Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana | Fundación para el Avance de la Psicología | 0 | ✔ |
0004-802X | Avgvstinvs | Agustinos Recoletos | 0 | |
2192-0923 | Aviation psychology and applied human factors | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2192-0931 | Aviation psychology and applied human factors | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0772-0793 | AVRUG-bulletin | Afrika Vereniging van de Rijksuniversiteit | 0 | |
0001-2947 | AWR bulletin | Wilhelm Braumüller | 0 | |
1122-1151 | Axiomathes | Estrella de oriente | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8390 | Axiomathes (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0005-2604 | Aztlán | Chicano Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles | 0 | ✔ |
0521-9744 | Babel | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 1 | ✔ |
1569-9668 | Babel (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0165-9367 | Babesch | Stichting Bulletin Antieke Beschaving | 0 | |
0084-7682 | Bach-Jahrbuch | Evang. Verl.-Anst | 0 | |
0170-8007 | Balkan-Archiv | 0 | ||
2080-1297 | Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity | Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego (Gdańsk) | 0 | |
2080-9999 | Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity (e-vir) | Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Gdańsku | 0 | ✔ |
0067-3099 | Baltische Studien | Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte und Altertumskunde | 0 | |
2198-3534 | Bandung: journal of the global south (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1015-1516 | Bank Archiv | Verlag Orac Gesellschaft; Bank Verlag | 0 | |
0341-6208 | Bankhistorisches Archiv | Institut für Bankhistorische Forschung | 0 | |
1433-5204 | Bank und Markt | Knapp | 0 | |
0067-3951 | Banque des mots | PUF | 0 | |
0005-5719 | Baptist history and heritage | Southern Baptist Historical Society.; Southern Baptist Convention.; Mercer University.; Carson-Newman College.; Baptist History & Heritage Society. | 0 | |
2056-7731 | Baptist quarterly (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1807-7692 | BAR (e-vir) | Anpad | 0 | ✔ |
0347-772X | Barnboken | Svenska barnboksinstitutet | 0 | |
2000-4389 | Barnboken | Svenska barnboksinstitutet; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2000-7493 | Barnlitterært forskningstidsskrift = | Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0197-3533 | Basic and applied social psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4834 | Basic and applied social psychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1932-0183 | Basic income studies (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6094 | Basic income studies | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0340-7489 | Baurecht | Werner | 0 | |
1434-1832 | Baurechtliche Blätter | Springer. | 0 | |
1613-7612 | Baurechtliche Blätter (e-vir) | Verlag Österreich GmbH | 0 | |
0005-6855 | Bauwelt | Bertelsmann-Fachzeitschriften-GmbH | 0 | |
0067-4729 | Bayerisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde | Hart in Komm | 0 | |
0522-5337 | Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter | Boorberg. | 0 | |
0341-3918 | Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter | Kommission für bayerische Landesgeschichte bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; C. H. Beck | 0 | |
0005-2981 | BDK-Mitteilungen | Bund Deutscher Kunsterzieher e.V. | 0 | |
0163-9269 | Behavioral & social sciences librarian | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1544-4546 | Behavioral & social sciences librarian (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0140-525X | Behavioral and brain sciences | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1825 | Behavioral and brain sciences (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1866-2447 | Behemoth (e-vir) | Universitätsbibliothek | 0 | |
1561-2791 | Behinderte in Familie, Schule und Gesellschaft | Verein 1% für behinderte Kinder und Jugendliche | 0 | |
0341-7301 | Behindertenpädagogik | 0 | ||
0341-3888 | Behindertenrecht | 0 | ||
1430-5895 | Behinderung und dritte Welt | Forum Behinderung und Internationale Entwicklung c/o Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V. | 0 | |
0170-9518 | Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie | von Zabern | 0 | |
0341-8456 | Beiträge zur altbayerischen Kirchengeschichte | Verl. d. Verein für Diözesangeschichte von München und Freising | 0 | |
1615-7354 | Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung | Sprachlehrinstitut der Universität Konstanz.; SLI. | 0 | |
1861-3632 | Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung | Institut für Fremdsprachliche Philologien der Universität Koblenz-Landau. | 0 | |
1861-3950 | Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung (e-vir) | Empirische Pädagogik e.V.; Institut für Fremdsprachliche Philologien (Romanistik), Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau. | 0 | |
0942-3060 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung | 3K-Verlag | 0 | |
0005-8076 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9373 | Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0946-607X | Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Rostock | Universität Rostock. | 0 | |
0522-6619 | Beiträge zur Geschichte des Bistums Regensburg | Verein für Regensburger Bistumsgeschichte. | 0 | |
0259-353X | Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung | Schweizerischer Pädagogischer Verband; Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer; Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung | 0 | |
0005-8114 | Beitrage zur Namenforschung | Winter | 0 | |
2625-2139 | Beitrage zur Namenforschung (e-vir) | Winter | 0 | |
Y509-8831 | Beitrage zur Namenforschung (e-vir) | Winter | 0 | |
0067-5261 | Beiträge zur westfälischen Familienforschung | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0005-8351 | Belfagor | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
2035-7559 | Belfagor | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0774-5141 | Belgian journal of linguistics | Ed. de l'Université de Bruxelles.; John Benjamins Publishing Company. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9676 | Belgian journal of linguistics | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2178-3640 | BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal (e-vir) | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Letras | 0 | ✔ |
1868-2758 | Benn-Forum | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1892-2449 | Bergen language and linguistics studies | BeLLS | 0 | ✔ |
0934-4470 | Bericht der bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege | Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege; Habelt | 0 | |
0341-9312 | Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission | P. von Zabern | 0 | |
0005-9080 | Berichte über Landwirtschaft | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
2196-5099 | Berichte über Landwirtschaft (e-vir) | Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz | 0 | |
0720-9835 | Berichte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen | Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege; Institut für Denkmalpflege | 0 | |
0005-9099 | Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde | Zentralausschuß für deutsche Landeskunde; Institut für Länderkunde | 0 | |
0170-6233 | Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte | VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1522-2365 | Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
0067-5830 | Berkeley journal of sociology | Graduate students, Dept. of Sociology and Social Institutions, University of California, Berkeley | 0 | |
0863-1808 | Berliner Journal für Soziologie | Leske + Budrich | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2593 | Berliner Journal für Soziologie | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
0724-6137 | Berliner theologische Zeitschrift | Evang. Verl.-Anst. | 0 | |
2699-3414 | Berliner theologische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | |
1663-7941 | Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte | Historischer Verein des Kantons Bern.; Bernisches Historisches Museum.; Burgerbibliothek Bern. | 0 | |
0005-9536 | Berufsbildung | Volk und Wissen, Volkseigener Verlag | 0 | |
0341-4515 | Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis | Bertelsmann | 0 | |
0340-7918 | Betriebs-Berater | Verlagsgesellschaft Recht und Wirtschaft | 0 | |
2191-6268 | Betriebspraxis & Arbeitsforschung | Institut für Angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft | 0 | |
1868-2979 | Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung | NWB-Verl. | 0 | |
0723-9629 | Betriebswirtschaftliche Blätter | Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband e.V. | 0 | |
0176-8700 | Betrifft Sport | 0 | ||
0405-6779 | Bewährungshilfe | Forum-Verl. Godesberg | 0 | |
1726-4375 | Bewegungserziehung | Institute für Sportwissenschaften der Universitäten; Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur | 0 | |
0340-5370 | BFuP. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis | Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe | 0 | |
0006-0585 | Bibbia e Oriente | Centro Studi Arti Grafiche | 0 | |
0006-0593 | Bibel heute | Katholisches Bibelwerk | 0 | |
0006-0623 | Bibel und Kirche | Katholisches Bibelwerk | 0 | |
0006-064X | Bibel und Liturgie | Patmos; Österreichisches Katholisches Bibelwerk | 0 | |
0006-0887 | Biblica | Pontificio Istituto Biblico | 0 | |
2385-2062 | Biblica (e-vir) | Pontificio istituto biblico | 0 | |
0927-2569 | Biblical interpretation | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5152 | Biblical interpretation (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0146-1079 | Biblical theology bulletin | Biblical Institute Press | 0 | ✔ |
1945-7596 | Biblical theology bulletin (e-vir) | [Biblical Institute Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0392-8586 | Biblioteche oggi | Editrice Bibliografica | 0 | |
0208-4333 | Bibliotekarz | Biblioteka Publiczna m. st. Warszawy | 0 | |
0772-7003 | Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids | Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Documentatiewezen | 0 | |
0341-4183 | Bibliothek | Saur | 0 | ✔ |
1865-7648 | Bibliothek | de Gruyter Saur | 0 | ✔ |
0070-4156 | Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom | Niemeyer. | 0 | |
0006-1972 | Bibliotheksdienst | de Gruyter Saur | 0 | ✔ |
2194-9646 | Bibliotheksdienst (e-vir) | de Gruyter Saur | 0 | ✔ |
0340-000X | Bibliotheksforum Bayern | K. G. Saur | 0 | |
0067-8236 | Bibliothek und Wissenschaft | Otto Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0006-1999 | Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance | E. Droz | 0 | |
2418-7135 | Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance (e-vir) | Association Humanisme et Renaissance | 0 | |
0373-6237 | Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes | Librairie Droz | 0 | |
1953-8138 | Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes (e-vir) | Société de l'École des chartes | 0 | |
1128-3564 | Bibliotime (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0006-2014 | Biblische Zeitschrift | F. Schöningh | 0 | ✔ |
2589-0468 | Biblische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2022 | Biblos | Gesellschaft der Freunde der Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | 0 | |
0870-4112 | Biblos | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
2183-7139 | Biblos (e-vir) | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
1575-5886 | BiD (e-vir) | Escola Universitària de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona. | 0 | |
0165-0505 | Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden | Nederlands Historisch Genootschap.; Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap. | 0 | ✔ |
2211-2898 | Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden | Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap (KNHG) | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2294 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde = | KITLV; Foris Publications Holland; Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
2213-4379 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2375 | Bild der Wissenschaft | Konradin-Medien | 0 | |
1860-8213 | Bildungsforschung | B. Schmidt. | 0 | |
0006-2456 | Bildung und Erziehung | Böhlau | 0 | |
2194-3834 | Bildung und Erziehung (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | |
1611-2512 | Bildwelten des Wissens | 0 | ✔ | |
2148-354X | Bilgi dünyas% (e-vir) | Üniversite ve Araşt%rma Kütüphanecileri Derneği | 0 | |
0724-1089 | Binger Geschichtsblätter | 0 | ||
0269-9702 | Bioethics | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8519 | Bioethics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
0162-4962 | Biography | University Press of Hawaii for the Biographical Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1456 | Biography (e-vir) | University Press of Hawaii for the Biographical Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
0301-0511 | Biological psychology | North-Holland Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6246 | Biological psychology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0169-3867 | Biology & philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
2045-5380 | Biology of mood & anxiety disorders (e-vir) | Biomed Central | 0 | |
0933-5315 | Bios | 0 | ||
1754-6834 | Biotechnology for biofuels (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1435-7607 | BIT online | Dinges Frick | 0 | |
1536-3155 | Black camera | Indiana University, Bloomington.; Indiana University, Bloomington.; Indiana University, Bloomington. | 0 | |
1947-4237 | Black camera (e-vir) | Black Film Center/Archives | 0 | |
0276-3605 | Black music research journal | Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk University | 0 | |
1946-1615 | Black music research journal (e-vir) | Institute for Research in Black American Music, Fisk University | 0 | |
0340-8574 | Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | ✔ |
0933-7733 | Blätter des IZ3W | Aktion Dritte Welt e.V., Informationszentrum 3. Welt.; Iz3w. | 0 | |
0006-4408 | Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte | Schmidt; Gesamtverein der Deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumsvereine | 0 | |
0006-4416 | Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik | Blätter Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
0006-4459 | Blätter für Heimatkunde | Historischer Verein für Steiermark | 0 | |
0067-9127 | Blätter für Technikgeschichte | Technisches Museum | 0 | |
0341-9479 | Blätter für württembergische Kirchengeschichte | Scheufele.; Greiner & Pfeiffer; Holland | 0 | |
0721-3743 | Bloch-Almanach | Ernst-Bloch-Zentrum; Ernst-Bloch-Archiv | 0 | |
1472-6939 | BMC medical ethics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
2050-7283 | BMC psychology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1384-6663 | Bochumer philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter | Grüner | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9684 | Bochumer philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3632 | Body & society (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1357-034X | Body and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0352-3101 | Bogoslovska smotra | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet | 1 | |
1848-9648 | Bogoslovska smotra (e-vir) | Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta | 0 | |
0523-8587 | Bohemia | Oldenbourg | 0 | |
0034-0626 | Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia | Real Academia de la Historia (España) | 0 | |
0798-9709 | Boletín de linguística - Escuela de Antropología, Universidad Central de Venezuela | Universidad Central de Venezuela. Escuela de Antropología. | 0 | |
1121-1490 | Bollettino AIB | Associazione Italiana Biblioteche | 0 | |
2239-6144 | Bollettino AIB (e-vir) | Associazione italiana biblioteche | 0 | |
0392-7334 | Bollettino del Centro di studi vichiani | Centro di studi vichiani | 0 | |
0390-8240 | Bollettino dell'archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
0393-4853 | Bollettino di psichiatria biologica | Società Italiana di psichiatria biologica. | 0 | |
0006-6583 | Bollettino di studi latini | Libreria Scientifica Editrice; Loffredo Editore,; Inziative editoriali,; Paolo Loffredo Iniziative editoriali | 0 | |
0935-0756 | Bonner dogmatische Studien | Echter. | 0 | |
0068-0052 | Bonner Geschichtsblätter | Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein :; Stadtarchiv Bonn. | 0 | |
0277-5778 | Boston College international and comparative law review | Boston College Law School | 0 | |
1930-563X | Boston College international and comparative law review (e-vir) | Boston College. | 0 | |
0734-2306 | Boston review | Boston Critic | 0 | |
0190-3659 | Boundary 2 | Duke University | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2141 | Boundary 2 (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0170-5067 | BPS-Report | Nomos-Verl.-Ges.. | 0 | ✔ |
1808-4079 | Brazilian journalism research | Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo | 0 | |
1981-9854 | Brazilian journalism research | Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo | 0 | |
1981-1640 | Brazilian Journal of Information Science (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação | 0 | |
0341-9622 | Bremisches Jahrbuch | Staatsarchiv Bremen. | 0 | |
1479-2389 | Bristol and Gloucestershire archaeological report | Cotswold Archaeological Trust.; Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. | 0 | |
0141-1926 | British educational research journal | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3518 | British educational research journal (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0874 | British journal for the history of science | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
0956-4748 | British journalism review | B.J.R.. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2668 | British journalism review (e-vir) | [B.J.R.] | 0 | ✔ |
0144-6657 | British journal of clinical psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8260 | British journal of clinical psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0261-510X | British journal of developmental psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-835X | British journal of developmental psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8279 | British journal of educational psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1005 | British journal of educational studies | Basil Blackwell & Mott | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8527 | British journal of educational studies (e-vir) | Faber and Faber | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3534 | British journal of guidance & counselling (e-vir) | Careers Research and Advisory Centre | 0 | ✔ |
0306-9885 | British journal of guidance and counselling | Careers Research and Advisory Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1359-107X | British journal of health psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8287 | British journal of health psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8543 | British journal of industrial relations (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1080 | British Journal of Industrial Relations | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1102 | British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology | John Wright & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1353-0194 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies | British Society for Middle Eastern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3542 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) | British Society for Middle Eastern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0265-0517 | British journal of music education | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2104 | British journal of music education (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1359-4575 | British journal of music therapy | British Society for Music Therapy.; Association of Professional Music Therapists (Great Britain); British Association for Music Therapy, | 0 | ✔ |
2059-9773 | British journal of music therapy (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1234 | British journal of political science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2112 | British journal of political science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1269 | British journal of psychology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8295 | British journal of psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0141-6200 | British journal of religious education | C.E.M | 0 | ✔ |
1740-7931 | British journal of religious education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0144-6665 | British journal of social psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8309 | British journal of social psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society; Wiley-Blackwell] | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1315 | British journal of sociology | Wiley-Blackwell; London School of Economics | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4446 | British journal of sociology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0142-5692 | British journal of sociology of education | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3346 | British journal of sociology of education (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1183-1189 | Brock education | 0 | ✔ | |
2371-7750 | Brock education (e-vir) | Faculty of Education, Brock University | 0 | ✔ |
1474-8932 | Brontë studies | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8226 | Brontë studies (e-vir) | Maney on behalf of the Brontë Society | 0 | ✔ |
0007-2303 | Brookings papers on economic activity | Brookings Institution | 0 | |
1533-4465 | Brookings papers on economic activity (e-vir) | Brookings Institution | 0 | |
0740-4824 | Brooklyn journal of international law | Brooklyn Law School | 0 | |
0340-0301 | Buch und Bibliothek | Bock u. Herchen | 0 | |
0265-2897 | Buddhist studies review | Institut de recherche bouddhique Linh-Son.; Pali Buddhist Union. | 0 | ✔ |
1747-9681 | Buddhist studies review (e-vir) | s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0961-3218 | Building research and information | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4321 | Building research and information (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1996-3599 | Building simulation | Tsinghua University Press; Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1996-8744 | Building simulation (e-vir) | Tsinghua Press; Springer; Tsinghua University Press (Hong Kong) Limited; Springer-Verlag GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0034-5539 | Bulletin | Reserve Bank of New Zealand. | 0 | |
1048-9134 | Bulletin | German Historical Institute | 0 | |
1782-2041 | Bulletin d'analyse phenomenologique (e-vir) | Université de Liège. Département de Philosophie | 0 | |
0007-4217 | Bulletin de correspondance hellénique | Perris; Thorin | 0 | |
2241-0104 | Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (e-vir) | École française d' Athènes; Boccard, De | 0 | ✔ |
0255-0962 | Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale | Institut français d'archéologie orientale | 0 | ✔ |
2429-2869 | Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale (e-vir) | Institut français d'archéologie orientale | 0 | ✔ |
2076-5827 | Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines (e-vir) | Institut Français d'Etudes Andines | 0 | ✔ |
0303-7495 | Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines | Institut français d'études andines. | 0 | ✔ |
0001-415X | Bulletin de la Commission royale d'histoire | Académie royale de Belgique | 0 | |
0301-4126 | Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de l'art français | Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français | 0 | |
0991-9228 | Bulletin de la Société française de musicologie | Librairie F. Alcan | 0 | |
0007-4322 | Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique | Institut catholique | 0 | |
2540-2609 | Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique (e-vir) | V. Lecoffre | 0 | |
1292-8399 | Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (e-vir) | Ecole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques | 0 | |
0006-2006 | Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France | Direction des bibliothèques | 0 | |
1011-2006 | Bulletin de sinologie | Association culturelle France-Hong Kong. Antenne de sinologie | 0 | |
2411-6815 | Bulletin de sinologie (e-vir) | French Centre for Research on Contemporary China | 0 | |
2075-5287 | Bulletin du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem (e-vir) | Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem | 0 | |
2304-8298 | Bulletin du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem | Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem | 0 | |
0269-8552 | Bulletin - German Historical Institute London | German Historical Institute. | 0 | |
0007-473X | Bulletin monumental | Société francaise d'archéologie | 0 | |
0307-3378 | Bulletin of economic research | Departements of Economics of the Universities of Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, York and Bradford | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8586 | Bulletin of economic research (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1435-9529 | Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment | Springer | 3 | ✔ |
1435-9537 | Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0007-490X | Bulletin of Hispanic studies | Liverpool University Press | 0 | |
1759-3077 | Bulletin of Italian politics | University of Glasgow, Italian Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association | 0 | |
0003-097X | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2161-8062 | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (e-vir) | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2373-9223 | Bulletin of the Association for Information Science & Technology (e-vir) | Association for Information Science and Technology | 0 | |
1752-7260 | Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant | Council for British Research in the Levant. | 0 | |
1752-7279 | Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant (e-vir) | CBRL | 0 | |
0010-9894 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education | School of Music, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 0 | ✔ |
2162-7223 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education (e-vir) | Council for Research in Music Education, School of Music, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | 0 | ✔ |
0007-5140 | Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3176 | Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0301-102X | Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester | John Rylands University Library of Manchester. | 0 | |
0041-977X | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0699 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (e-vir) | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0042-9686 | Bulletin of the World Health Organization | Organisation Mondiale de la Sante, Service de Distribution et de Vente | 0 | ✔ |
1564-0604 | Bulletin of the World Health Organization (e-vir) | World Health Organization. | 0 | ✔ |
0525-1516 | Bulletin of Tibetology | Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology & Other Buddhist Studies. | 0 | |
1777-5469 | Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris (e-vir) | Société d'anthropologie de Paris, c/o Musée de l'homme | 0 | |
0037-8984 | Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris | Société d'anthropologie; Masson | 0 | |
0165-9510 | Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum | Staatsuitgeverij | 0 | |
1018-6107 | Burgenländische Heimatblätter | Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Landesarchiv | 0 | |
0007-6201 | Burgen und Schlösser | Deutsche Brugenvereinigung e. V. zur Erhaltung der historischen Wehr- und Wohnbauten | 0 | |
0932-5409 | Bürgerrechte & Polizei | Institut für Bürgerrechte & Öffentliche Sicherheit e.V. | 0 | |
1867-0202 | Business & information systems engineering (e-vir) | Gabler | 0 | ✔ |
2363-7005 | Business & information systems engineering | Springer Gabler | 0 | ✔ |
2151-6219 | Business and economics journal (e-vir) | AstonJournals | 0 | |
1369-5258 | Business and politics | Carfax | 0 | |
1469-3569 | Business and politics (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1052-150X | Business ethics quarterly | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3326 | Business ethics quarterly (e-vir) | Society for Business Ethics | 0 | ✔ |
0007-6791 | Business history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7938 | Business history (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0007-6805 | Business history review | Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration | 0 | ✔ |
2198-2627 | Business research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
2198-3402 | Business research | Springer | 0 | |
1618-8543 | Bwp@+a. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik online (e-vir) | K. Büchter c/o Institut für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Universität Hamburg; F. Gramlinger c/o Institut für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Universität Hamburg; M. Kipp c/o Institut für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Universität Hamburg; T. Tramm c/o Institut für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Universität Hamburg | 0 | |
0007-7704 | Byzantinische Zeitschrift | Beck | 0 | |
1868-9027 | Byzantinische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0007-7712 | Byzantinoslavica | Institut slave | 0 | |
0378-2506 | Byzantion | Fondation Byzantine | 0 | |
2294-6209 | Byzantion (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0716-2138 | Byzantion nea hellás | Centro de Estudios Bizantinos y Neohelénicos. Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Educación. Universidad de Chile. | 0 | |
0718-8471 | Byzantion nea hellás (e-vir) | Centro de Estudios Bizantinos y Neohelénicos. Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Educación. Universidad de Chile. | 0 | ✔ |
0101-3262 | Cadernos CEDES | Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade. | 0 | |
1678-7110 | Cadernos CEDES | Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade. | 0 | |
0100-1574 | Cadernos de Pesquisa | Fundaçao Carlos Chagas. | 0 | |
1980-5314 | Cadernos de Pesquisa (e-vir) | Fundação Carlos Chagas | 0 | |
0104-8333 | Cadernos Pagu | Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Nucleo de Estudos de Genero | 0 | |
1809-4449 | Cadernos Pagu (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero | 0 | |
0223-5528 | Cahiers Bernard Lazare | Cercle Bernard Lazare (Paris) | 0 | |
1760-5776 | Cahiers d'études du religieux (e-vir) | Centre interdisciplinaire d'étude du religieux | 0 | |
0751-4239 | Cahiers d'études germaniques | Université de Provence; Université Lumière (Lyon); Université de Nice; Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier) | 0 | |
1957-7761 | Cahiers de civilisation espagnole contemporaine (e-vir) | [Centre de recherches ibériques et ibéro-américaines] | 0 | |
0007-9731 | Cahiers de civilisation médiévale | Université, Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale | 0 | |
0007-9758 | Cahiers de droit européen | Rédacteur Goffin.; Larcier | 0 | |
0571-5865 | Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études françaises | Association internationale des études françaises | 0 | |
0153-3320 | Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale | École des hautes études en sciences sociales, | 0 | ✔ |
1960-6028 | Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale (e-vir) | CRLAO | 0 | ✔ |
0396-891X | Cahiers de littérature orale | Publications orientalistes de France,; Publications Langues'O INALCO, | 0 | |
2266-1816 | Cahiers de littérature orale (e-vir) | Cahiers de littérature orale | 0 | ✔ |
0993-8516 | Cahiers de narratologie | Centre interdisciplinaire Récits, cultures, psychanalyse, langues et sociétés (Nice) | 0 | |
1765-307X | Cahiers de narratologie (e-vir) | REVEL Nice | 0 | |
1141-7161 | Cahiers des amériques latines | Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine (Paris) | 0 | |
2268-4247 | Cahiers des Amériques latines (e-vir) | [Éd. de l'Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine] | 0 | |
0317-5065 | Cahiers des études anciennes | Presses de l'Université du Québec. | 0 | |
1923-2713 | Cahiers des études anciennes (e-vir) | Département d'études anciennes et de sciences des religions, l'Université d'Ottawa; l'Institut d'études anciennes, Université Laval | 0 | |
0184-7678 | Cahiers Elisabéthains | Université Paul Valéry. | 0 | ✔ |
2054-4715 | Cahiers élisabéthains (e-vir) | Centre d'études et de recherches élisabéthaines de l'Université Paul Valéry] | 0 | ✔ |
2271-6149 | Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens (e-vir) | Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 | 0 | |
1944-4370 | California journal of politics and policy (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | |
2194-6132 | California journal of politics and policy | 0 | ||
1545-8717 | Californian journal of health promotion (e-vir) | California State University, Chico. | 0 | |
1545-8725 | Californian journal of health promotion (e-vir) | Dept. of Health and Community Services, California State University | 0 | |
0161-2492 | Callaloo | Callaloo | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6512 | Callaloo | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-1795 | Calvin theological journal | Calvin Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0309-166X | Cambridge journal of economics | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3545 | Cambridge journal of economics (e-vir) | [Academic Press for the Cambridge Political Economy Society] | 0 | ✔ |
0955-7571 | Cambridge review of international affairs | Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge | 1 | ✔ |
1474-449X | Cambridge review of international affairs (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0270-5346 | Camera obscura | Camera Obscura Collective | 0 | ✔ |
1529-1510 | Camera obscura (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1887-4657 | Canadaria | Universidad de La Laguna. Centro de Estudios Canadienses. | 0 | |
0090-8290 | Canadian-American Slavic studies | Brill; Schlacks | 0 | ✔ |
2210-2396 | Canadian-American Slavic studies (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0008-3658 | Canadian geographer | Canadian Association of Geographers | 0 | ✔ |
0008-3755 | Canadian historical review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1920-1818 | Canadian journal of applied linguistics (e-vir) | University of New Brunswick | 0 | |
0008-400X | Canadian journal of behavioural science | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2669 | Canadian journal of behavioural science = | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0705-3657 | Canadian journal of communication | E. Beattie. | 0 | ✔ |
1499-6642 | Canadian journal of communication (e-vir) | Canadian Journal of Communication | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4085 | Canadian journal of economics | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5982 | Canadian journal of economics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0380-2361 | Canadian journal of education | Canadian Society for the Study of Education. | 0 | |
1918-5979 | Canadian journal of education (e-vir) | Canadian Society for the Study of Education | 0 | |
1207-7798 | Canadian journal of educational administration and policy (e-vir) | University of Manitoba, Dept. of Educational Administration and Foundations | 0 | |
1196-1961 | Canadian journal of experimental psychology | Canadian Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1878-7290 | Canadian journal of experimental psychology = | Canadian Psychological Association; American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2293-6602 | Canadian journal of higher education (e-vir) | Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education | 0 | |
0380-9218 | Canadian journal of information science | Canadian Association for Information Science = Association canadienne des sciences de l'information | 0 | |
1920-9355 | Canadian journal of nonprofit and social economy research (e-vir) | Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research | 0 | ✔ |
0045-5091 | Canadian journal of philosophy | Canadian Assoc. for Publ. in Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
0229-7051 | Canadian journal of philosophy | Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy. | 0 | |
1911-0820 | Canadian journal of philosophy | University of Calgary Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4239 | Canadian journal of political science | Canadian political science association; Société québécoise de science politique | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9324 | Canadian journal of political science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0318-6431 | Canadian journal of sociology | University of Alberta | 0 | |
1710-1123 | Canadian journal of sociology (e-vir) | Department of Sociology, University of Alberta | 0 | ✔ |
0318-9090 | Canadian journal of university continuing education | Canadian Association of University Continuing Education | 0 | |
1710-1107 | Canadian journal on aging (e-vir) | Canadian Association on Gerontology | 0 | ✔ |
0714-9808 | Canadian journal on aging = | Canadian Association on Gerontology = Association canadienne de gérontologie | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4360 | Canadian literature | University of British Columbia | 0 | |
1911-4125 | Canadian political science review (e-vir) | British Columbia Political Studies Association; Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association; Prairie Provinces Political Studies Association | 0 | |
0708-5591 | Canadian psychology | Canadian Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1878-7304 | Canadian psychology = | Canadian Psychological Association]; American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0317-0861 | Canadian public policy | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1911-9917 | Canadian public policy = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-7720 | Canadian review of American studies | Canadian Assoc. for American Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1710-114X | Canadian review of American studies (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-618X | Canadian review of sociology (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6171 | Canadian review of sociology = | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0008-5006 | Canadian Slavonic papers | Canadian Association of Slavists | 0 | ✔ |
2375-2475 | Canadian Slavonic papers (e-vir) | Published for the Canadian Association of Slavists by the University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0380-1489 | Canadian studies in population | Population Research Laboratory, Dept. of Sociology, University of Alberta. | 0 | ✔ |
1927-629X | Canadian studies in population (e-vir) | Population Research Laboratory, University of Alberta | 0 | ✔ |
0315-0836 | Canadian theatre review | Faculty of Fine Arts, York University | 7 | ✔ |
1920-941X | Canadian theatre review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1869-6465 | Candide | Technische Hochschule Aachen | 0 | |
0309-8168 | Capital & class | Conference of Socialist Economists | 0 | ✔ |
2041-0980 | Capital & class (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1045-5752 | Capitalism, nature, socialism | [s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1548-3290 | Capitalism, nature, socialism | Guilford Publications; CatchWord [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1932-0213 | Capitalism and society (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | |
2194-6140 | Capitalism and society | Columbia Earth Institute. | 0 | |
0214-8188 | Caplletra | Institut de Filología Valenciana (Valencia); Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana | 0 | |
2386-7159 | Caplletra (e-vir) | Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana | 0 | |
1147-6753 | Caravelle | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
2272-9828 | Caravelle (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
0008-6533 | Caribbean studies | Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico | 0 | |
1940-9095 | Caribbean studies (e-vir) | Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico | 0 | |
0008-6606 | Carinthia I | J. Leon | 3 | |
0008-6673 | Carmelus | Institutum carmelitanum. | 0 | |
1646-7698 | Carnets (e-vir) | A.P.E.F. | 0 | ✔ |
1025-2320 | Carnuntum Jahrbuch | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
0317-7173 | Cartographica | University of Toronto | 0 | ✔ |
1911-9925 | Cartographica (e-vir) | University of Toronto | 0 | ✔ |
1989-7383 | Castilla, Estudios de literatura | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | ✔ |
2013-407X | Catalan historical review | Institut d'Estudis Catalans | 0 | ✔ |
2013-4088 | Catalan historical review | Institut d'Estudis Catalans | 0 | ✔ |
1757-1898 | Catalan journal of communication & cultural studies | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1757-1901 | Catalan journal of communication & cultural studies (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2053-339X | Catalan review (e-vir) | Edicions dels Quaderns Crema | 0 | ✔ |
0213-5949 | Catalan Review | Edicions dels Quaderns Crema | 0 | ✔ |
0163-9374 | Cataloging & classification quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1544-4554 | Cataloging & classification quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0008-8501 | Catholica | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0957-9664 | CBMH | Whurr | 0 | ✔ |
0773-4182 | CC-AI | Communication & Cognition | 0 | |
1699-4949 | Çedille | Asociación de Profesores de Francés de la universidad Española | 0 | |
0933-4106 | Celan-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0263-4937 | Central Asian survey | Oxford Microform Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3354 | Central Asian survey (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0008-9192 | Central Asiatic journal | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2747-4305 | Central Asiatic journal (e-vir) | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0008-9389 | Central European history | Emory University. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1616 | Central European history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1802-548X | Central European journal of international & security studies | Metropolitní univerzita Praha o.p.s.; Vysoká škola veřejné správy a mezinárodních vztah°u | 0 | |
1805-482X | Central European journal of international and security studies (e-vir) | Metropolitan Universitzy | 0 | |
1435-246X | Central European journal of operations research | Springer | 10 | ✔ |
1613-9178 | Central European journal of operations research (e-vir) | Physica-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1802-4866 | Central European journal of public policy (e-vir) | Charles University | 0 | ✔ |
0251-2920 | Cepal review | United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America | 0 | |
0277-6995 | Cervantes | Cervantes Society of America. | 0 | |
1610-241X | CESifo economic studies | Ifo Institute for Economic Research. | 0 | |
1612-7501 | CESifo economic studies (e-vir) | Ifo Institute for Economic Research | 0 | |
1615-245X | CESifo forum | Ifo Institute for Economic Research | 0 | |
2190-717X | CESifo forum (e-vir) | Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V. | 0 | |
0009-0468 | Česká literatura | Ústav pro českou literaturu | 0 | ✔ |
2571-094X | Česká literatura (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0009-0794 | Český lid | Etnologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky | 0 | |
2570-9216 | Český lid (e-vir) | Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. | 0 | |
0577-5132 | Challenge | M. E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1558-1489 | Challenge magazine (e-vir) | Institute of Economic Affairs, New York University | 0 | ✔ |
0009-1383 | Change | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9146 | Change (e-vir) | Science and University Affairs for Educational Change | 0 | ✔ |
0108-4453 | Chaos | Syddansk Universitet.; Københavns Universitet.; Religionshistorisk Forening.; Norsk religionshistorisk forening.; Svenska Samfundet för Religionshistorisk Forskning.; Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd | 0 | |
0145-935X | Child & youth services | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2298 | Child & youth services | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0952-9136 | Child abuse review | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0852 | Child abuse review (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1753-2000 | Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0009-3920 | Child development | Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8624 | Child development (e-vir) | Blackwell Synergy | 0 | ✔ |
1750-8592 | Child development perspectives | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1750-8606 | Child development perspectives (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1554-6713 | Childhood & philosophy | International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children | 0 | |
1753-0849 | Childhoods today | Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth, University of Sheffield | 0 | |
1874-897X | Child indicators research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8988 | Child indicators research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-7159 | Child indicators research | Springer | 0 | |
0265-6590 | Child language teaching and therapy | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0865 | Child language teaching and therapy (e-vir) | [Arnold] | 0 | ✔ |
1077-5595 | Child maltreatment | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6119 | Child maltreatment (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0045-6713 | Children's literature in education | Agathon Press, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1693 | Children's literature in education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0951-0605 | Children & society | Whiting & Birch | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0860 | Children & society (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1868-5153 | China-EU law journal | China-EU School of Law. | 0 | |
1868-5161 | China-EU law journal | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2196-5633 | China finance and economic review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0305-7410 | China quarterly | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1069-5834 | China review international = | University of Hawai%i, Center for Chinese Studies and University of Hawaii Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9367 | China review international = (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Center for Chinese Studies and University of Hawaii Press | 0 | ✔ |
2193-2263 | Chinese as a second language research | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
2193-2271 | Chinese as a second language research = | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1993-064X | Chinese geographical science | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
1002-0063 | Chinese Geographical Science | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
1877-7031 | Chinese language and discourse | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1877-8798 | Chinese language and discourse | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0009-4609 | Chinese law and government | M. E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1944-7051 | Chinese law and government | M.E. Sharpe] | 0 | ✔ |
1089-4667 | Chinese librarianship | Internet Chinese Librarians Club | 0 | |
0009-4633 | Chinese studies in history | International Arts and Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1558-0407 | Chinese studies in history (e-vir) | International Arts and Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
0069-3715 | Chiron | C. H. Beck | 0 | |
0148-3331 | Christianity and literature | Seattle Pacific University | 0 | ✔ |
2056-5666 | Christianity and literature (e-vir) | Conference on Christianity and Literature | 0 | ✔ |
0009-5834 | Christus | Christus | 0 | |
0009-6059 | Chronique de politique étrangère | Centre universitaire de recherche indépendant | 0 | |
2593-8169 | Chronique de politique étrangère (e-vir) | JSTOR/ITHAKA | 0 | |
0716-1182 | Chungara | Universidad de Tarapacá | 0 | |
0717-7356 | Chungara (e-vir) | Universidad de Tarapacá | 0 | |
0009-6407 | Church history | American Society of Church History | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2613 | Church history (e-vir) | American Society of Church History | 0 | ✔ |
1523-1720 | Ciberletras | Dept. of Languages and Literature, Lehman College, CUNY | 0 | |
1721-0151 | Ciclo evolutivo e disabilità | Dipartimento di scienze psicologico-sociali e pedagogico-didattiche dell'istituto di ricovero e cura a carattere scientifico "Oasi" di Troina. | 0 | |
2046-0406 | CILIP update | CILIP | 0 | |
2046-0414 | CILIP update (e-vir) | CILIP | 0 | |
0529-7451 | Cina | Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente; Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente | 0 | |
0009-7004 | Cineaste | [G. Crowdus] | 0 | |
2641-9238 | Cinéaste (e-vir) | [Cineaste Magazine] | 0 | |
1010-3627 | Cinema | Vereinigung Schweizer Filmklubs.; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cinema. | 0 | |
1647-8991 | Cinema | P. S. Castello Branco | 0 | ✔ |
0009-7101 | Cinema journal | University of Illinois Press, etc. | 0 | |
1527-2087 | Cinema journal (e-vir) | Society of Cinematologists | 0 | |
1183-1693 | Circuit | Presses de l'Université de Montréal, | 0 | |
0009-7349 | Círculo | Círculo de Cultura Panamericano. | 0 | |
1062-6549 | Cistercian studies quarterly | Cistercian Studies Quarterly | 0 | |
1362-1025 | Citizenship studies | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3593 | Citizenship studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1751-1917 | Citizenship teaching and learning | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1751-1925 | Citizenship teaching and learning (e-vir) | CitizED | 0 | ✔ |
1360-4813 | City | City | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3629 | City (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1535-6841 | City & community | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6040 | City & community | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0893-0465 | City & society | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1548-744X | City & society | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0210-8461 | Civitas | Civitas; Aranzadi | 0 | |
0007-8549 | CLA journal | College Language Association. | 0 | |
2766-0265 | CLA journal (e-vir) | College Language Association | 0 | |
0106-5815 | Classica et mediaevalia | Librairie Museum Tusculanum | 0 | |
0197-2227 | Classical and modern literature | CML, | 0 | |
0278-6656 | Classical antiquity | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1067-8344 | Classical antiquity (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-837X | Classical philology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1546-072X | Classical philology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8388 | Classical quarterly | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1481-4374 | CLCWeb (e-vir) | S. Tötösy de Zepetnek | 0 | ✔ |
1618-954X | Clean technologies and environmental policy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1618-9558 | Clean technologies and environmental policy (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0930-7575 | Climate dynamics | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0894 | Climate dynamics (e-vir) | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0009 | Climatic change | Reidel | 1 | ✔ |
1573-1480 | Climatic change (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1328-4207 | Clinical psychologist | Australian Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1742-9552 | Clinical psychologist (e-vir) | Australian Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0884-2043 | Clio | Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne. | 0 | |
1139-6237 | Clío (e-vir) | Clío | 0 | ✔ |
1863-2505 | Cliometrica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-2513 | Cliometrica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1856-9706 | COEPTUM | Universidad Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín | 0 | |
0936-5907 | Cognitive linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3641 | Cognitive linguistics (e-vir) | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0010-0285 | Cognitive psychology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2745 | Cold war history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7962 | Cold War history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1943-2550 | Collaborative anthropologies | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
2152-4009 | Collaborative anthropologies | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1943-7528 | Collaborative librarianship (e-vir) | Regis University | 0 | |
0378-4916 | Collectanea Cisterciensia | Sr Lutgart Ghesquiere. | 0 | |
0010-0749 | Collectanea Franciscana | Istituto storico dei Cappuccini | 0 | |
0146-2679 | Collection management | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2549 | Collection management (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0010-096X | College composition and communication | National Council of Teachers of English | 0 | |
1939-9006 | College composition and communication (e-vir) | National Council of Teachers of English | 0 | |
1930-8299 | College teaching (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
8756-7555 | College teaching | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9413 | Collingwood and British idealism studies | R.G. Collingwood Society | 0 | ✔ |
2051-3011 | Collingwood and British idealism studies (e-vir) | Imprint Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0010-1338 | Colloquia Germanica | Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG | 0 | |
2941-0770 | Colloquia Germanica (e-vir) | 0 | ||
2353-317X | Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego | 0 | ✔ |
2450-8543 | Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego | 0 | ✔ |
1332-3431 | Colloquia Maruliana | Književni krug Split; Marulianum | 0 | |
0179-3780 | Colloquium helveticum | Peter Lang; Universitäts-Verlag | 0 | |
1063-5769 | Colonial Latin American historical review | Spanish Colonial Research Center (Albuquerque, N.M.), | 0 | |
0090-7944 | Columbia human rights law review | [Columbia University School of Law] | 0 | |
0010-1931 | Columbia journal of transnational law | Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association, etc. | 0 | |
0010-1958 | Columbia law review | Columbia University, School of Law | 0 | |
1945-2268 | Columbia law review (e-vir) | Columbia University Press | 0 | |
1851-0027 | Comechingonia virtual (e-vir) | E. L. Pillado | 0 | |
0010-2601 | Commentary | American Jewish Committee | 0 | |
1943-4634 | Commentary (e-vir) | American Jewish Committee | 0 | |
0165-0750 | Common market law review | Sijthoff | 2 | ✔ |
1875-8320 | Common market law review (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1466-2043 | Commonwealth & comparative politics | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9094 | Commonwealth & comparative politics (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1836-0394 | Commonwealth journal of local governance (e-vir) | UTS Centre for Local Government | 0 | ✔ |
1753-9137 | Communication, culture, & critique (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1753-9129 | Communication, culture and critique | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-6705 | Communication, culture and critique | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | |
0378-0880 | Communication & cognition | Communication & Cognition | 0 | |
1612-1783 | Communication & medicine | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3625 | Communication & medicine | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0341-2059 | Communications | Lang | 0 | ✔ |
0588-8018 | Communications | Seuil; Ecole pratique des hautes études, 6è section | 0 | |
1613-4087 | Communications (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2102-5924 | Communications (e-vir) | [Centre Edgar Morin, École des hautes études en sciences sociales] | 0 | |
0740-8943 | Communications from the International Brecht Society | International Brecht Society. | 0 | |
1933-5954 | Communications in information literacy (e-vir) | [Portland State University] | 0 | ✔ |
1050-3293 | Communication theory | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2885 | Communication theory (e-vir) | Oxford University Press; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0010-3497 | Communicatio socialis | Schöningh | 0 | ✔ |
0094-2065 | Communio | Communio | 0 | |
0276-3915 | Community & junior college libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1545-2522 | Community & junior college libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0010-3802 | Community development journal | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2656 | Community development journal (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0942-8917 | Compar(a)ison | Peter Lang | 0 | |
0940-3566 | Comparativ | Leipziger Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
1477-5700 | Comparative American studies | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2676 | Comparative American studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1744-1854 | Comparative critical studies | British comparative literature association | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0109 | Comparative critical studies (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4078 | Comparative drama | Comparative drama | 0 | |
1936-1637 | Comparative drama (e-vir) | Western Michigan University, Dept. of English | 0 | |
0888-7233 | Comparative economic studies | M.E.Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1478-3320 | Comparative economic studies (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0305-0068 | Comparative education | Carfax Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0486 | Comparative education (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4086 | Comparative education review | Comparative and International Education Society | 0 | ✔ |
1545-701X | Comparative education review (e-vir) | Comparative Education Society | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4124 | Comparative literature | University of Oregon | 0 | ✔ |
1945-8517 | Comparative literature (e-vir) | University of Oregon | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4132 | Comparative literature studies | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-4212 | Comparative literature studies | University of Maryland | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4140 | Comparative political studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3829 | Comparative political studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4159 | Comparative politics | Political Science Program of the City University of New York | 0 | |
2151-6227 | Comparative politics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | |
1869-8999 | Comparative population studies (e-vir) | Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung | 0 | ✔ |
1869-8980 | Comparative population studies = | Federal Institute for Population Research | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1322 | Comparative sociology | Brill | 1 | ✔ |
1569-1330 | Comparative sociology (e-vir) | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0149-5933 | Comparative strategy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0448 | Comparative strategy (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4175 | Comparative studies in society and history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2999 | Comparative studies in society and history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1089-201X | Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1548-226X | Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7925 | Compare | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1469-3623 | Compare (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1710-5668 | Complicity (e-vir) | University of Alberta | 0 | |
1139-9759 | Comprendre | Universitat Ramon Llull | 0 | |
0927-7099 | Computational economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9974 | Computational economics (e-vir) | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0891-2017 | Computational linguistics | Association for Computational Linguistics | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9312 | Computational linguistics (e-vir) | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1619-697X | Computational management science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1619-6988 | Computational management science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0148-9267 | Computer music journal | MIT press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5169 | Computer music journal (e-vir) | People's Computer Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-1746 | Computer resources for language learning (e-vir) | Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia | 0 | |
0010-4817 | Computers and the humanities | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0747-5632 | Computers in human behavior | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
1873-7692 | Computers in human behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0738-0569 | Computers in the schools | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-7033 | Computers in the schools (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1134-3478 | Comunicar | Grupo Comunicar. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3293 | Comunicar (e-vir) | Grupo Comunicar | 0 | ✔ |
0392-8667 | Comunicazioni sociali | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. | 0 | |
0010-5155 | Conceptus | Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs | 0 | |
2196-9523 | Conceptus (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0588-9804 | Concilium | M. Grünewald | 0 | ✔ |
1437-904X | Concilium medii aevi | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1437-9058 | Concilium medii aevi | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1437-9066 | Concilium medii aevi (e-vir) | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
0038-8610 | Concordia theological quarterly | Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.; Concordia Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
1677-0943 | Conexão | Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Centro de Ciências da Comunicação. | 0 | |
2178-2687 | Conexão | Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Centro de Ciências da Comunicação | 0 | |
1861-8340 | Conferences on new political economy | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1063-1801 | Configurations | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6520 | Configurations | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0747 | Conflict & communication online | Regener | 0 | |
2199-0360 | Confluence (e-vir) | Verlag Karl Alber | 0 | |
2036-0967 | Confluenze | Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne. Sezione di Iberistica. Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna | 0 | ✔ |
0103-1457 | Conjectura | Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul | 0 | |
2178-4612 | Conjectura (e-vir) | Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul | 0 | |
0939-5482 | Connotations | Waxmann | 0 | |
0010-6356 | Conradiana | Texas Tech University | 0 | |
1935-0252 | Conradiana (e-vir) | Texas Tech University | 0 | |
0035-600X | Consacrazione e servizio | Unione superiore maggiori d'Italia, Centro studi. | 0 | |
0259-0360 | Conscience et liberté | Association internationale pour la défense de la liberté religieuse | 0 | |
0975-3133 | Conservation & society | Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0972-4923 | Conservation & Society | Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment | 0 | ✔ |
1973-9494 | Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage | Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Università di Bologna | 0 | ✔ |
1043-4062 | Constitutional political economy | Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9966 | Constitutional political economy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0267-7768 | Construction history | Construction History Group | 0 | |
0144-6193 | Construction management and economics | E.& F.N. Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1466-433X | Construction management and economics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1876-1933 | Constructions and frames | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1876-1941 | Constructions and frames | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1075-7201 | Contagion (e-vir) | College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University | 0 | |
1930-1200 | Contagion (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | |
1932-8478 | Contemporary aesthetics (e-vir) | Contemporary Aesthetics | 0 | |
1361-9462 | Contemporary British history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7997 | Contemporary British history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1463-9947 | Contemporary Buddhism | Curzon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-7953 | Contemporary Buddhism (e-vir) | Curzon | 0 | ✔ |
1097-1467 | Contemporary Chinese thought | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | |
1558-0997 | Contemporary Chinese thought (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | |
0960-7773 | Contemporary European history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2171 | Contemporary European history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0892-2764 | Contemporary family therapy | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3335 | Contemporary family therapy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0147-9156 | Contemporary French civilization | [Montana State University?]; Department of French, University of Illinois]; Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-396X | Contemporary French civilization (e-vir) | [Montana State University?] | 0 | ✔ |
1872-0218 | Contemporary Islam | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1872-0226 | Contemporary Islam | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1817-4604 | Contemporary issues and ideas in social sciences (e-vir) | Society for Research in Social Sciences and Contiguous Disciplines | 0 | |
1869-2729 | Contemporary Japan | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1869-2737 | Contemporary Japan (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0147-1694 | Contemporary Jewry | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1876-5165 | Contemporary Jewry (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1356-9775 | Contemporary politics | South Bank University | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3631 | Contemporary politics (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-3429 | Contemporary pragmatism | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8185 | Contemporary pragmatism (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0010-7530 | Contemporary psychoanalysis | William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society.; William Alanson White Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
2330-9091 | Contemporary psychoanalysis (e-vir) | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0010-7565 | Contemporary review | Contemporary Review Co. | 0 | |
1352-3260 | Contemporary security policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8764 | Contemporary security policy (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0094-3061 | Contemporary sociology | American Sociological Association | 1 | ✔ |
1939-8638 | Contemporary sociology (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0958-4935 | Contemporary South Asia | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-364X | Contemporary South Asia (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0129-797X | Contemporary Southeast Asia | Singapore University Press for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 0 | |
1048-6801 | Contemporary theatre review | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2264 | Contemporary theatre review (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1783-094X | Contextes | Université de Liège | 0 | |
2033-5709 | Contextes | Université de Liège. | 0 | |
1983-3482 | Contextos Clínicos | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos | 0 | ✔ |
1536-5042 | Contexts | American Sociological Association | 0 | |
1537-6052 | Contexts | University of California Press; Published for the American Sociological Association | 0 | |
1387-2842 | Continental philosophy review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0611 | Continental philosophy review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
0268-4160 | Continuity and change | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-218X | Continuity and change (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0935-0381 | Controlling | Beck; Vahlen | 0 | |
2195-8262 | Controlling & management review | Springer Gabler | 0 | |
2195-8270 | Controlling & management review (e-vir) | Gabler | 0 | |
0010-8235 | Convivium | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Barcelona | 0 | |
2196-8403 | Convivium | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Bonn); Uniwersytet Łódzki. | 0 | ✔ |
2255-2855 | Convivium (e-vir) | Universidad de Barcelona | 0 | |
2657-6252 | Convivium (e-vir) | Uniwersytet Łódzki | 0 | ✔ |
0010-8367 | Cooperation and conflict | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3691 | Cooperation and conflict (e-vir) | Nordic Committee for the Study of International Politics | 0 | ✔ |
1069-0565 | Cornell journal of law and public policy | Cornell Law School | 0 | |
1869-795X | Corporate finance biz | Handelsblatt-Fachmedien | 0 | |
1869-7976 | Corporate finance law | Fachverl. Verl.-Gruppe Handelsbl. | 0 | |
1613-7027 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory | Mouton De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7035 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-0856 | Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory | Mouton De Gruyter | 0 | |
2061-5558 | Corvinus journal of sociology and social policy | Corvinus University of Budapest | 0 | |
2062-087X | Corvinus journal of sociology and social policy (e-vir) | Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Szociológia Doktori Iskola | 0 | |
Y507-0082 | Corvinus journal of sociology and social policy (e-vir) | Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Szociológia Doktori Iskola | 0 | |
1832-9101 | Cosmos and History (e-vir) | Cosmos and History Publishing Co-op. | 0 | |
0590-8876 | Costume | Costume Society.; Victoria and Albert Museum. | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6306 | Costume (e-vir) | Published for the Society | 0 | ✔ |
0269-526X | Country report | Economist Intelligence Unit | 0 | |
1532-687X | CR | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-6630 | CR (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2151-4755 | Creative education | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2151-4771 | Creative education (e-vir) | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1422-0857 | Crime, histoire & sociétés = | Droz | 0 | |
1663-4837 | Crime, histoire & sociétés = | Droz | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4994 | Crime, law and social change | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1573-0751 | Crime, law and social change (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4176 | Crime, law and social change (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | |
0192-3234 | Crime and justice | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2153-0416 | Crime and justice (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2193-7680 | Crime science (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2857 | Criminal behaviour and mental health (e-vir) | Whurr Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1871-9791 | Criminal law and philosophy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-9805 | Criminal law and philosophy (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1046-8374 | Criminal law forum | Rutgers University, School of Law; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9850 | Criminal law forum (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0316-0041 | Criminologie | Presses de l'Université de Montréal | 0 | ✔ |
1492-1367 | Criminologie (e-vir) | Presses de l'Université de Montréal | 0 | ✔ |
0011-1384 | Criminology | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1745-9125 | Criminology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
1748-8958 | Criminology & criminal justice | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1748-8966 | Criminology & criminal justice (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0227-5910 | Crisis | C. J. Hogrefe | 3 | ✔ |
2151-2396 | Crisis (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0393-3598 | Cristianesimo nella storia | Centro Editoriale Dehoniano | 0 | ✔ |
2612-2227 | Cristianesimo nella storia (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1467-2715 | Critical Asian studies | BCAS,; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1472-6033 | Critical Asian studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1205-8629 | Critical criminology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9877 | Critical criminology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0093-1896 | Critical inquiry | University of Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
1539-7858 | Critical inquiry (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1753-0873 | Critical literacy (e-vir) | Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice | 0 | |
0011-1562 | Critical quarterly | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8705 | Critical quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1838-8310 | Critical Race and Whiteness Studies (e-vir) | Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association | 0 | |
0891-3811 | Critical review | Libertarian Review Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1933-8007 | Critical review | Libertarian Review Foundation] | 0 | ✔ |
1461-703X | Critical social policy (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0896-9205 | Critical sociology | Dept. of Sociology, University of Oregon | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1632 | Critical sociology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1712-0624 | Critical studies in improvisation (e-vir) | University of Guelph, College of Arts | 0 | |
0739-3180 | Critical studies in mass communication | The Association | 0 | |
0011-1570 | Critical survey | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2293 | Critical survey (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
0011-1589 | Criticism | Wayne State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0342 | Criticism (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0247-381X | Criticón | Institut d'études hispaniques et hispano-américaines (Toulouse); Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès | 0 | |
2272-9852 | Criticón (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Mirail | 0 | |
0011-1600 | Critique | Editions de Minuit | 0 | |
0011-1619 | Critique | Bolingbroke Society | 0 | ✔ |
0301-7605 | Critique | Critique | 0 | ✔ |
1748-8605 | Critique (e-vir) | 'Critique' | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9138 | Critique (e-vir) | [Bolingbroke Society] | 0 | ✔ |
1290-7839 | Critique internationale | Presses de Sciences Po | 0 | |
1777-554X | Critique internationale (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
0308-275X | Critique of anthropology | London Alternative Anthropology Group | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3721 | Critique of anthropology (e-vir) | London Alternative Anthropology Group | 0 | ✔ |
1333-1108 | Croatian journal of philosophy | Kruzak | 3 | |
1847-6139 | Croatian journal of philosophy | Kruzak | 0 | |
Y504-0191 | Croatian journal of philosophy | Kruzak | 0 | |
1712-8358 | Cross-cultural communication | Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture | 0 | |
1923-6700 | Cross-cultural communication | Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture. | 0 | |
1069-3971 | Cross-cultural research | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3578 | Cross-cultural research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2040-4344 | Crossings | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2040-4352 | Crossings (e-vir) | Intellect Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1833-878X | Crossroads (e-vir) | School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics | 0 | |
0261-0183 | CSP. Critical social policy | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0210-847X | Cuadernos de estudios gallegos | Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8333 | Cuadernos de estudios gallegos | Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0214-4018 | Cuadernos de historia moderna | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1696-747X | Cuadernos de historia moderna (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1988-2475 | Cuadernos de historia moderna | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1135-7991 | Cuadernos de información y comunicación | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1698-1081 | Cuadernos de información y comunicación (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1988-4001 | Cuadernos de información y comunicación | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
2346-1691 | Cuadernos de literatura (e-vir) | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | ✔ |
0122-8102 | Cuadernos de Literatura | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | |
1794-6670 | Cuadernos de musica, artes visuales y artes escenicas | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | |
2215-9959 | Cuadernos de musica, artes visuales y artes escenicas (e-vir) | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | ✔ |
0011-250X | Cuadernos hispanoamericanos | Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana | 0 | |
0210-4857 | Cuadernos salmantinos de filosofía | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
1852-0723 | Cuba arqueológica (e-vir) | O. Hernández de Lara | 0 | |
1584-1057 | Cultura | P. Lang | 0 | ✔ |
2065-5002 | Cultura (e-vir) | Editura Fundaţiei Axis | 0 | ✔ |
1697-7750 | Cultura, lenguaje y representación | Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions | 0 | |
2340-4981 | Cultura, lenguaje y representación (e-vir) | Universidad Jaume I | 0 | |
1478-0038 | Cultural and social history | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1478-0046 | Cultural and social history (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0886-7356 | Cultural anthropology | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1360 | Cultural anthropology (e-vir) | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0882-4371 | Cultural critique | Society for Cultural Critique; Telos Press | 0 | |
1460-2458 | Cultural critique (e-vir) | University of Minnesota Press | 0 | |
0921-3740 | Cultural dynamics | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7048 | Cultural dynamics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1474-4740 | Cultural geographies | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0881 | Cultural geographies (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2197 | Cultural politics | Berg Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7435 | Cultural politics (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1749-9755 | Cultural sociology | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1749-9763 | Cultural sociology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1502 | Cultural studies of science education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1510 | Cultural studies of science education (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0391-5654 | Cultura neolatina | Istituto di filologia romanza dell'Università di Roma.; Università degli studi, Roma La Sapienza. Facoltà di lettere. Istituto di filologia romanza. | 0 | |
0165-005X | Culture, medicine and psychiatry | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-076X | Culture, medicine and psychiatry (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2253-797X | Culture & history digital journal | IH | 0 | ✔ |
1354-067X | Culture & psychology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7056 | Culture & psychology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1465-4121 | Culture machine | [Culture Machine]. | 0 | |
0344-8622 | Curare | Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung | 0 | |
0011-3131 | Current | Heldref Publications | 0 | |
0011-3204 | Current anthropology | The University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5382 | Current anthropology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2198-6061 | Current climate change reports (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0011-3530 | Current history | Current History | 0 | ✔ |
1944-785X | Current history (e-vir) | Events Publishing Company; Current History Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0011-3735 | Current musicology | Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
2640-883X | Current musicology (e-vir) | Columbia University Libraries and Columbia University Department of Music | 0 | |
1046-1310 | Current psychology | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University | 1 | ✔ |
1936-4733 | Current psychology (e-vir) | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University | 1 | ✔ |
1944-4877 | Current research in jazz (e-vir) | Current Research in Jazz | 0 | ✔ |
2042-4841 | Current research journal of economic theory | Maxwell Science Publication, | 0 | |
2042-485X | Current research journal of economic theory | Maxwell Science Publication | 0 | |
2041-3238 | Current research journal of social sciences | Maxwell Science Publication,; Maxwell Science Publication | 0 | |
2041-3246 | Current research journal of social sciences (e-vir) | Maxwell Science Publication | 0 | |
1499-6073 | Currents (e-vir) | University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work | 0 | |
1476-993X | Currents in biblical research | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5200 | Currents in biblical research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0098-2113 | Currents in theology and mission | Evangelical Lutherans in Mission.; Christ Seminary-Seminex.; Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.; Concordia Seminary in Exile.; Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.; Wartburg Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0011-3921 | Current sociology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7064 | Current sociology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4184 | Current sociology (e-vir) | Sage publications | 0 | |
0362-6784 | Curriculum inquiry | J. Wiley. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-873X | Curriculum inquiry (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2196-291X | Customer needs and solutions | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2196-2928 | Customer needs and solutions (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1802-7962 | Cyberpsychology (e-vir) | Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University | 0 | |
1211-0264 | Czech Music | Hudební informační středisko o.p.s. | 0 | |
1804-0586 | Czech Music (e-vir) | Hudební informační středisko o.p.s. | 0 | |
0257-9472 | Dachauer Hefte | Verl. Dachauer Hefte | 0 | |
1582-4438 | Dacoromania | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
0011-5258 | Dados | Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro | 0 | |
1678-4588 | Dados | Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro. | 0 | |
0011-5266 | Daedalus | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1548-6192 | Daedalus (e-vir) | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1130-0507 | Daimon | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4651 | Daimon | Edit.um | 0 | ✔ |
0011-5908 | Damals | IPS-Pressevertrieb; Konradin-Medien | 0 | |
1947-5403 | Dancecult (e-vir) | Eliot Bates and Graham St. John | 0 | |
0070-2749 | Danish yearbook of philosophy | Selskabet for Filosofi og Psykologi.; Dansk Filosofisk Selskab.; Philosophical Society of Aarhus.; Philosophical Society of Odense. | 0 | |
0106-4525 | Danske studier | C. A. Reitzel | 0 | ✔ |
0070-2862 | Dante studies, with the annual report of the Dante Society | Dante Society of America. | 0 | ✔ |
2329-2180 | Dante studies, with the annual report of the Dante Society (e-vir) | The Dante Society of America, Incorporated in co-operation with the State University of New York at Binghamton | 0 | |
1863-9887 | Danubiana Carpathica | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3009 | Dao | Global Publications, Binghamton University, State University of New York | 0 | ✔ |
1569-7274 | Dao (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0300-693X | Daphnis | Walter de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-6583 | Daphnis (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0722-740X | Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert | Wallstein | 0 | |
1015-406X | Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich | Winkler | 0 | |
0004-1157 | Das Argument | Argument Ariadne Versand; Argument-Vertrieb | 0 | |
0016-4739 | Das Gartenamt | Patzer | 0 | |
0943-0776 | Das Gedicht | Leitner. | 0 | |
2567-3181 | Das historisch-politische Buch (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2605 | Das Historisch-politische Buch | Muster-Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1013-6940 | Das Kunst-Bulletin | Schweizerischer Kunstverein | 0 | |
0175-7601 | Das Logbuch | Arbeitskreis Historischer Schiffbau e.V. | 0 | |
0949-0345 | Das Mittelalter | Akademie Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6869 | Das Mittelalter (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0030-4468 | Das Orchester | Schott Music | 0 | |
2199-5710 | Das Orchester (e-vir) | Schott | 0 | |
0938-6602 | Das Plateau | 0 | ||
0724-5262 | Das Schullandheim | Verband Deutscher Schullandheime | 0 | |
0932-4747 | Das Zeichen | Zentrum für Deutsche Gebärdensprache | 0 | |
1614-0702 | Datenschutz und Datensicherheit | Gabler, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2607 | Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (e-vir) | Vieweg | 0 | ✔ |
0721-1902 | DB | Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt; Pegasus-Buch- und Zeitschr.- Vertriebs-Gmbh | 0 | |
0929-0761 | Dead Sea discoveries | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5179 | Dead Sea discoveries (e-vir) | Brill Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3154 | Deafness & education international | Whurr | 0 | ✔ |
1557-069X | Deafness & education international | Whurr Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0004-3389 | De arte | University of South Africa.; University of South Africa. | 0 | ✔ |
2471-4100 | De arte (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0965-156X | Debatte | Routledge | 0 | |
1469-3712 | Debatte (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | |
1554-6535 | Decimonónica (e-vir) | [Utah State University, Languages, Philosophy, & Speech Communication] | 0 | |
0304-0941 | Decision | Indian Institute of Management | 0 | ✔ |
2197-1722 | Decision (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
1129-6569 | Decisions in economics and finance (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag Italia | 0 | ✔ |
1593-8883 | Decisions in economics and finance | Springer-Verlag Italia | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9982 | De Economist (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0251-2408 | De Franse Nederlanden | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
0011-7765 | Delaware history | Historical Society of Delaware,; Delaware Historical Society, | 0 | |
1351-0347 | Democratization | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-890X | Democratization (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0353-6181 | Demografski zbornik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti; Republički društveni savet za pitanja porodice i razvoj stanovništva | 0 | |
1435-9871 | Demographic research | Books on Demand, | 0 | |
2363-7064 | Demographic research (e-vir) | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0070-3370 | Demography | Population Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
1533-7790 | Demography (e-vir) | Population Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
0946-4549 | DenkMal! | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Schleswig-Holstein. | 0 | |
0342-0027 | Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart | 0 | |
0011-8869 | Denver quarterly | University of Denver | 0 | |
0002-6670 | Der altsprachliche Unterricht | Friedrich | 0 | |
0003-2336 | Der Amtsvormund | Deutsches Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V.; DIJuF. | 0 | |
0003-9500 | Der Archivar | Nordrhein-Westfälisches Hauptstaatsarchiv; Schmitt | 0 | |
0005-674X | Der Baumeister | Callwey | 0 | |
0005-9935 | Der Betrieb | Handelsblatt-GmbH, Verlag für Wirtschafts-information | 0 | |
0947-6563 | Der blaue Reiter | Der Blaue Reiter, Verl. für Philosophie Reusch, | 0 | |
0007-3121 | Der Bürger im Staat | Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg | 0 | |
0724-4207 | Der christliche Osten | Augustinusverlag | 0 | |
0724-5343 | Der deutsche Lehrer im Ausland | Verband Deutscher Lehrer im Ausland e.V. | 0 | |
0340-2258 | Der Deutschunterricht | E. Friedrich; Klett | 0 | |
0012-5415 | Der Donauraum | Fachverlag für Wirtschaft und Technik Ges. M. B. H. & Co. KG | 0 | |
2307-289X | Der Donauraum (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | |
0945-1250 | Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht | Erhard Friedrich | 0 | |
0945-1269 | Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht | Erhard Friedrich | 0 | |
1611-8510 | Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Spanisch | 0 | ||
1421-2919 | Der Geschichtsfreund | Gisler Druck AG; Historischer Verein der V Orte; Historischer Verein Zentralschweiz | 0 | |
0250-6440 | Der Gesellschafter | Linde Verlag; Manz'sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung | 0 | |
0018-0793 | Der Herold | Herold, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissenschaften zu Berlin. | 0 | |
0021-1818 | Der Islam | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0928 | Der Islam | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0024-9661 | Der Märker | Märkischer Kreis, Oberkreisdirektor | 0 | |
0025-3863 | Der Markt | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Absatzwirtschaft; Springer | 0 | |
1867-8882 | Der Markt (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0025-5807 | Der Mathematikunterricht | Friedrich | 0 | |
1865-7192 | Der moderne Staat | 0 | ||
0943-5484 | Der pädagogische Blick | 0 | ||
0175-9299 | Der Personalrat | Bund-Verl. | 0 | |
0036-6145 | Der Schlern | Athesia | 0 | |
0038-884X | Der Staat | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5203 | Der Staat (e-vir) | Duncker u. Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0049-223X | Der Steuerberater | 0 | ||
0084-2613 | Der Wormsgau | Altertumsverein Worms e.V.; Stadt Worms. | 0 | |
0747-9360 | Design issues | University of Illinois at Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
1531-4790 | Design issues (e-vir) | University of Illinois at Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
0932-3724 | Designreport | MACup Verlag GmbH | 0 | |
1614-3361 | Deuterocanonical and cognate literature | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1614-337X | Deuterocanonical and cognate literature (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1461-9245 | Deutsch, Lehren und Lernen | Association for Language Learning. | 0 | |
0011-9741 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache | E. Schmidt | 1 | |
2198-2430 | Deutsch als Fremdsprache (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
Y509-884X | Deutsch als Fremdsprache (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
1619-8433 | Deutsch als Zweitsprache | 0 | ||
0012-0332 | Deutsche Jugend | Juventa-Verlag | 0 | |
0012-0618 | Deutsche Renten Versicherung | Wirtschaftsdienst - Verlag | 0 | |
0012-1223 | Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters | Böhlau | 0 | |
0341-129X | Deutsches Autorecht | ADAC-Verlag. | 0 | |
0070-444X | Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch | H. Böhlau | 0 | ✔ |
2194-4059 | Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0340-9341 | Deutsche Sprache | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1868-775X | Deutsche Sprache (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1363 | Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt | Heymann. | 0 | |
0012-0936 | Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte | J. B. Metzler | 0 | ✔ |
2365-9521 | Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-8203 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Kommunalwissenschaften | Dt. Inst. für Urbanistik | 0 | |
0012-1045 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
2192-1482 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | |
0344-5925 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin | Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag | 0 | |
2510-5264 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin (e-vir) | Dynamic Media Sales Verlag | 0 | |
1439-1589 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Insolvenzrecht | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-7056 | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Insolvenzrecht | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1428 | Deutschland-Archiv | Verlag Wissenschaft u. Politik von Nottbeck | 0 | |
0012-1649 | Developmental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0599 | Developmental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0273-2297 | Developmental review | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2406 | Developmental review (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0345-2328 | Development dialogue | Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation | 0 | |
2002-3480 | Development dialogue (e-vir) | Dag Hammarskjölds minnesfond | 0 | |
0961-4524 | Development in practice | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
1364-9213 | Development in practice (e-vir) | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
0376-835X | Development Southern Africa | Development Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3637 | Development Southern Africa (e-vir) | Development Bank of Southern Africa | 0 | ✔ |
0921-142X | De Zeventiende eeuw | Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw | 0 | |
2212-7402 | De Zeventiende eeuw | DBNL; Igitur Publishing | 0 | |
1994-2664 | Dhaulagiri | Tribhuvan University.; Department of Sociology/Anthropology.; Mahendra MultipleCampus. | 0 | |
1994-2672 | Dhaulagiri | Tribhuvan University, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Mahendra MultipleCampus | 0 | |
0176-4225 | Diachronica | John Benjamins Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9714 | Diachronica | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0300-7162 | Diacritics | John Hopkins University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1080-6539 | Diacritics (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1924 | Diagnostica | Verlag für Psychologie Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-622X | Diagnostica | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0341-9592 | Diakonia | Herder | 0 | |
0012-2017 | Dialectica | Dialectica | 0 | ✔ |
1746-8361 | Dialectica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4192 | Dialectica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | |
0304-4092 | Dialectical anthropology | Elsevier Scientific ... [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0786 | Dialectical anthropology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2013-2247 | Dialectologia (e-vir) | Universitat de Barcelona | 0 | |
0942-4040 | Dialectologia et geolinguistica | M. de Gruyter | 1 | ✔ |
1867-0903 | Dialectologia et geolinguistica (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0939-5512 | Dialektik | Meiner | 0 | |
0936-1138 | Dialog mit Bibliotheken | Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt a.M. | 0 | |
0210-2870 | Diálogo ecuménico | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
1234-5792 | Dialogue and universalism | Centre of Universalism, Warsaw University | 0 | |
2035-0031 | Dialogues in philosophy mental and neuro sciences | Associazione Crossing Dialogues | 0 | |
0212-2952 | Dicenda | Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1698-2460 | Dicenda (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filologia Española II. | 0 | |
1988-2556 | Dicenda (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1130-0531 | Didáctica | Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1698-2452 | Didáctica (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. | 0 | |
1988-2548 | Didáctica | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1431-4355 | Didaktik Deutsch | 0 | ||
1028-7213 | Didaktische Informationen | Universitätverlag Wagner, Institut für Klassische Philologie | 0 | |
1321-4853 | Didaskalia (e-vir) | University of Tasmania | 0 | |
0070-4806 | Diderot studies | Droz | 0 | |
0002-3752 | Die Aktiengesellschaft | O. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
2366-097X | Die Aktiengesellschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0170-9364 | Die alte Stadt | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0342-3182 | Die Bank | Bank-Verlag | 0 | |
0935-1930 | Die berufliche Sozialarbeit | Deutscher Berufsverband der Sozialarbeiter und Sozialpädagogen e.V.; DBS. | 0 | |
0005-951X | Die berufsbildende Schule | Bundesverband der Lehrer an Beruflichen Schulen; Deutscher Verband der Gewerbelehrer; Bundesverband der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an Beruflichen Schulen | 0 | |
0342-7064 | Die Betriebswirtschaft | Schäffer-Poeschel | 0 | |
0931-9514 | Die Brücke | Brücke e.V. | 0 | |
0163-0415 | Dieciocho | University of Virginia. | 0 | |
2169-5385 | Dieciocho (e-vir) | University of Virgina, Department of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese | 0 | |
0947-031X | Die Denkmalpflege | Dt. Kunstverl. | 0 | ✔ |
0012-0731 | Die deutsche Schule | Juventa | 0 | |
2699-5379 | Die deutsche Schule (e-vir) | Waxmann Verlag GmbH | 0 | |
0012-6063 | Die Drei | Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in Deutschland | 0 | |
0013-9998 | Die Erde | Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin | 0 | |
0340-0255 | Die Friedens-warte | A. H. Fried | 0 | |
2366-6714 | Die Friedens-Warte (e-vir) | BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
1618-7679 | Die Gemeindekasse | Boorberg. | 0 | |
0340-6172 | Die Gestalt | EOS-Verlag. | 0 | |
0533-3431 | Die Grundschule | Bildungshaus Schulbuchverl. Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg Schöningh Winklers, | 0 | |
0932-3910 | Die Grundschulzeitschrift | Friedrich | 0 | |
1618-9671 | Die Hochschule | 0 | ||
0018-4942 | Die Horen | Wirtschaftsverlag | 0 | |
1861-311X | Die Kindergartenzeitschrift | 0 | ||
0342-0736 | Die Kunde | Niedersächsischer Landesverein für Urgeschichte; Abteilung Urgeschichte des Niedersächsischen Landesmuseums | 0 | |
0025-2697 | Die Mappe | Callwey | 0 | |
0723-5984 | Die Mitbestimmung | Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.; Hans-Böckler-Foundation. | 0 | |
0027-4801 | Die Musikforschung | Bärenreiter-Verlag | 0 | |
0177-6738 | Die neue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte | Dietz | 0 | |
0340-448X | Die neue Hochschule | Technischer Verlag Resch | 0 | |
0932-7665 | Die neue Ordnung | Gesellschaftswissenschaften | 0 | |
2193-049X | Die neueren Sprachen | Gesamtverband Moderne Fremdsprachen | 0 | |
0342-9873 | Die Oberpfalz | Lassleben. | 0 | |
0029-859X | Die öffentliche Verwaltung | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0476-3475 | Die Personalvertretung | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7857 | Die Personalvertretung | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3446 | Die politische Meinung | Fromm | 0 | |
0032-3519 | Die Polizei | Heymann | 0 | |
0376-401X | Die Sprache | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0584-9470 | Die Sprachheilarbeit | Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
0340-9503 | Die steuerliche Betriebsprüfung | Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1868-789X | Die steuerliche Betriebsprüfung | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0258-0144 | Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir sosiologie | Universiteit van Pretoria. Departement sosiologie | 0 | |
0042-059X | Die Unternehmung | Versus | 0 | |
0042-062X | Die Unterrichtspraxis | Published on behalf of American Association of Teachers of German by Wiley Subscription Services [etc.] | 0 | |
1756-1221 | Die Unterrichtspraxis = (e-vir) | Published on behalf of the American Association of Teachers of German by Wiley Subscription Services Inc | 0 | |
0042-4498 | Die Verwaltung | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5211 | Die Verwaltung (e-vir) | Duncker u. Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0043-2520 | Die Welt der Slaven | Verlag Otto Sagner | 0 | |
0043-2539 | Die Welt des Islams | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0607 | Die Welt des Islams = | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0043-2547 | Die Welt des Orients | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-9019 | Die Welt des Orients (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0945-3164 | DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung | Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle des DVV | 0 | |
1948-1802 | Digital Defoe (e-vir) | Illinois State University] | 0 | |
2199-3246 | Digital experiences in mathematics education | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
2199-3254 | Digital experiences in mathematics education (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1938-4122 | Digital humanities quarterly | Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations | 0 | ✔ |
0392-1921 | Diogenes | International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies | 0 | |
1467-7695 | Diogenes (e-vir) | [Berghahn Books] | 0 | |
0959-2296 | Diplomacy and statecraft | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1557-301X | Diplomacy and statecraft (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1593-2605 | Diritto del commercio internazionale | Giuffrè | 0 | |
0391-2434 | Diritto e pratica dell'aviazione civile | Giuffrè ;; Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, | 0 | |
1020-7287 | Disarmament forum | UNIDIR.; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. | 0 | |
1963-1723 | Discours (e-vir) | Revue Discours | 0 | ✔ |
1522-5321 | Discourse | [publisher not identified] | 0 | ✔ |
1536-1810 | Discourse | [s.n.]; Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Indiana University Press; Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0957-9265 | Discourse & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3624 | Discourse & society (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-4456 | Discourse studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7080 | Discourse studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1808-5652 | Discursos Fotográficos | Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Curso de Especialização em Fotografia. | 0 | |
1984-7939 | Discursos Fotográficos | Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Curso de Especialização em Fotografia | 0 | |
1306-9055 | Disiplinlerarası müzik araştırmaları dergisi (e-vir) | Ali Cenk Gedik; Mesude Yıldız Gedik | 0 | |
1862-5002 | Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung | Barbara Budrich | 0 | |
1437-4722 | Diskussion Musikpädagogik | Hildegard-Junker-Verl., | 0 | |
0251-3625 | DISP | DISP | 0 | ✔ |
2166-8604 | DISP | Institut für Orts-, Regional- und Landesplanung; Taylor & Francis] | 0 | ✔ |
0012-3846 | Dissent | [Dissent Pub. Corp., etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1946-0910 | Dissent (e-vir) | [Dissent Pub. Corp.] | 0 | ✔ |
1422-7371 | Dissonanz | Schweizerische Tonkünstlerverein | 0 | |
0012-4125 | Dithmarschen | Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens. | 0 | |
2079-6595 | Diversities (e-vir) | Unesco | 0 | |
0012-4222 | Divinitas | [s. n.] | 0 | |
0012-4257 | Divus Thomas | Tipografia G. Tedeschi; Studio domenicano | 0 | |
0070-6760 | Dix-huitième siècle | Société française d'étude du XVIIIe siècle | 0 | |
1969-6965 | Dix-septième siècle (e-vir) | Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle (France) | 0 | ✔ |
0930-7842 | DJI-Bulletin | Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.; DJI. | 0 | |
1082-9873 | D-Lib magazine (e-vir) | Corporation for National Research Initiatives | 0 | |
1646-477X | Doc on-line (e-vir) | LABCOM Laboratório de Comunicação Online | 0 | |
2035-7362 | Doctor Virtualis | Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano | 0 | ✔ |
0286-682X | Doitsu bungaku | Gesellschaft für Germanistik, Kansai Universität. | 0 | |
0419-5833 | Doitsu bungaku ronko | Hanshin doitsu bungakkai; Hanshin doitsu bungakkai; Hanshin doitsu bungakkai | 0 | |
0012-5172 | Dokumente | Europa-Union-Verlag | 0 | |
0012-5245 | Dollars & sense | Economic Affairs Bureau | 0 | |
1013-2309 | Dostoevsky Studies | University of Klagenfurt, Institute of Slavic Studies | 0 | |
0418-0615 | Dresdener Kunstblätter | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. | 0 | |
0361-2112 | Dress | Costume Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
2042-1729 | Dress (e-vir) | Costume Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0012-6837 | Du | Conzett & Huber | 0 | |
0012-6861 | Dublin historical record | Old Dublin Society | 0 | |
0070-7546 | Dumbarton Oaks papers | Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies. | 0 | |
2325-9345 | Dumbarton Oaks papers (e-vir) | Harvard University Press | 0 | |
1752-2307 | Durkheimian studies (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
1362-024X | Durkheimian studies = | British Centre for Durkheimian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0342-0019 | Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch | Klartext-Verl., | 0 | |
2211-7245 | Dutch journal of applied linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2211-7253 | Dutch journal of applied linguistics (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1867-9595 | Duz | Raabe, Fachverl. für Wiss.-Information | 0 | |
1613-1290 | Duz-Magazin | Raabe, Fachverl. für Wiss.-Information | 0 | |
1433-3120 | DVPB aktuell | Deutsche Vereinigung für Politsche Bildung.; DVPB. | 0 | |
0724-6617 | DWW. Deutsche Wohnungswirtschaft | Verlag Deutsche Wohnungswirtschaft | 0 | |
1946-7125 | Dynamical psychology | B. Goertzel | 0 | |
1076-9242 | Dyslexia | Wiley | 0 | |
1099-0909 | Dyslexia (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0944-5277 | E.-T.-A.-Hoffmann-Jahrbuch | E.T.A. Hoffmann-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0942-4857 | E&L. Erleben und lernen | Gesellschaft für Innovative Bildungsplanung und -förderung mbH | 0 | |
0721-2178 | E + Z | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH.; GIZ. | 0 | |
0012-8163 | Early American literature | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | 0 | |
1534-147X | Early American literature (e-vir) | [publisher not identified] | 0 | |
0300-4430 | Early child development and care | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8275 | Early child development and care (e-vir) | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1082-3301 | Early childhood education journal | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1707 | Early childhood education journal (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0254 | Early medieval Europe (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0963-9462 | Early Medieval Europe | Longman | 0 | ✔ |
1892-0888 | Early modern culture online (e-vir) | Early Modern Research Group and The Bergen Shakespeare andDrama Network | 0 | |
1201-2459 | Early modern literary studies (e-vir) | Dept. of English, University of British Columbia. | 0 | ✔ |
0306-1078 | Early music | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-7260 | Early music (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4206 | Early music (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0261-1279 | Early music history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0559 | Early music history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5016 | Early music history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1746-0654 | Early popular visual culture | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0662 | Early popular visual culture (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1383-7427 | Early science and medicine | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3823 | Early science and medicine | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6434 | Earth perspectives (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0856-8960 | East African of public health | Mhimbili University College of Health Science | 0 | |
1096-6838 | East Asia | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6284 | East Asia (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1036-6008 | East Asian history | Australian National University. Institute of Advanced Studies. | 0 | |
1350-1674 | East European Jewish affairs | Institute of Jewish Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1743-971X | East European Jewish affairs (e-vir) | Institute of Jewish Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1069-5664 | East-West church & ministry report | Institute for East-West Christian Studies, Billy Graham Center | 0 | |
1816-7632 | e-beratungsjournal.net | e-beratungsjournal | 0 | |
0014-1445 | ECA | Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas | 0 | |
1644-7298 | Ecological Questions | Nicolaus Copernicus University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2083-5469 | Ecological Questions (e-vir) | "Versita" | 0 | |
1708-3087 | Ecology and society (e-vir) | Resilience Alliance | 0 | ✔ |
0012-9682 | Econometrica | Econometric Society, Dept. of Economics, Northwestern University | 0 | ✔ |
0870-3531 | Economia | Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas | 0 | |
1593-9464 | Economia e diritto del terziario | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0391-2078 | Economia e politica industriale | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
1972-4977 | Economia e politica industriale (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
1827-2479 | Economia e società regionale. Oltre il ponte | IRES Veneto.; Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali, Istituto Studi Economici.; Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali. | 0 | |
0012-981X | Economia Internazionale | Istituto di Economia Internazionale | 0 | |
1120-2890 | Economia politica | Il Mulino. | 0 | ✔ |
1973-820X | Economia politica | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0390-6140 | Economia pubblica | Franco Angeli. | 0 | |
0013-0427 | Economica | T. Fisher Unwin | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0335 | Economica (e-vir) | London School of Economics and Political Science | 0 | ✔ |
0976-4666 | Economic affairs (e-vir) | Indianjournals.com | 0 | |
0313-5926 | Economic analysis and policy | Economic Society of Australian and New Zealand. Queensland Branch. | 0 | ✔ |
2204-2296 | Economic analysis and policy (e-vir) | Economic Society of Australian and New Zealand | 0 | ✔ |
0143-831X | Economic and industrial democracy | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7099 | Economic and industrial democracy (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0012-9984 | Economic and social review | Economic and Social Review | 0 | |
1573-9414 | Economic change and restructuring | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1574-0277 | Economic change and restructuring | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0079 | Economic development and cultural change | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-2988 | Economic development and cultural change (e-vir) | University of Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
0424-2769 | Economic education bulletin | American Institute for Economic Research. | 0 | |
0013-0095 | Economic geography | Clark University. | 0 | ✔ |
1944-8287 | Economic geography (e-vir) | Clark University | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0117 | Economic history review | Economic history society | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0289 | Economic history review (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0095-2583 | Economic inquiry | Western Economic Association International [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1465-7295 | Economic inquiry (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0133 | Economic journal | Royal Economic Society; Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0297 | Economic journal (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1759-3441 | Economic papers (e-vir) | The Society; Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0812-0439 | Economic papers - Economic Society of Australia | Economic Society of Australia. | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0249 | Economic record | Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2921 | Economics bulletin (e-vir) | Economics Bulletin | 0 | ✔ |
1435-6104 | Economics of governance | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1435-8131 | Economics of governance | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
2090-2131 | Economics Research International (Online) | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | |
2090-2123 | Economics Research International (Print) | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | |
0953-5314 | Economic systems research | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5758 | Economic systems research (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0938-2259 | Economic theory | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0479 | Economic theory | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2196-1085 | Economic theory bulletin | Springer, | 0 | |
2196-1093 | Economic theory bulletin (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0559 | Economie rurale | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1841-8678 | Economie teoreticæa şi aplicatæa | Ager | 0 | |
1844-0029 | Economie teoreticæa şi aplicatæa = | Ager | 0 | |
0013-063X | Economist | Stenfert Kroese | 0 | ✔ |
0308-5147 | Economy and society | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5766 | Economy and society (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0818 | Edda | Universitetsforl | 0 | ✔ |
1500-1989 | Edda (e-vir) | Universitetsforl. | 0 | ✔ |
0931-3079 | Editio | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9446 | Editio (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0965-0792 | Educational action research | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5074 | Educational action research (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0013-161X | Educational administration quarterly | University Council for Educational Administration | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3519 | Educational administration quarterly (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1644 | Educational and psychological measurement | Educational and Psychological Measurement, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3888 | Educational and psychological measurement (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8597 | Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8600 | Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0162-3737 | Educational evaluation and policy analysis | American Educational Research Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1062 | Educational evaluation and policy analysis (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1047-8248 | Educational foundations | Prakken Publications | 0 | |
0895-9048 | Educational policy | Corwin Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3896 | Educational policy (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0144-3410 | Educational psychology | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5820 | Educational psychology (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1040-726X | Educational psychology review | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-336X | Educational psychology review | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1881 | Educational research | NFER Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5847 | Educational research (e-vir) | NFER Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0013-189X | Educational researcher | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1935-102X | Educational researcher (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1570-2081 | Educational research for policy and practice | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1723 | Educational research for policy and practice (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1911 | Educational review | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3397 | Educational review (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0305-5698 | Educational studies | Carfax Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3400 | Educational studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0013-1954 | Educational studies in mathematics | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0816 | Educational studies in mathematics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1042-1629 | Educational technology research and development | Association for Educational Communications and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
1556-6501 | Educational technology research and development (e-vir) | Association for Educational Communications and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
0013-2004 | Educational theory | University of Illinois | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5446 | Educational theory (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2357 | Education and information technologies | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7608 | Education and information technologies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0013-1245 | Education and urban society | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3535 | Education and urban society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0964-5292 | Education economics | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5782 | Education economics (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0167-8329 | Education for information | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8649 | Education for information (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
2000-4508 | Education inquiry (e-vir) | Umeå School of Education, Umeå University | 0 | ✔ |
0258-9877 | Education permanente | Schweizerische Vereinigung für Erwachsenenbildung; Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung | 0 | |
1068-2341 | Education policy analysis archives | College of Education, Arizona State University | 0 | ✔ |
0843-5081 | Education today | Ontario Public School Boards Association. | 0 | |
1540-5877 | Ehumanista | College of Letters and Science of the University of California, Santa Barbara | 0 | |
1692-8857 | Eidos | Universidad del Norte | 0 | |
2011-7477 | Eidos (e-vir) | Universidad del Norte | 0 | |
0840-6286 | Eighteenth-century fiction | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1911-0243 | Eighteenth-century fiction (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0013-2586 | Eighteenth-century studies | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-315X | Eighteenth-century studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0934-7887 | Einbecker Jahrbuch | Einbecker Geschichtsverein e.V. | 0 | |
0013-2918 | Ejército de tierra español | Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica | 0 | |
1444-741X | Ejournalist (e-vir) | Faculty of Informatics and Communication, Central Queensland University | 0 | |
2075-9517 | eJournal of eDemocracy and open government (e-vir) | Center for E-Government, Danube University Krems | 0 | |
2154-8927 | E-journal of organizational learning and leadership (e-vir) | WeLead, Inc. | 0 | |
1645-6432 | E-journal of Portuguese history | Univ. do Porto; Brown University | 0 | ✔ |
1813-7784 | e-Journal philosophie der psychologie | Forschungsinitiative Philosophie der Psychologie | 0 | |
1540-4889 | E-Keltoi (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee. | 0 | |
0013-3183 | Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift | Economic Society of Finland.; Ekonomiska samfundet i Finland. | 0 | |
0352-2016 | Ekonomski zbornik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje društvenih nauka | 0 | |
1389-5753 | Electronic commerce research | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9362 | Electronic commerce research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-1376 | Electronic commerce research | Kluwer | 0 | |
1860-9937 | Electronic international journal of time use research | University of Lueneburg, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Research Institute on Professions. | 0 | |
1239-2685 | Electronic journal of business ethics and organization studies (e-vir) | Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON) | 0 | |
1477-7029 | Electronic journal of business research methods (e-vir) | EJBRM | 0 | ✔ |
1479-439X | Electronic journal of e-government (e-vir) | Management Centre International | 0 | |
0219-9874 | Electronic journal of foreign language teaching | Centre for Language Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore | 0 | |
1566-6379 | Electronic journal of information systems evaluation (e-vir) | Academic Conferences | 0 | |
1479-4411 | Electronic journal of knowledge management (e-vir) | Academic Conferences International. | 0 | ✔ |
1860-7470 | Eleed | Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. | 0 | |
1507-7187 | Elektroniczny Biuletyn Informacyjny Bibliotekarzy (e-vir) | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | ✔ |
1989-9289 | El Futuro del pasado (e-vir) | El Futuro del Pasado | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8304 | ELH | Johns Hopkins University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6547 | ELH (e-vir) | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1935-0791 | Ellipsis | American Portuguese Studies Association | 0 | |
2152-9604 | Ellipsis (e-vir) | American Portuguese Studies Association | 0 | |
1835-6656 | EMAJ electronic Melbourne art journal | Fine Arts Network | 0 | |
1837-5871 | Emergent Australasian philosophers (e-vir) | Dean Goorden and Mathew Paul | 0 | |
1988-8384 | Emerita (e-vir) | Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0013-6662 | Emérita | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas. Instituto de Filología "Antonio de Nebrija" | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3542 | Emotion | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1931-1516 | Emotion | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1757-1952 | Empedocles | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1757-1960 | Empedocles (e-vir) | European Communication Research and Education Association, | 0 | ✔ |
0340-8744 | Empirica | Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6911 | Empirica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0377-7332 | Empirical economics | Physica-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1435-8921 | Empirical economics (e-vir) | Physica-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
1559-5749 | Empirical musicology review (e-vir) | Empirical Musicology Review | 0 | ✔ |
1877-6337 | Empirical research in vocational education and training | Sense Publishers | 0 | |
1877-6345 | Empirical research in vocational education and training (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0276-2374 | Empirical studies of the arts | Baywood | 0 | ✔ |
1541-4493 | Empirical studies of the arts (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0931-5020 | Empirische Pädagogik | Empirische Pädagogik | 0 | |
1869-4845 | Empirische Sonderpädagogik | Pabst Science Publ. | 0 | |
1869-4934 | Empirische Sonderpädagogik (e-vir) | Pabst Science Publ. | 0 | |
0892-7545 | Employee responsibilities and rights journal | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3378 | Employee responsibilities and rights journal (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0340-627X | Enchoria | 0 | ||
0262-7922 | ENDpapers | Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. | 0 | |
1869-4233 | Energeia | Romanisches Seminar der Universität Tübingen | 0 | ✔ |
2192-0567 | Energy, sustainability and society (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1570-646X | Energy efficiency | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1570-6478 | Energy efficiency | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0288-3759 | Enerugeia | Enerugeia Kankokai; エネルゲイア刊行会 | 0 | |
0723-3507 | Engagement | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0013-8215 | English | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1124 | English (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0071-0490 | English and American studies in German | 0 | ||
1865-8946 | English and American studies in German | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1873-1937 | English for specific purposes (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0889-4906 | English for Specific Purposes | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0376-8902 | English in Africa | Institute for the Study of English in Africa. Rhodes University | 0 | |
2071-7474 | English in Africa (e-vir) | Institute for the Study of English in Africa | 0 | |
1925-4768 | English language and literature studies | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1925-4776 | English language and literature studies | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8282 | English language notes | University of Colorado. | 0 | ✔ |
2573-3575 | English language notes (e-vir) | University of Colorado,. | 0 | ✔ |
1916-4742 | English language teaching | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1916-4750 | English language teaching (e-vir) | Canadian Centre of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8312 | English literary renaissance | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1475-6757 | English literary renaissance (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0013-838X | English studies | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4217 | English studies (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
0317-0802 | English studies in Canada | Association of Canadian University Teachers of English. | 0 | |
1913-4835 | English studies in Canada (e-vir) | Association of Canadian University Teachers of English; Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English | 0 | |
1874-8767 | English text construction | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1874-8775 | English text construction (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0172-8865 | English world-wide | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9730 | English world-wide (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2037-2426 | Enthymema | Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Università degli Studi di Milano | 0 | ✔ |
1256-5482 | Entreprise éthique | Cercle d'éthique des affaires (France) | 0 | |
0343-6519 | Entwurf | Fachgemeinschaft Evangelischer Religionslehrerinnen und Religionslehrer in Württemberg; Fachverband Evangelischer Religionslehrerinnen und Religionslehrer in Baden; Fachgemeinschaft Evangelischer Religionslehrer in Württemberg | 0 | |
0013-9157 | Environment | Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9154 | Environment (e-vir) | [Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation] | 0 | ✔ |
0013-9165 | Environment & behavior | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0308-518X | Environment & planning A | Pion Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1502 | Environmental & resource economics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0924-6460 | Environmental & Resource Economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1352-8505 | Environmental and ecological statistics | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3009 | Environmental and ecological statistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0376-8929 | Environmental conservation | Elsevier Sequoia | 0 | ✔ |
1469-4387 | Environmental conservation (e-vir) | Elsevier Sequoia | 0 | ✔ |
1866-6280 | Environmental earth sciences | Springer | 3 | ✔ |
1866-6299 | Environmental earth sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-847X | Environmental economics and policy studies | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-383X | Environmental economics and policy studies | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
0163-4275 | Environmental ethics | University of North Texas | 0 | ✔ |
2153-7895 | Environmental ethics (e-vir) | University of North Texas, Center for Environmental Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1420-2026 | Environmental modeling & assessment | Kluwer Academic Publishers :; Baltzer Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2967 | Environmental modeling & assessment (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0378-777X | Environmental policy and law | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5395 | Environmental policy and law (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0964-4016 | Environmental politics | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8934 | Environmental politics (e-vir) | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
2198-7491 | Environmental processes | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
2198-7505 | Environmental processes (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0944-1344 | Environmental science and pollution research | Springer | 5 | ✔ |
1614-7499 | Environmental science and pollution research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-4707 | Environmental Sciences Europe | 0 | ✔ | |
2193-2697 | Environmental systems research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0963-2719 | Environmental values | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7015 | Environmental values (e-vir) | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-390X | Environment and behavior (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0967-3407 | Environment and history | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7023 | Environment and history (e-vir) | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
0265-8135 | Environment and planning | Pion | 0 | |
1472-3409 | Environment and planning (e-vir) | Pion Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1472-3417 | Environment and planning (e-vir) | Pion Ltd. | 0 | |
0424-2513 | Eonomic affairs | Agricultural Economics and Social Science Research Association (AESSRA) | 0 | |
0012-7825 | Eos | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0176-2044 | Epd Film | Gemeinschaftswerk d. Evang. Publizistik | 0 | |
0013-9505 | Ephemerides liturgicae | Centro Liturgico Vincenziano | 0 | |
0013-9513 | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses | Peeters | 0 | |
1783-1423 | Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0392-9760 | Epistemologia | Tilgher ;; Franco Angeli, | 0 | |
1085-1968 | Epoché | Brigham Young University, Dept. of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
2153-8603 | Epoché (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1066-5684 | Equity & excellence in education | Greenwood Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3457 | Equity & excellence in education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1612-3093 | ERA-Forum | Association for the Promotion of the Academy of European law | 0 | ✔ |
1863-9038 | ERA-Forum | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0013-9947 | Eranos | Eranos; Munksgaard | 0 | |
0013-9963 | Erbe und Auftrag | Beuroner Kunstverlag | 0 | |
0014-0015 | Erdkunde | Dummlers Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2702-5985 | Erdkunde (e-vir) | Universität Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | 0 | ✔ |
1638-1718 | E-REA (e-vir) | Université de Provence | 0 | |
0170-2327 | Ergo-Med | Haefner | 0 | |
0014-0139 | Ergonomics | Taylor & Francis | 2 | ✔ |
1366-5847 | Ergonomics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1438-9347 | Ergotherapie | Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
0942-8623 | Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation | Schulz-Kirchner Verlag | 0 | |
0940-9181 | Erich-Maria-Remarque-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0165-0106 | Erkenntnis | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8420 | Erkenntnis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0421-3769 | Erlanger Bausteine zur fränkischen Heimatforschung | Heimatverein Erlangen e. V.. | 0 | |
0014-0333 | Erziehungskunst | Verlag Freies Geistesleben | 0 | |
0938-5363 | Erziehungswissenschaft | Budrich | 0 | |
1862-5231 | Erziehungswissenschaft (e-vir) | Budrich | 0 | |
1613-0677 | Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue | Klinkhardt. | 0 | |
0014-0325 | Erziehung und Unterricht | Osterreichischer Bundesvarlag; Jugend und Volk | 0 | |
0210-9689 | Es | Universidad de Valladolid | 0 | |
1138-2635 | Escritos de psicología | Universidad de Málaga. Facultad de Psicología. | 0 | ✔ |
1989-3809 | Escritos de psicología = | Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Málaga | 0 | ✔ |
1578-7001 | ESE | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
1528-8226 | e-Service journal | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1528-8234 | E-Service journal (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
0046-2497 | Espace géographique | Doin | 0 | ✔ |
1776-2936 | Espace géographique (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
0755-7809 | Espace populations sociétés | Université des sciences et techniques de Lille un, Unité d'enseignement et de recherches de géographie | 0 | |
2104-3752 | Espace populations sociétés (e-vir) | Espace populations sociétés | 0 | |
1951-6169 | E-Spania (e-vir) | Université Paris Sorbonne | 0 | |
0093-8297 | ESQ | Dept. of English, Washington State University] | 0 | |
1935-021X | ESQ (e-vir) | Washington State University. | 0 | |
0014-0856 | Essays in criticism | S. Wall | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6852 | Essays in criticism (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1526-0569 | Essays in philosophy | Humboldt State University, Dept. of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
2049-6702 | Essays in romanticism (e-vir) | International Conference on Romanticism | 0 | ✔ |
2049-6699 | Essays in Romanticism | International Conference on Romanticism. | 0 | ✔ |
0720-891X | Essener Gespräche zum Thema Staat und Kirche | Aschendorff. | 0 | |
0716-0925 | Estudios atacameños | Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Gustavo Le Paige s.j., Universidad del Norte | 0 | |
0718-1043 | Estudios atacameños (e-vir) | Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Gustavo Le Paige s.j., Universidad del Norte | 0 | |
0014-1437 | Estudios bíblicos | Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Bíblicos en España; Patronato Raimundo Lulio; Instituto "Francisco Suárez"; Centro de Estudios Históricos (1985- ); Instituto Superior de Teología, Ciencias Religiosas y Catequética "San Dámaso"; Centro de Estudios Teológicos "San Dámaso"; Facultad de Teología "San Dámaso"; Asociación Bíblica Española | 0 | |
0423-4847 | Estudios de Deusto | Universidad de Deusto; Universidad de Deusto | 0 | |
2386-9062 | Estudios de Deusto (e-vir) | Universidad de Deuto, Facultad de Derecho | 0 | |
0121-3628 | Estudios de Filosofia | Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Filosofia | 0 | ✔ |
2256-358X | Estudios de Filosofía (e-vir) | Universidad de Antioquia | 0 | ✔ |
0212-7636 | Estudios de lingüística | Secretaríado de Publicaciones, Universidad | 0 | |
2171-6692 | Estudios de lingüística (e-vir) | Universidad de Alicante | 0 | ✔ |
2448-6515 | Estudios demográficos y urbanos. (en línea) (e-vir) | El Colegio de México | 0 | |
0186-7210 | Estudios demográficos y urbanos de El Colegio de México | El Colegio de México. | 0 | |
0210-1610 | Estudios eclesiásticos | Universidad Pontificia Comillas (España) | 0 | |
2605-5147 | Estudios eclesiásticos (e-vir) | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
0071-1713 | Estudios filológicos | Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Austral de Chile | 0 | |
0717-6171 | Estudios filológicos (e-vir) | Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile | 0 | |
1133-0392 | Estudios ingleses de la Universidad Complutense | Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
0187-1811 | Estudios latinoamericanos | Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 0 | |
0326-7458 | Estudios migratorios Latinoamericanos | Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos | 0 | |
1137-7550 | Estudios penales y criminológicos | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 0 | |
0185-1616 | Estudios políticos | UNAM. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. | 0 | |
2448-4903 | Estudios políticos (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Elsevier | 0 | |
0210-4911 | Estudios románicos | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-614X | Estudios románicos | Universidad, Departamento de Filología Románica | 0 | ✔ |
2386-6292 | Estudios sobre educación (e-vir) | Universidad de Navarra | 0 | ✔ |
1889-2566 | Estudos de lingüística galega | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | 0 | |
1989-578X | Estudos de lingüística galega | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións | 0 | |
1414-0144 | Estudos de sociologia | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Departamento de Sociologia | 0 | |
1982-4718 | Estudos de sociologia | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Departamento de Sociologia | 0 | |
0946-7114 | Et cetera ppf | 0 | ||
1338-1350 | E-Theologos (e-vir) | Gréckokatolícka teologická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity; De Gruyter | 0 | |
1677-2954 | Ethic@ (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Filosofia, Núcleo de Ética e Filosofia Política | 0 | ✔ |
1021-8122 | Ethica | Resch Verlag | 0 | |
1386-2820 | Ethical theory and moral practice | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8447 | Ethical theory and moral practice (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1704 | Ethics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-297X | Ethics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2155-0085 | Ethics, policy & environment | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2155-0093 | Ethics, policy & environment (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1654-4951 | Ethics & Global Politics | Department of Political Science, Stockholm University; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1654-6369 | Ethics & Global Politics | Department of Political Science, Stockholm University; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1535-5306 | Ethics and the environment (e-vir) | JAI Press | 0 | |
1085-6633 | Ethics and the Environment | JAI Press | 0 | |
0936-7772 | Ethik & Unterricht | Schaufler | 0 | |
0937-938X | Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | |
1998-8907 | Ethiopian journal of education and sciences | Research and Publication Office (RPO) of Education Faculty, Jimma University | 0 | |
2309-8600 | Ethiopian journal of education and sciences (e-vir) | Jimma University Education Faculty RPO | 0 | |
0141-9870 | Ethnic and racial studies | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4356 | Ethnic and racial studies (e-vir) | Routledge and Kegan Paul | 0 | ✔ |
1468-7968 | Ethnicities | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2706 | Ethnicities (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1758-8685 | Ethnicity and race in a changing world (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | |
0139-0600 | Ethnographica et folkloristica Carpathica | Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1381 | Ethnography | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2714 | Ethnography (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0425-4597 | Ethnologia Europaea | Schwartz | 0 | |
1604-3030 | Ethnologia Europaea (e-vir) | Open Library of Humanities | 0 | ✔ |
0137-4079 | Ethnologia Polona | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
0348-9698 | Ethnologia Scandinavica | Folklivsarkivet | 0 | |
0014-1828 | Ethnology | University | 0 | |
2160-3510 | Ethnology (e-vir) | University of Pittsburgh | 0 | |
2156-7417 | Ethnomusicology (e-vir) | s. n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1836 | Ethno-musicology | s. n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1741-1912 | Ethnomusicology forum | Routledge Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1741-1920 | Ethnomusicology forum (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0937-4523 | Ethnopsychoanalyse | 0 | ||
0014-1844 | Ethnos | Etnografiska museet | 0 | ✔ |
1469-588X | Ethnos (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0091-2131 | Ethos | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1352 | Ethos (e-vir) | Society for Psychological Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
0071-1861 | Etnografia Polska | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
2719-6534 | Etnografia Polska (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii. Polska Akademia Nauk | 0 | |
0014-195X | Etudes anglaises | Libr. Marcel Didier | 0 | |
0014-200X | Etudes classiques | Etudes classiques | 0 | |
0769-3656 | Etudes danubiennes | Groupe d'études de la Monarchie des Habsbourg (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
0071-190X | Études de Linguistique Appliquée | Didier,Librairie Marcel | 0 | |
1969-6337 | Études écossaises (e-vir) | ELLUG | 0 | |
0014-2085 | Etudes françaises | Presses de l'Université de Montréal | 0 | |
0014-2115 | Etudes Germaniques | Didier Érudition | 0 | |
0183-973X | Études irlandaises | Centre d'études et de recherches irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3; Presses universitaires de Rennes; Presses universitaires de Caen | 0 | |
2259-8863 | Études irlandaises (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de Rennes | 0 | ✔ |
0014-214X | Études littéraires | Université Laval | 0 | ✔ |
1708-9069 | Études littéraires (e-vir) | Département des littératures, l'Université Laval | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7808 | Études ricoeuriennes (e-vir) | University Library System, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
1395-9670 | Etudes romanes de l'Université de Copenhague (København : 1991) | Københavns Universitet. Romansk Institut. | 0 | |
0014-2182 | Etudes rurales | Mouton & Co; Éditions de l'École pratique des hautes études | 0 | |
1777-537X | Études rurales (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
0778-8738 | Etudes théatrales | Université Catholique de Louvain | 0 | |
0014-2239 | Études théologiques et religieuses | Études théologiques et religieuses | 0 | |
2364-4710 | EuCML | Beck; Kluwer Law International; Nomos | 0 | |
1947-3370 | Eudora Welty review | Georgia State University. Dept. of English. | 0 | |
2165-266X | Eudora Welty review (e-vir) | Dept. of English, Georgia State University | 0 | |
0531-2159 | Eulenspiegel-Jahrbuch | Freundeskreis Till Eulenspiegels | 0 | |
0014-2328 | Euphorion | Winter | 0 | |
2698-4857 | Euphorion (e-vir) | Winter | 0 | |
1305-8215 | Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education | 0 | ||
1305-8223 | Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education (e-vir) | Gazi Egitim Fakültesi | 0 | |
1309-4297 | Eurasian business review | ebes | 1 | ✔ |
2147-4281 | Eurasian business review (e-vir) | EBES | 0 | ✔ |
2147-429X | Eurasian economic review (e-vir) | EBES | 0 | ✔ |
1694-5972 | Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics (e-vir) | Meždunarodnyj Universitet Ataturk-Alatoo | 0 | |
0250-7161 | EURE | Instituto de Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
0717-6236 | EURE (e-vir) | Instituto de Estudios Urbanos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
2191-3730 | EU-Recycling + Sekundär-Rohstoffe | 0 | ||
1582-8859 | Euroeconomica | "Danubius" University of Galaţi. Sustenable Development Socio-Economic Dynamics Research Center. | 0 | ✔ |
2065-3883 | Euroeconomica (e-vir) | Editura Universitara "Danubius" | 0 | ✔ |
2193-9438 | EURO journal on decision processes | 0 | ||
2193-9446 | EURO journal on decision processes (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | |
2192-4376 | EURO journal on transportation and logistics | 0 | ✔ | |
2192-4384 | EURO journal on transportation and logistics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0014-2492 | Europa ethnica | Wilhelm Braumüller | 0 | |
0341-9800 | Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift | Engel | 0 | |
0344-2888 | Europäische Ideen | A. Mytze | 0 | |
0304-2782 | Europäische Rundschau | Europa Verlag | 0 | |
0940-4171 | Europäische Sicherheit | Mittler | 0 | |
2193-746X | Europäische Sicherheit & Technik | Mittler | 0 | |
1865-1089 | Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen | BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag | 1 | |
1865-1097 | Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0938-3050 | Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht | 0 | ||
0531-2485 | Europarecht | Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
Y509-8173 | Europarecht (e-vir) | Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
0943-7142 | Europa regional | Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde | 0 | |
0014-2751 | Europe | Europe | 1 | |
1841-0413 | Europe's journal of psychology (e-vir) | PsychOpen | 0 | ✔ |
0963-8180 | European accounting review | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1566-7529 | European business organization law review | T.M.C. Asser Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1741-6205 | European business organization law review (Online) (e-vir) | T.M.C. Asser press; Cambridge University Press [distr.] | 0 | ✔ |
0955-534X | European business review | MCB University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7107 | European business review (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
1018-8827 | European child & adolescent psychiatry | Hogrefe & Huber Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1435-165X | European child & adolescent psychiatry (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1613-2548 | European company and financial law review | de Gruyter Rechtswiss. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-2556 | European company and financial law review (e-vir) | de Gruyter Recht. | 0 | ✔ |
1574-0196 | European constitutional law review | T.M.C. Asser Press; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5515 | European constitutional law review (e-vir) | T.M.C. Asser Press; Distributed Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1056-4934 | European education | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1944-7086 | European education (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
0142-0461 | European intellectual property review | ESC Publishing Limited. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-4912 | European journal for philosophy of science | European Philosophy of Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1879-4920 | European journal for philosophy of science (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1613-9372 | European journal of ageing | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-9380 | European journal of ageing (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1466-0407 | European journal of American culture | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9118 | European journal of American culture (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1461-9571 | European journal of archaeology | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2722 | European journal of archaeology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-0498 | European journal of archaeology | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0267-3231 | European journal of communication | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3705 | European journal of communication (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5040 | European journal of communication (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | |
1367-5494 | European journal of cultural studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3551 | European journal of cultural studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0141-8211 | European journal of education | Blackwell Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1465-3435 | European journal of education (e-vir) | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1888-8992 | European journal of education and psychology | CENFINT | 0 | |
1989-2209 | European journal of education and psychology (e-vir) | CENFINT; Elsevier España | 0 | |
2195-2248 | European journal of futures research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2195-4194 | European journal of futures research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1461-6718 | European journal of housing policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1473-3269 | European journal of housing policy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
Y504-3301 | European journal of housing policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
0960-085X | European journal of information systems | Operational Research Society | 0 | ✔ |
1476-9344 | European journal of information systems (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0938-5428 | European journal of international law | Law Books in Europe; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3596 | European journal of international law (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3713 | European journal of international relations (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1354-0661 | European Journal of International Relations | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0929-1261 | European journal of law and economics | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1572-9990 | European journal of law and economics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0890-2070 | European journal of personality | John Wiley & Sons for the European Association of Personality Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0984 | European journal of personality (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0966-8373 | European journal of philosophy | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0378 | European journal of philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1475-6765 | European journal of political research (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4130 | European Journal of political research | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1474-8851 | European journal of political theory | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2730 | European journal of political theory (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0168-6577 | European journal of population | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1572-9885 | European journal of population (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2036-4091 | European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy | Associazione Pragma | 0 | |
1015-5759 | European journal of psychological assessment | Hogrefe & Huber | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2426 | European journal of psychological assessment (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0256-2928 | European journal of psychology of education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5174 | European journal of psychology of education (e-vir) | Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (I.S.P.A.); Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
2191-9399 | European journal of Scandinavian studies | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2191-9402 | European journal of Scandinavian studies | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0046-2772 | European journal of social psychology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0992 | European journal of social psychology | Mouton]; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1368-4310 | European journal of social theory | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7137 | European journal of social theory (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
0261-9768 | European journal of teacher education | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5928 | European journal of teacher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1461-7420 | European journal of women's studies (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0928-1371 | European journal on criminal policy and research | Kugler | 3 | ✔ |
1572-9869 | European journal on criminal policy and research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0014-3006 | European Judaism | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2323 | European Judaism | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
0307-5400 | European law review | Sweet & Maxwell | 0 | |
0965-4313 | European planning studies | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1469-5944 | European planning studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1016-9040 | European psychologist | Hogrefe & Huber; EFPPA | 1 | ✔ |
1878-531X | European psychologist (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1614-9920 | European review of contract law | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1614-9939 | European review of contract law | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1879-4750 | European review of Latin American and Caribbean studies = | CEDLA | 0 | ✔ |
0928-9801 | European review of private law | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
0266-7215 | European sociological review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2672 | European sociological review (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0014-3111 | European studies review | Sage Publ. | 0 | |
1865-5831 | European view (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1781-6858 | European View | European peopleʹs party; Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0966-8136 | Europe-Asia studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3427 | Europe-Asia studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1568-1491 | EUROSLA yearbook | John Benjamins | 0 | |
1569-9749 | EUROSLA yearbook (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | |
0014-3367 | Evangelical quarterly | Paternoster Press Ltd | 0 | |
0933-7857 | Evangelischer Bund | Evangelischer Bund.; Konfessionskundliches und Ökumenisches Arbeitswerk der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. | 0 | |
0014-3502 | Evangelische Theologie | Kaiser | 0 | ✔ |
2198-0470 | Evangelische Theologie (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
0934-0769 | Evangelium und Wissenschaft | Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1715-720X | Evidence based library and information practice (e-vir) | University of Alberta Learning Services | 0 | ✔ |
1936-6426 | Evolution | Springer Science and Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1936-6434 | Evolution (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1349-4961 | Evolutionary and institutional economics review | 0 | ✔ | |
2188-2096 | Evolutionary and institutional economics review (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1801-6545 | Evropská volební studia (e-vir) | Masarykova univerzita | 0 | |
0721-6742 | Exil | 0 | ||
0175-3347 | Exilforschung | Gesellschaft für Exilforschung | 0 | |
1386-4157 | Experimental economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6938 | Experimental economics (e-vir) | Kluwer Academics | 0 | ✔ |
1618-3169 | Experimental psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-5142 | Experimental psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0014-4983 | Explorations in economic history | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2457 | Explorations in economic history (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-7785 | Explorations in media ecology | Media Ecology Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2048-0717 | Explorations in media ecology (e-vir) | Intellect Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0014-5246 | Expository times | T. & T. Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0014-6242 | Fabula | De Gruyter | 1 | |
1613-0464 | Fabula (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1517-8900 | Faces | Universidade Fumec, Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis de Belo Horizonte | 0 | |
1984-6975 | Faces | Universidade Fumec, Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis de Belo Horizonte | 0 | |
1424-0602 | Facta philosophica | Peter Lang | 0 | |
1130-8893 | Familia | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca; Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
0342-2747 | Familiendynamik | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
1044-3894 | Families in society | Family Service America | 0 | ✔ |
1945-1350 | Families in society | Family Service America | 0 | ✔ |
0206-149X | Far Eastern Affairs | Progress | 0 | |
2219-5440 | Far east journal of psychology and business | Far East Research Centre | 0 | |
2221-8017 | Far east journal of psychology and business | Far East Research Centre | 0 | |
0860-0007 | Fasciculi archaeologiae historicae | Instytut archeologii i etnologii PAN; Polska akademia nauk | 1 | |
2719-7069 | Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae (e-vir) | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
2050-0726 | Fashion, style & popular culture | Intellect, | 0 | ✔ |
2050-0734 | Fashion, style & popular culture (e-vir) | Intellect Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1756-9370 | Fashion practice | Berg Publishers; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1756-9389 | Fashion practice (e-vir) | Berg Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1362-704X | Fashion theory | Berg Publishers; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7419 | Fashion theory (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1869-960X | Fastitocalon | Wiss. Verl. Trier | 0 | |
1864-5593 | FdSnow | Freunde des Skisports e.V. | 0 | |
0959-3535 | Feminism & psychology | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7161 | Feminism & psychology (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
0723-5186 | Feministische Studien | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2365-9920 | Feministische Studien (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
Y509-3163 | Feministische Studien (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | |
0966-3622 | Feminist legal studies | Deborah Charles Publications.; Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8455 | Feminist legal studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0141-7789 | Feminist review | Feminist Review Collective | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4380 | Feminist review (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0046-3663 | Feminist studies | Feminist Studies, inc. | 0 | |
2153-3873 | Feminist studies (e-vir) | Feminist Studies | 0 | |
0966-7350 | Feminist theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5189 | Feminist theology (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-7001 | Feminist theory | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2773 | Feminist theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1523-4002 | Femspec | Dept. of English, Cleveland State University | 0 | |
0015-0010 | Fennia | Geographical Society of Finland | 0 | |
1798-5617 | Fennia (e-vir) | Geographical society of Finland | 0 | ✔ |
1879-5811 | Fichte-studien (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0925-0166 | Fichte-Studien | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
1439-4367 | Figurationen | Arbeitsstelle für Feministische Literaturwissenschaft, Institut für Germanistik II, Universität | 0 | |
0257-7852 | Filmbulletin | Katholischer Filmkreis Zürich | 0 | |
0015-119X | Film comment | Lorier Productions] | 6 | |
0720-0781 | Film-Dienst | Katholisches Institut für Medieninformation e. V.. | 0 | |
0892-2160 | Film history | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1553-3905 | Film history (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1466-4615 | Film-philosophy (e-vir) | D. Frampton | 0 | ✔ |
0015-1386 | Film quarterly | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8630 | Film quarterly (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0046-385X | Filozofia | Veda | 0 | ✔ |
2585-7061 | Filozofia (e-vir) | Filozofický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | ✔ |
0015-1947 | Finance & development | International Monetary Fund | 0 | |
1564-5142 | Finance & development (e-vir) | International Monetary Fund | 0 | |
1934-4554 | Financial markets and portfolio management | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2373-8529 | Financial markets and portfolio management (e-vir) | [Springer] | 0 | ✔ |
0015-2218 | Finanzarchiv | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1614-0974 | FinanzArchiv | Mohr Siebeck. | 0 | |
1437-8981 | Finanz-Betrieb | Fachverl. d. Verl.-Gruppe Handelsbl. | 0 | |
0355-1253 | Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen | Suomalais-ugrilainen seura | 0 | ✔ |
0341-7816 | Finnisch-ugrische Mitteilungen | Buske. | 0 | |
1796-6191 | Finnish yearbook of population research (e-vir) | Family Federation of Finland | 0 | |
1796-6183 | Finnish yearbook of population research / | Väestöntutkimuslaitos.; Suomen väestötieteen yhdistys. | 0 | |
0142-7237 | First language | Alpha Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1740-2344 | First language (e-vir) | Alpha Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1088-8500 | Five points | Georgia State University. | 0 | |
1616-0991 | Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung | Chmielorz | 0 | |
1969-6191 | Flaubert (e-vir) | Institut des textes & manuscrits modernes | 0 | |
0174-3163 | FLF | Bankenfachverband e.V. | 0 | |
2177-3629 | Floema (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Departamento de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários | 0 | |
1535-3656 | Florida philosophical review | Dept. of Philosophy, University of Central Florida | 0 | |
1558-5263 | Focaal | Universiteit Nijmegen | 0 | ✔ |
0920-1297 | Focaal - European Journal of Anthropology | Herman Tak | 0 | ✔ |
0195-5705 | Focus | Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin--Madison] | 0 | |
2331-4060 | Focus (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin--Madison. | 0 | |
1088-3576 | Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4829 | Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0015-5357 | Foi et vie | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0332-5415 | Fokus på familien | Kirkens familierådgivning | 0 | ✔ |
0807-7487 | Fokus på familien (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0133-2023 | Folia archaeologica | Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum | 0 | |
0165-4004 | Folia linguistica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1614-7308 | Folia linguistica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1730-4237 | Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia | Uniwersytet Szczeciński. | 0 | |
1898-0198 | Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia | Szczecin University. Faculty of Economics and Management. Department of Insurance and Capital Markets | 0 | ✔ |
0015-587X | Folklore | Folklore Society; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8315 | Folklore (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0531-9684 | Folk music journal | English Folk Dance and Song Society | 0 | |
2056-6166 | Folk music journal (e-vir) | English Folk Dance and Song Society | 0 | |
2172-9077 | Fonseca | Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
0015-6175 | Fontane-Blätter | Theodor-Fontane-Archiv; Theodor Fontane Gesellschaft; Kreis der Freunde Theodor Fontanes | 0 | |
0740-9710 | Food & foodways | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1542-3484 | Food and foodways | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1876-4517 | Food security | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1876-4525 | Food security | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1828-1966 | For | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
1972-506X | For (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
2195-7134 | Fördermagazin | 0 | ||
2195-7142 | Fördermagazin. Sekundarstufe | 0 | ||
0947-272X | Förderschulmagazin | Oldenbourg-Schulbuchverl. :; Prögel-Pädag. :; Veritas-Verl.- u. Handelsges.. | 0 | |
0015-7120 | Foreign affairs | Council on Foreign Relations] | 0 | |
2327-7793 | Foreign affairs (e-vir) | [Council on Foreign Relations] | 0 | |
0015-718X | Foreign language annals | American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. | 0 | ✔ |
1944-9720 | Foreign language annals (e-vir) | American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages | 0 | ✔ |
1862-7072 | Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1862-7080 | Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1472-8028 | Forests, trees and livelihoods | AB Academic Publishers,; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2164-3075 | Forests, trees and livelihoods (e-vir) | AB Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0015-7678 | Form | Form | 0 | |
0925-8620 | Foro hispánico | Rodopi | 0 | |
1875-7375 | Foro hispánico (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0172-1518 | Forschung | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | 0 | |
1522-2357 | Forschung | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | |
0945-5604 | Forschung & Lehre | Deutscher Hochschulverband. | 0 | |
0934-1234 | Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preußischen Geschichte | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5750 | Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preußischen Geschichte (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0940-337X | Forschungen zur Kirchenrechtswissenschaft | Echter. | 0 | |
0015-7902 | Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde | Academia Republicii socialiste românia | 0 | |
0175-0992 | Forschung Frankfurt | Präsident der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität | 0 | |
0933-9361 | Forschungsjournal neue soziale Bewegungen | SP-Verl. Schüren | 0 | |
0963-8253 | Forum | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-7502 | Forum | National Council of Teachers of English | 0 | |
2472-6605 | Forum (e-vir) | Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Special Interest Group of the Conference on College Composition and Communication | 0 | |
1432-7511 | Forum classicum | Buchner. | 0 | |
0946-8846 | Forum der bioenergetischen Analyse | 0 | ||
0178-7667 | Forum der Psychoanalyse | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1437-0751 | Forum der Psychoanalyse (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0947-8957 | Forum Erziehungshilfen | Votum-Verl. | 0 | |
1904-2183 | Forum for idræt | Forum for Idræt, Historie og Samfund | 0 | ✔ |
2596-4143 | Forum for idræt (e-vir) | Forum for Idræt, Historie og Samfund | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1519 | Forum for Inter-American research | Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, American and Inter-American Studies | 0 | |
1433-4887 | Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte | Ibidem-Verl., | 0 | |
0014-5858 | Forum Italicum | Florida State University.; South Atlantic AATI. | 0 | ✔ |
2168-989X | Forum Italicum (e-vir) | [Dept. of Modern Languages, Florida State University] | 0 | ✔ |
0178-1626 | Forum katholische Theologie | Pattloch | 0 | |
0932-0547 | Forum Logopädie | Deutscher Bundesverband für Logopädie e.V.; DBL. | 0 | |
0930-5874 | Forum modernes Theater | Narr | 0 | |
1426-1898 | Forum Philosophicum | Ignatianum; WAM | 0 | |
2353-7043 | Forum Philosophicum (e-vir) | Akademia "Ignatianum" | 0 | |
1438-5627 | Forum qualitative Sozialforschung (e-vir) | K. Mruck | 0 | ✔ |
0930-6420 | Forum Recht | Bundesarbeitskreis Kritischer Juragruppen.; AStA Uni Bremen.; Forum Recht e.V.; AStA FU Berlin.; AStA Uni Bielefeld.; AStA Uni Freiburg.; AStA Uni Hannover.; BAK. | 0 | |
0343-7744 | Forum Religion | Kreuz-Verlag Breitsohl. | 0 | |
1431-4282 | Forum Sexualaufklärung | Bundeszentrale für Gesundheitliche Aufklärung, Abteilung Sexualaufklärung, Verhütung und Familienplanung.; Bundeszentrale für Gesundheitliche Aufklärung <Köln> | 0 | |
2192-8924 | Forum Stadt | Forum Stadt-Verl. | 0 | |
1865-1534 | Forum Strafvollzug | Gesellschaft für Fortbildung der Strafvollzugsbediensteten e.V. | 0 | |
0720-5260 | Fotogeschichte | 0 | ||
1832-5203 | Foucault studies | The University. | 0 | |
0306-4964 | Foundation | North East London Polytechnic | 0 | ✔ |
1522-3868 | Fourth genre | Michigan State University Press | 0 | |
1544-1733 | Fourth genre (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | |
1984-0292 | Fractal (e-vir) | Universidade Federal Fluminense, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia | 0 | |
0015-9255 | Frá haug ok heiðni | Rogalands arkeologiske forening; Stavanger museum; Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger; Universitetet i Stavanger | 0 | |
0937-7735 | Francia | Thorbecke | 0 | |
0080-5459 | Franciscan studies | Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University. | 0 | |
1945-9718 | Franciscan studies (e-vir) | Joseph F. Wagner | 0 | |
1121-953X | Francofonia | Dipartimento di lingue e letterature straniere moderne. Università di Bologna. | 0 | |
2036-5659 | Francofonia (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0957-1744 | Francophonie | Association for Language Learning. | 0 | |
1183-2487 | Francophonies d'Amérique | Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa | 0 | |
1710-1158 | Francophonies d'Amérique (e-vir) | Université d'Ottawa,; Université d'Ottawa. | 0 | |
1574-2032 | Francopolyphonies | Rodopi | 0 | |
1875-3655 | Francopolyphonies (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0015-9905 | Frankenland | Frankenbund e.V. | 0 | |
1862-8478 | Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde | P. Probst c/o Universität Hamburg, Historisches Seminar - Arbeitsbereich Alte Geschichte; S. Krmnicek c/o Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut f. Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abt. II. | 0 | |
0935-6649 | Frankreich-Jahrbuch | Deutsch-Französisches Institut | 0 | |
0342-2895 | Französisch heute | Vereinigung der Französischlehrer e.V.; VdF. | 0 | |
0935-6967 | Frauen, Kunst, Wissenschaft | Jonas-Verl. für Kunst u. Literatur | 0 | |
0343-7736 | Frauen und Film | Stroemfeld/Roter Stern | 0 | |
0267-0887 | Free associations | Free Association Books | 0 | |
0272-0701 | Free inquiry | Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism | 0 | |
0342-0213 | Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv | Kirchengeschichtlicher Verein für Geschichte, Christliche Kunst, Altertums-und Literaturkunde des Erzbistums Freiburg mit Berücksichtigung der Angrenzenden Bistümer. | 0 | |
0344-1385 | Freiburger Rundbrief | Freiburger Rundbrief. | 0 | |
0016-0725 | Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie | Paulusverlag; Universitätsverlag; Academic Press | 0 | |
0945-6988 | Freidenker | Deutscher Freidenker-Verband | 0 | |
1434-7849 | Freie Assoziation | Psychosozial-Verl. | 0 | |
2699-1519 | Freie Assoziation (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0937-3160 | Fremdsprache Deutsch | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
2194-1823 | Fremdsprache Deutsch (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
Y500-022X | Fremdsprache Deutsch | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
0932-6936 | Fremdsprachen lehren und lernen | Keimer; Hebsacker | 0 | |
Y509-8874 | Fremdsprachen lehren und lernen (e-vir) | Keimer; Hebsacker | 0 | |
1539-3402 | French colonial history | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1543-7787 | French colonial history (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0098-9355 | French forum | University of Nebraska Press, etc.] | 0 | |
1534-1836 | French forum | French Forum, Inc.; University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1527-5493 | French historical studies (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0016-1071 | French Historical Studies | French Historical Studies,Department of History,Georgia Southern Collage | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3419 | French politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3427 | French politics (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6370 | French politics, culture and society | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5271 | French politics, culture and society (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
0016-1128 | French studies | Society for French Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2931 | French studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0262-2750 | French studies bulletin | Society for French Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1748-9180 | French studies bulletin (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0176-2966 | Friedrich-Jahresheft | Friedrich | 0 | |
0187-7372 | Frontera norte | El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. | 0 | |
2027-4688 | Fronteras de la historia | Instituto colombiano de antropologia e historia | 0 | |
2539-4711 | Fronteras de la historia (e-vir) | Instituto Colombiano de Antropología | 0 | |
0160-9009 | Frontiers | University of Colorado, Women Studies Program | 0 | |
1536-0334 | Frontiers (e-vir) | Women Studies Program, University of Colorado | 0 | |
1664-1078 | Frontiers in psychology (e-vir) | Frontiers Research Foundation | 12 | ✔ |
1673-341X | Frontiers of Education in China | Higher Education Press; Springer | 0 | |
1673-3533 | Frontiers of Education in China (e-vir) | Higher Education Press | 0 | |
1673-3401 | Frontiers of History in China | Higher Education Press; Springer | 0 | |
1673-3525 | Frontiers of History in China (e-vir) | Higher Education Press | 0 | |
1673-7318 | Frontiers of Literary Studies in China | Higher Education Press | 0 | |
1673-7423 | Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (e-vir) | Higher Education Press | 0 | |
1673-3436 | Frontiers of Philosophy in China | Higher Education Press | 0 | |
1673-355X | Frontiers of Philosophy in China (e-vir) | Higher Education Press | 0 | |
2191-9186 | Frühe Bildung | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2191-9194 | Frühe Bildung | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0721-9121 | Frühförderung interdisziplinär | Reinhardt. | 0 | |
0071-9706 | Frühmittelalterliche Studien | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0812 | Frühmittelalterliche Studien (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0940-4007 | Frühneuzeit-Info | Lang | 0 | |
1674-0750 | Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences | Editorial Department of Fudan Journal | 0 | ✔ |
2196-419X | Functional Linguistics (e-vir) | Springer Open | 0 | |
0929-998X | Functions of language | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9765 | Functions of language | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0723-8630 | Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier | Rheinisches Landesmuseum | 0 | |
1561-4891 | Fundort Wien | Magistrat der Stadt | 0 | |
1892-0950 | Futhark | James E. Knirk; Henrik Williams | 0 | |
2003-296X | Futhark (e-vir) | University of Oslo ;; University of Uppsala | 0 | |
0016-3287 | Futures | Butterworth Scientific Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6378 | Futures | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0337-307X | Futuribles | Association internationale Futuribles | 0 | |
0586-4887 | Galerija Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti | SANU | 0 | |
0016-4720 | Garten und Landschaft | Callwey | 0 | |
0941-5831 | Gegenstandpunkt | Gegenstandpunkt-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
1435-571X | Gegenworte | Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
1618-8519 | Gehirn & Geist | 0 | ||
0016-5921 | Geist und Leben | Echter Verlag | 0 | |
1616-0185 | Geld und Kapital | Gesellschaft für Mitteleuropäische Banken- und Sparkassengeschichte. | 0 | |
1675-8021 | Gema online journal of language studies (e-vir) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. | 0 | |
2550-2131 | GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies (e-vir) | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press | 0 | |
0943-8394 | Gemeinsam leben | Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Gemeinsam Leben - Gemeinsam Lernen. | 0 | |
0072-0585 | Genava | Musée d'art et d'histoire | 0 | |
0966-369X | Gender, place and culture | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0524 | Gender, place and culture (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0891-2432 | Gender & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3977 | Gender & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1355-2074 | Gender and development | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
1364-9221 | Gender and development (e-vir) | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
0954-0253 | Gender and education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0516 | Gender and education (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1098-092X | Gender issues | Transaction Publishers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4717 | Gender issues (e-vir) | Transaction Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5067 | Gender issues (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | |
0894-9832 | Genders | University of Texas Press; University of Colorado at Boulder | 0 | |
0514-3292 | Genealogisches Jahrbuch | Zentralstelle für Personen- und Familiengeschichte | 0 | |
1911-0359 | Genocide studies and prevention | International Association of Genocide Scholars; International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2291-1847 | Genocide studies international | International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies. | 0 | |
2291-1855 | Genocide studies international (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | |
0390-2196 | Geo-Archeologia | Associazione Geo-Archeologica Italiana. | 0 | |
2197-8670 | Geoenvironmental disasters (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0435-3676 | Geografiska annaler | Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography = Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi; Blackwell Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
0435-3684 | Geografiska annaler | Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi; distributed by Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0459 | Geografiska annaler (e-vir) | Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0467 | Geografiska annaler (e-vir) | Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi | 0 | ✔ |
0016-7223 | Geografisk tidsskrift | Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab | 0 | ✔ |
1903-2471 | Geografisk tidsskrift | Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab | 0 | ✔ |
0908-6625 | Geographica Hafniensia | Københavns Universitet. Geografisk Institut. | 0 | |
0016-7363 | Geographical analysis | Ohio State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4632 | Geographical analysis (e-vir) | Ohio State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0016-7428 | Geographical review | American Geographical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1931-0846 | Geographical review (e-vir) | American Geographical Society | 0 | ✔ |
2198-4549 | Geographie aktuell & Schule | 0 | ||
0343-7256 | Geographie und ihre Didaktik | Hochschulverband für Geographie und Ihre Didaktik | 0 | |
0171-8649 | Geographie und Schule | Aulis Verlag Deubner | 0 | |
2195-965X | Geographie und Schule (e-vir) | Aulis-Verl. | 0 | |
0016-7460 | Geographische Rundschau | Westermann | 1 | |
0016-7479 | Geographische Zeitschrift | Steiner. | 0 | ✔ |
2365-3124 | Geographische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0016-7487 | Geography | Geographical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2043-6564 | Geography (e-vir) | Published for the Geographical Association by the London Geographical Institute | 0 | |
1752-6884 | Geography teacher | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1933-8341 | Geography teacher | Mercyhurst College | 0 | ✔ |
0343-2521 | GeoJournal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9893 | GeoJournal (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1616-0983 | Geo-öko | Förderverein Geographie für Umwelt und Entwicklung e.V.; GfUE. | 0 | |
0722-3420 | Georg-Büchner-Jahrbuch | Forschungsstelle Georg Büchner, Literatur und Geschichte des Vormärz am Institut für Neuere Deutsche Literatur der Philipps-Universität Marburg. | 0 | |
1430-2519 | George-Jahrbuch | Stefan-George-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1439-9105 | Georg-Forster-Studien | Kassel Univ. Press. | 0 | |
0016-8300 | Georgia law review | Georgia Law Review Association | 0 | |
0232-4490 | Georgica | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | 0 | |
1470-9570 | German as a foreign language (e-vir) | E-Format] | 0 | |
0266-3554 | German history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-089X | German history (e-vir) | German History Society | 0 | ✔ |
0016-8874 | Germania | P. von Zabern | 1 | |
0016-8904 | Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift | Winter | 0 | |
0016-8912 | Germanistik | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9187 | Germanistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0072-1492 | Germanistische Linguistik | Olms | 0 | ✔ |
0016-8777 | German life and letters | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0483 | German life and letters (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0927-1910 | German monitor | Rodopi | 0 | |
1875-7391 | German monitor (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
0964-4008 | German politics | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8993 | German politics (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1045-0300 | German politics and society | The Center | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5441 | German politics and society (e-vir) | Center for European Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0149-7952 | German studies review | German Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
2164-8646 | German studies review (e-vir) | Western Association for German Studies at Arizona State University | 0 | ✔ |
0344-3094 | German yearbook of international law | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
2195-7304 | German yearbook of international law (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0270-1960 | Gerontology & geriatrics education | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-3847 | Gerontology & geriatrics education (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1866-2099 | Geschichte für heute | Verband der Geschichtslehrer Deutschlands; Verband der Geschichtslehrerinnen und -lehrer Deutschlands | 0 | |
0720-3659 | Geschichte in Köln | Freunde des Kölnischen Stadtmuseums e.V.; Universität zu Köln | 0 | |
0016-9056 | Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | Friedrich; E. Klett | 0 | |
0933-3096 | Geschichte lernen | 0 | ||
0340-613X | Geschichte und Gesellschaft | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-9000 | Geschichte und Gesellschaft (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0342-0965 | Geschichtsblätter für Waldeck | Waldeckischer Geschichtsverein | 0 | |
1619-6910 | Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik | 0 | ||
0016-9161 | Gesnerus | Sauerlaender AG | 0 | |
0016-920X | Gesta | International Center of Medieval Art | 0 | ✔ |
2169-3099 | Gesta (e-vir) | International Center of Romanesque Art | 0 | ✔ |
0933-4238 | Gestalttherapie | Ed. Humanist. Psychologie | 0 | |
1568-1475 | Gesture | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9773 | Gesture (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1611-5821 | Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | ✔ |
1944-8740 | Getty research journal | Getty Research Institute | 0 | |
2329-1249 | Getty research journal (e-vir) | Getty Research Institute | 0 | |
0016-9390 | Gewaltfreie Aktion | C. Büttner. | 0 | |
0016-9404 | Gewerbearchiv | 0 | ||
1865-5866 | GfK marketing intelligence review | GfK | 0 | |
0533-8689 | Giessener Universitätsblätter | Brühlsche Universitätsdruckerei | 0 | |
0261-4294 | Gifted education international | AB Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2047-9077 | Gifted education international (e-vir) | A B Academic Publishers [in association with the] Leonardo Trust | 0 | ✔ |
1720-4321 | Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0017-0372 | Giornale di metafisica | Casa Editrice Tilgher. | 0 | |
0017-0461 | Giornale italiano di filologia | Morano | 0 | ✔ |
2507-0401 | Giornale italiano di filologia (e-vir) | Brepols | 0 | ✔ |
0017-0496 | Giornale storico della letteratura italiana | Casa editrice Loescher | 0 | |
1938-8209 | Girlhood studies | Berghahn Journals; Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1938-8322 | Girlhood studies | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0436-0222 | Giurisprudenza costituzionale | Giuffrè | 0 | |
0352-6720 | Glas | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0351-7365 | Glas - Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje jezika i književnosti | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0934-0785 | Glaube und Denken | 0 | ||
0179-3551 | Glaube und Lernen | 0 | ||
2194-0061 | Global business perspectives | Springer, | 0 | |
1478-1158 | Global change, peace & security | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1478-1166 | Global change, peace & security (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1535-9468 | Global community | Oceana Publications, Inc. | 0 | |
1524-5861 | Global economy quarterly | International Trade and Finance Association. | 0 | |
1973-3739 | Global environment | XL Edizioni | 0 | ✔ |
2053-7352 | Global environment (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1526-3800 | Global environmental politics | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0091 | Global environmental politics (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2389 | Global health governance (e-vir) | Center for Global Health Studies, Seton Hall University | 0 | |
1476-7724 | Globalisation, societies and education | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1476-7732 | Globalisation, societies and education (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0974-0198 | Global journal of flexible systems management | Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management | 0 | ✔ |
0972-2696 | Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management | Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management | 0 | ✔ |
1450-4154 | Global media journal (e-vir) | Eastern Mediterranean University | 0 | |
1550-7521 | Global media journal (e-vir) | Dept. of Communication and Creative Arts, Purdue University Calumet | 0 | ✔ |
1835-2340 | Global media journal (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1918-5901 | Global media journal (e-vir) | s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
2070-2469 | Global media journal (e-vir) | Allama Iqbal Open University | 0 | |
2073-2740 | Global media journal (e-vir) | Journalism Department of Stellenbosch University | 0 | |
2518-2595 | Global media journal | Allama Iqbal Open University | 0 | |
2196-8799 | Global social welfare (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0826 | Global society | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-798X | Global society (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1942-3381 | Glossator | Dept. of English, Brooklyn College, CUNY | 0 | |
2152-1506 | Glossator | Brooklyn College. | 0 | |
1544-404X | Glossos (e-vir) | Slavic and East European Language Resource Center. | 0 | |
0017-1298 | Glotta | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-9043 | Glotta (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1337-7892 | Glottotheory | 0 | ✔ | |
2196-6907 | Glottotheory (e-vir) | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1064-2684 | GLQ | Gordon and Breach Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9375 | GLQ | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0016-3570 | GmbH-Rundschau | O. Schmidt. | 0 | |
1861-8863 | GMS | Deutsche Agentur für Health Technology Assessment des Deutschen Instituts für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information. | 0 | |
1865-066X | GMS | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medizinisches Bibliothekswesen c/o D. Klein c/o Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg | 0 | ✔ |
0017-1417 | Gnomon | C. H. Beck | 1 | |
0351-0336 | Godišnjak | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0323-4207 | Goethe-Jahrbuch | Böhlau | 0 | |
0734-3329 | Goethe yearbook | Camden House | 0 | |
1940-9087 | Goethe yearbook (e-vir) | Goethe Society of North America. | 0 | |
0017-1956 | Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht | C. F. Müller | 0 | |
1362-7937 | Gothic studies | International Gothic Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2050-456X | Gothic studies (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1437-9074 | Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1437-9082 | Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
1437-9090 | Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (e-vir) | Ed. Ruprecht | 0 | |
0017-1549 | Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
0017-257X | Government & opposition | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-7053 | Government and opposition (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0017-2715 | Goya | Fundación Lázaro Galdiano. | 0 | |
0376-5253 | Grazer Beiträge | Rodopi | 0 | |
0017-3835 | Greece & Rome | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4550 | Greece & Rome (e-vir) | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0017-3916 | Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies | [s.n.] | 0 | |
2159-3159 | Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies | Dept. of Classical Studies, Duke University | 0 | |
0944-2685 | Greenpeace | Greenpeace e.V. | 0 | |
1941-0948 | Green theory & praxis (e-vir) | Ecopedagogy Association International. | 0 | |
0017-4114 | Gregorianum | Pontificia Università Gregoriana | 0 | |
2611-4046 | Gregorianum (e-vir) | Gregorian & Biblical Press | 0 | |
0944-8594 | Grenzgänge | Leipziger Univ.-Verl.. | 0 | |
1021-8130 | Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft | Resch Verlag; Kral Verlag | 0 | |
1526-3819 | Grey room | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0105 | Grey room (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0723-4899 | Grkg. Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft | 0 | ||
0167-3831 | Grotiana | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1876-0759 | Grotiana | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0533-3164 | Group analysis | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-717X | Group analysis (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0951-824X | Groupwork | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
1746-6091 | Groupwork (e-vir) | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
1614-1040 | Grundschule Deutsch | Kallmeyer. | 0 | |
1610-5478 | Grundschule Englisch | Friedrich | 0 | |
1616-7104 | Grundschule Kunst | Kallmeyer | 0 | |
1436-8447 | Grundschule Musik | Friedrich | 0 | |
1610-7764 | Grundschule Religion | 0 | ||
1437-319X | Grundschule Sachunterricht | Friedrich | 0 | |
0943-3759 | Grundschulmagazin | 0 | ||
1610-7918 | Grundschulmagazin Englisch | 0 | ||
1865-4975 | Grundschulunterricht | 0 | ||
1865-4983 | Grundschulunterricht | 0 | ||
1865-4991 | Grundschulunterricht | 0 | ||
0938-0175 | Grundstücksmarkt und Grundstückswert | Wolters Kluwer Deutschland. | 0 | |
1430-483X | Grundwasser | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1165 | Grundwasser | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0724-3332 | Gruppe & Spiel | 0 | ||
1862-2615 | Gruppendynamik & Organisationsberatung (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1618-7849 | Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung | 0 | ||
0017-4947 | Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0072-9094 | Gutenberg-Jahrbuch | Gutenberg-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
2077-1517 | GW Unterricht | Verein "Forum Wirtschaftserziehung" | 0 | |
2414-4169 | GW Unterricht (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichischen, Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
Y502-2037 | GW Unterricht | Verein "Forum Wirtschaftserziehung" | 0 | |
0342-5231 | Gymnasium | Winter | 0 | |
2567-6555 | Gymnasium (e-vir) | Teubner | 0 | |
0017-5951 | Gymnasium Helveticum | Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer | 0 | |
0210-7694 | Habis | Universidad. Secretariado de Publicaciones | 0 | |
2253-7686 | Habis | SPUS[1970]- | 0 | |
1876-4045 | Hague journal on the rule of law | T.M.C. Asser Press | 1 | ✔ |
1876-4053 | Hague journal on the rule of law (e-vir) | T.M.C. Asser Press | 0 | ✔ |
0253-505X | Hǎiyáng xuébào | China Ocean Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-6523 | Hallym international journal of aging | Hallim Taehakkyo (Korea). | 0 | |
1541-4485 | Hallym international journal of aging (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | |
1862-3921 | Hamburg review of social sciences | Hamburg review of social sciences c/o K. Raube [c/o Institut für Politische Wissenschaft]. | 0 | |
0440-0615 | Händel-Jahrbuch | Bärenreiter | 0 | |
0342-1104 | Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter | Wehrhahn, | 0 | |
0073-0327 | Hansische Geschichtsblätter | Hansischer Geschichtsverein | 0 | |
2224-6606 | Hanyu jidujiao (e-vir) | Zhongyuan daxue zongjiao yanjiu suo; Chun Yuan Christian University | 0 | |
1990-2670 | Hanyu jidujiao = | Zhongyuan daxue; Chun Yuan Christian University | 0 | |
0171-1695 | Hard times | 0 | ||
0017-8012 | Harvard business review | Harvard Business School Publishing | 1 | |
0017-8039 | Harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review | Harvard Law School | 0 | |
0017-8055 | Harvard educational review | Harvard University | 0 | |
1943-5045 | Harvard educational review (e-vir) | [Harvard University, etc.] | 0 | |
0017-8063 | Harvard international law journal | Harvard University | 0 | |
2153-2494 | Harvard international law journal (e-vir) | Harvard International Law Club | 0 | |
0073-0548 | Harvard journal of Asiatic studies | Harvard-Yenching Institute. | 0 | |
1944-6454 | Harvard journal of Asiatic studies (e-vir) | Harvard-Yenching Institute | 0 | |
0017-8136 | Harvard Library bulletin | Harvard University Press | 0 | |
0174-335X | Harvard manager | Manager-Magazin-Verlags- gesellschaft, Marketing-Abteilung | 0 | |
1475-4517 | Harvard theological review (e-vir) | Harvard Divinity School | 0 | ✔ |
1061-6578 | Hastings communications and entertainment law journal (Comm/Ent) | University of California, Hastings College of the Law | 0 | |
0149-9246 | Hastings international and comparative law review | [University of California, Hastings College of the Law] | 0 | |
0017-8454 | Hauswirtschaft und Wissenschaft | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hauswirtschaft; Bundesforschungsanstalt für Hauswirtschaft | 0 | |
0073-0955 | Hautes études médiévales et modernes | Droz. ;; Champion, | 0 | |
1569-2078 | Hawwa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2086 | Hawwa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2229-337X | Healthline | Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine (Gujarat Chapter) | 0 | |
2320-1525 | Healthline | Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine, Gujarat Chapter | 0 | |
0735-9683 | Health marketing quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-0864 | Health marketing quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0073-1560 | Hebbel-Jahrbuch | Boyens-Medien | 0 | |
0311-4198 | Hecate | Carole Ferrier | 0 | |
0956-2737 | HEC forum | Pergamon Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8498 | HEC forum (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0933-8721 | Hefte für ostasiatische Literatur | Iudicium-Verl.. | 0 | |
0073-1587 | Hegel-Studien | Bouvier; Felix Meiner | 0 | |
0440-5927 | Hegel-Studien | Meiner, | 0 | |
1612-3166 | Heidegger-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0885-4580 | Heidegger studies | Duncker u. Humblot | 0 | |
2153-9170 | Heidegger studies (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
0073-1641 | Heidelberger Jahrbücher | Springer | 0 | |
2509-2464 | Heidelberger Jahrbücher online (e-vir) | 0 | ||
2509-7822 | Heidelberger Jahrbücher online | 0 | ||
0017-9620 | Heiliger Dienst | Verlag St. Peter | 0 | |
0017-9647 | Heilpädagogische Forschung | 0 | ||
0073-1692 | Heine-Jahrbuch | Heinrich-Heine-Institut | 0 | |
0176-3318 | Heinrich-Mann-Jahrbuch | Schmidt-Römhild. | 0 | |
0017-9981 | Helikon | Università degli studi, Messina.; Università degli studi, Messina. | 0 | |
0160-0923 | Helios | The Association | 0 | |
1542-3352 | Heliotropia (e-vir) | Brown University, Dept. of Italian Studies | 0 | |
1792-2518 | Hellenic Journal of Music, Education and Culture = | Enäosäi Ekpaideutikäon Mousikäis Agäogäis Präotovathmias Ekpaideusäis; Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers | 0 | |
0018-0114 | Helmantica | Universidad Pontificia | 0 | |
0018-0270 | Hémecht | Edition Hémecht | 0 | |
0393-6805 | Henoch | Silvio Zamorani Editore; Morcelliana | 0 | |
1988-9100 | Herakleion | Grupo de Investigación "Mosaicos Hispano-romanos"; Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos | 0 | |
1019-3316 | Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1555-6492 | Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0437-3014 | Herbergen der Christenheit | Evang. Verl.-Anst.. | 0 | |
0948-5279 | Herder-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0018-0645 | Herderkorrespondenz | Herder | 0 | |
2628-5622 | Herder Korrespondenz (e-vir) | Herder | 0 | |
1614-1423 | Hermann-Hesse-Jahrbuch | Internationale Hermann-Hesse-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1453-9047 | Hermeneia | Editura Fundaţiei Academice "Axis" | 0 | |
2069-8291 | Hermeneia (e-vir) | Editura Fundaţiei Axis | 0 | |
1590-6833 | Hermeneutica | Morcelliana. | 0 | |
0018-0777 | Hermes | F. Steiner Verlag | 0 | |
2365-3116 | Hermes (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
1432-2773 | Herold-Jahrbuch | Herold, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissenschaften zu Berlin (gegr. 1869) | 0 | |
0259-9422 | Hervormde teologiese studies | Departement van Nasionale Opvoeding | 0 | ✔ |
0018-098X | Hesperia | American School of Classical Studies at Athens | 0 | ✔ |
1553-5622 | Hesperia (e-vir) | Harvard University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0018-103X | Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung | Hueber | 0 | |
0175-3479 | Hessische Blätter für Volks- und Kulturforschung | Jonas Verlag | 0 | |
0018-1064 | Hessische Familienkunde | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Familienkundlichen Gesellschaften in Hessen | 0 | |
0073-2001 | Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Historischen Kommissionen in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Marburg und Wiesbaden. | 0 | |
0440-7563 | Hestia | Klages-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0009-5141 | Het Christelijk Oosten | Instituut voor Byzantijnse en Oecumenische Studies; Instituut voor Oosters Christendom | 0 | |
1359-8139 | High ability studies | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-834X | High ability studies (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0018-1560 | Higher education | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1573-174X | Higher education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0379-7724 | Higher education in Europe | Carfax | 0 | |
1469-8358 | Higher education in Europe (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | |
0952-8733 | Higher education policy | Kogan Page | 0 | ✔ |
1740-3863 | Higher education policy (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0018-1609 | Higher education review | Tyrrell Burgess Assoc | 0 | |
0584-9853 | Hilandarski zbornik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Hilandarski odbor = Academie serbe des sciences et des arts, Comite de Chilandar | 0 | |
0172-956X | Hindemith-Jahrbuch | Schott. | 0 | |
0935-5545 | Hintergrund | Marxistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft | 0 | |
1553-3018 | Hipertexto (e-vir) | Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Texas-Pan American | 0 | |
0018-2141 | Hispania | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8368 | Hispania | Instituto de Historia, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0018-215X | Hispania sacra | Instituto de Historia Eclesiástica "Padre Enrique Flórez"; Centro de Estudios Históricos (1985- ) | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4265 | Hispania sacra | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1931-8006 | Hispanic issues on line (e-vir) | Univ. of Minnesota, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese | 0 | |
0271-0986 | Hispanic journal | [Dept. of Foreign Languages of Indiana University of Pennsylvania] | 0 | |
0018-2176 | Hispanic review | University of Pennsylvania | 0 | ✔ |
1553-0639 | Hispanic review (e-vir) | University of Pennsylvania Press | 0 | ✔ |
0720-1168 | Hispanorama | Deutscher Spanischlehrerverband im Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen. | 0 | |
1777-5906 | Histoire, économie & société (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0752-5702 | Histoire, économie et société | Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
1954-3670 | Histoire@Politique (e-vir) | Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po | 0 | |
0221-6280 | Histoire de l'éducation | Département de la recherche historique, documentaire et comparée de l'Institut national de recherche pédagogique | 0 | |
2102-5452 | Histoire de l'éducation (e-vir) | INRP | 0 | |
0750-8069 | Histoire épistémologie langage | Presses universitaires de Lille | 0 | ✔ |
1638-1580 | Histoire épistémologie langage (e-vir) | SHESL | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2257 | Histoire sociale | Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa. | 0 | |
1918-6576 | Histoire sociale (e-vir) | Publications Histoire sociale | 0 | |
0018-2311 | Historia | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2365-3108 | Historia (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0101-9074 | História | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras | 0 | |
1980-4369 | História | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras | 0 | |
1696-2060 | Historia actual on-line (e-vir) | Asociación de Historia Actual. | 0 | ✔ |
1139-1472 | Historia agraria | SEHA; Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
2340-3659 | Historia agraria (e-vir) | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1576-4729 | Historia constitucional (e-vir) | Derecons | 0 | |
1983-9928 | História da Historiografia | Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Departamento de História | 0 | |
0440-9043 | Historia hospitalium | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhausgeschichte | 0 | |
0105-1423 | Historia medicinae veterinariae | Historia Medicinae Veterinariae | 0 | |
0018-2427 | Historica | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0440-9213 | Historical archaeology | Society for Historical Archaeology. | 0 | ✔ |
2328-1103 | Historical archaeology (e-vir) | Society for Historical Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
0018-246X | Historical journal | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3451 | Historical journal of film, radio and television (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | ✔ |
0143-9685 | Historical journal of film radio and television | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0161-5440 | Historical methods | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1906 | Historical methods | Heldref Publications] | 0 | ✔ |
0315-7997 | Historical reflections | History Dept., University of Waterloo. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2419 | Historical reflections (e-vir) | History Dept., University of Waterloo | 0 | ✔ |
0950-3471 | Historical research | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2281 | Historical research (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0172-6404 | Historical social research | Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung im Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung | 0 | |
1911-9674 | Historical studies in education (e-vir) | Canadian History of Education Association | 0 | ✔ |
0843-5057 | Historical studies in education = | Canadian History of Education Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1811 | Historical studies in the natural sciences | University of California | 0 | ✔ |
1939-182X | Historical studies in the natural sciences (e-vir) | University of California Press Journals and Digital Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2575 | Historický časopis | [S.n.] | 0 | |
2585-9099 | Historický časopis (e-vir) | Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied | 0 | |
0302-5160 | Historiographia linguistica | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9781 | Historiographia linguistica (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0942-8704 | Historische Anthropologie | Böhlau | 0 | |
2199-9171 | Historische Literatur (e-vir) | Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin | 0 | |
0936-5796 | Historische Mitteilungen | Franz Steiner Verlag | 0 | |
0018-2621 | Historisches Jahrbuch | K. Alber | 0 | |
0935-3518 | Historische Sprachforschung | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-8071 | Historische Sprachforschung (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0018-2613 | Historische Zeitschrift | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2196-680X | Historische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | de Gruyter Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
0943-691X | Historisch-politische Mitteilungen | Böhlau | 0 | |
0345-469X | Historisk tidskrift | Svenska historiska föreningen | 0 | |
0018-263X | Historisk tidsskrift | Den Norske historiske forening | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2944 | Historisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0106-4991 | Historisk tidsskrift (Kbh. : 1858) | Den danske historiske Forening | 0 | |
0018-2648 | History | B. Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0361-2759 | History | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1468-229X | History (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1930-8280 | History (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0275-7206 | History and anthropology | Taylor & Francis group | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2612 | History and anthropology (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0935-560X | History and memory | Athenäum | 0 | |
1527-1994 | History and memory (e-vir) | Athenäum | 0 | |
0144-5340 | History and philosophy of logic | Abacus Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5149 | History and philosophy of logic (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0391-9714 | History and philosophy of the life sciences | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1742-6316 | History and philosophy of the life sciences (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0734-1512 | History and technology | Harwood Academic Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2620 | History and technology (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2656 | History and theory | Wiley Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2303 | History and theory (e-vir) | Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0361-5413 | History in Africa | African Studies Association, Brandeis University | 0 | ✔ |
1558-2744 | History in Africa (e-vir) | African Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
0046-760X | History of education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5130 | History of education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2680 | History of education quarterly | Indiana University | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5959 | History of education quarterly (e-vir) | University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
0740-0675 | History of philosophy quarterly | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2152-1026 | History of philosophy quarterly (e-vir) | Published in cooperation with the Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
0308-7298 | History of photography | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2150-7295 | History of photography | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2702 | History of political economy | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1919 | History of political economy (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0143-781X | History of political thought | Imprint Academic | 1 | ✔ |
2051-2988 | History of political thought (e-vir) | Imprint Academic | 0 | |
0018-2710 | History of religions | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6935 | History of religions (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0073-2753 | History of science | Science History Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1753-8564 | History of science (e-vir) | Science History Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0952-6951 | History of the human sciences | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-720X | History of the human sciences (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5083 | History of the human sciences (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | |
0309-2984 | History workshop | History Workshop Journal | 0 | |
0073-2788 | Hitotsubashi journal of arts and sciences | Hitotsubashi Academy | 0 | |
1696-4403 | HMiC (e-vir) | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 0 | |
0921-5891 | Hobbes studies | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1875-0257 | Hobbes studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0018-2974 | Hochschulwesen | Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
0340-6849 | Hölderlin-Jahrbuch | Hölderlin-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1476-7937 | Holocaust and genocide studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
8756-6583 | Holocaust and genocide studies | Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and Yad Vashem the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority Jerusalem | 0 | ✔ |
1474-9475 | Holy Land studies | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | |
1750-0125 | Holy Land studies (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | |
1740-6315 | Home cultures | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7427 | Home cultures (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1558-643X | Homeland security affairs (e-vir) | Center for Homeland Defense and Security | 0 | |
1088-7679 | Homicide studies | Sage Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6720 | Homicide studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0018-4276 | Homiletische Monatshefte | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0439-4216 | Homme | Mouton | 0 | |
2152-5188 | HOPOS | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2156-6240 | HOPOS (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press on behalf of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science | 0 | ✔ |
0342-4898 | Hörgeschädigten-Pädagogik | Groos | 0 | |
1430-3922 | Horizonte | 0 | ||
2042-7913 | Hospitality & society | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2042-7921 | Hospitality & society (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
0439-6219 | Hospitium ecclesiae | Hauschild. | 0 | |
0267-3037 | Housing studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1810 | Housing studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0265-5527 | Howard journal of criminal justice | Basil Blackwell | 0 | |
1468-2311 | Howard journal of criminal justice (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
1866-3753 | HR-Performance | DATAKONTEXT, | 0 | |
0945-9332 | HSFK-Standpunkte | Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung.; HSFK.; Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. | 0 | |
2072-8050 | HTS (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
0942-0053 | HTW-Praxis | Oldenbourg; Prögel | 0 | |
0737-0024 | Human-computer interaction | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7051 | Human-computer interaction (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0054 | Human development (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0018-716X | Human Development | S. Karger AG | 0 | ✔ |
0300-7839 | Human ecology | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9915 | Human ecology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1074-4827 | Human ecology review | Society for Human Ecology | 0 | |
2204-0919 | Human ecology review (e-vir) | Society for Human Ecology | 0 | |
0018-7208 | Human factors | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-8181 | Human factors | Pergamon Press; Johns Hopkins Press; Johns Hopkins University Press; Human Factors Society | 0 | ✔ |
2158-3846 | Humanist studies & the digital age (e-vir) | Oregon Digital and the Knight Library Press [i.e. University of Oregon Libraries] | 0 | |
0937-5414 | Humanitäres Völkerrecht | Deutsches Rotes Kreuz; Ruhr-Universität Bochum | 0 | |
0018-7461 | Humanitas | Morcelliana | 0 | |
1045-6767 | Human nature | Aldine de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4776 | Human nature | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5091 | Human nature (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | |
0018-7259 | Human organization | Society for Applied Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3517 | Human organization (e-vir) | Society for Applied Anthropology.; Bell & Howell Information and Learning. | 0 | |
1938-3525 | Human organization (e-vir) | The Society for Applied Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
0018-7267 | Human relations | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-282X | Human relations (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0090-4848 | Human resource management | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1099-050X | Human resource management (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0046-8185 | Human rights | The Section | 0 | |
2162-8483 | Human rights (e-vir) | Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, American Bar Association | 0 | |
0275-0392 | Human rights quarterly | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1085-794X | Human rights quarterly (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1524-8879 | Human rights review | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6306 | Human rights review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2330-3131 | Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance | Network for Social Work Management,; Taylor & Francis, | 0 | ✔ |
2330-314X | Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0163-8548 | Human studies | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-851X | Human studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5105 | Human studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0167-2533 | Human systems management | North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
1875-8703 | Human Systems Management (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0319-7336 | Hume studies | s.n.. | 0 | |
1947-9921 | Hume studies | Hume Society; Hume Society | 0 | |
0933-1719 | Humor | De Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3722 | Humor | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0236-6568 | Hungarian studies | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2772 | Hungarian studies | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0167-9848 | Husserl studies | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8501 | Husserl studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1431-2174 | Hydrogeology journal | Heise | 0 | ✔ |
1435-0157 | Hydrogeology Journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0262-6667 | Hydrological sciences journal | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2150-3435 | Hydrological sciences journal (e-vir) | Published for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences by Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1433-5158 | Hyle | Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe | 0 | |
1617-4240 | Hyle (e-vir) | University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Philosophy | 0 | |
0887-5367 | Hypatia | Hypatia, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2001 | Hypatia (e-vir) | Hypatia, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1616-413X | Ianua | Romania Minor | 0 | |
1139-7241 | Ibérica | AELFE. | 0 | |
2340-2784 | Ibérica | AELFE | 0 | |
1577-3388 | Iberoamericana | Iberoamericana; Editorial Vervuert | 0 | |
2255-520X | Iberoamericana (e-vir) | Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz | 0 | |
0019-0993 | Iberoromania | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9039 | Iberoromania | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0018-862X | IBLA | Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes. | 0 | |
0258-3690 | ICSID review | International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes | 0 | ✔ |
2049-1999 | ICSID review (e-vir) | International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes; Johns Hopkins University Press [distributor]; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1523-1712 | Idea (e-vir) | Alan Jacobs | 0 | |
0046-8541 | Idealistic studies | Clark University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-8239 | Idealistic studies (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1439-4766 | Ideenmanagement | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7768 | Ideenmanagement (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1070-289X | Identities | Gordon and Breach Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3384 | Identities (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1083-4427 | IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 0 | |
1558-2426 | IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics (e-vir) | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. | 0 | |
0340-0352 | IFLA journal | K.G. Saur | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2651 | IFLA journal (e-vir) | Verlag Dokumentation | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5113 | IFLA journal (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | |
0016-3309 | I Futuribili | Istituto per le ricerche di economia applicata | 0 | |
1828-2377 | Ignaziana (e-vir) | Zas Friz | 0 | |
0019-1744 | Ikon | Franco Angeli; Istituto di ricerca sulla comunicazione A. Gemelli e C. Musatti | 0 | |
2297-1726 | IKZ-bios | Stämpfli AG | 0 | |
0946-5057 | Ila | Informationsstelle Lateinamerika e.V.; Ila. | 0 | |
1123-3036 | Il Diritto dell'economia | Mucchi Editore | 0 | |
0391-2191 | Il Diritto ecclesiastico e rassegna di diritto matrimoniale | Giuffrè | 0 | |
0390-6647 | Il Giappone | Centro di cultura Italo-Giapponese e Istituto Giapponese di Cultura; Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e L'Oriente | 0 | |
0024-1350 | Il Lettore di provincia | Angelo Longo Editore. | 0 | |
1054-1373 | Illness, crises, and loss | Charles Press Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6968 | Illness, crisis & loss (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0027-3120 | Il Mulino | Società Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1973-8145 | Il Mulino | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4846 | Il Pensiero politico | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2035-7958 | Il Pensiero politico (e-vir) | Leo Olschki Editore | 0 | |
1828-1974 | Il Ruolo terapeutico | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1123-8615 | Il saggiatore musicale | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2035-6706 | Il Saggiatore musicale (e-vir) | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0042-3254 | Il Veltro | Il Veltro | 0 | |
1780-678X | Image & narrative (e-vir) | Instituut voor Culturele Studies. | 0 | |
1549-6732 | Imagetext | Dept. of English, University of Florida | 0 | |
1021-2329 | Imagination | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Autogenes Training und algemeine Psychotherapie | 0 | |
0276-2366 | Imagination, cognition, and personality | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-4477 | Imagination, cognition and personality (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1888-3931 | Imago temporis | Universitat de Lleida | 0 | |
2340-7778 | Imago temporis (e-vir) | Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida | 0 | |
0949-4723 | IMIS-Beiträge | Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität | 0 | |
0261-9288 | Immigrants & minorities | Frank Cass & Co. Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0521 | Immigrants & minorities (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1461-5517 | Impact assessment and project appraisal | Beech Tree Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1471-5465 | Impact assessment and project appraisal (e-vir) | Beech Tree Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0073-5620 | Imprimatur | Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen e.V. | 0 | |
0326-0941 | Incipit | Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas | 0 | |
0169-3379 | Incontri | Stichting Incontri; APA-Holland University Press; Werkgroep Italie Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2214-7705 | Incontri (e-vir) | UB Nijmegen | 0 | ✔ |
0341-8642 | Indiana | Gebr. Mann | 0 | |
2365-2225 | Indiana (e-vir) | Mann | 0 | |
0019-6673 | Indiana magazine of history | Indiana University, Dept. of History] | 0 | |
1942-9711 | Indiana magazine of history (e-vir) | Indiana University, Dept. of History | 0 | |
0019-4646 | Indian economic and social history review | SAGE Publications India. | 0 | ✔ |
0973-0893 | Indian economic and social history review (e-vir) | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2229-5674 | Indian journal of commerce and management studies (e-vir) | Educational Research Multimedia Publication | 0 | |
1998-3581 | Indian journal of community medicine | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0970-0218 | Indian Journal of Community Medicine | Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine. | 0 | ✔ |
0253-7176 | Indian journal of psychological medicine | Indian Psychiatric Society, South Zone. | 0 | ✔ |
0975-1564 | Indian journal of psychological medicine | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0376-415X | Indian philosophical quarterly | Pratap Centre of Philosophy. ;; Poona University, Department of Philosophy. | 0 | |
0251-3048 | India quarterly | Indian Council of World Affairs | 0 | |
0019-7262 | Indogermanische Forschungen | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0405 | Indogermanische Forschungen | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0019-7246 | Indo-Iranian journal | Kluwer academic publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8536 | Indo-Iranian journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5121 | Indo-Iranian journal (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1363-9811 | Indonesia and the Malay world | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8382 | Indonesia and the Malay world (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0019-7939 | Industrial & labor relations review | New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University | 0 | ✔ |
2162-271X | Industrial and labor relations review (e-vir) | Cornell University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3669 | Industrial law journal (e-vir) | Oxford university Press | 0 | ✔ |
0019-8676 | Industrial relations | Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California. | 0 | ✔ |
1468-232X | Industrial relations (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0943-2779 | Industrielle Beziehungen | Verlag Barbara Budrich | 0 | ✔ |
1862-0035 | Industrielle Beziehungen (e-vir) | Hampp | 0 | ✔ |
1522-7219 | Infant and child development (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1522-7227 | Infant and child development (e-vir) | Wiley Interscience | 0 | ✔ |
1437-1898 | Info 3 | Info-3-Verl.-Ges. Brüll und Heisterkamp. | 0 | |
0930-5483 | Info 7 | Nomos-Verlag | 0 | |
0724-9616 | Info DaF | Iudicium-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0824-2577 | Informal logic | P.F. Wilkinson | 0 | ✔ |
2293-734X | Informal logic (e-vir) | P.F. Wilkinson | 0 | ✔ |
1385-5328 | Informatie professional | Cramwinckel; IP | 0 | |
1389-1995 | Information, knowledge, systems management | IOS Press | 0 | |
1875-8762 | Information, knowledge, systems management | IOS Press | 0 | |
2164-8034 | Information & culture | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
2166-3033 | Information & culture (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0142-5471 | Information design journal | Information Design Journal Ltd.; John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-979X | Information design journal | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2511-0853 | Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0179-8863 | Informationen zum Arbeitslosenrecht und Sozialhilferecht | Nomos-Verl.-Ges.. | 0 | |
0721-9954 | Informationen zur Deutschdidaktik | Schroedel | 0 | |
0340-1774 | Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte | Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik | 0 | |
0046-9408 | Informationen zur politischen Bildung | Universum Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
0303-2493 | Informationen zur Raumentwicklung | Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landeskunde und Raumordnung | 0 | |
0942-4822 | Informationes theologiae Europae | Peter Lang | 0 | |
1091-0808 | Information outlook | Special Libraries Association | 0 | |
1938-3819 | Information outlook (e-vir) | Special Libraries Association | 0 | |
1570-1255 | Information polity | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8754 | Information polity | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0172-746X | Informationsdienst zur Ausländerarbeit | Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik.; ISS. | 0 | |
0167-5265 | Information services & use | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8789 | Information services & use (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1617-9846 | Information systems and e-business management | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-9854 | Information systems and e-business management | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1387-3326 | Information systems frontiers | Kluwer Online | 1 | ✔ |
1572-9419 | Information systems frontiers (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1544-7529 | Information technologies and international development | MIT Press | 0 | |
1544-7537 | Information technologies and international development (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | |
1073-5127 | Information technology and disabilities (e-vir) | EASI (Organization), | 0 | |
0268-1102 | Information technology for development | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-0170 | Information technology for development (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1473-8716 | Information visualization | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1473-8724 | Information visualization (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1434-4653 | Information Wissenschaft und Praxis | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation | 0 | ✔ |
1619-4292 | Information Wissenschaft und Praxis | Dinges u. Frick. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-4672 | Informing science | Eli Cohen | 0 | ✔ |
1547-9684 | Informing science. | Informing Science Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3300 | Innovations in education & teaching international (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3297 | Innovations in education and teaching international | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
0742-5627 | Innovative higher education | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1758 | Innovative higher education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0537-7269 | Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft | Innsbrucker Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Geisteswissenschaften | 0 | |
0253-0899 | Innsbrucker historische Studien | INN-Verlag | 0 | |
0020-174X | Inquiry | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0046-9580 | Inquiry | Blue Cross Association. | 0 | |
1093-1082 | Inquiry | Montclair State College.; Montclair State University. | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3923 | Inquiry (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1945-7243 | Inquiry (e-vir) | Sage | 1 | ✔ |
2153-9871 | Inquiry | Institute for Critical Thinking, Montclair State University; Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1933-4850 | Insight | Park University. | 0 | |
1933-4869 | Insight (e-vir) | Park University, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning | 0 | |
0943-5670 | Insight Kommunikation | Deutscher Kommunikationsverband BDW, Bonn, Berlin. | 0 | |
1302-177X | Insight Turkey | The Ankara Center for Turkish Policy Studies | 1 | |
2564-7717 | Insight Turkey (e-vir) | SET Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesi | 0 | |
1666-2849 | Instantes y azares | Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires | 0 | |
1853-2144 | Instantes y azares | La Cebra | 0 | |
0020-4277 | Instructional science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1952 | Instructional science (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1697-9818 | Intangible capital (e-vir) | Intangiblecapital.org | 0 | ✔ |
2014-3214 | Intangible capital | OmniaScience; ETSEIAT | 0 | ✔ |
0720-5120 | Integration | Nomos-Verl.-Ges.. | 1 | ✔ |
1932-4502 | Integrative psychological & behavioral science | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1936-3567 | Integrative psychological and behavioral science (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
0342-6831 | Integrative Therapie | Junfermann | 0 | |
0268-4527 | Intelligence and national security | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9019 | Intelligence and national security (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1981-8076 | Interação em psicologia | Universidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Psicologia | 0 | |
1981-8068 | Interação em Psicologia | Universidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Psicologia | 0 | |
1757-2681 | Interactions | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1757-269X | Interactions (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1572-0373 | Interaction studies | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1572-0381 | Interaction studies | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0826-4805 | Interchange | Kluwer Academic Publishers; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1790 | Interchange (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1467-5986 | Intercultural education | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8439 | Intercultural education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
1612-295X | Intercultural pragmatics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-365X | Intercultural pragmatics | Mouton de Gruyter; Mouton der Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1610-7217 | Interculture online (e-vir) | IWK | 0 | |
1555-1229 | Interdisciplinary journal of information, knowledge, and management | Informing Science Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1555-1237 | Interdisciplinary journal of information, knowledge, and management | Informing Science Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1555-1245 | Interdisciplinary journal of information, knowledge, and management (e-vir) | Informing Science Institute. | 0 | |
0020-5346 | Intereconomics | Verlag Weltarchiv | 0 | ✔ |
1613-964X | Intereconomics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0092-2102 | Interfaces | Institute of Management Sciences. | 0 | |
1526-551X | Interfaces (e-vir) | Institute of Management Sciences | 0 | |
0020-577X | Internasjonal politikk | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1891-1757 | Internasjonal politikk (e-vir) | Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing - NOASP - en del avforl. Cappelen Damm Akademisk | 0 | ✔ |
1083-0898 | International advances in economic research | Atlantic Economic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1573-966X | International advances in economic research | International Atlantic Economic Society; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0020-5850 | International affairs | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0130-9641 | International affairs | All-Union Znaniye Society | 0 | |
1468-2346 | International affairs (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0272-6122 | International bulletin of missionary research | Overseas Ministries Study Center | 0 | |
1923-841X | International business and management | Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. | 0 | |
1923-8428 | International business and management | Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. | 0 | |
1913-9004 | International business research | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1913-9012 | International business research (e-vir) | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 1 | ✔ |
1474-6743 | International development planning review | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1478-3401 | International development planning review (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1612-4804 | International economics and economic policy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1612-4812 | International economics and economic policy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0160-5429 | International education | College of Education, University of Tennessee | 0 | |
0341-8693 | Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift | Communio-Verlag; Knecht in Komm | 0 | |
0020-9252 | Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift | Stämpfli | 0 | |
2297-5373 | Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift (e-vir) | Stämpfli | 0 | |
1307-9298 | International electronic journal of elementary education (e-vir) | T&K Academic | 0 | |
2146-0329 | International electronic journal of environmental education = | Özsoy, Sİbel | 0 | |
1876-9071 | Internationale neerlandistiek | Rozenberg | 0 | |
2214-5729 | Internationale neerlandistiek (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1554-7191 | International entrepreneurship and management journal | Springer Science+Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1555-1938 | International entrepreneurship and management journal (e-vir) | Springer Science+Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1567-9764 | International environmental agreements | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1553 | International environmental agreements (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1430-175X | Internationale Politik | Verlag für Internationale Politik | 0 | |
0945-2419 | Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft | Dietz | 0 | |
0340-4528 | Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur | Max Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9128 | Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0020-9449 | Internationales Asienforum | Weltforum-Verlag | 0 | |
0933-6370 | Internationales Jahrbuch der Bettina-von-Arnim-Gesellschaft | Bettina-von-Arnim-Gesellschaft.; Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Bettina-von-Arnim-Oberschule e.V., Berlin. | 0 | |
0074-9818 | Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung | Böhlau | 0 | |
1613-0472 | Internationales Jahrbuch des deutschen Idealismus | 0 | ||
0020-9317 | Internationale spectator | Nederlands Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken | 0 | |
1869-6880 | Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Psychosomatik | J. Heil; W. Eirund | 0 | |
1461-6742 | International feminist journal of politics | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4470 | International feminist journal of politics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0262-6969 | International financial law review | Euromoney Publications | 0 | |
0707-5332 | International history review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
2213-1027 | International human rights law review | Brill | 0 | |
2213-1035 | International human rights law review | Brill | 0 | |
0020-7020 | International journal | Canadian Institute of International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
2052-465X | International journal (e-vir) | SAGE Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1973-3518 | International journal about parents in education | Universita Milano | 0 | |
0251-2513 | International journal for educational and vocational guidance | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1473-0111 | International journal for mathematics teaching and learning (e-vir) | Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching | 0 | |
0020-7047 | International journal for philosophy of religion | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8684 | International journal for philosophy of religion (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0653 | International journal for the advancement of counselling | Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3246 | International journal for the advancement of counselling (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1931-4744 | International journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning (e-vir) | Center for Excellence in Teaching, Georgia Southern University | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8722 | International journal for the semiotics of law (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0952-8059 | International journal for the semiotics of law = | Deborah Charles Publications.; Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-225X | International journal for the study of the Christian church | T&T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0234 | International journal for the study of the Christian church (e-vir) | T&T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1861-1303 | International journal of action research | Barbara Budrich Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1861-9916 | International journal of action research | Hampp. | 0 | ✔ |
0267-3843 | International journal of adolescence and youth | A B Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
2164-4527 | International journal of adolescence and youth | AB Academic Publishers; Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1867-5565 | International journal of advanced corporate learning (e-vir) | Kassel University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0268-3768 | International journal of advanced manufacturing technology | Springer | 6 | ✔ |
1652-8670 | International journal of ageing and later life | Linköping University Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7071 | International journal of american linguistics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-7001 | International journal of American linguistics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2153-6910 | International journal of applied philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2157-7277 | International journal of athletic therapy & training | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
2157-7285 | International journal of athletic therapy & training (e-vir) | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1555-7855 | International journal of behavioral and consultation therapy (e-vir) | Behavior Analyst Online] | 0 | |
0165-0254 | International journal of behavioral development | North-Holland; L. Erlbaum; Psychology Press; SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0651 | International journal of behavioral development (e-vir) | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1367-0050 | International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7522 | International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1923-4007 | International journal of business administration | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1923-4015 | International journal of business administration | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1833-3850 | International journal of business and management | International Journal of Business and Management | 0 | ✔ |
1833-8119 | International journal of business and management | Publishing Center of IJBM | 0 | ✔ |
1309-8047 | International journal of business and management studies (e-vir) | The Social Sciences Research Society | 0 | |
2180-2165 | International journal of business research management | Computer Science Journals | 0 | |
1753-0296 | International journal of business science & applied management (e-vir) | International journal of business Science & applied management | 0 | |
1920-7298 | International journal of child, youth & family studies (e-vir) | School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria | 0 | ✔ |
2213-8706 | International journal of Chinese linguistics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2213-8714 | International journal of Chinese linguistics (e-vir) | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0899-8418 | International journal of climatology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0088 | International journal of climatology (e-vir) | Royal Meteorological Society; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1697-2600 | International journal of clinical and health psychology | Asociacion Espanola de Psicologia Conductual; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2174-0852 | International journal of clinical and health psychology (e-vir) | AEPC; Elsevier España | 0 | ✔ |
1932-8036 | International journal of communication (e-vir) | University of Southern California's Annenberg Center for Communication | 1 | ✔ |
0889-3667 | International journal of comparative psychology | Human Sciences Press | 0 | |
2168-3344 | International journal of comparative psychology (e-vir) | Human Sciences Press | 0 | |
0020-7152 | International journal of comparative sociology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2554 | International journal of comparative sociology (e-vir) | Brill Academic Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1607 | International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning | Springer Science + Business | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1615 | International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning | Springer Science + Business | 0 | ✔ |
1864-1385 | International journal of conflict and violence | University of Bielefeld, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence. | 0 | |
1751-2867 | International journal of contemporary Iraqi studies | Intellect | 0 | |
1751-2875 | International journal of contemporary Iraqi studies (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | |
0019-6398 | International journal of contemporary sociology | Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Auburn University | 0 | |
1384-6655 | International journal of corpus linguistics | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9811 | International journal of corpus linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1916-2782 | International journal of criminology & sociological theory (e-vir) | York University | 0 | |
1470-5958 | International journal of cross cultural management | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2838 | International journal of cross cultural management (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1367-8779 | International journal of cultural studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-356X | International journal of cultural studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1994-036X | International journal of design | Chinese Institute of Design | 0 | |
1991-3761 | International journal of design = | Chinese Institute of Design | 0 | |
2196-8802 | International journal of Dharma studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
2192-6395 | International journal of disaster risk science (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2095-0055 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | Beijing Normal University Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1358-2291 | International journal of discrimination and the law | A B Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2047-9468 | International journal of discrimination and the law (e-vir) | A B Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1866-7953 | International journal of dream research | M. Schredl c/o Central Institute of Mental Health | 0 | |
0020-7187 | International journal of early childhood = | OMEP. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-4658 | International journal of early childhood = (e-vir) | OMEP; Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1308-5581 | International journal of early childhood special education (e-vir) | Anadolu University | 0 | |
2146-0744 | International journal of ebusiness and egovernment studies (e-vir) | Sosyal Bilimler Araşt%rma Derneği | 0 | |
1916-971X | International journal of economics and finance | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1916-9728 | International journal of economics and finance (e-vir) | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1309-8055 | International journal of economics and finance studies (e-vir) | Sosyal bilimler araştirmalari derneği | 0 | |
2146-4138 | International journal of economics and financial issues | EconJournals | 0 | |
1529-8094 | International journal of education & the arts | Arizona State University | 0 | |
0975-1122 | International journal of educational sciences | Kamla-Raj Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
2456-6322 | International journal of educational sciences (e-vir) | Kamla- Raj Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1728-2047 | International journal of electronic business management | Electronic Business Management Society | 0 | |
2077-1061 | International journal of electronic business management (e-vir) | Electronic Business Management Society | 0 | |
1847-9790 | International journal of engineering business management (e-vir) | InTech | 0 | ✔ |
1923-869X | International journal of English linguistics | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1923-8703 | International journal of English linguistics (e-vir) | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1578-7044 | International journal of English studies | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia. | 0 | ✔ |
1989-6131 | International journal of English studies | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1306-3065 | International journal of environmental and science education (e-vir) | IJESE | 0 | |
2363-9997 | International journal of ethics education | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | |
2364-0006 | International journal of ethics education (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1923-4023 | International journal of financial research | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1923-4031 | International journal of financial research | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1368-2679 | International journal of Francophone studies | Intellect Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9142 | International journal of Francophone studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0020-7276 | International journal of game theory | Physica-Verl. | 1 | ✔ |
1432-1270 | International journal of game theory (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2040-0748 | International journal of gender, science and technology | Open University | 0 | |
1476-072X | International journal of health geographics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7314 | International journal of health services | Baywood Pub. Co., etc.] | 0 | |
1541-4469 | International journal of health services (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | |
1022-4556 | International journal of hindu studies | World Heritage Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1574-9282 | International journal of Hindu studies | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1092-7697 | International journal of historical archaeology | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7748 | International journal of historical archaeology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6480 | International journal of hospitality & tourism administration | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6499 | International journal of hospitality & tourism administration | Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
2220-8488 | International journal of humanities and social science | Centre for Promoting Ideas | 0 | |
2221-0989 | International journal of humanities and social science (e-vir) | Centre for Promoting Ideas | 0 | |
Y507-2123 | International journal of humanities and social science | Centre for Promoting Ideas | 0 | |
Y508-315X | International journal of humanities and social science (e-vir) | Centre for Promoting Ideas | 0 | |
0958-5192 | International journal of human resource management | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1364-2987 | International journal of human rights | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9150 | International journal of Iberian studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1364-971X | International journal of Iberian Studies | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1614-1687 | International journal of information ethics | R. Capurro c/o University of Applied Sciences [u.a.]. | 0 | |
1308-1470 | International journal of instruction (e-vir) | Osmangazi University] | 0 | |
1694-609X | International Journal of Instruction | Asım Arı | 0 | |
2156-9703 | International journal of integrative psychotherapy (e-vir) | International Integrative Psychotherapy Association | 0 | |
1662-5544 | International journal of internet science | Universität Zürich, Sozial- und Wirtschaftspsychologie | 0 | |
2214-3157 | International journal of language and culture | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2214-3165 | International journal of language and culture (e-vir) | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2157-4898 | International journal of language studies | EBSCO Publishing | 0 | |
2157-4901 | International journal of language studies (e-vir) | EBSCO Publishing] | 0 | |
1554-3145 | International journal of leadership studies | Regent University, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship | 0 | |
2215-1478 | International journal of learner corpus research | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2215-1486 | International journal of learner corpus research (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0731-1265 | International journal of legal information | Institute for International Legal Information | 0 | ✔ |
1367-5567 | International journal of logistics | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-848X | International journal of logistics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2249-0310 | International journal of management studies | Educational Research Multimedia & Publications | 0 | |
1388-1973 | International journal of maritime economics | Palgrave. | 0 | |
1476-0592 | International journal of maritime economics (e-vir) | Palgrave | 0 | |
1918-719X | International journal of marketing studies | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1918-7203 | International journal of marketing studies (e-vir) | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5211 | International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0020-739X | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology | John Wiley and Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1740-8296 | International journal of media and cultural politics | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2040-0918 | International journal of media and cultural politics (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7438 | International journal of Middle East studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6380 | International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5148 | International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1934-5267 | International journal of multicultural education (e-vir) | International Journal of Multicultural Education | 0 | |
0255-7614 | International journal of music education | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1744-795X | International journal of music education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0941-9535 | International journal of musicology | Peter Lang | 0 | |
1232-1087 | International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine; Polish Association of Occupational Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
1896-494X | International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health (e-vir) | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
0306-624X | International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology | Assoc. for the Psychiatric Treatment of Offenders | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6933 | International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology (e-vir) | [Assoc. for the Psychiatric Treatment of Offenders] | 0 | ✔ |
1093-4537 | International journal of organization theory and behavior | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | |
1532-4273 | International journal of organization theory and behavior (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | |
2190-0582 | International journal of orthodox theology (e-vir) | D. Munteanu | 0 | |
2190-1023 | International journal of orthodox theology | Ed. Winterwork | 0 | |
0341-8685 | International journal of physical education | Hofmann | 0 | |
2747-6073 | International journal of physical education (e-vir) | Meyer & Meyer Sport | 0 | |
0891-4486 | International journal of politics, culture, and society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3416 | International journal of politics, culture, and society | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1430-6921 | International journal of practical theology | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9768 | International journal of practical theology | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1554-5210 | International journal of progressive education | International Association of Educators | 0 | |
2011-2084 | International journal of psychological research | Universidad de San Buenaventura | 0 | |
2011-7922 | International journal of psychological research (e-vir) | Universidad de San Buenaventura | 0 | |
1918-7211 | International journal of psychological studies | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1918-722X | International journal of psychological studies (e-vir) | Canadian Center of Science and Education. | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7594 | International journal of psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 1 | |
1464-066X | International journal of psychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press, part of the Taylor & Francis Group; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0167-8760 | International journal of psychophysiology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1475-7192 | International journal of psychosocial rehabilitation (e-vir) | [Hampstead Psychological Associates Ltd] | 0 | |
0190-0692 | International journal of public administration | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1653-4360 | International journal of public information systems (e-vir) | Mittuniversitetet | 0 | |
1366-5898 | International journal of qualitative studies in education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-727X | International journal of research & method in education | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7288 | International journal of research & method in education (e-vir) | Carfax; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2198-9745 | International journal of research in undergraduate mathematics education | 0 | ✔ | |
2198-9753 | International journal of research in undergraduate mathematics education (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1571-0068 | International journal of science and mathematical education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1774 | International journal of science and mathematics education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0965-075X | International journal of selection and assessment | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2389 | International journal of selection and assessment (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1931-7611 | International journal of sexual health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1931-762X | International journal of sexual health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0344 | International journal of social quality | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0352 | International journal of social quality (e-vir) | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0144-333X | International journal of sociology and social policy | Barmarick Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6720 | International journal of sociology and social policy (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1917-7844 | International journal of special education (e-vir) | Centre for Human Development and Research | 0 | |
0827-3383 | International Journal of Special Education | B.C. | 0 | |
1381-2416 | International journal of speech technology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8110 | International journal of speech technology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1936-3907 | International journal of sport communication (e-vir) | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1936-3915 | International journal of sport communication | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1050-1606 | International journal of sport nutrition | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | |
0047-0767 | International journal of sport psychology | Pozzi | 0 | |
2196-7822 | International journal of STEM education (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1463-1652 | International journal of systematic theology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2400 | International journal of systematic theology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0957-7572 | International journal of technology and design education | Trentham :; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1804 | International journal of technology and design education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1073-0508 | International journal of the classical tradition | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6292 | International journal of the classical tradition (e-vir) | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1357-1516 | International journal of the economics of business | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1829 | International journal of the economics of business (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0165-2516 | International journal of the sociology of language | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3668 | International Journal of the sociology of language (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0272-7919 | International journal of Turkish studies | University of Wisconsin] | 0 | |
0790-0627 | International journal of water resources development | Tycooly International | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0648 | International journal of water resources development (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1710-2146 | International journal of whole schooling (e-vir) | Concordia University College of Alberta | 0 | |
2191-0367 | International journal on disability and human development (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2191-1231 | International journal on disability and human development | 0 | ✔ | |
1812-9129 | International journal on teaching and learning in higher education (e-vir) | International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning | 0 | ✔ |
0742-3640 | International journal on world peace | Professors World Peace Academy | 0 | |
2328-2851 | International journal on world peace (e-vir) | Professors World Peace Academy | 0 | |
0147-5479 | International labor and working class history | Cambridge university press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6445 | International labor and working class history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7780 | International labour review | International Labour Office | 0 | |
1564-913X | International labour review (e-vir) | International Labour Office | 0 | |
0197-9183 | International migration review | Center for Migration Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1993-8225 | International NGO journal | Academic Journals | 0 | |
1309-2707 | International online journal of educational sciences (e-vir) | IOJES | 0 | |
0020-8183 | International organization | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5088 | International organization (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0019-0365 | International philosophical quarterly | Fordham University | 0 | ✔ |
2153-8077 | International philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1368-9770 | International piano quarterly | Gramophone Publications | 0 | |
1356-3475 | International planning studies | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9265 | International planning studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0192-5121 | International political science review | Butterworth Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1460-373X | International political science review (e-vir) | [Butterworth Scientific] | 0 | ✔ |
1384-5748 | International politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1740-3898 | International politics (e-vir) | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
1492-9759 | International productivity monitor | Centre for the Study of Living Standards | 0 | |
1492-9767 | International productivity monitor | Centre for the Study of Living Standards for Industry Canada | 0 | |
1096-7494 | International public management journal | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-3169 | International public management journal | Elsevier Science, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0272-684X | International quarterly of community health education | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | |
1541-3519 | International quarterly of community health education (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | |
0160-0176 | International regional science review | Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6925 | International regional science review (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0047-1178 | International relations | David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2862 | International relations (e-vir) | [David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies] | 0 | ✔ |
2229-6891 | International research journal of applied finance | Kaizen Publications | 0 | |
0020-8523 | International review of administrative sciences | International Institute of Administrative Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7226 | International review of administrative sciences (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0269-2171 | International review of applied economics | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3486 | International review of applied economics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4141 | International review of applied linguistics in language teaching | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1863-4613 | International review of economics = | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-1704 | International review of economics = | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1477-3880 | International review of economics education | Learning, Teaching and Support Network for Economics. | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8566 | International review of education | Unesco Institute for education | 1 | ✔ |
1573-0638 | International review of education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8590 | International review of social history | Van gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1469-512X | International review of social history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2069-8267 | International Review of Social Research | Polirom | 0 | |
2069-8534 | International Review of Social Research (e-vir) | Polirom | 0 | |
0074-7769 | International Review of Sport Sociology | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0351-5796 | International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music | Department for Music and Musicology of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts = Razred za glazbenu umjetnost i muzikologiju HAZU; Croatian Musicological Society = Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo; Music Academy of the University = Sveučilište, Muzička akademija | 0 | |
1848-6924 | International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music (e-vir) | Department for Music and Musicology of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Croatian Musicological Society; Music Academy | 0 | |
0269-7580 | International review of victimology | A B Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2047-9433 | International review of victimology (e-vir) | A B Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1865-1984 | International review on public and nonprofit marketing | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-1992 | International review on public and nonprofit marketing | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2889 | International security | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-4804 | International security (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1754-4653 | International socialism (e-vir) | Socialist Workers' Party (Great Britain) | 0 | |
0020-8701 | International social science journal | Unesco | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2451 | International social science journal (e-vir) | Unesco | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8728 | International social work | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7234 | International social work (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0268-5809 | International sociology | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1461-7242 | International sociology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0270-5664 | International studies in philosophy | State University of New York at Binghamton. | 0 | |
2154-1809 | International studies in philosophy (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentaton Center | 0 | |
0962-0214 | International studies in sociology of education | Triangle Books | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5066 | International studies in sociology of education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals, Lmt. | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8595 | International studies in the philosophy of science | Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9281 | International studies in the philosophy of science (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0927-5940 | International tax and public finance | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6970 | International tax and public finance (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1087-5301 | Internet reference services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4749 | Internet reference services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0020-9643 | Interpretation | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
2159-340X | Interpretation (e-vir) | Union Theological Seminary in Virginia | 0 | ✔ |
1384-6647 | Interpreting | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-982X | Interpreting (e-vir) | J.Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1440-9151 | Intersections | Murdoch University, School of Asian Studies | 0 | |
0393-2451 | Intersezioni | Società editrice Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1973-8196 | Intersezioni | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1092-0625 | Intertexts | Texas Tech University Press | 0 | |
1053-4512 | Intervention in school and clinic | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4810 | Intervention in school and clinic (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0715-3570 | Interventions économiques pour une alternative sociale | s.n.. | 0 | |
1827-000X | Intralinea online translation journal (e-vir) | Dipartimento di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione Lingue e Culture | 0 | |
0831-6708 | Inuit art quarterly | Kingait Press | 0 | |
2290-5294 | Inuit art quarterly (e-vir) | Inuit Art Foundation. | 0 | |
1097-3710 | Invisible culture (e-vir) | University of Rochester | 0 | |
0019-042X | IRAL | J. Gross | 0 | ✔ |
0578-6967 | Iran | British Institute of Persian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2396-9202 | Iran (e-vir) | British Institute of Persian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0021-0862 | Iranian studies | Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4819 | Iranian studies (e-vir) | Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0021-0870 | Iranica antiqua | Brill | 0 | |
0021-0889 | Iraq | British School of Archaeology of Iraq. | 0 | ✔ |
2053-4744 | Iraq (e-vir) | British School of Archaeology in Iraq | 0 | ✔ |
0193-7758 | IRB | Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences | 0 | |
2326-2222 | IRB (e-vir) | Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences | 0 | |
0268-6112 | Irish Biblical studies | Union Theological College. | 0 | |
0021-1214 | Irish historical studies | Hodges, Figgis & co | 0 | ✔ |
2056-4139 | Irish historical studies (e-vir) | Hodges, Figgis & co | 0 | ✔ |
0967-0882 | Irish studies review | Neil Sammells, Paul Hyland and David Timms | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9303 | Irish studies review (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1752-4989 | Irish theological quarterly (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0168-6291 | Irrigation and drainage systems | Nijhoff | 0 | |
1573-0654 | Irrigation and drainage systems | Kluwer | 0 | |
0342-7188 | Irrigation science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1319 | Irrigation science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1130-2097 | Isegoría | Instituto de Filosofía (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8376 | Isegoría (e-vir) | Instituto de Filosofía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1753 | Isis | University of Wisconsin | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6994 | Isis (e-vir) | Published by the University of Chicago Press for the History of Science Society | 0 | ✔ |
1703-7603 | Islam & science | Center for Islam and Science | 0 | |
1703-762X | Islam & science (e-vir) | Center for Islam and Science | 0 | |
1469-9311 | Islam and Christian Muslim relations (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0959-6410 | Islam and Christian-Muslim relations | Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5195 | Islamic law & society (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0928-9380 | Islamic law and society | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0578-8072 | Islamic studies | Islamic Research Institute | 0 | |
2710-5326 | Islamic studies (e-vir) | International Islamic University | 0 | |
0175-7024 | Israel & Palästina | diAk e.V.; Deutsch-Israelischer Arbeitskreis für Frieden im Nahen Osten | 0 | |
0021-2059 | Israel exploration journal | Israel Exploration Society | 0 | |
1084-9513 | Israel studies | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1527-201X | Israel studies (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1065-7711 | Israel studies bulletin | Association for Israel Studies.; University of Pennsylvania. | 0 | |
2159-0370 | Israel studies review | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
2159-0389 | Israel studies review (e-vir) | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1013-2511 | Issues and studies - Institute of International Relations | Institute of International Relations | 0 | |
1092-1206 | Issues in science and technology librarianship | Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries | 0 | ✔ |
0341-9142 | Istanbuler Mitteilungen | "Ernst Wasmuth" | 0 | |
0391-7495 | Italia medioevale e umanistica | Editrice Antenore | 0 | |
0096-8846 | Italian Americana | University of Rhode Island.; University of Rhode Island.; Youngstown State University. | 0 | |
2327-753X | Italian Americana (e-vir) | Italian Americana | 0 | |
2199-322X | Italian economic journal | Springer Internat. Publ., | 0 | ✔ |
2199-3238 | Italian economic journal (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
2037-3597 | Italiano linguadue (e-vir) | Università degli Studi di Milano | 0 | ✔ |
0075-1634 | Italian studies | Society for Italian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1748-6181 | Italian studies (e-vir) | Society for Italian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0021-3020 | Italica | Banta | 0 | |
2325-6672 | Italica (e-vir) | Banta | 0 | |
0171-4996 | Italienisch | Diesterweg | 0 | |
0393-5949 | I Tatti studies | Villa I Tatti | 0 | |
2037-6731 | I Tatti studies | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0005-738X | It beaken | Fryske akademy | 0 | |
0165-1153 | Itinerario | Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. | 0 | ✔ |
2041-2827 | Itinerario (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0103-815X | Itinerários | Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Faculdade de Ciências e Letras. | 0 | |
0021-3209 | Itinerarium | Província Portuguesa da Ordem Franciscana. | 0 | |
0019-0829 | ITL | Instituut voor Toegepaste Linguistik | 0 | ✔ |
1120-6462 | Ius ecclesiae | F. Serra | 0 | ✔ |
1972-5671 | Ius Ecclesiae (e-vir) | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | ✔ |
0941-6838 | IW-Trends | Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Köln. | 0 | |
2193-9012 | IZA journal of European labor studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
2193-9020 | IZA journal of labor & development (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
2193-8997 | IZA journal of labor economics | Springer | 0 | |
2193-9004 | IZA journal of labor policy (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
2193-9039 | IZA journal of migration (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1820-7057 | Izvori srpskog prava | SANU. Odeljenje Društvenih nauka | 0 | |
0921-4895 | Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden | Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde | 0 | |
0070-3923 | Jahrbuch | Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung. | 0 | |
0178-6245 | Jahrbuch | Verl. für Regionalgeschichte | 0 | |
0344-7278 | Jahrbuch | UVK-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
0537-7900 | Jahrbuch | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1423-3029 | Jahrbuch ... | Historische Gesellschaft von Graubünden | 0 | |
0084-6104 | Jahrbuch - Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0373-9767 | Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
0075-2207 | Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen | Mann | 0 | |
0084-8808 | Jahrbuch der Coburger Landesstiftung ... | Coburger Landesstiftung | 0 | |
0070-4318 | Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft | A. Kröner | 0 | |
0721-5436 | Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
1021-1950 | Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern | Haupt | 0 | |
0341-969X | Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst und Vaterländische Altertümer zu Emden | Ostfriesische Landschaft. | 0 | |
0072-4238 | Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte | Gesellschaft für Niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte. | 0 | |
0075-3580 | Jahrbuch der Jean-Paul-Gesellschaft | Beck | 0 | |
1869-6899 | Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1869-6902 | Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0300-1989 | Jahrbuch der Karl-May-Gesellschaft | Hansa-Verlag | 0 | |
0378-8660 | Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
1810-536X | Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 0 | ✔ |
0075-2371 | Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft | Raabe-Gesellschaft. | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8857 | Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0178-3629 | Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik | 0 | ||
0419-733X | Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen | 0 | |
0067-284X | Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen in Baden-Württemberg | Dt. Kunstverl., | 0 | |
1217-0216 | Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik | Gesellschaft Ungarischer Germanisten; Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst | 0 | |
1561-817X | Jahrbuch des Adalbert Stifter Institutes des Landes Oberösterreich | Landesverlag | 0 | |
0070-4415 | Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0448-1410 | Jahrbuch des Emsländischen Heimatbundes | Emsländischer Heimatbund. | 0 | |
0071-9463 | Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts | Max Niemeyer Verlag | 0 | |
0073-2699 | Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins Dillingen an der Donau | Historischer Verein Dillingen. | 0 | |
0075-8663 | Jahrbuch des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | |
0076-2741 | Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz | Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum | 0 | |
0083-5617 | Jahrbuch des Vereins für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung | 0 | ||
0171-4694 | Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt | Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt | 0 | |
1393-8061 | Jahrbuch des Zentrums für deutsch-irische Studien | Centre for Irish-German Studies.; Zentrum für deutsch-irische Studien.; University of Limerick. Centre for Irish-German Studies. | 0 | |
0342-6300 | Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache | Iudicium | 0 | |
0021-4019 | Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2891 | Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
2366-049X | Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (e-vir) | De Gruyter Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
0075-2541 | Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0075-2568 | Jahrbuch für berlin-brandenburgische Kirchengeschichte | Christlicher Zeitschriftenverlag. | 0 | |
0935-9338 | Jahrbuch für biblische Theologie | 0 | ||
0447-2683 | Jahrbuch für brandenburgische Landesgeschichte | Bucchhandlung Kiepert. | 0 | |
0075-2584 | Jahrbuch für christliche Sozialwissenschaften | Regensberg | 0 | |
2196-6265 | Jahrbuch für christliche Sozialwissenschaften (e-vir) | Aschendorff | 0 | |
1013-6991 | Jahrbuch für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich | Evangelischer Presseverband in Österreich | 0 | |
0075-2614 | Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands | Historische Kommission zu Berlin. | 0 | ✔ |
2191-9909 | Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1436-6371 | Jahrbuch für europäische Überseegeschichte | Gesellschaft für Überseegeschichte; Forschungsstiftung für Vergleichende Europäische Überseegeschichte | 0 | |
0933-3835 | Jahrbuch für evangelikale Theologie | 0 | ||
0781-3619 | Jahrbuch für finnisch-deutsche Literaturbeziehungen | Deutsche Bibliothek.; Deutsche Bibliothek. | 0 | |
0446-3943 | Jahrbuch für fränkische Landesforschung | Zentralinstitut für Regionenforschung an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Sektion Franken. | 0 | |
0075-2673 | Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas | Böhlau. | 0 | |
0946-9559 | Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung | Academia-Verl. | 0 | |
0449-5233 | Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik | Gehlen; P. Lang | 0 | |
1438-4485 | Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte | Steiner. | 0 | |
1016-2712 | Jahrbuch für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich | Verein für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich | 0 | |
0075-2681 | Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie | Ed. Stauda, Luth. Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
2197-3466 | Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0935-1256 | Jahrbuch für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Beruflicher und Ehrenamtlicher Naturschutz e.V. | 0 | |
0075-2738 | Jahrbuch für ostdeutsche Volkskunde | Elwert | 0 | |
0941-1461 | Jahrbuch für Pädagogik | Lang. | 0 | |
2191-2289 | Jahrbuch für Politik und Geschichte | 0 | ||
0938-183X | Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische Pädagogik | Psychosozial-Verl.. | 0 | |
0944-4610 | Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
2628-9121 | Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; HeinOnline | 0 | ✔ |
0949-7684 | Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte und Landeskunde | Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. | 0 | |
0173-7600 | Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft = | Physica-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-9836 | Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft = | Physica-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
0075-2754 | Jahrbuch für salesianische Studien | Franz-Sales-Verlag. | 0 | |
0075-2762 | Jahrbuch für schlesische Kirchengeschichte | Verein für Schlesische Kirchengeschichte. | 0 | |
0258-0683 | Jahrbuch für solothurnische Geschichte | Historischer Verein des Kantons Solothurn; Zentralbibliothek Solothurn | 0 | |
1435-1358 | Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte | 0 | ||
0171-9904 | Jahrbuch für Volkskunde | Schöningh | 0 | |
0170-2025 | Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte | Landeshauptarchiv (Vertrieb). | 0 | |
0075-2800 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6842 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0948-5139 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften | 0 | ✔ | |
1430-9017 | Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik | W. de Gruyter | 0 | |
1613-1142 | Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0931-248X | Jahrbuch Mission | Verband Evangelischer Missionskonferenzen. | 0 | |
0342-0124 | Jahrbuch Preussischer Kulturbesitz | Mann | 0 | |
1618-2464 | Jahrbuch zur Kultur und Literatur der Weimarer Republik | 0 | ||
0342-0159 | Jahresbericht des Historischen Vereins für die Grafschaft Ravensberg | Historischer Verein für die Grafschaft Ravensberg. | 0 | |
0453-9842 | Jahresgabe | Boyens | 0 | |
0942-864X | Jahresschriften der Claudius-Gesellschaft | Claudius-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
0075-2932 | Jahresschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte | Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte | 0 | |
0021-4183 | James Joyce quarterly | University of Tulsa | 0 | |
1938-6036 | James Joyce quarterly (e-vir) | University of Tulsa | 0 | |
0304-1042 | Japanese journal of religious studies | International Institute for the Study of Religions | 0 | |
1037-1397 | Japanese studies | [Japanese Studies Association of Australia] | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9338 | Japanese studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0955-5803 | Japan forum | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-932X | Japan forum (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1433-3473 | Japonica Humboldtiana | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0021-5597 | Jazykovedný časopis | Vydavateĺstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied | 1 | ✔ |
1338-4287 | Jazykovedný časopis (e-vir) | Jazykovedný ústav Ludovíta Štúra SAV; De Gruyter | 0 | |
1268-5399 | Jean Jaurès cahiers trimestriels | Société d'études jaurésiennes | 0 | |
0021-6941 | Jęezyk Polski | Towarzystwo Miłośników Jęezyka Polskiego | 0 | |
1945-662X | JEGP (e-vir) | Journal Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1826-6223 | JE-LKS. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson | 0 | |
1971-8829 | JE-LKS. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | Giunti Editore; Società italiana di e-learning | 0 | |
0922-2936 | JET | Kok | 0 | ✔ |
1570-9256 | JET (e-vir) | Brill; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1920-2601 | Jeunesse | Centre for Research in Young Peoples' Text and Cultures | 0 | ✔ |
1920-261X | Jeunesse | University of Winnipeg | 0 | ✔ |
0334-701X | Jewish history | Kluwer Academic Publishers; Haifa University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8579 | Jewish history (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-6534 | Jewish journal of sociology | William Heinemann Ltd | 0 | |
0021-6704 | Jewish social studies | s.n. | 0 | |
1527-2028 | Jewish social studies (e-vir) | Conference on Jewish Relations | 0 | |
0944-5706 | Jewish studies quarterly | 0 | ||
1868-6788 | Jewish studies quarterly (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1331-7202 | Jezikoslovlje | Pedagoški fakultet Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera | 2 | |
1848-9001 | Jezikoslovlje (e-vir) | Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera | 0 | |
2150-4059 | Ji shu yu tou zi | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2150-4067 | Ji shu yu tou zi (e-vir) | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0268-3962 | JIT | Kogan Page | 0 | ✔ |
2038-5366 | JLIS.it | Università degli studi, Firenze. Dipartimento di studi sul Medioevo e Rinascimento | 0 | |
2038-1026 | JLIS.It (e-vir) | Dipartimento di studi sul Medioevo e Rinascimento, Università di Firenze | 0 | ✔ |
1424-1250 | JMM | MCM Institute for Media and Communications Management | 0 | ✔ |
1424-1277 | JMM | MCM Institute for Media and Communications Management, University of St. Gallen; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2437 | JMR, Journal of marketing research | American Marketing Association | 0 | ✔ |
0112-1227 | JNZL | Dept. of English, Victoria University; English Programme, School of Arts, University of Waikato. | 0 | |
1368-7506 | JoDI (e-vir) | University of Southampton. Group. | 0 | |
0945-9227 | Johnson-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0021-762X | Journal asiatique | Société Asiatique | 0 | |
0037-9174 | Journal de la Société des américanistes | Société des américanistes | 0 | |
1957-7842 | Journal de la Société des américanistes (e-vir) | Société des américanistes | 0 | |
0300-953X | Journal de la Société des océanistes | Musée de l'homme | 0 | ✔ |
1760-7256 | Journal de la Société des océanistes (e-vir) | Société des océanistes | 0 | ✔ |
1863-9984 | Journal der juristischen Zeitgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-8810 | Journal der juristischen Zeitgeschichte | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0399-0346 | Journal des africanistes | Société des africanistes | 0 | |
2153-1552 | Journal des économistes et des études humaines (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-5799 | Journal des économistes et des études humaines | Institut Européen des Etudes Humaines | 0 | |
1866-6671 | Journal for educational research online = | Waxmann | 0 | |
0925-4560 | Journal for general philosophy of science | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8587 | Journal for general philosophy of science | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-1381 | Journal for nature conservation | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1618-1093 | Journal for nature conservation (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1753-8556 | Journal for the history of astronomy (e-vir) | Science History Publications Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8286 | Journal for the History of Astronomy | Science History Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8294 | Journal for the scientific study of religion | Society for the Scientific Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5906 | Journal for the scientific study of religion (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2212 | Journal for the study of Judaism | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0631 | Journal for the study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1930-1189 | Journal for the study of radicalism | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1930-1197 | Journal for the study of radicalism (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | |
1749-4907 | Journal for the study of religion, nature and culture | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1749-4915 | Journal for the study of religion, nature and culture (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8690 | Journal for the study of the historical Jesus | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5197 | Journal for the study of the historical Jesus (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0142-064X | Journal for the study of the New Testament | University of Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5294 | Journal for the study of the New Testament (e-vir) | Dept. of Biblical Studies, the University | 0 | ✔ |
0309-0892 | Journal for the study of the Old Testament | Dept. of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield | 0 | ✔ |
1476-6728 | Journal for the study of the Old Testament (e-vir) | University of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0951-8207 | Journal for the study of the pseudepigrapha | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5286 | Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8308 | Journal for the theory of social behaviour | Basil Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1468-5914 | Journal for the theory of social behaviour (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0258-2384 | Journal für Entwicklungspolitik | Südwind-Buchvertrieb für Entwicklungspolitik | 0 | |
1432-9506 | Journal für Kunstgeschichte | Schnell und Steiner | 0 | |
1681-7028 | Journal für LehrerInnenbildung | 0 | ||
0173-5322 | Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik | Teubner | 0 | ✔ |
1869-2699 | Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1869-8549 | Journal für Philosophie und Psychiatrie (e-vir) | Pabst Science Publ. | 0 | |
2191-8244 | Journal für politische Bildung | Wochenschau-Verl. | 0 | |
0942-2285 | Journal für Psychologie | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | 0 | |
2198-6959 | Journal für Psychologie (e-vir) | Psychosozial-Verl. | 0 | |
0943-4011 | Journal für Rechtspolitik | Springer-Verlag | 0 | |
1613-754X | Journal für Rechtspolitik (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1618-5293 | Journal für Sozialwissenschaften und ihre Didaktik (e-vir) | sowi-online e. V. | 0 | |
1464-8849 | Journalism | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3001 | Journalism (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5576 | Journalist | Rommerskirchen | 0 | |
1901-6220 | Journalistica | Ajour, | 0 | ✔ |
1904-7967 | Journalistica | Danmarks Journalisthøjskole | 0 | ✔ |
0091-0627 | Journal of abnormal child psychology | Plenum Press | 0 | |
1573-2835 | Journal of abnormal child psychology | Kluwer | 0 | |
1941-336X | Journal of academic and business ethics (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | |
2327-7114 | Journal of academic and business ethics | 0 | ✔ | |
1570-1727 | Journal of academic ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8544 | Journal of academic ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1536-7967 | Journal of access services | Haworth Information Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-7975 | Journal of access services (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8456 | Journal of accounting research | Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago; London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London | 0 | ✔ |
1475-679X | Journal of accounting research (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1472-9679 | Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning | Association for Outdoor Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1754-0402 | Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning (e-vir) | Association for Outdoor Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1559-1646 | Journal of African American studies | Transaction Publishers; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4741 | Journal of African American studies (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1612-1651 | Journal of African archaeology | Africa-Magna-Verl.; Brill | 0 | |
2191-5784 | Journal of African archaeology (e-vir) | Africa-Magna-Verl. | 0 | |
1522-8916 | Journal of African business | International Business Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9076 | Journal of African business | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8537 | Journal of African history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5138 | Journal of African history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0167-6164 | Journal of African languages and linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3811 | Journal of African languages and linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7974 | Journal of African media studies (e-vir) | Trans Africa Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2040-199X | Journal of African media studies | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1092-6771 | Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma | Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-083X | Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma (e-vir) | Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0895-9420 | Journal of aging & social policy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-0821 | Journal of aging & social policy (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1063-8652 | Journal of aging and physical activity | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1543-267X | Journal of aging and physical activity (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1187-7863 | Journal of agricultural & environmental ethics | University of Guelph | 0 | ✔ |
1573-322X | Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-8422 | Journal of agriculture and rural development in the tropics and subtropics | Deutsches Institut für Tropische und Subtropische Landwirtschaft GmbH, Witzenhausen.; DITSL. | 0 | |
1944-1088 | Journal of alternative perspectives in the social sciences | Guild of Independent Scholars | 0 | |
1944-1096 | Journal of alternative perspectives in the social sciences (e-vir) | Guild of Independent Scholars | 0 | |
0744-8481 | Journal of American college health | Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1940-3208 | Journal of American college health (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4695 | Journal of American ethnic history (e-vir) | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
0278-5927 | Journal of American Ethnic History | Rutgers University | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8758 | Journal of American studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5154 | Journal of American studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0091-7710 | Journal of anthropological research | University of New Mexico | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3806 | Journal of anthropological research (e-vir) | University of New Mexico. | 0 | ✔ |
1792-6580 | Journal of applied finance & banking | International Scientific Press | 0 | ✔ |
1792-6599 | Journal of applied finance and banking (e-vir) | International Scientific Press | 0 | ✔ |
2001-0818 | Journal of applied journalism & media studies | Intellect | 0 | |
2049-9531 | Journal of applied journalism and media studies (e-vir) | 0 | ||
2040-3658 | Journal of applied linguistics and professional practice | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
2040-3666 | Journal of applied linguistics and professional practice (e-vir) | Equinox Publishing Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-7903 | Journal of applied school psychology | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-7911 | Journal of applied school psychology (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9029 | Journal of applied social psychology | V.H. Winston | 0 | ✔ |
1559-1816 | Journal of applied social psychology (e-vir) | V.H. Winston | 0 | ✔ |
1751-9411 | Journal of Arab & Muslim media research | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1751-942X | Journal of Arab & Muslim media research (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0806-198X | Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies (e-vir) | [University of Bergen, Section of Middle Eastern Languagesand Cultures] | 0 | |
0085-2376 | Journal of Arabic literature | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-064X | Journal of Arabic literature (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1072-5369 | Journal of archaeological method and theory | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7764 | Journal of archaeological method and theory | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1059-0161 | Journal of archaeological research | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7756 | Journal of archaeological research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1877-7015 | Journal of archaeology in the Low Countries | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1877-7023 | Journal of archaeology in the Low Countries | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1046-4883 | Journal of architectural education | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | 0 | ✔ |
1531-314X | Journal of architectural education | Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; Wiley Periodicals for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2748 | Journal of archival organization | Haworth Information Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2756 | Journal of archival organization (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
2211-4742 | Journal of argumentation in context | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2211-4750 | Journal of argumentation in context | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1096-8598 | Journal of Asian American studies | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-2129 | Journal of Asian American studies | Published by the Johns Hopkins University Press for the Association of Asian American Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9096 | Journal of Asian and African studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2538 | Journal of Asian and African studies (e-vir) | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0021-910X | Journal of Asian history | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2747-4267 | Journal of Asian history (e-vir) | O. Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0957-6851 | Journal of Asian Pacific communication | Multilingual Matters.; Elsevier Science.; John Benjamins Publishing Company. | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9838 | Journal of Asian Pacific communication (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1059-9231 | Journal of Asia-Pacific business | International Business Press | 0 | |
1528-6940 | Journal of Asia-Pacific business | International Business Press; Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | |
1948-0091 | Journal of Asia Pacific studies | JAPSS Press for the Guild of Independent Scholars; JAPSS Press for the Guild of Independent Scholars and Central American Institute of Asia Pacific Studies (CAI-APS) | 0 | |
1948-0105 | Journal of Asia Pacific studies (e-vir) | JAPSS Press for the Guild of Independent Scholars | 0 | |
2165-669X | Journal of Austrian studies | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
2327-1809 | Journal of Austrian studies (e-vir) | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1944-8953 | Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern studies | Routledge | 3 | ✔ |
1944-8961 | Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1053-0819 | Journal of behavioral education | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3513 | Journal of behavioral education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1941-5508 | Journal of behavioral studies in business (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1941-563X | Journal of behavioral studies in business | Academic and Business Research Institute. | 0 | |
2152-2812 | Journal of benefit-cost analysis (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-5888 | Journal of benefit-cost analysis | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9231 | Journal of Biblical literature | Society of Biblical Literature | 0 | ✔ |
1934-3876 | Journal of Biblical literature (e-vir) | Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis | 0 | ✔ |
1387-6996 | Journal of bioeconomics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1573-6989 | Journal of bioeconomics (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | |
1529-9716 | Journal of bisexuality | Harrington Park Press | 0 | ✔ |
1529-9724 | Journal of bisexuality (e-vir) | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
1076-9005 | Journal of Buddhist ethics (e-vir) | Journal of Buddhist Ethics] | 0 | |
0896-3568 | Journal of business & finance librarianship | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-0644 | Journal of business & finance librarianship (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0889-3268 | Journal of business and psychology | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-353X | Journal of business and psychology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1861-8928 | Journal of business economics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-4544 | Journal of business ethics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 3 | ✔ |
1573-0697 | Journal of business ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9460 | Journal of business law | Sweet & Maxwell | 0 | ✔ |
1051-712X | Journal of business-to-business marketing | The Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-0628 | Journal of business-to-business marketing (e-vir) | Best Business Books | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9495 | Journal of Canadian studies | Trent University | 0 | ✔ |
1911-0251 | Journal of Canadian studies = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1524-4776 | Journal of Caribbean archaeology | Christopher Ohm Clement; William F. Keegan | 0 | |
1941-3378 | Journal of case research in business and economics (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | |
2327-7076 | Journal of case research in business and economics | Academic and Business Research Institute. | 0 | |
0962-1377 | Journal of Celtic linguistics | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
2058-5063 | Journal of Celtic linguistics (e-vir) | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
1537-940X | Journal of child custody (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1537-9418 | Journal of child custody | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0305-0009 | Journal of child language | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7602 | Journal of child language (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1053-8712 | Journal of child sexual abuse | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-0679 | Journal of child sexual abuse | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1938-8160 | Journal of China tourism research | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1938-8179 | Journal of China tourism research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0091-3723 | Journal of Chinese linguistics | Project on Linguistic Analysis] | 0 | |
2411-3484 | Journal of Chinese linguistics (e-vir) | Chinese University Press | 0 | |
2195-9897 | Journal of Chinese management (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1874-6357 | Journal of Chinese political science (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6954 | Journal of Chinese political science = | Dept. of Political Science, University of Tennessee | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9657 | Journal of christian education | Australian Teachers' Christian Fellowship | 0 | |
2040-4867 | Journal of church and state (e-vir) | J.M. Dawson Studies in Chuch and State, Baylor University; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-795X | Journal of classical sociology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2897 | Journal of classical sociology | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1400-0350 | Journal of coastal conservation | Opulus Press | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7841 | Journal of coastal conservation (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1520-3972 | Journal of cold war studies | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-3298 | Journal of cold war studies (e-vir) | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0251 | Journal of college student retention | Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-4167 | Journal of college student retention (e-vir) | Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9886 | Journal of common market studies | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5965 | Journal of common market studies (e-vir) | Blackwell; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9894 | Journal of commonwealth literature | Saur; Zell | 0 | |
0021-9916 | Journal of communication | Oxford University press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2466 | Journal of communication (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0196-8599 | Journal of communication inquiry | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4612 | Journal of communication inquiry (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1052-9284 | Journal of community & applied social psychology | John Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1298 | Journal of community & applied social psychology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0094-5145 | Journal of community health | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3610 | Journal of community health (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1070-5422 | Journal of community practice | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1543-3706 | Journal of community practice | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0090-4392 | Journal of community psychology | Clinical Psychology Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6629 | Journal of community psychology (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2328 | Journal of comparative family studies | University | 0 | ✔ |
1929-9850 | Journal of comparative family studies | University of Calgary, Department of Sociology | 0 | ✔ |
1383-4924 | Journal of comparative Germanic linguistics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1744-6414 | Journal of competition law & economics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1744-6422 | Journal of competition law & economics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1042-1726 | Journal of computing in higher education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1233 | Journal of computing in higher education | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1355-8250 | Journal of consciousness studies | Imprint Academic | 2 | ✔ |
2051-2201 | Journal of consciousness studies (e-vir) | Imprint Academic | 0 | |
0022-006X | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2117 | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1472-0817 | Journal of consumer behaviour | Henry Stewart Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1479-1838 | Journal of consumer behaviour (e-vir) | Henry Stewart Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5405 | Journal of consumer culture | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2900 | Journal of consumer culture (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1539-8285 | Journal of consumer health on the Internet | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-8293 | Journal of consumer health on the Internet (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0168-7034 | Journal of consumer policy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0700 | Journal of consumer policy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0258-9001 | Journal of contemporary african studies | Institute of Social and Economic Research. Rhodes University | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9397 | Journal of contemporary African studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2336 | Journal of contemporary Asia | School of Oriental and African Studies, | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7554 | Journal of contemporary Asia (e-vir) | Journal of Contemporary Asia | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9400 | Journal of contemporary China (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1043-9862 | Journal of contemporary criminal justice | Dept. of Criminal Justice at California State University, Long Beach | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5406 | Journal of contemporary criminal justice (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0891-2416 | Journal of contemporary ethnography | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5414 | Journal of contemporary ethnography (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1478-2790 | Journal of contemporary European studies | Carfax Publishing; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1478-2804 | Journal of contemporary European studies | Corfax | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0094 | Journal of contemporary history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7250 | Journal of contemporary history (e-vir) | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0167 | Journal of counseling psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2168 | Journal of counseling psychology | American Psychology Association | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2683 | Journal of couple & relationship therapy (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2691 | Journal of couple & relationship therapy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-1383 | Journal of creativity in mental health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-1391 | Journal of creativity in mental health (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 1 | ✔ |
0047-2352 | Journal of criminal justice | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6203 | Journal of criminal justice | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
2040-8498 | Journal of critical globalisation studies (e-vir) | Department of Politics and International Relations (Royal Holloway, University of London) | 0 | |
0169-3816 | Journal of cross-cultural gerontology | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0719 | Journal of cross-cultural gerontology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0221 | Journal of cross-cultural psychology | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5422 | Journal of cross-cultural psychology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0885-2545 | Journal of cultural economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6997 | Journal of cultural economics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0256 | Journal of cuneiform studies | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2325-6737 | Journal of cuneiform studies (e-vir) | American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
1868-1026 | Journal of current Chinese affairs | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1868-4874 | Journal of current Chinese affairs | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1868-1034 | Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs | Institute of Asian Studies, German Institute of Global and Area Studies.; German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies. | 0 | ✔ |
1868-4882 | Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1937-3929 | Journal of curriculum & instruction (e-vir) | East Carolina University, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction | 0 | |
1942-2563 | Journal of curriculum theorizing | Foundation for Curriculum Theory | 0 | |
1045-5736 | Journal of democracy | John Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3214 | Journal of democracy (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0952-4649 | Journal of design history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-7279 | Journal of design history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0169-796X | Journal of developing societies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2546 | Journal of developing societies (e-vir) | de Sitter Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3878 | Journal of Development Economics | North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
1743-9140 | Journal of development studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
2331-2521 | Journal of disability & religion | Taylor & Francis Group, LLC | 0 | ✔ |
2331-253X | Journal of disability & religion (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1050-2556 | Journal of divorce & remarriage | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1540-4811 | Journal of divorce & remarriage (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0047-2379 | Journal of drug education | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-4159 | Journal of drug education (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1941-2851 | Journal of drug policy analysis (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
2194-6337 | Journal of drug policy analysis | 0 | ||
2211-0879 | Journal of Dutch literature | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
2211-0887 | Journal of Dutch literature | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | |
1067-6341 | Journal of early Christian studies | John Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3184 | Journal of early Christian studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1385-3783 | Journal of early modern history | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0658 | Journal of early modern history | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0925-8558 | Journal of East Asian linguistics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8560 | Journal of East Asian linguistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1753-1055 | Journal of Eastern African studies | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1753-1063 | Journal of Eastern African studies (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0949-6181 | Journal of East European management studies | Nomos | 4 | |
1862-0019 | Journal of East European management studies (e-vir) | Hampp | 0 | |
Y502-2894 | Journal of East European management studies | Nomos | 0 | |
1066-9868 | Journal of East-West business | International Business Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-6959 | Journal of East-West business (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6345 | Journal of econometric methocs | 0 | ✔ | |
2156-6674 | Journal of econometric methods (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6895 | Journal of econometrics (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4076 | Journal of Econometrics | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0747-9662 | Journal of economic and social measurement | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8932 | Journal of economic and social measurement | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1325-2224 | Journal of economic and social policy | Centre for Policy and Research Inc. and the Faculty of Business and Computing, Southern Cross University | 0 | |
2202-4883 | Journal of economic and social policy | [School of Business, Southern Cross University] | 0 | |
0165-1889 | Journal of economic dynamics & control | North-Holland; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1743 | Journal of economic dynamics & control (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1381-4338 | Journal of economic growth | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7020 | Journal of economic growth (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1860-711X | Journal of economic interaction and coordination | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1860-7128 | Journal of economic interaction and coordination (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-3624 | Journal of economic issues | Department of Economics, California State University | 0 | ✔ |
1946-326X | Journal of economic issues (e-vir) | University of Texas | 0 | ✔ |
1350-178X | Journal of economic methodology | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0931-8658 | Journal of economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-7134 | Journal of economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1055-0925 | Journal of economics and finance | Dept. of Economics, Memphis State University | 0 | ✔ |
1938-9744 | Journal of economics and finance | Dept. of Economics, Memphis State University]; Springer Science+Business Media, LLC | 0 | ✔ |
0021-4027 | Journal of economics and statistics | Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
2193-2409 | Journal of economic structures (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0144-3585 | Journal of economic studies | MCB Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1758-7387 | Journal of economic studies (e-vir) | Dept. of Economics, University of Strathclyde] | 0 | |
0022-0558 | Journal of ecumenical studies | Temple University | 0 | ✔ |
2162-3937 | Journal of ecumenical studies | Duquesne University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0620 | Journal of educational administration and history | University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1478-7431 | Journal of educational administration and history (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Available from:] OCLC | 0 | ✔ |
1076-9986 | Journal of educational and behavioral statistics | AERA; ASA | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1054 | Journal of educational and behavioral statistics (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association; American Statistical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1389-2843 | Journal of educational change | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1812 | Journal of educational change (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0735-6331 | Journal of educational computing research | Baywood | 0 | ✔ |
1541-4140 | Journal of educational computing research (e-vir) | Baywood | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0655 | Journal of educational measurement | National Council on Measurement in Education | 0 | ✔ |
1745-3984 | Journal of educational measurement (e-vir) | National Council on Measurement in Education | 0 | ✔ |
2041-6938 | Journal of educational media, memory, and society | Berghahn Journals. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2041-6946 | Journal of educational media, memory, and society (e-vir) | Berghahn Journals. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0663 | Journal of educational psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2176 | Journal of educational psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2395 | Journal of educational technology systems | Baywood Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3810 | Journal of educational technology systems (e-vir) | Baywood Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2221-2590 | Journal of education and vocational research (e-vir) | International Foundation for Research and Development | 0 | |
0883-2323 | Journal of education for business | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-3356 | Journal of education for business (e-vir) | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1803-1617 | Journal of Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science (e-vir) | Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | 0 | |
2155-4137 | Journal of e-government studies and best practices (e-vir) | IBIMA Pub. | 0 | |
0894-6566 | Journal of elder abuse & neglect | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4129 | Journal of elder abuse & neglect | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1526-6133 | Journal of electronic commerce research (e-vir) | R. Chi | 0 | |
1938-9027 | Journal of electronic commerce research | R. Chi | 0 | |
1941-1278 | Journal of electronic resource librarianship | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1542-4065 | Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1542-4073 | Journal of electronic resources in medical libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1941-126X | Journal of electronic resources librarianship | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1063-4266 | Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders | PRO-ED, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4799 | Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
2191-9216 | Journal of English as a Lingua Franca | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
2191-933X | Journal of English as a Lingua Franca | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4242 | Journal of English linguistics | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5457 | Journal of English linguistics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2052-336X | Journal of environmental health science & engineering (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0964-0568 | Journal of environmental planning and management | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0559 | Journal of environmental planning and management (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers for the University of Newcastle upon Tyne | 0 | ✔ |
1059-0501 | Journal of environmental science and health | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4095 | Journal of environmental science and health | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1531-3204 | Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-3212 | Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-7938 | Journal of ethnicity in criminal justice | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-7946 | Journal of ethnicity in criminal justice (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2640 | Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2659 | Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1049-6483 | Journal of Euromarketing | International Business Press; The Haworth Press | 0 | |
1528-6967 | Journal of Euromarketing (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
2191-3412 | Journal of European Consumer and Market Law | Springer | 0 | |
0947-9511 | Journal of European integration history | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
2040-6134 | Journal of European popular culture | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2040-6142 | Journal of European popular culture (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1350-1763 | Journal of European public policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4429 | Journal of European public policy (e-vir) | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
0047-2441 | Journal of European studies | Alpha Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1740-2379 | Journal of European studies (e-vir) | Seminar Press Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1868-9612 | Journal of European tort law | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-9620 | Journal of European tort law (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1543-3714 | Journal of evidence-based social work | Haworth Social Work Practice Press | 0 | |
1543-3722 | Journal of evidence-based social work (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0936-9937 | Journal of evolutionary economics | Springer-Verlag; Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1386 | Journal of evolutionary economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1789-2082 | Journal of evolutionary psychology | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
2060-5587 | Journal of evolutionary psychology (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0022-0965 | Journal of experimental child psychology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0457 | Journal of experimental child psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8315 | Journal of experimental criminology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3750 | Journal of experimental criminology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0096-1523 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0096-3445 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0097-7403 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | |
0278-7393 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1076-898X | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1277 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1285 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2184 | Journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | |
1939-2192 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2222 | Journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1031 | Journal of experimental social psychology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0465 | Journal of experimental social psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1058-0476 | Journal of family and economic issues | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3475 | Journal of family and economic issues (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0363-1990 | Journal of family history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5473 | Journal of family history (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1052-2158 | Journal of family social work | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4072 | Journal of family social work (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0885-7482 | Journal of family violence | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2851 | Journal of family violence (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0895-2833 | Journal of feminist family therapy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4099 | Journal of feminist family therapy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1553-3913 | Journal of feminist studies in religion (e-vir) | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
8755-4178 | Journal of feminist studies in religion | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
0093-4690 | Journal of field archaeology | Boston University. | 0 | ✔ |
2042-4582 | Journal of field archaeology (e-vir) | Boston University | 1 | ✔ |
0742-4671 | Journal of film and video | University Film and Video Association | 0 | ✔ |
1934-6018 | Journal of film and video | University Film and Video Association | 0 | ✔ |
1948-3015 | Journal of finance and accountancy (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2327-5383 | Journal of finance and accountancy | Academic and Business Research Institute. | 0 | |
0022-1090 | Journal of financial and quantitative analysis | University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association | 0 | ✔ |
1756-6916 | Journal of financial and quantitative analysis (e-vir) | Western Finance Association and the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Washington | 0 | ✔ |
0920-8550 | Journal of financial services research | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0735 | Journal of financial services research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1944-9771 | Journal of financial therapy (e-vir) | Institute of Personal Financial Training, Kansas State University | 0 | ✔ |
1945-7774 | Journal of financial therapy | Institute of Personal Financial Training, Kansas State University | 0 | ✔ |
0737-7037 | Journal of folklore research | Indiana University Folklore Institute | 0 | |
1543-0413 | Journal of folklore research (e-vir) | Folklore Institute, Indiana University | 0 | |
1045-4446 | Journal of food products marketing | Food Products Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4102 | Journal of food products marketing | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-8020 | Journal of foodservice business research | The Haworth Hospitality Press; Food products press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-8039 | Journal of foodservice business research (e-vir) | The Haworth Hospitality Press; Food products press | 0 | ✔ |
0898-5510 | Journal of forensic economics | National Association of Forensic Economics | 0 | |
2374-8753 | Journal of forensic economics (e-vir) | National Association of Forensic Economics | 0 | |
1522-8932 | Journal of forensic psychology practice | Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press | 0 | |
1522-9092 | Journal of forensic psychology practice | Haworth | 0 | |
0959-2695 | Journal of French language studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0079 | Journal of French language studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1050-5350 | Journal of gambling studies | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3602 | Journal of gambling studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1053-8720 | Journal of gay & lesbian social services | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1540-4056 | Journal of gay & lesbian social services | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0021-3667 | Journal of General Education | The Pennsylvania State University | 0 | |
0022-1325 | Journal of genetic psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0896 | Journal of genetic psychology (e-vir) | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1462-3528 | Journal of genocide research | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9494 | Journal of genocide research (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0309-8265 | Journal of geography in higher education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1845 | Journal of geography in higher education (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-5427 | Journal of Germanic linguistics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3014 | Journal of Germanic linguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0163-4372 | Journal of gerontological social work | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4048 | Journal of gerontological social work (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1550-428X | Journal of GLBT family studies | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1550-4298 | Journal of GLBT family studies (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
2228-7566 | Journal of global entrepreneurship research | University of Tehran, Faculty of Entrepreneurship | 0 | ✔ |
2251-7316 | Journal of global entrepreneurship research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1948-1837 | Journal of globalization and development (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6353 | Journal of globalization and development | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0891-1762 | Journal of global marketing | Taylor & Francis; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1528-6975 | Journal of global marketing (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0925-5001 | Journal of global optimization | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2916 | Journal of global optimization (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1566-5844 | Journal of Greek linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9846 | Journal of Greek linguistics (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1556-035X | Journal of groups in addiction & recovery | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1556-0368 | Journal of groups in addiction & recovery | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1389-4978 | Journal of happiness studies | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7780 | Journal of happiness studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2150-6000 | Journal of health & social behavior (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1465 | Journal of health and social behavior | American Sociological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4269 | Journal of Hellenic studies | Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2041-4099 | Journal of Hellenic studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2164-8212 | Journal of higher education outreach & engagement (e-vir) | Institute of Higher Education and the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, University of Georgia | 0 | ✔ |
1534-6102 | Journal of higher education outreach and engagement | Institute of Higher Education and the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, University of Georgia | 0 | ✔ |
1949-9833 | Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art | [Historians of Netherlandish Art] | 0 | |
2473-1404 | Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1566-5852 | Journal of historical pragmatics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 1 | ✔ |
1569-9854 | Journal of historical pragmatics (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6443 | Journal of historical sociology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
1538-1501 | Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | |
1538-151X | Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
2054-1988 | Journal of Holy Land and Palestine studies | Edinburgh University Press Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2054-1996 | Journal of Holy Land and Palestine studies (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1547-7355 | Journal of homeland security and emergency management (e-vir) | Bepress | 0 | ✔ |
0091-8369 | Journal of homosexuality | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3602 | Journal of homosexuality (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1936-8623 | Journal of hospitality marketing & management | Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1936-8631 | Journal of hospitality marketing & management | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-3269 | Journal of hospital librarianship | Haworth Information Press | 0 | ✔ |
1532-3277 | Journal of hospital librarianship (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-0934 | Journal of hospital marketing & public relations (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1539-0942 | Journal of hospital marketing & public relations | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0276-3893 | Journal of housing for the elderly | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1091-1359 | Journal of human behavior in the social environment | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3556 | Journal of human behavior in the social environment | Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2829 | Journal of human development and capabilities | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2837 | Journal of human development and capabilities (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis / Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2845 | Journal of human resources in hospitality & tourism | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2853 | Journal of human resources in hospitality & tourism (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1843-5610 | Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (e-vir) | Editura Universitæaţii din Oradea | 0 | |
2212-8433 | Journal of immersion and content-based language education | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2212-8441 | Journal of immersion and content-based language education | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1556-2948 | Journal of immigrant & refugee studies | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1556-2956 | Journal of immigrant & refugee studies | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
0970-7794 | Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research | Indian Council of Philosophical Research. | 0 | |
0022-1791 | Journal of Indian philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0395 | Journal of Indian philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1614-0001 | Journal of individual differences | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2299 | Journal of individual differences | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0895-7258 | Journal of Indo-European studies | Institute for the Study of Man (Washington, D.C.) | 0 | |
1088-1980 | Journal of industrial ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9290 | Journal of industrial ecology (e-vir) | MIT Press; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1821 | Journal of industrial economics | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6451 | Journal of industrial economics (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2013-0953 | Journal of industrial engineering and management (e-vir) | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | 0 | ✔ |
2013-8423 | Journal of industrial engineering and management | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-3892 | Journal of industrial engineering and management (e-vir) | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | 0 | |
1566-1679 | Journal of industry, competition and trade | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7012 | Journal of industry, competition and trade (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1061-9321 | Journal of information ethics | McFarland & Co. | 0 | |
1941-2894 | Journal of information ethics (e-vir) | McFarland & Co. | 0 | |
1750-5968 | Journal of information literacy | CILIP] | 0 | ✔ |
2158-3897 | Journal of information policy (e-vir) | Institute for Information Policy, Pennsylvania State University | 0 | ✔ |
2381-5892 | Journal of information policy | Institute for Information Policy, Pennsylvania State University; Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0165-5515 | Journal of information science | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1741-6485 | Journal of information science (e-vir) | Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4437 | Journal of information technology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1933-1681 | Journal of information technology & politics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1933-169X | Journal of information technology & politics (e-vir) | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-7044 | Journal of information technology & politics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
2192-5372 | Journal of innovation and entrepreneurship (e-vir) | SpringerOpen | 0 | ✔ |
0932-4569 | Journal of institutional and theoretical economics | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | ✔ |
1614-0559 | Journal of institutional and theoretical economics (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck. | 0 | ✔ |
0925-9902 | Journal of intelligent information systems | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7675 | Journal of intelligent information systems (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0956-5515 | Journal of intelligent manufacturing | Chapman and Hall. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8145 | Journal of intelligent manufacturing (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1525-2019 | Journal of interactive advertising (e-vir) | Dept. of Advertising at Michigan State University; Dept. of Advertising at University of Texas at Austin | 0 | ✔ |
1365-893X | Journal of interactive media in education (e-vir) | Knowledge Media Institute, Open University | 0 | ✔ |
1404-1634 | Journal of Intercultural Communication | Immigrant-institutet | 0 | ✔ |
0260-1079 | Journal of interdisciplinary economics | AB Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
2321-5305 | Journal of interdisciplinary economics | Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0890-0132 | Journal of interdisciplinary studies | Institute for Interdisciplinary Research | 0 | |
2766-0508 | Journal of interdisciplinary studies (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1072-303X | Journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & information supply | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3572 | Journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & information supply (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-197X | Journal of international affairs | School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. | 0 | |
0255-8106 | Journal of international arbitration | Journal of international arbitration | 0 | ✔ |
1941-5087 | Journal of international business and cultural studies (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2327-5391 | Journal of international business and cultural studies | Academic and Business Research Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-1933 | Journal of international business and cultural studies (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | |
0896-1530 | Journal of international consumer marketing | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
1528-7068 | Journal of international consumer marketing (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0954-1748 | Journal of international development | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1328 | Journal of international development (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1570-7385 | Journal of international entrepreneurship | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7349 | Journal of international entrepreneurship (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0897-4438 | Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-6983 | Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing | Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1539-8706 | Journal of international women's studies | Bridgewater State College | 0 | |
1204-5357 | Journal of Internet banking and commerce (e-vir) | Array Development | 0 | |
1867-4828 | Journal of internet services and applications | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1869-0238 | Journal of internet services and applications | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2158-1401 | Journal of jazz studies (e-vir) | Institute of Jazz Studies | 0 | |
0022-2097 | Journal of Jewish studies | Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2069-5934 | Journal of knowledge management, economics and information technology (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1705-9232 | Journal of knowledge management practice (e-vir) | The Leadership Alliance | 0 | |
0195-3613 | Journal of labor research | George Mason University, Dept. of Economics. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4768 | Journal of labor research | George Mason University, Dept. of Economics | 0 | ✔ |
2051-2856 | Journal of language, literature and culture | Maney Publishing; Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association | 0 | ✔ |
2051-2864 | Journal of language, literature and culture (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2213-1272 | Journal of language aggression and conflict | Benjamins | 2 | ✔ |
2213-1280 | Journal of language aggression and conflict (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2159 | Journal of language and politics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 2 | ✔ |
1569-9862 | Journal of language and politics | John benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2211-3770 | Journal of language and sexuality | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2211-3789 | Journal of language and sexuality | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0261-927X | Journal of language and social psychology | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6526 | Journal of language and social psychology (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1877-4091 | Journal of language contact | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1955-2629 | Journal of language contact (e-vir) | Journal of language contact | 0 | ✔ |
0128-5157 | Journal of language teaching, linguistics and literature | Pusat Bahasa, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | 0 | |
1798-4769 | Journal of language teaching and research | Academy Publisher | 0 | |
2053-0684 | Journal of language teaching and research (e-vir) | Academy Publisher; Academy Publisher Inc.1; Academy Publication Co., Ltd | 0 | |
0022-216X | Journal of Latin American studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-767X | Journal of Latin American studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1832-8342 | Journal of learning design (e-vir) | Queensland University of Technology | 0 | |
1759-667X | Journal of learning development in higher education (e-vir) | ALDinHE | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2194 | Journal of learning disabilities | Pro-Ed | 1 | ✔ |
1538-4780 | Journal of learning disabilities (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2208 | Journal of legal education | Association of American Law Schools | 0 | |
1089-4160 | Journal of lesbian studies | Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3548 | Journal of lesbian studies | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1553-8338 | Journal of LGBT issues in counseling (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1553-8605 | Journal of LGBT issues in counseling | Co-published by Harrington Park Press and, the Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1936-1653 | Journal of LGBT youth | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1936-1661 | Journal of LGBT youth (e-vir) | The Haworth Press | 0 | |
0961-0006 | Journal of librarianship and information science | Bowker-Saur | 1 | ✔ |
1741-6477 | Journal of librarianship and information science (e-vir) | Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. | 0 | ✔ |
1533-290X | Journal of library & information services in distance learning | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2918 | Journal of library & information services in distance learning | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0193-0826 | Journal of library administration | Haworth Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-3564 | Journal of library administration (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1947-525X | Journal of library innovation (e-vir) | Western New York Library Resources Council | 0 | |
1937-5034 | Journal of library metadata (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1938-6389 | Journal of library metadata | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1055-1360 | Journal of linguistic anthropology | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1395 | Journal of linguistic anthropology (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2267 | Journal of linguistics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7742 | Journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0341-7638 | Journal of literary semantics | Groos | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3838 | Journal of literary semantics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1862-5290 | Journal of literary theory | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1862-8990 | Journal of literary theory (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2045-4740 | Journal of literature and trauma studies (e-vir) | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
2162-3627 | Journal of literature and trauma studies | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
0925-8531 | Journal of logic, language and information | Kluwer Academic Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9583 | Journal of logic, language and information (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0164-0704 | Journal of macroeconomics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-152X | Journal of macroeconomics (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1941-3408 | Journal of management and marketing research (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2327-5340 | Journal of management and marketing research | Academic and Business Research Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
1923-3965 | Journal of management and strategy | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1923-3973 | Journal of management and strategy | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2191-4761 | Journal of management control | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2191-477X | Journal of management control | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1941-899X | Journal of management research (e-vir) | Macrothink Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1542-0353 | Journal of map & geography libraries | The Harworth information press | 0 | ✔ |
1542-0361 | Journal of map & geography libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1557-2285 | Journal of maritime archaeology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1557-2293 | Journal of maritime archaeology (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2429 | Journal of marketing | American Marketing Association | 0 | ✔ |
1547-7185 | Journal of marketing (e-vir) | American Marketing Association | 0 | ✔ |
1046-669X | Journal of marketing channels | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1540-7039 | Journal of marketing channels (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1352-7266 | Journal of marketing communications | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4445 | Journal of marketing communications (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0884-1241 | Journal of marketing for higher education | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7144 | Journal of marketing for higher education (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-7193 | Journal of marketing research (e-vir) | American Marketing Association | 0 | ✔ |
1359-1835 | Journal of material culture | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3586 | Journal of material culture (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2496 | Journal of mathematical psychology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2156-1397 | Journal of mathematics education at Teachers College | Columbia University. | 0 | |
2156-1400 | Journal of mathematics education at Teachers College | Teachers College Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
1386-4416 | Journal of mathematics teacher education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1820 | Journal of mathematics teacher education (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
1864-1105 | Journal of media psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | |
2151-2388 | Journal of media psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | |
1041-3545 | Journal of medical humanities (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1082-9636 | Journal of medieval and early modern studies | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4181 | Journal of medieval history | North-Holland Publ. Co | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1279 | Journal of medieval history | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0952-7648 | Journal of Mediterranean archaeology | Sheffield Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1700 | Journal of Mediterranean archaeology (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0749-596X | Journal of memory and language | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0821 | Journal of memory and language | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1177-2484 | Journal of men, masculinities and spirituality (e-vir) | Joseph Gelfer | 0 | |
0364-5541 | Journal of mental imagery | Brandon House. | 0 | |
2198-0934 | Journal of meteorological research (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
2095-6037 | Journal of Meteorological Research | Acta Meteorologica Sinica Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1488-559X | Journal of military and strategic studies (e-vir) | Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary | 0 | |
0022-278X | Journal of modern African studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0738-1727 | Journal of modern Greek studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3265 | Journal of modern Greek studies (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-281X | Journal of modern literature | Temple University | 0 | |
1529-1464 | Journal of modern literature (e-vir) | Temple University | 0 | |
1873-1295 | Journal of monetary economics (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3932 | Journal of Monetary Economics | North-Holland Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2879 | Journal of money, credit, and banking | Ohio State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4616 | Journal of money, credit, and banking (e-vir) | Ohio State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3877 | Journal of moral education (e-vir) | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
0022-2895 | Journal of motor behavior | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1027 | Journal of motor behavior | HELDREF Publications, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1947-2900 | Journal of multidisciplinary research | St. Thomas University | 0 | |
1947-2919 | Journal of multidisciplinary research | St. Thomas University | 0 | |
0143-4632 | Journal of multilingual and multicultural development | Multilingual Matters | 1 | ✔ |
1747-7557 | Journal of multilingual and multicultural development (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
2155-109X | Journal of music history pedagogy (e-vir) | American Musicological Society | 0 | |
0022-2909 | Journal of music theory | Yale School of Music | 0 | ✔ |
1941-7497 | Journal of music theory (e-vir) | Yale School of Music | 0 | ✔ |
2053-7395 | Journal of music therapy (e-vir) | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2004 | Journal of Muslim minority affairs | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9591 | Journal of Muslim minority affairs (e-vir) | Routledge. | 0 | ✔ |
1053-6981 | Journal of narrative and life history | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | |
0022-2968 | Journal of Near Eastern studies | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6978 | Journal of Near Eastern studies (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0028-2715 | Journal of Nepal Medical Association | Nepal Medical Association. | 0 | |
1815-672X | Journal of Nepal Medical Association | Nepal Medical Association | 0 | |
1064-7570 | Journal of network and systems management | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7705 | Journal of network and systems management | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4039 | Journal of New Zealand & Pacific studies | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4047 | Journal of New Zealand & Pacific studies (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0968-8005 | Journal of Nietzsche studies | [s.n.]. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4594 | Journal of Nietzsche studies (e-vir) | [Friedrich Nietzsche Society] | 0 | ✔ |
0195-9298 | Journal of nondestructive evaluation | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1573-4862 | Journal of nondestructive evaluation | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1049-5142 | Journal of nonprofit & public sector marketing | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6997 | Journal of nonprofit & public sector marketing (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0191-5886 | Journal of nonverbal behavior | Human Sciences Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3653 | Journal of nonverbal behavior (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0963-1798 | Journal of occupational and organizational psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8325 | Journal of occupational and organizational psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1050-9674 | Journal of offender rehabilitation | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1540-8558 | Journal of offender rehabilitation (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1558-9528 | Journal of online learning and teaching (e-vir) | Multimedia Resource for Learning and Online Teaching | 0 | |
0894-3796 | Journal of organizational behavior | Wiley | 2 | ✔ |
1099-1379 | Journal of organizational behavior (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0160-8061 | Journal of organizational behavior management | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-8604 | Journal of organizational behavior management | Haworth Press [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0022-331X | Journal of oriental studies = | Hong Kong University Press. | 0 | |
0022-3344 | Journal of Pacific history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0377-919X | Journal of Palestine studies | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8614 | Journal of Palestine studies (e-vir) | Institute for Palestine Studies; Kuwait University | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3433 | Journal of peace research | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3578 | Journal of peace research (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0966-7369 | Journal of Pentecostal theology | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5251 | Journal of Pentecostal theology (e-vir) | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7094 | Journal of persianate studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7167 | Journal of persianate studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3506 | Journal of personality | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6494 | Journal of personality (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0885-579X | Journal of personality disorders | Guilford Press | 0 | |
1943-2763 | Journal of personality disorders (e-vir) | Guilford Publications | 0 | |
1866-5888 | Journal of personnel psychology | 0 | ||
2190-5150 | Journal of personnel psychology (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | |
0047-2662 | Journal of phenomenological psychology | Humanities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1624 | Journal of phenomenological psychology | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3611 | Journal of philosophical logic | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0433 | Journal of philosophical logic (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1053-8364 | Journal of philosophical research | Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
2153-7984 | Journal of philosophical research | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1555-5100 | Journal of philosophy & scripture (e-vir) | Villanova University | 0 | |
0095-4470 | Journal of phonetics | Seminar Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8576 | Journal of phonetics (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0920-9034 | Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9870 | Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0889-3675 | Journal of poetry therapy | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1567-2344 | Journal of poetry therapy | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2586 | Journal of police crisis negotiations | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1533-2594 | Journal of police crisis negotiations | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0276-8739 | Journal of policy analysis and management | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6688 | Journal of policy analysis and management (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0898-0306 | Journal of policy history | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-4190 | Journal of policy history (e-vir) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0161-8938 | Journal of Policy Modeling | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1558-8742 | Journal of policy practice | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1558-8750 | Journal of policy practice (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1612-5681 | Journal of politeness research | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4877 | Journal of politeness research | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2642-2190 | Journal of political & military sociology (e-vir) | Journal of Political and Military Sociology | 0 | |
1073-0451 | Journal of political ecology | Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of Arizona | 1 | ✔ |
0022-3808 | Journal of political economy | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1356-9317 | Journal of political ideologies | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9613 | Journal of political ideologies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1537-7857 | Journal of political marketing | Haworth Political Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-7865 | Journal of political marketing | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1866-802X | Journal of politics in Latin America | Institute of Latin American Studies, German Institute of Global and Area Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1868-4890 | Journal of politics in Latin America | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3840 | Journal of popular culture | Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6051 | Journal of popular film and television | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2046-9861 | Journal of popular television | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2046-987X | Journal of popular television (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1874-7876 | Journal of population ageing (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7884 | Journal of population ageing | Springer Netherlands | 2 | ✔ |
0933-1433 | Journal of population economics | Springer-Verl. New York; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1475 | Journal of population economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1443-2447 | Journal of population research | APA | 0 | ✔ |
1835-9469 | Journal of population research (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0160-3477 | Journal of post Keynesian economics | M. E. Sharpe, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7821 | Journal of post Keynesian economics (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1087-5549 | Journal of poverty | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7608 | Journal of poverty (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0378-2166 | Journal of pragmatics | North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
1879-1387 | Journal of pragmatics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1521-9216 | Journal of Presbyterian history | Presbyterian Historical Society in cooperation with the Historical Foundation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church | 0 | |
1085-2352 | Journal of prevention & intervention in the community | Haworth Press; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7330 | Journal of prevention & intervention in the community (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0895-562X | Journal of productivity analysis | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0441 | Journal of productivity analysis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1042-8232 | Journal of progressive human services | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7616 | Journal of progressive human services | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1049-6491 | Journal of promotion management | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7594 | Journal of promotion management | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3905 | Journal of property management | Institute of Real Estate Management | 0 | |
0959-9916 | Journal of property research | Spon in association with the Land Development Studies Education Trust | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4453 | Journal of property research (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
0090-6905 | Journal of psycholinguistic research | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6555 | Journal of psycholinguistic research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0091-6471 | Journal of psychology and theology | Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology. | 0 | ✔ |
2328-1162 | Journal of psychology and theology (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0882-2689 | Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3505 | Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8803 | Journal of psychophysiology | Hogrefe and Huber | 0 | |
2151-2124 | Journal of psychophysiology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2198-963X | Journal of psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health (e-vir) | Springer Nature India Private Limited | 0 | ✔ |
2198-9834 | Journal of psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health | Springer Nature India Private Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1472-3891 | Journal of public affairs | Henry Stewart | 4 | ✔ |
1479-1854 | Journal of public affairs (e-vir) | Henry Stewart Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1096-3367 | Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management (e-vir) | Emerald | 1 | ✔ |
1945-1814 | Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management (e-vir) | PrAcademics Press | 0 | |
1937-2841 | Journal of public deliberation | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | |
1879-2316 | Journal of public economics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2727 | Journal of Public Economics | North Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0143-814X | Journal of public policy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7815 | Journal of public policy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-0118 | Journal of public procurement | PrAcademics Press | 0 | ✔ |
2150-6930 | Journal of public procurement (e-vir) | PrAcademics Press | 0 | |
1528-008X | Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism | Haworth Hospitality Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-0098 | Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism (e-vir) | Haworth Hospitality Press | 0 | ✔ |
0748-4518 | Journal of quantitative criminology | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7799 | Journal of quantitative criminology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0894-9085 | Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6563 | Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4146 | Journal of regional science | Regional Science Research Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9787 | Journal of regional science (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0922-680X | Journal of regulatory economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1573-0468 | Journal of regulatory economics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2667 | Journal of relationship marketing | The Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2675 | Journal of relationship marketing (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-8967 | Journal of religion, disability & health | Haworth Pastoral Press | 0 | |
1522-9122 | Journal of religion, disability & health (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1552-8030 | Journal of religion, spirituality & aging | Haworth Pastoral Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8049 | Journal of religion, spirituality & aging | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-5658 | Journal of religion & society | Creighton University, Center for the Study of Religion and Society | 0 | ✔ |
1542-6432 | Journal of religion & spirituality in social work | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1542-6440 | Journal of religion & spirituality in social work | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4197 | Journal of religion and health | Human Sciences Press, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6571 | Journal of religion and health (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1703-289X | Journal of religion and popular culture (e-vir) | University of Saskatchewan, Dept. of Religious Studies; University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4200 | Journal of religion in Africa | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0666 | Journal of religion in Africa | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1047-7845 | Journal of religious & theological information | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-6924 | Journal of religious & theological information (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1442-018X | Journal of religious education | Australian Catholic University | 0 | ✔ |
2199-4625 | Journal of religious education (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
2210-464X | Journal of remanufacturing | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2210-4690 | Journal of remanufacturing (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0264-6838 | Journal of reproductive and infant psychology | Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1469-672X | Journal of reproductive and infant psychology (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1945-0095 | Journal of research in music education (e-vir) | Music Educators National Conference | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4294 | Journal of Research in Music Education | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0092-6566 | Journal of research in personality | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-7251 | Journal of research in personality (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0141-0423 | Journal of research in reading | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9817 | Journal of research in reading (e-vir) | United Kingdom Reading Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4308 | Journal of research in science teaching | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2736 | Journal of research in science teaching | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1712-851X | Journal of research practice (e-vir) | Athabasca University Press. | 0 | |
1873-3271 | Journal of retailing (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4359 | Journal of Retailing | New York University, Institute of Retail Management | 0 | ✔ |
0895-5646 | Journal of risk and uncertainty | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0476 | Journal of risk and uncertainty (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1047-7594 | Journal of Roman archaeology | [Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology] | 0 | ✔ |
2331-5709 | Journal of Roman archaeology (e-vir) | [Editorial Committee of the Journal of Roman Archaeology] | 0 | ✔ |
1473-3536 | Journal of romance studies | University of London. | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2331 | Journal of romance studies (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1753-528X | Journal of Roman studies (e-vir) | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1712-8277 | Journal of rural and community development (e-vir) | Rural Development Institute | 0 | |
1198-9742 | Journal of scholarly publishing | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1166 | Journal of scholarly publishing (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1558-2159 | Journal of school choice | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1558-2167 | Journal of school choice (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1059-0145 | Journal of science education and technology | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1839 | Journal of science education and technology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1046-560X | Journal of science teacher education | Association for the Education of Teachers in Science :; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1847 | Journal of science teacher education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1748-538X | Journal of Scottish historical studies | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1749 | Journal of Scottish historical studies (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2215-1931 | Journal of second language pronunciation | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 1 | ✔ |
2215-194X | Journal of second language pronunciation (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4480 | Journal of semitic studies | University of Manchester | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8556 | Journal of Semitic studies (e-vir) | University of Manchester | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9893 | Journal of service science and management | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9907 | Journal of service science and management (e-vir) | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2093-0720 | Journal of service science research | Society of Service Science | 0 | |
2093-0739 | Journal of service science research | Society of Service Science | 0 | |
1068-2090 | Journal of Slavic linguistics | Indiana University Linguistics Club | 0 | |
1543-0391 | Journal of Slavic linguistics (e-vir) | Slavica Publishers | 0 | |
0962-1105 | Journal of sleep research | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2869 | Journal of sleep research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0736-7236 | Journal of social and clinical psychology | Guilford Press | 0 | |
1943-2771 | Journal of social and clinical psychology (e-vir) | Guilford Publications | 0 | |
2199-6873 | Journal of social and economic development (e-vir) | Springer India | 0 | ✔ |
0972-5792 | Journal of Social and Economic Development | Institute for Social and Economic Change. | 0 | ✔ |
0265-4075 | Journal of social and personal relationships | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3608 | Journal of social and personal relationships (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-6053 | Journal of social archaeology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2951 | Journal of social archaeology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4529 | Journal of social history | Carnegie Mellon University | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1897 | Journal of social history | Carnegie-Mellon University | 0 | ✔ |
1836-8808 | Journal of social inclusion | Griffith University ePress | 0 | |
1876-8830 | Journal of social intervention | Igitur; Hogeschool Utrecht | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2794 | Journal of social policy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7823 | Journal of social policy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2067-2640 | Journal of Social Research & Policy | Editura Universitaţii din Oradea | 0 | |
2068-9861 | Journal of Social Research & Policy (e-vir) | Editura Universitaţii din Oradea | 0 | |
2456-6756 | Journal of social sciences (e-vir) | Kamla-Raj Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
0971-8923 | Journal of Social Sciences | Kamla-Raj Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
0148-8376 | Journal of social service research | Haworth Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7314 | Journal of social service research (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0173 | Journal of social work | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-296X | Journal of social work (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1536-710X | Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation | Haworth Social Work Practice Press | 0 | |
1536-7118 | Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1552-4264 | Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4256 | Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care | 0 | ✔ | |
1533-256X | Journal of social work practice in the addictions | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2578 | Journal of social work practice in the addictions (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1553-6947 | Journal of social work values and ethics | White Hat Communications | 0 | |
1360-6441 | Journal of sociolinguistics | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9841 | Journal of sociolinguistics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2339-5095 | Journal of Southeast Asian economies | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 0 | |
2339-5206 | Journal of Southeast Asian economies (e-vir) | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 0 | |
0022-4634 | Journal of Southeast Asian studies | Mcgraw-Hill Far Eastern Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0680 | Journal of Southeast Asian studies (e-vir) | Far Eastern Publishers International | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9639 | Journal of southeast European and Black Sea studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1468-3857 | Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea studies | Frank Cass | 1 | ✔ |
0305-7070 | Journal of southern african studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3893 | Journal of southern African studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
2364-5334 | Journal of Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society | Ibidem-Verl., | 0 | |
1934-9637 | Journal of spirituality in mental health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1934-9645 | Journal of spirituality in mental health (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0895-2779 | Journal of sport & exercise psychology | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2904 | Journal of sport & exercise psychology (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0888-4773 | Journal of sport management | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1543-270X | Journal of sport management (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-4313 | Journal of sports media | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1940-5073 | Journal of sports media | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
0264-0414 | Journal of sports sciences | Routledge | 2 | ✔ |
1466-447X | Journal of sports sciences (e-vir) | Taylor Francis Health Sciences; E & FN Spon | 2 | ✔ |
0965-254X | Journal of strategic marketing | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4488 | Journal of strategic marketing (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1944-0464 | Journal of strategic security | Henley-Putnam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1944-0472 | Journal of strategic security (e-vir) | Henley-Putnam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1044-0046 | Journal of sustainable agriculture | Food Products Press | 0 | |
1540-7578 | Journal of sustainable agriculture | Food Products Press]; Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | |
1804-2724 | Journal of Systems Integration (e-vir) | Česká společnost pro systémovou integraci | 0 | |
0022-4855 | Journal of Tamil studies | International Institute of Tamil Studies. | 0 | |
0022-4871 | Journal of teacher education | American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7816 | Journal of teacher education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0897-5930 | Journal of teaching in international business | The Haworth Press | 1 | ✔ |
1528-6991 | Journal of teaching in international business (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2769 | Journal of teaching in physical education (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0273-5024 | Journal of Teaching in Physical Education | Human kinetics publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0884-1233 | Journal of teaching in social work | The Haworth press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7349 | Journal of teaching in social work | Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1531-3220 | Journal of teaching in travel & tourism | Haworth Hospitality Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-3239 | Journal of teaching in travel & tourism (e-vir) | Haworth Hospitality Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3780 | Journal of technical writing & communication (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2816 | Journal of technical writing and communication | Baywood Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2013-6374 | Journal of technology and science education | Omnia Science | 0 | ✔ |
2014-5349 | Journal of technology and science education | Institut de Ciències de l'Educació; Omnia | 0 | ✔ |
1522-8835 | Journal of technology in human services | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-8991 | Journal of technology in human services (e-vir) | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
2051-1787 | Journal of textile design, research and practice | Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, | 0 | ✔ |
2051-1795 | Journal of textile design, research and practice (e-vir) | Bloomsbury | 0 | ✔ |
0092-0703 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7824 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (e-vir) | Academy of Marketing Science | 0 | ✔ |
0002-7189 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4585 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion (e-vir) | American Academy of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0139 | Journal of the American Musicological Society | American Musicological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3848 | Journal of the American Musicological Society (e-vir) | American Musicological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0194-4363 | Journal of the American Planning Association | American Planning Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0130 | Journal of the American Planning Association (e-vir) | [American Planning Association] | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9853 | Journal of the Archives of American Art | Smithsonian Institution | 0 | ✔ |
2327-0667 | Journal of the Archives of American Art (e-vir) | Archives of American Art | 0 | ✔ |
1354-7860 | Journal of the Asia Pacific economy | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9648 | Journal of the Asia Pacific economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0068-1288 | Journal of the British Archaeological Association | British Archaeological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1747-6704 | Journal of the British Archaeological Association (e-vir) | British Archaeological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0275-1275 | Journal of the early Republic | Society for Historians of the Early American Republic | 0 | |
1553-0620 | Journal of the early Republic (e-vir) | Society for Historians of the Early American Republic | 0 | |
0022-4995 | Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5209 | Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2199-6776 | Journal of the Economic Science Association (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2199-6784 | Journal of the Economic Science Association | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1542-4766 | Journal of the European Economic Association | Published by the MIT Press for the European Economic Association | 0 | ✔ |
1542-4774 | Journal of the European Economic Association (e-vir) | Published by the MIT Press for the European Economic Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5002 | Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3711 | Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
0897-0521 | Journal of the fantastic in the arts | M. E. Sharpe | 1 | |
0022-5010 | Journal of the history of biology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0387 | Journal of the history of biology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5037 | Journal of the history of ideas | Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3222 | Journal of the history of ideas (e-vir) | Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5053 | Journal of the history of philosophy | Journal of the history of philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4586 | Journal of the history of philosophy | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1043-4070 | Journal of the history of sexuality | The University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-3605 | Journal of the history of sexuality | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5061 | Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6696 | Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences (e-vir) | Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1067 | Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society | Illinois State Historical Society | 0 | |
2328-3335 | Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (e-vir) | Illinois State Historical Society | 0 | |
0025-1003 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | International Phonetic Association | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3502 | Journal of the International Phonetic Association (e-vir) | International Phonetic Association | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7865 | Journal of the knowledge economy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7873 | Journal of the knowledge economy (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1536-5050 | Journal of the Medical Library Association | Medical Library Association | 0 | ✔ |
1558-9439 | Journal of the Medical Library Association (e-vir) | Medical Library Association | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-8044 | Journal of the Medical Library Association | Medical Library Association | 0 | |
1476-9360 | Journal of the Operational Research Society (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0718-1876 | Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research (e-vir) | Universidad de Talca | 1 | ✔ |
0951-6298 | Journal of theoretical politics | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3667 | Journal of theoretical politics (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0030-9796 | Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society | Pakistan Historical Society | 0 | |
0094-8705 | Journal of the philosophy of sport | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2939 | Journal of the philosophy of sport (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1948-075X | Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology (e-vir) | Research Center for Educational Technology | 0 | |
1356-1863 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0591 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0035-9106 | Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland | Royal Society of Antiquares of Ireland | 0 | |
0253-1097 | Journal of the social sciences | Kuwait University, Faculty of Commerce, Economics and Political Science | 0 | |
1649-7341 | Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (e-vir) | Society for Musicology in Ireland | 0 | |
0037-9751 | Journal of the Society for Psychical Research | Society for Psychical Research | 0 | |
2515-1916 | Journal of the Society for Psychical Research (e-vir) | Society for Psychical Research (Great Britain), | 0 | |
1948-822X | Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (e-vir) | Society for Social Work and Research | 0 | ✔ |
2334-2315 | Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research | The University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4390 | Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes | Warburg Institute, University | 0 | ✔ |
2044-0014 | Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (e-vir) | Warburg Institute, University of London | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5231 | Journal of thought | Journal of Thought Fund [etc.] | 0 | |
2375-270X | Journal of thought (e-vir) | [Journal of Thought] | 0 | |
2375-2718 | Journal of thought (e-vir) | Journal of Thought Fund. | 0 | |
1941-1928 | Journal of time series econometrics (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
2194-6507 | Journal of time series econometrics | 0 | ||
1844-9743 | Journal of tourism challenges and trends | Editura Universitarǎ | 0 | |
1547-5778 | Journal of transnational management | International Business Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-5786 | Journal of transnational management | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1938-7741 | Journal of transportation security | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1938-775X | Journal of transportation security (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5266 | Journal of transport history | Leicester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1529-9732 | Journal of trauma & dissociation | Co-published by Haworth Medical Press, Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press | 0 | ✔ |
1529-9740 | Journal of trauma & dissociation (e-vir) | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
1304-6020 | Journal of Turkish science education (e-vir) | Ekip Büro Malzemeleri; Haydar Çepni (Fırtına Akademi) | 0 | |
1449-9789 | Journal of university teaching & learning practice | University of Wollongong | 0 | |
2050-9790 | Journal of urban cultural studies | Intellect Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2050-9804 | Journal of urban cultural studies (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1357-4809 | Journal of urban design | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9664 | Journal of urban design (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0096-1442 | Journal of urban history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6771 | Journal of urban history (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1853 | Journal of urban technology (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | ✔ |
0972-9062 | Journal of Vector Borne Diseases | M.A. Ansari. | 0 | ✔ |
1559-372X | Journal of Vietnamese studies | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-3738 | Journal of Vietnamese studies (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-4129 | Journal of visual culture | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2994 | Journal of visual culture (e-vir) | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-7153 | Journal of visual culture | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0001-8791 | Journal of vocational behavior | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9084 | Journal of vocational behavior | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1363-6820 | Journal of vocational education & training | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5090 | Journal of vocational education & training (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1554-477X | Journal of women, politics & policy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-4788 | Journal of women, politics & policy (e-vir) | The Haworth Press Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1821-1283 | Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education | Institute of Economic Sciences | 0 | |
2406-0674 | Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (e-vir) | Institute of Economic Sciences | 0 | |
1042-7961 | Journal of women's history | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2036 | Journal of women's history (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0895-2841 | Journal of women & aging | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7322 | Journal of women & aging (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1555-5259 | Journal of workplace behavioral health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1555-5240 | Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health | 0 | ✔ | |
1045-6007 | Journal of world history | University of Hawai'i Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8050 | Journal of world history (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Press | 0 | ✔ |
0892-7537 | Journal of world prehistory (e-vir) | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7802 | Journal of world prehistory | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1076-156X | Journal of world-systems research | Institute for Research on World-Systems | 0 | ✔ |
1011-6702 | Journal of world trade | Werner Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2210-2795 | Journal of world trade (e-vir) | Kluwer Law International | 0 | |
0047-2891 | Journal of youth and adolescence | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6601 | Journal of youth and adolescence (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-5247 | Journal on ethnopolitics and minority issues in Europe (e-vir) | European Centre for Minority Issues | 0 | ✔ |
1383-469X | Journal on special topics in mobile networks and applications | Baltzer Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1465-2609 | Journeys | Bergham Books | 0 | |
1752-2358 | Journeys (e-vir) | Bergham Books] | 0 | |
0047-2697 | JPMS; journal of political & military sociology | s.n. | 0 | |
0022-5940 | Jugendhilfe | 0 | ||
0939-8635 | Jugendpolitik | 0 | ||
0938-202X | JuLit | Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur e.V.. | 0 | |
1715-7978 | Jung (e-vir) | Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies. | 0 | |
0022-6319 | Junge Kirche | 0 | ||
0933-307X | Junge Kunst | Ritterbach | 0 | |
1612-7021 | Jura, juristische Ausbildung (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0170-1452 | JURA, juristische Ausbildung | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0022-6912 | Juristische Blätter | Springer | 0 | |
1613-7639 | Juristische Blätter (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0022-6920 | Juristische Rundschau | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-7064 | Juristische Rundschau | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0128-1496 | Jurnal komunikasi | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Fakulti Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Kemanusiaan. | 0 | |
2338-8234 | Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (e-vir) | Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya | 0 | |
1411-1438 | Jurnal Manajemen dan Wirausaha | Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Kristen Petra. | 0 | |
2180-0782 | Jurnal pendidikan Malaysia | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. | 0 | |
0022-6955 | Jus | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1705-1436 | Just labour (e-vir) | York University | 0 | |
0022-7498 | Kadmos | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0723 | Kadmos | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1521-2300 | Kairos (e-vir) | D'artagnan Communications Group | 0 | ✔ |
1846-4580 | Kairos | Biblijski institut | 0 | ✔ |
1848-2503 | Kairos (e-vir) | Biblijski institut | 0 | ✔ |
2160-942X | Kansas Library Association College & University Libraries Section proceedings (e-vir) | New Prairie Press | 0 | |
1677-1621 | Kant e-prints | Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência | 0 | |
1677-163X | Kant e-prints (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência | 0 | |
1369-4154 | Kantian review | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2394 | Kantian review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-8877 | Kant-Studien | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-1134 | Kant-Studien (e-vir) | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
2045-3396 | Kant studies online (e-vir) | KantStudiesOnline | 0 | |
1868-4599 | Kant yearbook | 0 | ✔ | |
1868-4602 | Kant yearbook | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0453-2902 | Kaogu xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
1177-083X | Käotuitui | RSNZ | 0 | ✔ |
0022-9164 | Kartographische Nachrichten | Kirschbaum | 0 | |
0177-7521 | KAS-Auslands-Informationen | Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Internationales Institut | 0 | |
0342-5517 | Katechetische Blätter | Kösel | 0 | |
0343-4605 | Katholische Bildung | Knoth. | 0 | |
0952-4142 | Keats-Shelley review | Keats-Shelley Memorial Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2042-1362 | Keats-Shelley review (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0022-9709 | Keio economic studies | Keio Economic Society, Keio University | 0 | |
1054-6863 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3249 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal | Johns Hopkins University Press for Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics | 0 | ✔ |
0023-0014 | Kent archaeological review | Council for Kentish Archaeology | 0 | |
0023-0707 | Kerygma und Dogma | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0455-0420 | Kieler Diskussionsbeiträge | Institut für Weltwitschaft | 0 | |
1430-5372 | Kierkegaard studies | Søren Kierkegaard Research Center. | 0 | |
1612-9792 | Kierkegaard studies | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0942-6051 | Kinderanalyse | 0 | ||
0344-3949 | Kindergarten heute | Herder | 0 | |
1613-477X | Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung | 0 | ||
1865-9330 | Kinder- und Jugendschutz in Wissenschaft und Praxis | Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz e.V.; BAJ. | 0 | |
0942-5403 | Kindheit und Entwicklung | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6246 | Kindheit und Entwicklung | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0947-8094 | Kirche & Recht | 0 | ||
0075-6199 | Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch | Luthe-Druck | 0 | |
0179-7239 | Kirche und Israel | 0 | ||
0075-6210 | Kirchliches Jahrbuch für die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland | Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn. | 0 | |
0932-9951 | Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-808X | Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0023-186X | Kirke og kultur | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1504-3002 | Kirke og kultur (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1864-144X | Kjl & m | Kopaed | 0 | |
2193-990X | Kjl & m | Kopaed | 0 | |
1618-4424 | Klasse Musik | Schott Musik Internat., | 0 | |
0947-9287 | Klassik-Uhren | 0 | ||
0722-8899 | Kleist-Jahrbuch .. | Heinrich-von-Kleist-Gesellschaft; Kleist-Museum | 0 | |
1864-6050 | Klinische Diagnostik und Evaluation | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | 0 | |
0075-6334 | Klio | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2192-7669 | Klio | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | |
1946-4789 | Knowledge, technology, & policy | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University | 0 | |
0897-1986 | Knowledge, technology & policy | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University | 0 | |
1874-6314 | Knowledge, technology & policy | Springer | 0 | |
2073-7904 | Knowledge management & e-learning: an international journal | Hong Kong Bao L#ong Accounitng & Secretarial Limited | 0 | |
2309-5008 | Knowledge management & e-learning: an international journal (e-vir) | Laboratory for Knowledge Management & E-Learning, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong | 0 | |
1477-8246 | Knowledge management research & practice (e-vir) | Palgrave-Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8238 | Knowledge management research and practice | Palgrave Macmillan Journals. | 0 | ✔ |
0943-7444 | Knowledge organization | Indeks-Verlag | 0 | |
2942-3309 | Knowledge organization (e-vir) | Ergon-Verlag | 0 | |
Y509-1608 | Knowledge organization (e-vir) | Ergon-Verlag | 0 | |
0204-2061 | Knygotyra | Vilniaus Universiteto Leidykla | 0 | ✔ |
2345-0053 | Knygotyra (e-vir) | Vilniaus universitetas | 0 | ✔ |
0454-1111 | Kobe University economic review | Kobe University. Graduate School of Economics | 0 | |
0171-0834 | Kodikas | Narr | 0 | |
0947-1553 | Kölner Jahrbuch | Gebr. Mann; Römisch-Germanisches Museum der Stadt; Archäologische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0023-2653 | Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1861-891X | Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss.. | 0 | ✔ |
1616-2617 | Kommunikation @+a Gesellschaft (e-vir) | Schönberger; Schmidt; Stegbauer | 0 | ✔ |
1434-6354 | Kommunikation & Recht | 0 | ||
0023-3609 | Konsthistorisk tidskrift | Konsthistoriska sällskapet | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2294 | Konsthistorisk tidskrift = | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0720-1079 | Kontext | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie, Beratung un d Familientherapie e.V.; DGSF. | 0 | |
1617-8084 | KoR | Fachverl. d. Verl.-Gruppe Handelsbl. | 0 | |
0257-3784 | Korean linguistics | International Circle of Korean Linguistics | 0 | ✔ |
2212-9731 | Korean linguistics | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1225-0368 | Korean social science journal | Korean social science research council; Korean national commission for UNESCO | 0 | |
2195-4909 | Körper, Tanz, Bewegung | Reinhardt | 0 | |
0342-0752 | Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung | Wachholtz. | 0 | |
0023-4222 | Kosmorama | Det Danske Filmmuseum. Museum & Cinematek. | 0 | |
2193-5653 | Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
2193-5661 | Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung (e-vir) | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0023-4567 | Kratylos | Reichert | 0 | |
2511-1841 | Kratylos (e-vir) | Reichert | 0 | |
0023-4591 | Kredit und Kapital | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | |
0935-9060 | Krieg und Literatur | V & R Unipress, Univ.-Verl. Osnabrück, | 0 | |
0023-4699 | Kriminalistik | Kriminalistik-Verlag | 0 | |
0341-1966 | Kriminologisches Journal | Juventa | 0 | |
0168-275X | Krisis | Stichting Krisis; Boom; Boom | 0 | |
1875-7103 | Krisis | Boom; Boom | 0 | ✔ |
1019-8288 | Kriterion | Kriterion | 0 | |
2750-977X | Kriterion (e-vir) | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | |
1908-7330 | Kritike | UST Press | 0 | |
0340-9767 | Kritikon litterarum | Thesen-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1865-7249 | Kritikon litterarum | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5112 | Kritikos (e-vir) | Nicholas Ruiz III | 0 | |
0340-7403 | Kritische Berichte | Jonas Verlag für Kunst und Literatur | 0 | |
2197-7410 | Kritische Berichte (e-vir) | Jonas-Verl. für Kunst u. Literatur | 0 | |
0023-4834 | Kritische Justiz | Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
0179-2830 | Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft | Nomos | 0 | |
2364-6071 | Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (e-vir) | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
0221-5896 | Ktema | Association pour l'étude de la civilisation romaine | 0 | |
1432-461X | KTS. Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht | Heymann. | 0 | |
0344-5690 | Kultur & Technik | Deutsches Museum. | 0 | |
1616-1203 | KulturPoetik | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-7970 | KulturPoetik (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0451-0534 | Kulturpolitische Korrespondenz | Stiftung Ostdeutscher Kulturrat | 0 | |
0723-8088 | Kulturrevolution | Germinal-Verlag | 0 | |
0941-343X | Kultursoziologie | Gesellschaft für Kultursoziologie e.V.. | 0 | |
0931-7112 | Kunst + Unterricht | Friedrich | 0 | |
0023-5474 | Kunstchronik | Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte; H. Carl | 0 | |
0177-3674 | Kunstforum International | D. Bechtloff | 0 | |
0941-9179 | Kunsthandwerk & Design | Ritterbach | 0 | |
0023-5415 | Kunst og kultur | Nasjonalmuseet (Oslo) | 0 | ✔ |
1504-3029 | Kunst og kultur (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0205 | Kunst und Politik | V & R Unipress, | 0 | |
1433-2000 | Kursiv | Wochenschau-Verl | 0 | |
0907-6182 | Kvinder, køn & forskning | Koordinationen for Kønsforskning; [eksp.] Syddansk Universitetsforlag | 0 | ✔ |
2245-6937 | Kvinder, køn & forskning (e-vir) | Koordinationen for Kønsforskning | 0 | ✔ |
0023-5881 | Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
2719-6496 | Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN | 0 | |
0023-5911 | Kwartalnik neofilologiczny | Elipsa | 0 | |
0023-5962 | Kyklos | Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag AG | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6435 | Kyklos (e-vir) | Waley | 0 | ✔ |
0085-2619 | Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift (e-vir) | Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen | 0 | |
0516-6551 | L'Alighieri | Angelo Longo Editore. | 0 | |
1122-1917 | L'Analisi linguistica e letteraria | Vita e pensiero; Educatt Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore | 0 | |
1827-7985 | L'Analisi linguistica e letteraria (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0084-6473 | L'Année balzacienne | Garnier | 0 | ✔ |
1969-6752 | L'Année balzacienne (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
0066-2399 | L'Année sociologique | Presses Universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
1969-6760 | L'Année sociologique (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
0770-2817 | L'antiquité classique | = Brussel; [ASBL L'antiquité classique] | 0 | |
2295-9076 | L'Antiquité classique (e-vir) | L'Antiquité classique | 0 | |
0003-8695 | L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui | Éditions Jean-Michel Place | 0 | |
0762-5758 | L'Argus du livre de collection & de l'autographe | Promodis, | 0 | |
2109-9103 | L'Atelier (e-vir) | Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense | 0 | |
1760-7914 | L'Atelier du CRH (e-vir) | CRH, CNRS-EHESS | 0 | |
0013-1415 | L'Education musicale | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1931-0234 | L'esprit créateur | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0014-0767 | L'Esprit créateur | University of Kentucky | 0 | ✔ |
0336-1438 | L'Ethnographie | Geuthner | 0 | |
2725-7746 | L'Ethnographie (e-vir) | Société d'ethnographie de Paris | 0 | |
1769-6674 | L'Evolution psychiatrique (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1016-362X | L'Homme | Böhlau Verlag | 0 | |
1953-8103 | L'Homme (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
0391-2973 | L'Immagine riflessa | Edizioni dell'Orso,; Tilgher, | 0 | |
0754-023X | L'Infini | Gallimard | 0 | |
0020-0093 | L'Information géographique | Baillière | 0 | ✔ |
1777-5876 | L'Information géographique (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0006-0941 | La Bibliofilia | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2035-6110 | La Bibliofilia (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0023-656X | Labor history | Tamiment Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9702 | Labor history (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0023-6586 | Labor law journal | Commerce Clearing House | 0 | |
0393-1560 | La Cultura | Società editrice Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
2612-2391 | La Cultura (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1124-1004 | Ladinia | s.n. | 0 | |
1627-4911 | La Géographie | Société de géographie (France) | 0 | |
0025-0937 | La Maison-Dieu | Cerf | 0 | |
0023-7639 | Land economics | University of Wisconsin | 0 | ✔ |
1543-8325 | Land economics (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | ✔ |
0458-6905 | Landeskundliche Vierteljahrsblätter | 0 | ||
0939-0014 | Landes- und Kommunalverwaltung | Nomos; Beck | 0 | ✔ |
0142-6397 | Landscape research | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9710 | Landscape research (e-vir) | Landscape Research Group | 0 | ✔ |
0181-4095 | Langage et société | Maison des sciences de l'homme, Service de mathématiques appliquées et de calcul | 0 | |
2101-0382 | Langage et société (e-vir) | Fondation de la Maison des sciences de l'homme | 0 | |
0458-726X | Langages | Didier; Larousse | 0 | ✔ |
1958-9549 | Langages (e-vir) | Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0097-8507 | Language | Linguistic Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1535-0665 | Language (e-vir) | Linguistic Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3395 | Language & communication (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0271-5309 | Language & Communication | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1866-9808 | Language and cognition | 0 | ✔ | |
1866-9859 | Language and cognition (e-vir) | De Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0921-5034 | Language and computers | Rodopi | 0 | |
1875-7294 | Language and computers (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
2210-4119 | Language and dialogue | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2210-4127 | Language and dialogue (e-vir) | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0950-0782 | Language and education | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7581 | Language and education (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8477 | Language and intercultural communication | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1747-759X | Language and intercultural communication (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1496-0974 | Language and literacy (e-vir) | Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1756-6053 | Language and speech (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8309 | Language and Speech | Kingston Press Services | 0 | ✔ |
0965-8416 | Language awareness | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7565 | Language awareness (e-vir) | Multilingual Matters | 0 | ✔ |
1139-4218 | Language design | Método Ediciones for the Department of General Linguistics of the University of Granada; Asociación Andaluza de Lingüística General | 0 | |
2340-3535 | Language design (e-vir) | Universidad de Granada; Asociación Andaluza de Lingüística General | 0 | |
0047-4045 | Language in society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8013 | Language in society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8333 | Language learning | North university building | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9922 | Language learning | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1094-3501 | Language learning & technology | Language Learning & Technology | 0 | |
2191-611X | Language learning in higher education | European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education.; CercleS. | 0 | ✔ |
2191-6128 | Language learning in higher education | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0957-1736 | Language learning journal | Association for Language Learning. | 0 | ✔ |
1568-4555 | Language policy | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1863 | Language policy (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0272-2690 | Language problems & language planning | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9889 | Language problems & language planning (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8412 | Language resources and evaluation (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1387-6759 | Languages in contrast | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9897 | Languages in contrast (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1362-1688 | Language teaching research | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0954 | Language teaching research (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0265-5322 | Language testing | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0946 | Language testing (e-vir) | Arnold. | 1 | ✔ |
2229-0443 | Language Testing in Asia | Shinawatra university | 0 | ✔ |
1867-8319 | Language typology and universals | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | |
2196-7148 | Language typology and universals (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8368 | Langue française | Larousse | 0 | ✔ |
1957-7982 | Langue française (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
1127-8722 | La Nuova Europa | R. C. Edizioni La casa di Matriona | 0 | |
2035-4797 | Lanx | Scuola di specializzazione in archeologia dell'Università degli studi | 0 | ✔ |
0033-9423 | La Rassegna della letteratura Italiana | Casa Editrice Le Lettere | 0 | |
0023-8503 | Lares | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2036-511X | Lares (e-vir) | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0035-2608 | La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France | Revue du Louvre et des musées de France | 0 | |
1161-0557 | La Revue russe | Association française des russisants | 0 | |
2196-0739 | Large-scale assessments in education (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0042-7586 | La rivista del clero italiano | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1590-7031 | La Società degli individui | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0884-3236 | Late imperial China = (e-vir) | Society for Qing Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3257 | Late imperial China = | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-8526 | Latin American business review | International Business Press | 0 | ✔ |
1528-6932 | Latin American business review (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
2196-436X | Latin American economic review (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
2198-3526 | Latin American economic review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0888-5613 | Latin American Indian literatures journal | Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.).; Pennsylvania State University.; Pennsylvania State University.; Penn State McKeesport. | 0 | |
1476-3435 | Latino studies | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3443 | Latino studies (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8856 | Latomus | Éditions Latomus | 0 | |
2294-4427 | Latomus | Société d'études latines | 0 | |
1885-7353 | La Torre del virrey | Ajuntament de L'Eliana | 0 | |
2255-2022 | La Torre del virrey (e-vir) | L'Eliana | 0 | |
0023-9054 | Laval théologique et philosophique | Université Laval etc.. | 0 | |
1703-8804 | Laval théologique et philosophique (e-vir) | Université Laval. | 0 | |
0390-251X | Lavoro e previdenza oggi | Iuridica Editrice | 0 | |
1938-2545 | Law & ethics of human rights (e-vir) | De Gruyter; The Berkeley Electronic Press; HeinOnline | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6531 | Law & ethics of human rights | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0265-8240 | Law & policy | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9930 | Law & policy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0023-9216 | Law & society review | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5893 | Law & society review (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0957-8536 | Law and critique | Deborah Charles Publications.; Kluwer Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8617 | Law and critique (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3867 | Law and development review (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6523 | Law and development review | 0 | ||
0738-2480 | Law and history review | Cornell Law School | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9022 | Law and history review (e-vir) | Cornell Law School and the American Society for Legal History | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5249 | Law and philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0522 | Law and philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0023-9283 | Law library journal | American Association of Law Libraries. | 0 | |
1743-9892 | Learning, media & technology (e-vir) | Carfax; Taylor & Francis; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9884 | Learning, media and technology | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0023-9690 | Learning and motivation | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9122 | Learning and motivation | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2273 | Learning and teaching | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2281 | Learning and teaching (e-vir) | Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
1387-1579 | Learning environments research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1855 | Learning environments research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-9369 | Learning environments research (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0023-9909 | Lebende Sprachen | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-0267 | Lebende Sprachen (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0343-4591 | Lebendige Seelsorge | Echter | 0 | |
0023-9941 | Lebendiges Zeugnis | Bonifatiuswerk der Deutschen Katholiken | 0 | |
1661-3317 | Lectio difficilior | S. Schroer, [c/o] Theol. Fakultät der Universität Bern | 0 | |
1974-4374 | Lecturae tropatorum | Università di Napoli Federico II | 0 | |
0075-8566 | Leeds studies in English | University of Leeds. School of English | 0 | |
0184-7732 | Le Français aujourd'hui | Association française des professeurs de Français | 0 | ✔ |
2107-0857 | Le Français aujourd'hui (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0015-9409 | Le Francais moderne | Editions d' Artrey | 0 | |
0748-4321 | Legacy | Dept. of English, University of Massachusetts | 0 | |
1534-0643 | Legacy | Dept. of English, University of Massachusetts; Pennsylvania State University Press; University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1355-3259 | Legal and criminological psychology | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8333 | Legal and criminological psychology (e-vir) | British Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0270-319X | Legal reference services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-949X | Legal reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0362-9805 | Legislative studies quarterly | Comparative Legislative Research Center, University of Iowa.; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9162 | Legislative studies quarterly (e-vir) | Comparative Legislative Research Center, University of Iowa; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0398-3412 | Le globe | Société de géographie; Département de géographie de l'Université | 0 | |
1069-5192 | Leibniz Society review | Leibniz Society. | 0 | |
0939-8392 | Leichtathletiktraining | Philippka | 0 | |
0940-1954 | Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Buchgeschichte | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0941-5270 | Leipziger sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge | Academia-Verl. | 0 | |
0341-7387 | Leistungssport | Philippka | 0 | |
0261-4367 | Leisure studies | E. & F.N. Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4496 | Leisure studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0024-533X | Le livre et l'estampe | Société royale des bibliophiles et iconophiles de Belgique. | 0 | |
1579-735X | Lemir (e-vir) | Universitat de Valencia, Departamento de Literatura Española. | 0 | |
0027-2671 | Le Mouvement social | Éditions ouvrières | 0 | |
1961-8646 | Le Mouvement social (e-vir) | [Éd. de l'Atelier] | 0 | |
0771-6494 | Le muséon | Le Museon | 0 | |
0170-3803 | Lendemains | Narr | 0 | |
2271-5703 | Lengas (e-vir) | Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée | 0 | |
0940-7499 | Lenz-Jahrbuch | 0 | ||
0024-094X | Leonardo | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9282 | Leonardo (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0961-1215 | Leonardo music journal | ISAST | 0 | |
1531-4812 | Leonardo music journal (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1434-9817 | Lernchancen | Auer Verlag | 0 | |
1435-1692 | Lernende Schule | Friedrich | 0 | |
0048-8593 | Le Romantisme | Flammarion [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1718-9977 | Les ateliers de l'éthique (e-vir) | Centre de recherche en éthique de l'Université de Montréal | 0 | |
0008-0365 | Les Cahiers naturalistes | Société littéraire des amis d'Émile Zola | 0 | |
1958-9247 | Les Dossiers du GRIHL (e-vir) | Groupe de recherches interdisciplinaires sur l'histoire du littéraire | 0 | |
0014-2166 | Les Études philosophiques | Presses Universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2101-0056 | Les Études philosophiques (e-vir) | [Presses universitaires de France] | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8376 | Les Langues modernes | [s. n.] | 0 | |
2513-7964 | Les Langues modernes (e-vir) | Société des professeurs de langues vivantes de l'enseignement public; Association des professeurs de langues vivantes (France) | 0 | |
0184-7570 | Les Langues néo-latines | Société des langues néo-latines | 0 | |
0024-1415 | Les lettres romanes | Université chatolique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
0037-2641 | Les politiques sociales | Service social dans le monde | 0 | |
0075-8833 | Lessing yearbook | Wallstein-Verl.; Wayne State Univ. Press | 0 | |
0040-3075 | Les temps modernes | TM | 0 | |
0210-3516 | Letras de Deusto | Universidad de Deusto | 0 | |
0101-3335 | Letras de Hoje | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Letras, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras | 0 | ✔ |
1984-7726 | Letras de Hoje | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Letras, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras | 0 | ✔ |
0277-4356 | Letras femeninas | Asociación de Literatura Femenina Hispánica | 0 | |
2327-963X | Letras femeninas (e-vir) | Asociación de Literatura Femenina Hispánica | 0 | |
1076-7339 | Letter arts review | Calligraphy Review | 0 | |
2035-6315 | Lettere italiane (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0024-1334 | Lettere Italiane | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
2295-8991 | Lettres romanes (e-vir) | Lettres romanes | 0 | ✔ |
0459-1623 | Letture classensi | Comune di Ravenna "Opera di Dante" | 0 | |
0024-1482 | Leuvense bijdragen | [Universiteit] | 0 | |
1783-1598 | Leuvense bijdragen (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0075-8914 | Levant | Council for British Research in the Levant.; British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.; British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History. | 0 | ✔ |
1756-3801 | Levant (e-vir) | British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem | 0 | ✔ |
0340-0425 | Leviathan | GWV Fachverlage | 0 | ✔ |
1861-8588 | Leviathan (e-vir) | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
0175-6206 | Lexicographica | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9403 | Lexicographica (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2197-4292 | Lexicography | Springer | 0 | |
2197-4306 | Lexicography (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0254-9239 | Lexis | Pontificia Universidad católica del Perú, Fondo editorial | 0 | |
2223-3768 | Lexis (e-vir) | Pontificia Universidad católica del Perú | 0 | |
1879-7865 | LIA | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1879-7873 | LIA (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0304-0003 | Lias | Holland University Press | 0 | |
2033-4753 | Lias | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | ✔ |
2033-5016 | Lias (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | ✔ |
0459-1992 | Liberal | COMDOK | 0 | |
2213-056X | Liber quarterly (e-vir) | State and university library | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-4251 | Liber quarterly (e-vir) | State and university library | 0 | |
1435-5205 | LIBER quarterly | Saur | 0 | |
1947-6949 | Libertarian papers (e-vir) | Ludwig Von Mises Institute | 0 | |
1932-4855 | Libraries & the cultural record | University of Texas Press | 0 | |
1932-9555 | Libraries & the cultural record | University of Texas Press | 0 | |
0024-2152 | Librarium | Schweizerische Bibliographilen-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0196-0075 | Library & archival security | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1540-9511 | Library & archival security (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1758-3489 | Library & information history | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1758-3497 | Library & information history (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1086 | Library and information research (e-vir) | CILIP | 0 | ✔ |
1522-0222 | Library philosophy and practice (e-vir) | University of Idaho Library | 4 | |
0024-2535 | Library review | Robert D. Macleod | 0 | |
1758-793X | Library review (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
0024-2594 | Library trends | Illinois University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0682 | Library trends (e-vir) | University of Illinois Library School | 0 | ✔ |
1058-6768 | LIBRES | Kent State University Libraries | 0 | |
0024-2667 | Libri | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8423 | Libri (e-vir) | De Gruyter Saur | 0 | ✔ |
0186-2243 | Libros de México | Centro de Promoción del Libro Mexicano. Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Mexicana | 0 | |
0263-7189 | Libyan studies | Society for Libyan Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2052-6148 | Libyan studies (e-vir) | The Society for Libyan Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0936-4242 | Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch | Lichtenberg-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1619-0548 | Lied und populäre Kultur | Waxmann | 0 | |
2035-5963 | Life span and disability | Città aperta | 0 | |
0024-3469 | Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja | Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja | 0 | |
0049-8653 | Lili | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 1 | ✔ |
0024-3523 | Limba romana | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0718-1361 | Límite | Departamento de Filosofía y Psicología, Universidad de Tarapacá | 0 | |
0718-5065 | Límite | Departamento de Filosofía y Psicología, Universidad de Tarapacá | 0 | ✔ |
0459-4487 | Lincolnshire history and archaeology | Lincolnshire Local History Society.; Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. | 0 | |
0024-3841 | Lingua | Elsevier Science B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6135 | Lingua (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1551-4730 | Lingua romana (e-vir) | Dept. of French and Italian, Brigham Young University | 0 | |
1594-6517 | Linguistica e filologia | Università degli studi | 0 | |
1697-0780 | Lingüística en la red (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-9264 | Linguistic approaches to bilingualism | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 1 | ✔ |
1879-9272 | Linguistic approaches to bilingualism | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0862-8432 | Linguistica pragensia | Ústay pro jazyk český Akademie věd ČR | 0 | |
1805-9635 | Linguistica Pragensia (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
1736-7506 | Linguistica Uralica (e-vir) | Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus | 0 | |
1537-0852 | Linguistic discovery | Dartmouth College | 0 | |
0024-3892 | Linguistic inquiry | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9150 | Linguistic inquiry (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
2214-9953 | Linguistic landscape | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2214-9961 | Linguistic landscape (e-vir) | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3949 | Linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-396X | Linguistics (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0157 | Linguistics and philosophy | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0549 | Linguistics and philosophy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1742-2906 | Linguistics and the human sciences | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
1743-1662 | Linguistics and the human sciences (e-vir) | Equinox | 0 | ✔ |
0929-7332 | Linguistics in the Netherlands | North-Holland; Foris Publications; De Ridder Press; John Benjamins Publishing Company; Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9919 | Linguistics in the Netherlands | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0731-3500 | Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area | University of California, Berkeley.; La Trobe University. | 0 | |
1430-0532 | Linguistic typology | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-415X | Linguistic typology (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2211-6834 | Linguistic variation | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
2211-6842 | Linguistic variation | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1615-3014 | Linguistik online (e-vir) | Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät an der Europa-Universität Viadrina | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3930 | Linguistische Berichte | H. Buske | 0 | |
0935-9249 | Linguistische Berichte | H. Buske | 0 | |
2366-0775 | Linguistische Berichte (e-vir) | H. Buske | 0 | |
2702-6566 | Linguistische Berichte. Sonderheft (e-vir) | H. Buske | 0 | |
0378-4169 | Lingvisticae investigationes | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9927 | Lingvisticae investigationes | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0868-4731 | Lingvistika Uralica | "Periodika" | 0 | |
0342-0876 | Lippische Mitteilungen aus Geschichte und Landeskunde | Naturwissenschaftlicher und Historischer Verein für das Land Lippe e.V.. | 0 | |
1762-6153 | LISA (e-vir) | Maison de la recherche en sciences humaines | 0 | ✔ |
0937-0862 | List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik | 0 | ||
2364-3943 | List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0024-4457 | Listy filologické | Academia | 0 | |
2570-9410 | Listy filologické (e-vir) | Kabinet pro klasická studia FLÚ AV ČR, v. v. i | 0 | |
1477-4615 | Literary & linguistic computing (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0268-1145 | Literary and linguistic computing | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
2050-4594 | Literature & history (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0269-1205 | Literature & theology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0306-1973 | Literature and history | Thames Polytechnic | 0 | ✔ |
0278-9671 | Literature and medicine | State University of New York Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6571 | Literature and medicine | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4623 | Literature and theology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0343-1657 | Literatur für Leser:innen | 0 | ||
1615-6447 | Literatur im Unterricht | Wiss. Verl. Trier. | 0 | |
0178-6857 | Literatur in Bayern | [Institut für Bayerische Literaturgescichte der Univesität] | 0 | |
0024-4643 | Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht | Königshausen und Neumann | 0 | |
0935-7807 | Literaturnachrichten | 0 | ||
0324-0495 | Literaturna mis"l | B'lgarska akademija na naukite | 0 | |
1314-9237 | Literaturna misʺl (e-vir) | Institut za literatura - BAN | 0 | |
0932-4623 | Literatur um 11 | Hitzeroth | 0 | |
0024-466X | Literatur und Kritik | O. Müller | 1 | |
0075-997X | Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
2628-9849 | Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0123-0042 | Litterae | Instituto Caro y Cuervo | 0 | |
0862-8424 | Litteraria Pragensia | Univerzita Karlova | 0 | |
0047-4800 | Littérature | Larousse | 0 | |
1958-5926 | Littérature (e-vir) | Armand Colin | 0 | |
0563-9751 | Littératures | Université de Toulouse (1896-1968) | 0 | |
0024-5100 | Liturgisches Jahrbuch | Aschendorff | 0 | |
1813-856X | Living reviews in European governance | Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science; European Community Studies Association | 0 | |
0947-7578 | LÖBF-Mitteilungen | Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Bodenordnung und Forsten NRW | 0 | |
0269-0942 | Local economy | Local Economy Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1470-9325 | Local economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1354-9839 | Local environment | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-6711 | Local environment (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0300-3930 | Local government studies | Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9388 | Local government studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0024-5836 | Logique et analyse | Centre National Belge de Recherches de Logique | 0 | |
2295-5836 | Logique et analyse. Nouvelle série (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
1865-035X | Logistics research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-0368 | Logistics research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0957-9656 | Logos | Whurr; Brill | 1 | ✔ |
1878-4712 | Logos | Whurr; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2069-0533 | Logos & episteme | [s.n.] | 0 | |
2069-3052 | Logos & episteme (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0172-9047 | Lohn + Gehalt | Datakontext GmbH, | 0 | |
1474-8460 | London review of education | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1474-8479 | London review of education (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2386-2637 | Loquens (e-vir) | ILLA | 0 | ✔ |
2158-7000 | Low carbon economy | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2158-7019 | Low carbon economy | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1765-3096 | Loxias (e-vir) | REVEL Nice | 0 | |
1807-0175 | Lua Nova (e-vir) | Centro de Estudos e Cultura Contemporânea | 0 | |
0024-7413 | Luso-Brazilian review | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
1548-9957 | Luso-Brazilian review (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
0931-9484 | Lusorama | Schönberger | 0 | |
0024-7421 | Lustrum | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
0340-6210 | Luther | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0170-3935 | Lutherische Kirche in der Welt | Martin-Luther-Verlag. | 0 | |
0170-3846 | Lutherische Theologie und Kirche | Fakultät der Lutherischen Theologischen Hochschule Oberursel, Taunus. | 0 | |
0342-0914 | Lutherjahrbuch | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0174-1756 | LWF documentation | Kreuz Verlag Erich Breitsohl | 0 | |
1934-242X | Lyceum | Saint Anselm Philosophy Club. | 0 | |
1934-2438 | Lyceum (e-vir) | Saint Anselm Philosophy Club | 0 | |
0076-1648 | Lychnos (e-vir) | Lärdomshistoriska samfundet | 0 | |
2004-4852 | Lychnos (e-vir) | Lärdomshistoriska samfundet | 0 | |
0014-3855 | Lʹ Évolution Psychiatrique | Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1441-2616 | M/C | Media and Cultural Studies Centre, University of Queensland | 0 | |
0024-855X | Maal og minne | Bymålslaget | 0 | ✔ |
1890-5455 | Maal og minne (e-vir) | Novus | 0 | ✔ |
1023-263X | Maastricht journal of European and comparative law | Intersentia | 0 | ✔ |
2399-5548 | Maastricht journal of European and comparative law (e-vir) | Maklu; Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
0922-6567 | Machine translation | Kluwer Academic | 0 | |
1573-0573 | Machine translation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
0922-369X | Madoc | Firapeel, Vereniging voor Mediëvistiek; Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Vrije Studierichting Mediëvistiek | 0 | |
0418-9744 | Madrider Mitteilungen | von Zabern | 0 | |
0882-228X | Magazine of history | Organization of American Historians | 0 | |
1938-2340 | Magazine of history | Organization of American Historians | 0 | |
0025-0538 | Maia | Cappelli | 0 | |
2611-805X | Maia (e-vir) | Morcelliana | 0 | |
0076-2725 | Mainfränkisches Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst | Freunde Mainfränkischer Kunst und Geschichte | 0 | |
1612-4286 | Mainfränkische Studien | Spurbuchverl | 0 | |
0076-2792 | Mainzer Zeitschrift | Mainzer Altertumsverein | 0 | |
1331-0194 | Management | Faculty of Economics | 6 | |
1846-3363 | Management (e-vir) | University of Split, Faculty of Economics | 2 | |
Y502-7055 | Management | Faculty of Economics | 0 | |
0938-8249 | Management international review | Gabler | 0 | ✔ |
1861-8901 | Management international review | Gabler | 0 | ✔ |
2198-1620 | Management review quarterly | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2198-1639 | Management review quarterly (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0935-9915 | Management-Revue | Hampp | 0 | |
1861-9908 | Management-Revue | Hampp. | 0 | |
1913-0341 | Management science and engineering | Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. | 0 | |
1913-035X | Management science and engineering (e-vir) | Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. | 0 | |
1923-9335 | Management science letters | Growing Science. | 0 | |
1923-9343 | Management science letters | Growing Science | 0 | |
1842-0206 | Management şi marketing | Editura Economica | 0 | |
2069-8887 | Management şi marketing (e-vir) | Editura Economica | 0 | |
1360-6719 | Managing leisure | Chapman & Hall | 0 | |
1466-450X | Managing leisure (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
0025-2344 | Mankind Quarterly | Mankind Quarterly | 0 | |
0172-8563 | Mannheimer Hefte für Schriftvergleichung | Schmidt-Römhild. | 0 | |
0025-2638 | Manuskripte | Forum Stadtpark | 0 | |
0342-121X | Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft | Verl. des Kunstgeschichtl. Inst. der Philipps-Univ. Marburg. | 0 | |
1612-2941 | Marburg journal of religion (e-vir) | Marburg journal of religion c/o Institut für Vergleichende Kulturforschung, Religionswissenschaft und Völkerkunde, Fachgebiet Religionswissenschaft | 0 | |
0946-1140 | Märchenspiegel | Märchen-Stiftung Walter Kahn | 0 | |
1885-2211 | Marco ELE (e-vir) | Marco ELE | 0 | ✔ |
0025-2948 | Marginalien | Aufbau-Verlag | 0 | |
1662-5579 | Margini | Institut für Italianistik | 0 | |
1436-9265 | MarkenR | 0 | ||
0344-1369 | Marketing | Beck; Vahlen | 0 | |
0923-0645 | Marketing letters | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1573-059X | Marketing letters (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-6544 | Marketing Review St. Gallen | Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag, Dr. Th. Gabler-/GWV Fachverlage GmbH | 0 | |
1865-7516 | Marketing Review St. Gallen (e-vir) | Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag, Dr. Th. Gabler-/GWV Fachverlage GmbH | 0 | |
0025-3499 | Mark Twain journal | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0272-7897 | Marriage & family | Dushkin Pub. Group | 0 | |
0149-4929 | Marriage & family review | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9635 | Marriage & family review | Haworth Press; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0025-4258 | Maryland historical magazine | Maryland Historical Society. | 0 | |
1802-5951 | Masaryk University journal law and technology (e-vir) | Masaryk University, Faculty of Law | 0 | |
1802-5943 | Masaryk University journal of law and technology | Masaryk University, Faculty of Law | 0 | |
0025-4606 | Maske und Kothurn | Böhlau Verlag | 0 | |
0025-5025 | Master drawings | Master Drawings Association. | 0 | |
2330-0515 | Master drawings (e-vir) | Master Drawings Association | 0 | |
0932-9714 | Matatu | Ehling.; Rodopi. | 0 | ✔ |
1875-7421 | Matatu | Rodopi | 0 | ✔ |
0721-2402 | Materialdienst | EKD-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2200 | Material religion | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1751-8342 | Material religion (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1862-9660 | Mathematics and financial economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1862-9679 | Mathematics and financial economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1033-2170 | Mathematics education research journal | Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia | 0 | ✔ |
2211-050X | Mathematics education research journal | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0175-2235 | Mathematik lehren | 0 | ||
0934-8522 | MD | Konfessionskundliches Institut des Evangelischen Bundes, Arbeitswerk der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland. | 0 | |
2747-6715 | MD (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | |
0930-8229 | Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher | Stiftung Mecklenburg.; Verein für Mecklenburgische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. | 0 | |
0163-4437 | Media, culture & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3675 | Media, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0076-5864 | Mediaeval Scandinavia | Odense University Press. | 0 | |
0076-5872 | Mediaeval studies | Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies | 0 | |
0934-7453 | Mediaevistik | Lang | 0 | |
2199-806X | Mediaevistik (e-vir) | Lang | 0 | |
Y509-8858 | Mediaevistik (e-vir) | Lang | 0 | |
1420-3723 | Medialex | Stämpfli AG | 0 | |
2504-1479 | Medialex (e-vir) | Stiftung Medialex, c/o Anwaltsbüro Dr. Oliver Sidler | 0 | |
0170-1754 | Media-Perspektiven | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rundfunkwerbung | 0 | |
1558-478X | Mediascape (e-vir) | Mediascape | 0 | |
1913-6005 | Media tropes (e-vir) | University of Toronto | 0 | |
0745-5194 | Medical anthropology quarterly | Society for Medical Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1387 | Medical anthropology quarterly (e-vir) | Society for Medical Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
0025-7273 | Medical history | Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
2048-8343 | Medical history (e-vir) | Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
0968-5332 | Medical law international | AB Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2047-9441 | Medical law international (e-vir) | AB Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0276-3869 | Medical reference services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9597 | Medical reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9396 | Medicine, conflict, and survival (e-vir) | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1362-3699 | Medicine, conflict and survival | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1615-634X | Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
2942-3317 | Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft (e-vir) | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
0176-4918 | Medien + Erziehung | Kommunikation und Pädagogik e.V. | 0 | |
1431-5262 | Medienwissenschaft | Schüren | 0 | |
0076-6097 | Medieval archaeology | Society for Medieval Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
1745-817X | Medieval archaeology (e-vir) | Society for Medieval Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
1380-7854 | Medieval encounters | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0674 | Medieval encounters | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0076-6127 | Medievalia et humanistica | Medieval and Neo-Latin Society.; Medieval and Renaissance Society. | 0 | |
0198-9405 | Medieval prosopography | Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University | 0 | |
2381-8700 | Medieval prosopography (e-vir) | Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University | 0 | |
0390-0711 | Medioevo romanzo | Macchiaroli Gaetano | 0 | |
1824-3010 | Mediterranea | Mediterranea | 0 | |
1828-230X | Mediterranea. Ricerche storiche (e-vir) | Mediterranea | 0 | |
0951-8967 | Mediterranean historical review | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-940X | Mediterranean historical review (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0724-7567 | Mediterranean language review | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2747-4445 | Mediterranean language review (e-vir) | Otto Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2161-4741 | Mediterranean studies (e-vir) | Central Missouri State University | 0 | ✔ |
0025-8385 | Medium ævum | Basil Blackwell | 0 | |
2398-1423 | Medium ævum (e-vir) | Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature | 0 | |
0939-351X | Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte | Steiner | 0 | |
0025-8431 | Medizinhistorisches Journal | 0 | ✔ | |
1611-4477 | Medizinhistorisches Journal (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | |
0025-8911 | Mélanges de science religieuse | Institut catholique de Lille | 0 | |
1946-3170 | MELUS (e-vir) | Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States | 0 | ✔ |
0163-755X | MELUS; | Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States | 0 | ✔ |
1484-2254 | Memini, travaux et documents | Société des études médiévales du Québec. | 0 | |
1153-7043 | Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse | Académie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres (Toulouse) | 0 | |
0076-3721 | Memoirs and proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society | Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. | 0 | |
1794-8886 | Memorias (e-vir) | Fundacion Universitaria del Norte | 0 | |
0122-5197 | Memoria y sociedad | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | |
2248-6992 | Memoria y Sociedad | Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | |
0090-502X | Memory & cognition | 0 | ✔ | |
1532-5946 | Memory & cognition (e-vir) | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
0340-8140 | Mendelssohnstudien | Wehrhahn | 0 | |
1867-6456 | Mensch und Pferd | E. Reinhardt | 0 | |
1357-7220 | Mercator media forum | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
1097-9778 | Meridian (e-vir) | North Carolina State University. | 0 | |
1536-6936 | Meridians | Wesleyan University Press [2000]- | 0 | ✔ |
1547-8424 | Meridians (e-vir) | Wesleyan University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-0096 | Merkur | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
2510-4179 | Merkur (e-vir) | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
0272-930X | Merrill-Palmer quarterly | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-0266 | Merrill-Palmer quarterly (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0076-6615 | Mesopotamia | Università degli Studi,Torino. Dipartimento di Studi Storici | 0 | |
1438-499X | Message | Ges. für Medienkultur und Qualitätsjournalismus, | 0 | |
2033-639X | META | VVBAD.; Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek- , Archief- en Documentatiewezen. | 0 | |
1556-1623 | Metacognition and learning | Springer Science + Business | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1631 | Metacognition and learning | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0026-1068 | Metaphilosophy | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9973 | Metaphilosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1618-2006 | Metaphorik.de | Metaphorik.de c/o D. Osthus c/o Universität Bonn, Romanisches Seminar | 0 | |
1865-0716 | Metaphorik.de | Wehrhahn | 0 | |
1437-2053 | Metaphysica | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6373 | Metaphysica (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1405-4558 | Metapolítica | Centro de Estudios de Política Comparada A.C. | 0 | |
0815-0796 | Metascience | Lloyd Media for the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9981 | Metascience | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0327-0289 | Méthexis | Academia-Verl.. | 0 | |
2468-0974 | Méthexis (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | |
0943-3058 | Method & theory in the study of religion | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0682 | Method & theory in the study of religion | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0612 | Methodological innovations on line (e-vir) | University of Plymouth. | 0 | |
1769-7379 | Methodos (e-vir) | UMR "Savoirs et Textes" | 0 | |
0026-1386 | Metroeconomica | Cappelli,Licinio | 0 | ✔ |
1467-999X | Metroeconomica (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0742-9797 | Mexican studies | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8320 | Mexican studies = (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1558-7258 | Michigan family review | University of Michigan, Scholarly Pub. Office | 0 | |
1475-262X | Middle Eastern literatures | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2638 | Middle Eastern literatures (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0026-3206 | Middle Eastern studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7881 | Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-9857 | Middle East journal of culture and communication | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1873-9865 | Middle East journal of culture and communication | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1061-1924 | Middle East policy | Middle East Policy Council | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4967 | Middle East policy | Blackwell Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0899-2851 | Middle East report | Middle East Research & Information Project | 0 | |
1756-381X | Midland history (e-vir) | Phillimore | 0 | ✔ |
0047-729X | Midland History | University of Birmingham. | 0 | ✔ |
1051-5054 | Midsouth political science journal | Arkansas Political Science Association. | 0 | |
0940-4163 | Militärgeschichte | Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt.; MGFA. | 0 | |
0026-3826 | Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen | Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt.; MGFA. | 0 | |
1867-030X | Millennium | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1867-0318 | Millennium (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0332-1428 | Milltown studies | Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy | 0 | |
0026-4423 | Mind | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0268-1064 | Mind & language | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0017 | Mind & language (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1593-7879 | Mind & society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1860-1839 | Mind & society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2113 | Mind online (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2191-2203 | Mineral economics | 0 | ||
2191-2211 | Mineral economics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0026-4695 | Minerva | The international association for cultural freedom | 0 | ✔ |
1393-614X | Minerva (e-vir) | Philosophy Department, Mary Immaculate College | 0 | |
1573-1871 | Minerva (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1121-2845 | Minori giustizia | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1852-2173 | Miradas en movimiento (e-vir) | J. Griotti | 0 | |
1457-2362 | Mirator | Jyväskylän yliopisto | 0 | ✔ |
0210-9522 | Miscelánea Comillas | Universidad Pontificia Comillas; Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
2341-085X | Miscelánea Comillas (e-vir) | Universidad Pontificia de Comillas | 0 | |
0544-408X | Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos | Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
1696-585X | Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos | Universidad de Granada | 0 | |
2340-2547 | Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos | UGR | 0 | |
0210-4903 | Miscelánea medieval murciana | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | |
1989-4597 | Miscelánea medieval murciana | Edit.um | 0 | |
0091-8296 | Missiology | American Society of Missiology. | 0 | ✔ |
2051-3623 | Missiology (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
0889-9436 | Mission frontiers | U.S. Center for World Mission. | 0 | |
1561-2341 | Mitbestimmung | Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Demokratisierung der Arbeitswelt | 0 | |
1381-2386 | Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1596 | Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1619-1471 | Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (e-vir) | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit c/o A. Falk c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Bereich Archäologie | 0 | |
0435-8279 | Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde | Selbstverlag | 0 | |
0440-2863 | Mitteilungen der Hans-Pfitzner-Gesellschaft | Hans-Pfitzner-Gesellschaft e.V. | 0 | |
0172-1879 | Mitteilungen der Westdeutschen Gesellschaft für Familienkunde | Degener. | 0 | |
0342-1287 | Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts | W. Regenberg | 0 | |
0073-8484 | Mitteilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung | Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts-Buchhandlung | 0 | |
2307-2903 | Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | |
0342-1201 | Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz | Kunsthistorisches Institut | 0 | |
2532-2737 | Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz (e-vir) | Bruno Cassirer | 0 | |
0342-1198 | Mitteilungen des Oberhessischen Geschichtsvereins | W. Schmitz | 0 | |
0083-5579 | Mitteilungen des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg | Verein für Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg. | 0 | |
0175-4351 | Mitteilungen - Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte | Studienkreis Rundfunk und Geschichte. | 0 | |
0590-451X | Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft | Institut der Cusanus-Gesellschaft für Cusanus-Forschung an der Universität und Theologischen Fakultät Trier. | 0 | |
1025-6555 | Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
1814-2036 | Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
0946-3119 | Mitteldeutsches Jahrbuch für Kultur und Geschichte | 0 | ||
0076-9762 | Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch | Hiersemann. | 0 | |
0941-6382 | Mittelweg 36 | Hamburger Ed. HIS-Verl. Ges., | 0 | |
0026-7910 | MLN | Johns Hopkins Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6598 | MLN (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7074 | Mnemosyne | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-525X | Mnemosyne | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8153 | Mobile networks and applications (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0249-6267 | Modèles linguistiques | Université de Toulon et du Var; Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches en linguistique (Villeneuve d'Ascq, Nord) | 0 | |
0026-7457 | Modern age | Foundation for Foreign Affairs | 0 | |
2168-5975 | Modern age (e-vir) | Foundation for Foreign Affairs | 0 | |
0026-749X | Modern Asian studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8099 | Modern Asian studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2000-3560 | Moderna spr°ak | Modern Language Teachers' Association of Sweden; Spr°akcentrum, Växjö University | 0 | ✔ |
0097-7004 | Modern China | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6836 | Modern China (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7694 | Modern drama | A.M. Hakkert | 23 | ✔ |
1712-5286 | Modern drama | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-8666 | Moderne Sprachen | Verband der Österreichischen Neuphilologen | 0 | |
0026-7724 | Modern fiction studies | J. Hopkins University Press for the Dept. of English, Purdue University | 0 | ✔ |
1080-658X | Modern fiction studies (e-vir) | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1071-6068 | Modernism/modernity | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6601 | Modernism/modernity | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1353-2944 | Modern Italy | Carfax Publishing Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9877 | Modern Italy (e-vir) | [Association for the Study of Modern Italy] | 0 | ✔ |
0276-1114 | Modern Judaism (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3273 | Modern Judaism (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7929 | Modern language quarterly | Duke University | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1943 | Modern language quarterly (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7937 | Modern language review | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0026-8232 | Modern philology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6951 | Modern philology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1391-121X | Modern Sri Lanka studies | University of Peradeniya. | 0 | |
1304-8015 | Modern Türklük araʺtýrmalarý dergisi | ankara Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0029-9898 | Monatsberichte - Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung | Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung | 0 | |
0026-9271 | Monatshefte | University of Wisconsin | 0 | |
1934-2810 | Monatshefte (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | |
0540-6226 | Monatshefte für evangelische Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes | Habelt, | 0 | |
0026-9301 | Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform | Heymann | 0 | ✔ |
2366-1968 | Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0037-976X | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development | The Society | 0 | |
1540-5834 | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (e-vir) | Society for Research in Child Development | 0 | |
1989-6166 | Monteagudo | Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0580-6712 | Monteagudo | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
0098-1818 | Monthly labor review | U.S. Government Printing Office | 0 | |
1937-4658 | Monthly labor review (e-vir) | Government Printing Office | 0 | |
0027-0520 | Monthly review | Monthly Review Foundation | 0 | |
0254-9948 | Monumenta serica | Monumenta Serica | 0 | ✔ |
2057-1690 | Monumenta serica (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0942-0924 | Morgen-Glantz | Christian-Knorr-von-Rosenroth-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
2235-6568 | Morgen-Glantz | P. Lang | 0 | |
1871-5621 | Morphology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1871-5656 | Morphology (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0027-1276 | Mosaic | University of Manitoba Press | 0 | |
1925-5683 | Mosaic (e-vir) | University of Manitoba Press | 0 | |
0146-7239 | Motivation and emotion | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6644 | Motivation and emotion (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1087-1640 | Motor control | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2696 | Motor control (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0170-5792 | Motorik | K. Hofmann | 0 | |
1496-9343 | Mouseion | University of Calgary Press for the Classical Association of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1913-5416 | Mouseion | Classical Association of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0027-2841 | Moyen-âge | Renaissance du Livre | 0 | |
0077-1805 | Mozart-Jahrbuch | Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg | 0 | |
0027-2957 | Müll und Abfall | Bielefeld; E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1863-9763 | Müll und Abfall (e-vir) | Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1068-3844 | Multicultural education | Caddo Gap Press | 0 | |
0167-8507 | Multilingua | Mouton de Gruyter | 1 | ✔ |
1613-3684 | Multilingua | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
2191-5059 | Multilingual education | Springer | 0 | |
0027-3171 | Multivariate behavioral research | Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7906 | Multivariate behavioral research (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0580-1400 | Münchener theologische Zeitschrift | EOS | 0 | |
0027-4054 | Museum helveticum | Benno Schwabe & Co. | 0 | |
0933-0593 | Museums-Journal | Museumspädagogischer Dienst | 0 | |
1938-7687 | Music & politics (e-vir) | University of California, Santa Barbara | 0 | ✔ |
0077-2461 | Musica disciplina | Hänssler | 0 | |
0262-5245 | Music analysis | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2249 | Music analysis | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1754-7105 | Music and arts in action (e-vir) | University of Exeter | 0 | |
0179-356X | Musica sacra | Bärenreiter | 0 | |
1974-0042 | Musica tecnologia | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1974-0050 | Musica tecnologia = | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9893 | Music education research (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1461-3808 | Music Education Research | Carfax Publishing; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4321 | Music educators journal | Music Educators National Conference | 0 | ✔ |
1945-0087 | Music educators journal (e-vir) | Music Educators National Conference | 0 | ✔ |
0730-7829 | Music perception | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8312 | Music perception (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-9219 | Music performance research | Royal Northern College of Music | 0 | |
1058-8167 | Music reference services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9503 | Music reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1067-3040 | Music theory online (e-vir) | Society for Music Theory | 0 | |
0195-6167 | Music theory spectrum | Society for Music Theory] | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8339 | Music theory spectrum (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0734-6875 | Music therapy perspectives | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
2053-7387 | Music therapy perspectives (e-vir) | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
0933-6885 | Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie | Pabst Science Publishers | 0 | |
2190-6254 | Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 0 | |
1432-9425 | Musik & Ästhetik | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
0027-4798 | Musikerziehung | Österreichischer Bundesverlag | 0 | |
0935-2562 | Musikforum | Schott | 0 | |
0947-8302 | Musik in Baden-Württemberg | Gesellschaft für Musikgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg | 0 | |
0937-583X | Musik in Bayern | 0 | ||
1433-1489 | Musik in der Grundschule | Schott Musik Internat.. | 0 | |
0931-3311 | Musik-Konzepte | Edition Text u. Kritik | 0 | |
0174-4054 | Musikpraxis | 0 | ||
0177-350X | Musik-Psychologie | Noetzel, Heinrichshofen-Bücher | 0 | |
0177-4182 | Musiktheorie | Laaber-Verlag | 0 | |
0172-5505 | Musiktherapeutische Umschau | Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft e.V.; DMtG. | 0 | |
0027-4747 | Musik und Bildung | Schott | 0 | |
0027-4771 | Musik und Kirche | Bärenreiter-Verl. | 0 | |
1439-1384 | Musik und Unterricht | Lugert | 0 | |
1016-1333 | Musil-Forum | Internationale Robert-Musil-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0260-3063 | Muslim world book review | Islamic Foundation. | 0 | |
1554-4419 | Muslim world journal of human rights (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6558 | Muslim world journal of human rights | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0027-514X | Muttersprache | Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache, GfdS | 0 | |
1450-9814 | Muzikologija | [Muzikološki institut Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti] | 0 | |
2406-0976 | Muzikologija (e-vir) | Muzikološki institut SANU | 0 | |
0027-5344 | Muzyka | Instytut Sztuki PAN | 0 | ✔ |
2720-7021 | Muzyka (e-vir) | Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
0213-7674 | Myrtia | Universidad, Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4619 | Myrtia | Edit.um | 0 | ✔ |
1461-0426 | n. paradoxa (e-vir) | KT Press | 0 | |
1461-0434 | N. paradoxa | KT Press | 0 | |
0016-9080 | Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, Hamburg | Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens. | 0 | |
1871-4757 | NanoEthics | Springer Science | 0 | ✔ |
1871-4765 | NanoEthics (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1213-2446 | Národohospodářský obzor | Ekonomicko-správní fakulta Masarykovy univerzity; Masarykova univerzita | 0 | |
1804-1663 | Národohospodářský obzor (e-vir) | Ekonomicko-správní fakulta Masarykovy univerzity | 0 | ✔ |
0862-8351 | Národopisná revue | Ústav lidového umění | 0 | |
2570-9437 | Národopisná revue (e-vir) | Ústav lidového umění | 0 | |
1565-5288 | Nashim | Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies; Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University | 0 | |
0793-8934 | Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues | Seminary of Judaic studies | 0 | |
0077-2887 | Nassauische Annalen | Verein für Nassauische Altertumskunde und Geschichtsforschung. | 0 | |
0351-4463 | Nastava matematike | Društvo matematičara Srbije | 0 | |
0027-9501 | National Institute economic review | National Institute of Economic and Social Research | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3036 | National Institute economic review (e-vir) | [National Institute of Economic and Social Research] | 0 | ✔ |
0090-5992 | Nationalities papers | Taylor&Francis; Association for the study of nationalities | 1 | ✔ |
1465-3923 | Nationalities papers (e-vir) | Carfax; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0976-3325 | National journal of community medicine | Surat Municipal Education and Research | 0 | |
2229-6816 | National journal of community medicine | Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research | 0 | |
0028-0283 | National tax journal | National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America | 0 | |
1944-7477 | National tax journal (e-vir) | National Tax Association | 0 | |
0028-0453 | Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift | Nationaløkonomisk Forening | 0 | |
1943-2569 | Native south | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
2152-4025 | Native South | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
1615-391X | Natur & Kosmos (e-vir) | Konradin-Medien | 0 | |
1615-3928 | Natur & Kosmos | Natur Media | 0 | |
Y503-521X | Natur & Kosmos | Natur Media | 0 | |
0172-1631 | Natur + Recht | Parey | 0 | ✔ |
0921-030X | Natural hazards | Kluwer Academic Pubishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0840 | Natural hazards (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0859 | Natural language & linguistic theory (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-806X | Natural language and linguistic theory | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
0925-854X | Natural language semantics | Kluwer Academic Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1572-865X | Natural language semantics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0028-0739 | Natural resources journal | University of New Mexico, School of Law. | 0 | ✔ |
2640-2149 | Natural resources journal (e-vir) | University of New Mexico | 0 | |
1558-5468 | Nature + culture (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1558-6073 | Nature + culture | Berghahn Books, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0934-8883 | Naturschutz heute | DBV-Verlag | 0 | |
0940-6638 | Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt | Landesamt für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, Abteilung Naturschutz.; Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesamt für Umweltschutz.; Landesamt für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt. | 0 | |
0028-0615 | Natur und Landschaft | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
1439-0515 | Natur und Recht | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0028-1050 | Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau | Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | 0 | |
0352-6194 | Naučni skupovi | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje istorijskih nauka.; Academie serbe des sciences et des arts. Classe des sciences historiques. | 0 | |
0354-4850 | Naučni skupovi | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje društvenih nauka.; Academie Serbe des sciences et des arts. Classe des sciences sociales. | 0 | |
0720-9673 | NDS | Neue Deutsche Schule Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
1094-2076 | Near Eastern archaeology | Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
2325-5404 | Near Eastern archaeology (e-vir) | Published by Scholars Press for the American Schools of Oriental Research | 0 | ✔ |
0028-1859 | Nebraska history | Nebraska State Historical Society,; History Nebraska (Organization), | 0 | |
1307-6086 | Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi elektronik fen ve matematik eğitimi dergisi (nef-efmed) (e-vir) | Balıkesir Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0169-6726 | Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek | C. A. J. van Dishoeck | 0 | ✔ |
1567-6633 | Neerlandistiek.nl | Igitur, publishing & archiving | 0 | |
0748-4526 | Negotiation journal | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1571-9979 | Negotiation journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1856-1810 | Negotium | ladimir Diaz Borges | 0 | |
0324-4652 | Neohelicon | Akadémiai K.; John Benjamins B.V | 1 | ✔ |
1588-2810 | Neohelicon (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0028-2677 | Neophilologus | Tjaenk Willok | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8668 | Neophilologus (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1575-8621 | Nerter | Nerter | 0 | |
1027-3921 | Nestroyana | Internationale Nestroy-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1741-6191 | Netherlands international law review (e-vir) | T.M.C. Asser press; Cambridge University Press [distr.] | 0 | ✔ |
0165-070X | Netherlands International Law review | Sijthoff | 0 | ✔ |
2214-5966 | Netherlands yearbook for history of art (e-vir) | Koninklijke Brill NV | 0 | ✔ |
1385-9587 | Netnomics | Kluwer Science Publishers :; Baltzer Science Publishers | 0 | |
1573-7071 | Netnomics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
1566-113X | Networks and spatial economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9427 | Networks and spatial economics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0939-2904 | Neue Beiträge zur Jülicher Geschichte | Joseph-Kuhl-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
1438-7832 | Neue Caritas | Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. | 0 | |
0028-3231 | Neue Justiz | Staatsverlag der DDR | 0 | ✔ |
0934-9200 | Neue Kriminalpolitik | Nomos | 0 | |
0028-3320 | Neue politische Literatur | Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH | 0 | |
2197-6082 | Neue politische Literatur (e-vir) | VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften | 0 | |
0342-9857 | Neue Praxis | Luchterhand | 0 | |
0342-1511 | Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen | Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zum Studium Niedersachsens; Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zum Studium Niedersachsens; Niedersächsischer Heimatbund; Niedersächsisches Institut für Landeskunde und Landesentwicklung; Niedersachsen | 0 | |
0944-8195 | Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte | Böhlau | 0 | |
0723-2454 | Neues Glas | Verlagsgesellschaft Ritterbach mbH | 0 | |
0479-6748 | Neue Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Ostbairische Heimatforschung der Universität Passau | Klinger | 0 | |
0945-6945 | Neue Zeitschrift für Musik | Schott Musik International | 0 | |
2199-5958 | Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (e-vir) | Schott | 0 | |
0028-3517 | Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9520 | Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3525 | Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht | Wolters Kluwer Deutschland. | 0 | |
0028-3754 | Neuphilologische Mitteilungen | Modern Language Society | 0 | |
1874-5490 | Neuroethics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1874-5504 | Neuroethics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1933-4192 | New criminal law review | University of California Press, Journals and Digital Pub. Division | 0 | |
1933-4206 | New criminal law review (e-vir) | University of California Press Journals and Digital Publication Division | 0 | |
2199-8108 | New diversities | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity | 1 | |
2199-8116 | New diversities (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0094-033X | New German critique | S.N. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-1462 | New German critique (e-vir) | New German Critique | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0004 | New global studies (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3619 | New Jersey history (e-vir) | New Jersey Historical Society.; Kean University.; New Jersey Historical Commission. | 0 | |
0028-6060 | New left review | New Left Review | 0 | |
2044-0480 | New left review (e-vir) | New Left Review | 0 | |
0028-6087 | New literary history | Johns Hopkins University Press, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1080-661X | New literary history (e-vir) | University of Virginia | 0 | ✔ |
1461-4448 | New media & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7315 | New media & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1801-0938 | New Perspectives on Political Economy (e-vir) | Liberální institut | 0 | |
1804-6290 | New Perspectives on Political Economy | CEVRO Institut, z.ú | 0 | |
0893-7850 | New perspectives quarterly | Institute for National Strategy | 0 | |
1540-5842 | New perspectives quarterly (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions | 0 | |
1356-3467 | New political economy | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9923 | New political economy (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
0739-3148 | New political science | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9931 | New political science (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0262-4079 | New scientist | New Science Publications | 0 | |
2059-5387 | New scientist (e-vir) | New Scientist | 0 | |
1356-1766 | New scientist CD-ROM (e-vir) | Bowker-Saur; IPC magazines | 0 | |
2036-6353 | Newsletter di archeologia CISA = | Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi di Archeologia. Università degli Studi L'Orientale | 0 | |
1048-2911 | New solutions | Alice Hamilton Memorial Library | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3772 | New solutions (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0028-6885 | New Testament studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8145 | New Testament studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-6581 | New voices in classical reception studies | Open University | 0 | ✔ |
1526-8659 | New waves | Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association | 0 | |
2379-4275 | New waves (e-vir) | Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association. | 0 | |
0028-7881 | New York University law review | New York University School of Law | 0 | |
0028-8144 | New Zealand geographer | New Zealand Geographical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1745-7939 | New Zealand geographer (e-vir) | New Zealand Geographical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0028-8276 | New Zealand journal of educational studies | Ne Zealand Council for Educational Research. | 0 | ✔ |
2199-4714 | New Zealand journal of educational studies (e-vir) | New Zealand Association for Research in Education | 0 | ✔ |
0110-7380 | New Zealand journal of French studies | Massey University.; Victoria University of Wellington. | 0 | |
1176-6662 | New Zealand journal of teachers' work (e-vir) | New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work | 0 | ✔ |
0078-0537 | Niederdeutsche Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte | E. A. Seemann | 0 | |
0078-0545 | Niederdeutsches Wort | Aschendorff. | 0 | |
0078-0561 | Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte | Wallstein-Verl. | 0 | |
0946-7971 | Niedersächsische Verwaltungsblätter | Boorberg. | 0 | |
0342-1422 | Nietzsche-Studien | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0790 | Nietzsche-Studien | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1543-1002 | Nineteenth-century art worldwide | Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art | 0 | ✔ |
0890-5495 | Nineteenth-century contexts | Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies; College of Arts and Sciences; Dept. of English of Northeastern University | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2663 | Nineteenth-century contexts (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0146-7891 | Nineteenth-century French studies | [University of Nebraska Press, etc.] | 0 | |
1536-0172 | Nineteenth-century French studies (e-vir) | T.H. Goetz | 0 | |
0891-9356 | Nineteenth-century literature | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1067-8352 | Nineteenth-century literature (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1748-3727 | Nineteenth century theatre and film | University of Manchester. | 0 | ✔ |
2048-2906 | Nineteenth century theatre and film (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7694 | NJES | Universitetet i Oslo.; Nordic Association of English Studies | 0 | |
1654-6970 | NJES : Nordic journal of English studies (e-vir) | Göteborg University | 0 | |
0935-1450 | NNA-Berichte | Norddeutsche Naturschutzakademie. | 0 | |
1463-1741 | Noise & health | Institute of Laryngology & Otology, University College London | 1 | ✔ |
1998-4030 | Noise & health | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0822-7942 | Nomadic peoples | Commission on Nomadic Peoples. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1752-2366 | Nomadic peoples (e-vir) | Commission on Nomadic Peoples | 0 | ✔ |
0899-7640 | Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7395 | Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2154-3348 | Nonprofit policy forum (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6035 | Nonprofit policy forum | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1346-4116 | Nonpurofitto, rebyu | Nihon NPO gakkai | 0 | |
0803-8740 | Nora | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1502-394X | NORA | Scandinavian University Press; Routledge/Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0078-1037 | Nordelbien | Boyens | 0 | |
0940-5585 | Nordeuropa-Forum | Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
1863-639X | Nordeuropa-Forum (e-vir) | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Nordeuropa-Institut | 0 | |
0078-1045 | Nordfriesisches Jahrbuch | Nordfriisk Institut. | 0 | |
0029-1196 | Nordfriesland | 0 | ||
0109-3967 | Nordica | Odense Universitet. | 0 | |
1904-4526 | Nordic economic policy review | Nordisk Ministerråd. | 0 | |
1235-4481 | Nordic journal of African studies | Nordic Association of African Studies | 0 | |
1459-9465 | Nordic journal of African studies | Nordic Association of African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2342-9003 | Nordic journal of business | Suomen kauppakorkeakoulut. | 0 | |
1891-943X | Nordic journal of digital literacy | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0332-5865 | Nordic journal of linguistics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1502-4717 | Nordic journal of linguistics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0809-7291 | Nordic journal of religion and society | Fagbokforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1890-7008 | Nordic journal of religion and society (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
2001-5119 | Nordicom review | NORDICOM | 0 | |
1403-1108 | NORDICOM review | NORDICOM, Göteborg University | 0 | ✔ |
1891-5914 | Nordic studies in education | Nordisk forening for pedagogisk forskning | 0 | |
1891-5949 | Nordic studies in education | Universitetsforlaget i samarbeid med Nordisk forening for pedagogisk forskning | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6825 | Nordic Wittgenstein review | Nordic Wittgenstein Society.; NWS. | 0 | |
2242-248X | Nordic Wittgenstein review (e-vir) | Nordic Wittgenstein Society | 0 | |
1458-6126 | Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift (e-vir) | Stakes | 0 | ✔ |
1455-0725 | Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift / | Pohjoismainen hyvinvointikeskus.; Pohjoismainen päihdetutkimuslautakunta.; Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskus.; Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. | 0 | ✔ |
1396-3953 | Nordiske udkast | Københavns Universitet.; Aarhus Universitet. | 0 | |
1403-3216 | Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift | Bibliotekshögskolan | 0 | |
2000-8325 | Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift (e-vir) | Institutionen Biblioteks- och Informationsvetenskap, Högskolan i Borås | 0 | ✔ |
1894-8693 | Nordisk politiforskning (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | |
0809-1668 | Nordlit | Universitetet i Tromsø, Det Humanistiske fakultet; Universitetet i Tromsø, Institutt for kultur og litteratur | 0 | ✔ |
1503-2086 | Nordlit (e-vir) | Septentrio Academic Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0332-7531 | Nordlyd | Universitetet i Tromsø, Det humanistiske fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
1503-8599 | Nordlyd (e-vir) | Universitetet i Tromsø, Det humanistiske fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
0932-710X | Nordrhein-westfälische Verwaltungsblätter | Boorberg. | 0 | |
0029-182X | Norois | Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie et impr. Marc Texier réunies; Presses universitaires de Rennes | 0 | |
0803-2491 | Norsk epidemiologi = | Norsk forening for epidemiologi | 0 | ✔ |
1891-5477 | Norsk epidemiologi = | Norwegian Epidemiological Association | 0 | |
0029-1943 | Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2901 | Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0809-2044 | Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1504-288X | Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0029-2052 | Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift | Norsk lærerlag | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2987 | Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget [i samarbeid med Utdanningsforbundet og Forskerforbundets forening for lærerutdanning] | 0 | ✔ |
0029-2214 | Norsk tidsskrift for misjon | Egede-instituttet. | 0 | |
0197-6931 | North American archaeologist | [Baywood Pub. Co.] | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3543 | North American archaeologist | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0029-2540 | North Carolina libraries | [North Carolina Library Association] | 0 | |
2379-4305 | North Carolina libraries (e-vir) | North Carolina Library Association. | 0 | |
1535-6574 | Northeast African studies (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0740-9133 | Northeast African Studies | African Studies Center, Michigan State University | 0 | ✔ |
0196-3228 | Northwestern journal of international law & business | Northwestern University School of Law. | 0 | |
0029-3652 | Norwegian archaeological review | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7678 | Norwegian archaeological review (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4380 | Notes | Music Library Association | 0 | |
1534-150X | Notes (e-vir) | Music Library Association | 0 | |
0029-3970 | Notes and queries | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6941 | Notes and queries (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0029-4047 | Notes on contemporary literature | West Georgia College.; State University of West Georgia. | 0 | |
0029-4500 | Notre Dame English journal | Notre Dame English Association. | 0 | |
2328-6881 | Notre Dame English journal (e-vir) | Notre Dame English Association. | 0 | |
0029-4586 | Nottingham French studies | University of Nottingham. | 0 | ✔ |
2047-7236 | Nottingham French studies (e-vir) | W. Heffer | 0 | ✔ |
0029-4624 | Noûs | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0068 | Noûs (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0758-170X | Nouveaux cahiers d'allemand | Association des nouveaux cahiers d'allemand | 0 | |
0029-4888 | Nouvelles de l'estampe | Bibliothèque nationale | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3152 | Nouvelles études francophones | Conseil international d'études francophones/CIÉF | 0 | |
2156-9428 | Nouvelles études francophones (e-vir) | Conseil international d'études francophones | 0 | |
0130-3864 | Novaâ i novejšaâ istoriâ.; Новая и новейшая история | Izdatelʹstvo Akademii nauk SSSR; Издательство Академии наук СССР; Nauka; Наука; Rossijskaâ Akademiâ nauk; Российская Академия наук | 0 | |
0103-6351 | Nova Economia | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Ciências Econômicas | 0 | |
1980-5381 | Nova Economia (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Ciências Econômicas | 0 | |
0029-5027 | Nova et vetera | Ed. universitaires,; Ed. Saint-Augustin ;; Association Nova & Vetera ;; Nova et Vetera ;; Association Nova & Vetera | 0 | |
1092-6690 | Nova religio | University of California Press | 0 | |
1541-8480 | Nova religio (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | |
1307-4733 | Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language) (e-vir) | Arda Ar%kan[REQUEST] | 0 | |
0048-1009 | Novum Testamentum | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5365 | Novum Testamentum (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0108-8416 | NOWELE | University Press of Southern Denmark | 0 | |
0036-6978 | NTM | Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig | 0 | ✔ |
1420-9144 | NTM (e-vir) | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0185-0636 | Nueva antropología | Nueva Antropología. | 0 | |
0185-0121 | Nueva revista de filología hispánica | El Colegio de México.. | 0 | |
2448-6558 | Nueva revista de filología hispánica (e-vir) | El Colegio de México | 0 | |
0251-3552 | Nueva sociedad | Editorial Nueva Sociedad | 0 | |
0029-5973 | Numen | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5276 | Numen (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0078-2696 | Numismatic chronicle | Royal Numismatic Society | 0 | |
0250-7838 | Numismatische Zeitschrift | Österreichische Numismatische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0394-7394 | Nuncius | Leo S. Olscki | 0 | ✔ |
1825-3911 | Nuncius | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | ✔ |
0942-9328 | N und L. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg | Brandenburg | 0 | |
0029-6155 | Nuova corrente | Tilgher | 0 | |
1122-0775 | Nuovi annali della scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2038-4394 | OADI | Osservatorio per le arti decorative in Italia | 0 | |
0342-1686 | Oberbayerisches Archiv | Historischer Verein von Oberbayern | 0 | |
0029-7550 | Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter | Landesinstitut für Volksbildung und Heimatpflege in Oberösterreich | 0 | |
0930-6978 | Oberschlesisches Jahrbuch | Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien, | 0 | |
0935-8900 | Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott | 0 | ||
1214-6463 | Obrana a strategie | Univerzita obrany; Vojenská akademie | 0 | |
1802-7199 | Obrana a strategie (e-vir) | Univerzita obrany | 0 | |
0936-0271 | OBST | Verein zur Förderung der Sprachwissenschaft in Forschung und Ausbildung e.V. | 0 | |
0029-8077 | Oceania | University of Sydney | 0 | ✔ |
0029-8115 | Oceanic linguistics (e-vir) | [University Press of Hawaii] | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9421 | Oceanic linguistics (e-vir) | Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2870 | October | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-013X | October (e-vir) | Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0338-1900 | Oeuvres et critiques | Narr | 0 | |
0078-3714 | Offa | Wachholtz | 0 | |
1887-3731 | Ogigia (e-vir) | Ogigia | 0 | ✔ |
0340-4447 | Oldenburger Jahrbuch | Oldenburger Landesverein für Geschichte, Natur- und Heimatkunde e.V. | 0 | |
0030-2228 | Omega | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3764 | Omega (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0048-1440 | ÖMZ. Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift | M. Salzer Aktiengesellschaft | 0 | |
1986-3497 | Online journal of communication and media technologies | Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1556-3847 | Online journal of distance learning administration | State University of West Georgia, Center for Distance Education | 0 | |
1947-2579 | Online journal of public health informatics | University of Illinois at Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
1539-3399 | Online journal of rural nursing and health care | Rural Nurse Organization | 0 | |
1936-0487 | Online journal of rural research and policy (e-vir) | North Central Regional Planning Commission | 0 | ✔ |
0351-9171 | Onomatološki prilozi | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0717-1285 | ONOMAZEIN | Instituto de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
0718-5758 | ONOMAZEIN | Instituto de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
0030-2651 | Ons erfdeel | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
1753-0229 | OPEC energy review | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1753-0237 | OPEC energy review (e-vir) | Wiley InterScience | 0 | ✔ |
1948-5115 | Open access journal of forensic psychology (e-vir) | Gregory DeClue | 0 | |
0923-7992 | Open economies review | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-708X | Open economies review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-829X | Open journal of knowledge management | Community of Knowledge c/o Pumacy Technologies AG | 0 | |
1109-2858 | Operational research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1866-1505 | Operational research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1936-9735 | Operations management research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1936-9743 | Operations management research (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
0030-3690 | Opernwelt | Friedrich Verlag | 0 | |
0143-0955 | Oral history | Oral History Society | 0 | ✔ |
1575-1430 | Oralia | Arco Libros | 0 | |
2254-6723 | Oralia (e-vir) | Universidad de Almería | 0 | |
0883-5365 | Oral tradition | Slavica Pub., Inc. | 0 | |
1542-4308 | Oral tradition (e-vir) | Slavica Publishers | 0 | |
1856-1594 | Orbis. Revista Científica | Luis Rojas | 0 | |
0105-7510 | Orbis litterarum | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0730 | Orbis litterarum (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1385-285X | Orbis Terrarum | Hakkert; Steiner | 0 | |
0048-2129 | Ordo | Küpper | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0481 | Ordo (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1435-7941 | Organ | Schott Musik Internat.. | 0 | |
1618-808X | Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching | Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2577 | Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
0724-6110 | Organisationsentwicklung | Fachverl. der Verl.-Gruppe Handelsbl. | 0 | |
1413-585X | Organizações & Sociedade | Universidade Federal da Bahia, Escola de Administracao. | 0 | |
1984-9230 | Organizações & Sociedade (e-vir) | Universidade Federal da Bahia, Escola de Administração | 0 | |
1809-1040 | Organizações em Contexto | Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração | 0 | |
1086-0266 | Organization & environment | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7417 | Organization & environment (e-vir) | [Sage Publications] | 0 | ✔ |
0749-5978 | Organizational behavior and human decision processes | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9920 | Organizational behavior and human decision processes (e-vir) | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1094-4281 | Organizational research methods | Sage Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7425 | Organizational research methods (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
2029-4581 | Organizations and markets in emerging economies | Vilnius University Publishing House | 0 | ✔ |
2345-0037 | Organizations and markets in emerging economies (e-vir) | Vilnius University Publishing House | 0 | ✔ |
0170-8406 | Organization studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3044 | Organization studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
0340-6407 | Oriens christianus | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0030-5197 | Oriens extremus | Harrassowitz in Komm | 0 | |
2940-438X | Oriens extremus (e-vir) | Universität Hamburg; Universität Hamburg | 0 | |
0030-5227 | Orient | Dt. Orient-Inst. | 0 | |
0030-5367 | Orientalia | Pontificio Istituto Biblico. | 0 | |
2196-6877 | Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0030-5383 | ORIENTALISTISCHE Literaturzeitung | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0030-5472 | Oriente moderno | Istituto per l'Oriente C. A. Nallino | 0 | ✔ |
2213-8617 | Oriente moderno (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0724-5246 | Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik | Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung e.V. | 0 | |
0148-3897 | Ornament | Ornament | 0 | |
0933-8586 | Orthodoxes Forum | EOS-Verl.. | 0 | |
0369-7827 | Osiris | Saint Catherine Press | 0 | ✔ |
1933-8287 | Osiris (e-vir) | Saint Catherine Press | 0 | ✔ |
1890-9639 | Oslo studies in language | Oslo studies in language | 0 | |
0948-194X | Osnabrücker Jahrbuch Frieden und Wissenschaft | V & R Unipress, | 0 | |
0474-8158 | Osnabrücker Mitteilungen | Verein für Geschichte und Landeskunde von Osnabrück. | 0 | |
0078-6845 | Ostbairische Grenzmarken | Verein für Ostbairische Heimatforschung | 0 | |
0029-8743 | Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur | Styria | 0 | |
0029-9316 | Österreichische Musikzeitschrift | Österreichische Musikzeitschrift | 0 | |
1560-8670 | Österreichisches Archiv für Recht & Religion | Plöchl | 0 | |
0945-358X | Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7566 | Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0029-9626 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege | Österreichisches Bundesdenkmalamt | 1 | |
2313-5433 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2585 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
1999-2521 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften = | Society for South-East Asian Studies | 0 | |
0029-9669 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde | Selbstverlag des Vereines für Volkskunde | 0 | |
0030-6428 | Osteuropa | Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt | 0 | |
2509-3444 | Osteuropa (e-vir) | Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
0030-6444 | Osteuropa-Recht | Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde | 0 | ✔ |
0030-6460 | Osteuropa-Wirtschaft | Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt | 0 | |
1439-2089 | Ost-West | Renovabis | 0 | |
1875-0176 | Oud Holland | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0030-672X | Oud-Holland | Staatsuitgeverij | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0818 | Oxford development studies | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9966 | Oxford development studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3812 | Oxford economic papers (e-vir) | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0030-7653 | Oxford Economic Papers | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0078-7191 | Oxford German studies | Clarendon Press; Maney | 0 | ✔ |
1745-9214 | Oxford German studies (e-vir) | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0143-6503 | Oxford journal of legal studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3820 | Oxford journal of legal studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0961-2149 | Oxford studies in comparative education | Triangle Books. | 0 | |
1615-5548 | ÖZP. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | Nomos-Verl. | 0 | |
1011-0070 | ÖZS | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie | 0 | ✔ |
0379-4407 | ÖZW. Österreichische Zeitschirft für Wirtschaftsrecht | Wilhelm Braumüller | 0 | |
1030-570X | Pacifica | Pacifica Theological Studies Association | 0 | |
1839-2598 | Pacifica (e-vir) | Pacifica Theological Studies Association | 0 | |
0030-851X | Pacific affairs | University of British Columbia | 0 | ✔ |
1715-3379 | Pacific affairs (e-vir) | University of British Columbia | 0 | ✔ |
0030-8684 | Pacific historical review | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8584 | Pacific historical review | Arthur H. Clark Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-1291 | Pacific review of ethnomusicology | UCLA Ethnomusicology Students Association.; University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles. | 0 | |
2151-7045 | Pacific review of ethnomusicology (e-vir) | UCLA Ethnomusicology Students Association | 0 | |
0933-422X | Pädagogik | Beltz | 0 | |
0939-0413 | Pädagogische Führung | Link | 0 | |
0933-6389 | Pädagogische Korrespondenz | Institut für Pädagogik und Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0030-9273 | Pädagogische Rundschau | Peter Lang | 0 | |
0030-9230 | Paedagogica historica | Centrum voor studie van de historische pedagogiek | 0 | ✔ |
1477-674X | Paedagogica historica (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1520-281X | PAJ | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-9477 | PAJ (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press for PAJ Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1680-4465 | Pakistan journal of library and information science | Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab. | 0 | |
2309-9569 | Pakistan journal of library and information science (e-vir) | Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab | 0 | |
0943-545X | Palmbaum | Thüringische Literarhistorische Gesellschaft Palmbaum e.V. | 0 | |
1414-1906 | Pandaemonium Germanicum | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Letras Modernas | 0 | |
1982-8837 | Pandaemonium Germanicum (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Letras Modernas | 0 | |
0213-1781 | Papeles de geografía | Departamento de Geografía Humana | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4627 | Papeles de geografía | Edit.um | 0 | |
1695-6494 | Papeles del CEIC (e-vir) | Universidad del País Vasco, Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva. | 0 | |
0214-7823 | Papeles del psicólogo | Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos | 0 | |
1886-1415 | Papeles del psicólogo | Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos | 0 | |
1578-7265 | Papeles salmantinos de educación | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
1034-9243 | Papers | Magpies Magazine | 0 | |
2013-9004 | Papers | UAB, Servei de Publicacions | 0 | ✔ |
0965-9315 | Papers from the Institute of Archaeology | Institute of Archaeology, University College London. | 0 | |
2041-9015 | Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (e-vir) | Institute of Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
1750-1954 | Papers of surrealism (e-vir) | AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies. | 0 | |
0031-1294 | Papers on language & literature | Southern Illinois University | 0 | |
0210-2862 | Papers - Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona | Península | 0 | ✔ |
0103-9415 | Papia | Associação Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares | 0 | |
2316-2767 | Papia (e-vir) | Associação Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares | 0 | |
0938-0116 | Paragrana | Akad.-Verl.; VCH | 0 | ✔ |
2196-6885 | Paragrana (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1353-4645 | Parallax | Centre for Cultural Studies, Department of Fine Art, University of Leeds | 0 | ✔ |
1460-700X | Parallax (e-vir) | University of Leeds, Centre for cultural studies | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-1850 | Parallax (e-vir) | University of Leeds, Centre for cultural studies | 0 | |
0031-1723 | Parameters | U.S. Army War College | 0 | |
0256-0917 | Parkett | "Parkett" Verlag AG | 0 | |
0031-2290 | Parliamentary affairs | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2482 | Parliamentary affairs (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0260-6755 | Parliaments, estates & representation | Pageant Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1947-248X | Parliaments, estates & representation (e-vir) | Published for the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions by Pageant Pub.] | 0 | ✔ |
0031-2355 | Parola del passato | [S.n.] | 0 | |
1749-8716 | Particip@tions (e-vir) | University of Wales | 0 | |
0709-6941 | Participation | International Political Science Association | 0 | |
1911-9593 | Partnership (e-vir) | The Partnership, Provincial and Territorial Library Associations of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1354-0688 | Party politics | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3683 | Party politics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1349-6174 | Pasonariti kenkyu (e-vir) | Nihon Pasonariti Shinri Gakkai | 0 | |
1348-8406 | Pasonariti kenkyuu = | Nihon pasonariti shinri gakkai | 0 | |
1422-4127 | Passagen | Pro Helvetia, Information und Presse | 0 | |
0031-2746 | Past & present | Past and Present Society; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-464X | Past & present (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-2789 | Pastoral psychology | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6679 | Pastoral psychology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0713-3383 | Pastoral sciences | Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ont.). Institute of Pastoral Studies.; Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ont.). Faculty of Human Sciences. | 0 | |
0720-6259 | Pastoraltheologie | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
2197-0831 | Pastoraltheologie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1742-0601 | Peace conflict & development (e-vir) | University of Bradford. Department of Peace Studies | 0 | |
1079-2457 | Peace economics, peace science, and public policy | Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (Organization); Peace Science Society (International) | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8597 | Peace economics, peace science and public policy | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1040-2659 | Peace review | Peace Review Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9982 | Peace review (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1338-1563 | Pedagogický časopis | Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity | 0 | ✔ |
1338-2144 | Pedagogický časopis (e-vir) | Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity; De Gruyter | 0 | |
1567-7109 | Pedagogiek | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
2468-1652 | Pedagogiek (e-vir) | Koninklijke Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1255-2488 | Pédagogues et pédagogies | 0 | ||
1468-1366 | Pedagogy, culture & society | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5104 | Pedagogy, culture & society (e-vir) | Triangle Journals Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0899-8493 | Pediatric exercise science | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2920 | Pediatric exercise science (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4528 | Pennsylvania history | Pennsylvania Historical Association. | 0 | |
2153-2109 | Pennsylvania history (e-vir) | University of Pennsylvania Press | 0 | |
2151-3066 | Pennsylvania literary journal | Anaphora Literary Press | 0 | |
0031-4749 | Pensamiento | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
2386-5822 | Pensamiento (e-vir) | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | 0 | |
1657-8961 | Pensamiento psicologico | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | ✔ |
2665-3281 | Pensamiento psicológico (e-vir) | Universidad Javeriana | 0 | ✔ |
0123-0999 | Pensamiento y cultura | Universidad de la Sabana | 0 | |
2027-5331 | Pensamiento y Cultura (e-vir) | Universidad de la Sabana | 0 | |
2178-843X | Pensando (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Piauí, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Letras, Departamento de Filosofia | 0 | |
0301-0066 | Perception | Pion Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4233 | Perception (e-vir) | Pion | 0 | ✔ |
0898-5952 | Performance improvement quarterly | Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction | 0 | |
1937-8327 | Performance improvement quarterly | Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction | 0 | |
0031-529X | Periodica de re morali canonica liturgica | Pontificia università Gregoriana | 0 | |
0173-184X | Peripherie | Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik | 0 | |
0079-0893 | Persica | Genootschap Nederland-Iran.; Stichting voor Culturele Betrekkingen.; Société Néerlando-Iranienne. | 0 | |
1028-6837 | Person | WUV-Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
0031-5605 | Personal | Pfützner, Abteilung Verl. Mensch u. Arbeit | 0 | |
2365-8614 | Personal (e-vir) | Haufe-Lexware | 0 | |
0146-1672 | Personality & social psychology bulletin | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7433 | Personality & social psychology bulletin (e-vir) | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1438-4558 | Personalmagazin | Haufe-Lexware | 0 | |
2193-0589 | Personal quarterly | 0 | ||
2365-8622 | Personal quarterly (e-vir) | Haufe-Lexware | 0 | |
0101-3459 | Perspectivas | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras | 0 | |
1777-7852 | Perspective | INHA; Armand Colin | 0 | ✔ |
2269-7721 | Perspective (e-vir) | Institut national d'histoire de l'art | 0 | ✔ |
0793-2839 | Perspectives | Editions Magnes | 0 | |
0907-676X | Perspectives | Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen | 1 | ✔ |
1747-6623 | Perspectives (e-vir) | Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen | 0 | ✔ |
2009-1842 | Perspectives | University College, Dublin. | 0 | |
0031-5982 | Perspectives in biology and medicine | University of Chicago Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1529-8795 | Perspectives in biology and medicine | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-6016 | Perspectives of new music | Perspectives of New Music, inc., etc. | 0 | |
2325-7180 | Perspectives of new music (e-vir) | Published by Princeton University Press for the Fromm Music Foundation | 0 | |
1569-1497 | Perspectives on global development and technology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1500 | Perspectives on global development and technology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1045-7097 | Perspectives on political science | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1930-5478 | Perspectives on political science (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5927 | Perspectives on politics | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0986 | Perspectives on politics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1063-6145 | Perspectives on science | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9274 | Perspectives on science (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-6493 | Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2516 | Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0939-3013 | Perspektiven ds | SP-Verl. Schüren. | 0 | |
0821-0314 | Persuasions | Jane Austen Society of North America. | 0 | |
1559-7520 | Persuasions (e-vir) | Jane Austen Society of North America | 0 | |
0031-6679 | Pfälzer Heimat | Pfälzische Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
1911-1576 | PhaenEx (e-vir) | University of Windsor | 0 | |
0342-8117 | Phänomenologische Forschungen | Alber | 0 | |
2567-5494 | Phänomenologische Forschungen (e-vir) | Felix Meiner Verlag | 0 | |
1568-7759 | Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8676 | Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0946-9540 | PHi | Kölnische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Köln.; Kölnische Rück. | 0 | |
1449-0471 | Philament | University of Sydney | 0 | |
0115-0243 | Philippine quarterly of culture and society | University of San Carlos. | 0 | |
2244-1093 | Philippine Studies Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints | Atene de Manila University. | 0 | |
2244-1638 | Philippine Studies Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints | Ateneo de Manila University | 0 | |
1547-3929 | Philip Roth studies | Philip Roth Society.; HELDREF Publications. | 0 | |
1940-5278 | Philip Roth studies (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | |
0031-7977 | Philological quarterly | University of Iowa | 0 | |
2169-5342 | Philological quarterly (e-vir) | University of Iowa | 0 | |
0031-7985 | Philologus | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2196-7008 | Philologus (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1826-9001 | Philomusica on-line (e-vir) | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3893 | Philosophia | Bar Ilan University | 0 | ✔ |
1574-9274 | Philosophia (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8027 | Philosophia naturalis | Klostermann | 0 | |
0379-8402 | Philosophica | [Universiteit] | 0 | |
1517-8889 | Philosophica | Universidade Federal de Sergipe. | 0 | |
1386-9795 | Philosophical explorations | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5918 | Philosophical explorations (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0556-8641 | Philosophical papers | Rhodes University.; Rhodes University.; University of the Witwatersrand. | 0 | ✔ |
1996-8523 | Philosophical papers | Dept. of Philosophy, Rhodes University | 0 | ✔ |
0951-5089 | Philosophical psychology | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1465-394X | Philosophical psychology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8116 | Philosophical studies | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0883 | Philosophical studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0294-1805 | Philosophie | Editions de Minuit | 0 | |
1634-4561 | Philosophie antique | Presses universitaires du Septentrion | 0 | |
0945-6295 | Philosophie Ethik | Seibert | 0 | |
0316-2923 | Philosophiques | Ed. Bellarmin. | 0 | |
0031-8159 | Philosophische Rundschau | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-7261 | Philosophische Rundschau (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0031-8183 | Philosophisches Jahrbuch | K. Alber | 0 | |
0031-8191 | Philosophy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-817X | Philosophy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5341 | Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
1071-6076 | Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3303 | Philosophy, psychiatry & psychology | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0890-2461 | Philosophy, theology | Marquette University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3915 | Philosophy & public affairs | Princeton University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1088-4963 | Philosophy & public affairs (e-vir) | Princeton University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8213 | Philosophy & rhetoric | Pennsylvania State University Press. | 0 | |
1527-2079 | Philosophy & rhetoric | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | |
0191-4537 | Philosophy & social criticism | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1461-734X | Philosophy & social criticism (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2210-5433 | Philosophy & technology | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
2210-5441 | Philosophy & technology | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0190-0013 | Philosophy and literature | University of Michigan--Dearborn | 0 | ✔ |
1086-329X | Philosophy and literature | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8205 | Philosophy and phenomenological research | International Phenomenological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1933-1592 | Philosophy and phenomenological research (e-vir) | International Phenomenological Society; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0377-2772 | Philosophy and social action | Sharma. | 0 | |
2153-828X | Philosophy and theology | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8221 | Philosophy East & West | University Press of Hawaii | 1 | ✔ |
1529-1898 | Philosophy East and West (e-vir) | University of Hawaii Press | 0 | |
1920-8936 | Philosophy in review = | University of Victoria | 0 | ✔ |
1077-1999 | Philosophy in the contemporary world | The Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3377 | Philosophy in the contemporary world | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0961-5970 | Philosophy now | Philosophy Now | 0 | |
2044-9992 | Philosophy now | Anja Publications | 0 | |
1063-5734 | Philosophy of music education review | Indiana University, School of Music | 0 | |
1543-3412 | Philosophy of music education review | School of Music, Indiana University; Indiana University Press | 0 | |
0031-8248 | Philosophy of science | Philosophy of Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1539-767X | Philosophy of science (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3931 | Philosophy of the social sciences | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7441 | Philosophy of the social sciences (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2043-0728 | Philosophy pathways | International Society for Philosophers | 0 | |
1433-7177 | PhiN (e-vir) | P. Gévaudan c/o Romanisches Seminar, Eberhard-Karls-Universität [u.a.] | 0 | |
0031-8299 | Phoenix | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1929-4883 | Phoenix (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8388 | Phonetica | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0321 | Phonetica (e-vir) | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1751-4517 | Photography & culture | Berg,; Bloomsbury; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1751-4525 | Photography & culture (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8868 | Phronesis | Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5284 | Phronesis (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9414 | Physis | Leo Olschki Editore | 0 | |
0172-6943 | Pietismus und Neuzeit | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0930-5157 | PIK. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation | Hanser | 0 | |
1471-9363 | Pirandello studies | Society for Pirandello Studies. | 0 | |
1434-8578 | Pirckheimer-Jahrbuch für Renaissance- und Humanismusforschung | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
1360-0583 | Planning, practice & research (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0266-5433 | Planning perspectives | E. & F.N. Spon; Chapman | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4518 | Planning Perspectives (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0269-7459 | Planning practice + research | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1464-9357 | Planning theory & practice | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1470-000X | Planning theory & practice (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1751-0171 | Platform | Dept. of Drama & Theatre, Royal Holloway | 0 | |
1617-6960 | PM. Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule | 0 | ||
0287-1629 | Poetica | Sanseido International Co., Ltd; Shubun International Co., Ltd; Eikoh Institute of Culture and Education; Shubunkan Co., Ltd; Yushodo Press Co., Ltd; Yushodo Co., Ltd | 0 | |
0303-4178 | Poetica | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2589-0530 | Poetica (e-vir) | Fink | 0 | ✔ |
0304-422X | Poetics | Mouton | 1 | ✔ |
1872-7514 | Poetics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0333-5372 | Poetics today | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-5507 | Poetics today (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-2024 | Poétique | Seuil | 0 | |
1615-6609 | Poiesis & Praxis | Springer | 0 | |
1615-6617 | Poiesis & Praxis (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
1262-1676 | Pôle Sud | Centre comparatif d'études des politiques publiques et des espaces locaux (Montpellier) | 0 | |
0305-5736 | Policy and politics | Policy Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8442 | Policy and politics (e-vir) | Policy Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-2687 | Policy sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0891 | Policy sciences (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0190-292X | Policy studies journal | University of Illinois | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0072 | Policy studies journal (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0079-2993 | Polish Psychological Bulletin | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1641-7844 | Polish Psychological Bulletin | Blackhorse. | 0 | |
1231-1413 | Polish Sociological Review | Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne | 0 | |
2657-4276 | Polish Sociological Review (e-vir) | Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne =; Polish Sociological Association | 0 | |
0105-0710 | Politica | Politica, | 0 | |
0190-9320 | Political behavior | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6687 | Political behavior | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0962-6298 | Political geography | Butterworth-Heinemann | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5096 | Political geography (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3179 | Political quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-923X | Political quarterly (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1065-9129 | Political research quarterly | University of Utah | 0 | ✔ |
1938-274X | Political research quarterly (e-vir) | University of Utah | 0 | ✔ |
1538-165X | Political science quarterly (e-vir) | Academy of Political Science | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3195 | Political Science Quarterly | Academy of Political Science; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3217 | Political studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9248 | Political studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0090-5917 | Political theory | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7476 | Political theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3241 | Politička misao | Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu | 2 | |
1846-8721 | Politička misao (e-vir) | Fakultet političkih znanosti | 0 | |
0959-8480 | Politics review | Philip Allan | 0 | |
0258-9346 | Politikon | Staatkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1014 | Politikon (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0032-342X | Politique étrangère | Centre d'études de politique étrangère | 0 | |
1958-8992 | Politique étrangère (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | |
1203-9438 | Politique et sociétés | Société québécoise de science politique | 0 | |
0554-5455 | Politische Bildung | Wochenschau-Verl., | 0 | |
0933-5722 | Politische Ökologie | Gesellschaft für ökologische Kommunikation | 0 | |
0942-2307 | Politisches Denken | 0 | ||
0032-3462 | Politische Studien | Atwerb-Verlag | 0 | |
0032-3470 | Politische Vierteljahresschrift | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2860 | Politische Vierteljahresschrift | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
1981-6766 | PontodeAcesso (e-vir) | Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Ciência da Informação | 0 | |
0300-7766 | Popular music and society | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1740-1712 | Popular music and society (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1544-8444 | Population, space and place | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1544-8452 | Population, space and place (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0098-7921 | Population and development review | Population Council | 0 | ✔ |
1728-4457 | Population and development review (e-vir) | Population Council. | 0 | ✔ |
0199-0039 | Population and environment | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7810 | Population and environment (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5923 | Population research and policy review | Elsevier; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7829 | Population research and policy review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0032-471X | Population review | Indian Institute for Population Studies] | 0 | |
1549-0955 | Population review | Population Review Publications | 0 | |
1477-4747 | Population studies (e-vir) | Published on behalf of the Population Investigation Committee by the Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-4728 | Population Studies | Population Investigation Committee, London School of Economics | 0 | ✔ |
1530-7131 | Portal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-2542 | Portal (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1617-982X | Portuguese economic journal | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-9838 | Portuguese economic journal | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1476-413X | Portuguese journal of social science | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
1758-9509 | Portuguese journal of social science (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
0267-5315 | Portuguese studies | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4270 | Portuguese studies | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0352-1834 | Posebna izdanja | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0352-1850 | Posebna izdanja | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0081-4008 | Posebna izdanja.; Посебна издања | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0354-494X | Posebna izdanja.; Посебна издања | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0048-4911 | Positif | Positif | 14 | |
1705-9100 | Postcolonial text (e-vir) | [Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies] | 0 | |
1463-1377 | Post-communist economies | Carfax | 3 | ✔ |
1465-3958 | Post-communist economies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0947-9945 | Post- und Telekommunikationsgeschichte | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Post- und Telekommunikationsgeschichte e.V.; DGPT. | 0 | |
0303-8157 | Pozna%n studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities | Rodopi; Grüner | 0 | |
1875-7243 | Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities (e-vir) | Rodopi | 0 | |
1750-8428 | Practice and evidence of scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education (e-vir) | University of Glasgow. | 0 | |
1834-3635 | Practice reflexions (e-vir) | Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers.; Monash University. | 0 | |
0079-4848 | Praehistorische Zeitschrift | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0804 | Praehistorische Zeitschrift (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1553-0124 | Pragmatic case studies in psychotherapy | Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology and Rutgers University Libraries | 0 | |
0929-0907 | Pragmatics & cognition | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9943 | Pragmatics & cognition | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1878-9714 | Pragmatics and society | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1878-9722 | Pragmatics and society (e-vir) | Benjamins | 1 | ✔ |
0032-6585 | Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics | Oddelení algebraický lingvistiky a strojovího prekladu, Katedra lingvistidy a fonetiky | 0 | |
2190-6726 | Prävention, Rehabilitation, Integration für die Praxis der Kinder-Reha | Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
1865-8342 | Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation | de Gruyter Saur | 0 | |
0032-7034 | Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie | Verlag für Med. Psychologie im Verl. Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht | 0 | |
0177-8382 | Praxis der Naturwissenschaften | Aulis-Verl. Deubner | 0 | |
1617-5689 | Praxis der Naturwissenschaften | Aurelius | 0 | |
1617-5638 | Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule | Aulis | 0 | |
Y504-295X | Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Chemie in der Schule | Aulis | 0 | |
0170-060X | Praxis der Psychomotorik | Borgmann Media, Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
0939-9062 | Praxis der Rechtspsychologie | Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen | 0 | |
1436-1949 | Praxis des Musikunterrichts | Institut für Didaktik Populärer Musik. | 0 | |
0341-5279 | Praxis Deutsch | Friedrich | 0 | |
0932-9692 | Praxis Ergotherapie | Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
2190-4065 | Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht | Oldenbourg-Schulbuchverl. | 0 | |
2190-4073 | Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht | 0 | ||
2190-4081 | Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht | 0 | ||
2190-4057 | Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht. Basisheft | 0 | ||
1860-6946 | Praxis Gemeindepädagogik | Evang. Verl.-Anst.. | 0 | |
0171-5178 | Praxis Geographie | Westermann | 0 | |
0933-5374 | Praxis Geschichte | Westermann | 0 | |
0170-3722 | Praxis Grundschule | Westermann | 0 | |
1433-4755 | Praxis politische Bildung | Arbeitsausschuss für Politische Bildung. | 0 | |
0936-6970 | Praxis Schule 5-10 | 0 | ||
0032-7638 | Présence africaine | Présence africaine | 0 | |
2271-197X | Présence africaine (e-vir) | Présence africaine | 0 | |
1545-1151 | Preventing chronic disease | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion | 0 | |
1045-988X | Preventing school failure | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4387 | Preventing school failure (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1330-0644 | Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu | Institut za arheologiju u Zagrebu | 2 | |
1848-6371 | Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu (e-vir) | Institut za arheologiju | 0 | |
0350-2791 | Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine | Institut za filozofiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu | 0 | |
1847-4489 | Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine (e-vir) | Institut za filozofiju | 0 | |
0032-8367 | Primer acto | 1957- | 0 | |
0032-8472 | Príncipe de Viana | Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Presidencia, Sección de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0104-8694 | Princípios | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia | 0 | ✔ |
1983-2109 | Princípios (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia | 0 | ✔ |
0264-5505 | Probation journal | National Association of Probation Officers | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3079 | Probation journal (e-vir) | National Association of Probation Officers | 0 | ✔ |
0778-6735 | Problèmes d'histoire des religions | Université Libre de Bruxelles | 0 | |
0921-4771 | Probus | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4079 | Probus | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0065-7638 | Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association | The Office | 0 | |
2153-7925 | Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
0003-049X | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society | The American Philosophical Society | 0 | |
2326-9243 | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (e-vir) | American Philosophical Society | 0 | |
0081-1475 | Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research | Society for Psychical Research (Great Britain) | 0 | |
0032-9622 | Proche-Orient chrétien | Séminaire Sainte-Anne | 1 | |
1676-4056 | Product | Instituto de Gestão de Desenvolvimento do Produto | 0 | |
2237-5228 | Product (e-vir) | Instituto de Gestão de Desenvolvimento do Produto | 0 | |
0944-6524 | Production engineering | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-7353 | Production engineering | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0175-2960 | Pro-Familia-Magazin | pro familia Deutsche Gesellschaft für Familienplanung, Sexualpädagogik und Sexualberatung e.V. Bundesverband | 0 | |
0740-6959 | Profession | Modern Language Association of America | 0 | |
1938-1522 | Profession | Modern Language Association of America | 0 | |
1941-5257 | Professional development in education | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; International Professional Development Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1941-5265 | Professional development in education | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1615-5084 | Profile | 0 | ||
2256-5760 | Profile issues in teacher's professional development (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0 | ✔ |
1657-0790 | Profile Issues in teachers' professional development | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Human Sciences Faculty | 0 | ✔ |
1464-9934 | Progress in development studies | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-027X | Progress in development studies (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0309-1325 | Progress in human geography | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0288 | Progress in human geography (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0309-1333 | Progress in physical geography | E. Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0296 | Progress in physical geography (e-vir) | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1804-2406 | ProInflow (e-vir) | Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta | 0 | |
1934-9688 | Projections | Forum for Movies and Mind. | 0 | ✔ |
1934-9696 | Projections | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0949-0647 | Pro Jugend | Aktion Jugendschutz, Landesarbeitsstelle Bayern e.V. | 0 | |
0342-8176 | Prokla | Rotbuch-Verlag | 0 | |
1333-4395 | Prolegomena | Udruga za promicanje filozofije | 1 | |
1846-0593 | Prolegomena (e-vir) | Udruga za promicanje filozofije. | 0 | |
Y504-8087 | Prolegomena | Udruga za promicanje filozofije | 0 | |
1430-7235 | ProLibris | Peter Pomp | 0 | |
0810-9028 | Prometheus | Information Research Unit, Dept. of Economics, University of Queensland | 0 | |
1470-1030 | Prometheus (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | |
0272-9601 | Prooftexts | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | |
1086-3311 | Prooftexts (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | |
0144-0357 | Prose studies | Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9426 | Prose studies (e-vir) | Routledge; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0033-1538 | Prospects | Unesco | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9090 | Prospects (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1358-6785 | Prospero | PER-Prospero. | 0 | |
0033-1767 | Protestantesimo | Subilia-Vittorio. | 0 | |
1996-0042 | Protokole zur Bibel | Österreichisches Katholisches Bibelwerk | 0 | |
2412-2467 | Protokolle zur Bibel (e-vir) | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich | 0 | |
1326-7612 | Provincial China | University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. | 0 | |
1836-7038 | Provincial China (e-vir) | UTSePress | 0 | |
0478-6378 | Proyección | Facultad de Teología de Granada | 0 | |
0110-487X | Prudentia | University of Auckland. | 0 | |
0079-7138 | Przegląd Archeologiczny | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | |
2657-4004 | Przegląd Archeologiczny (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | |
0033-2283 | Przegląd Orientalistyczny | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0033-2437 | Przegląd Zachodni | Instytut Zachodni | 0 | |
1049-0965 | PS, political science & politics | American Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
0555-5299 | Psichiatria generale e dell'età evolutiva | Servizi psichiatrici della provincia di Padova. | 0 | |
0102-7972 | Psicologia | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Psicologia, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia | 0 | |
1678-7153 | Psicologia (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1807-0310 | Psicologia & sociedade | Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social. | 0 | |
0103-5665 | Psicologia clínica | Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Psicologia | 0 | |
1980-5438 | Psicologia clínica | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Psicologia | 0 | |
1721-0321 | Psicologia della salute | Società italiana di psicologia della salute. | 0 | |
0102-7182 | Psicologia e sociedade | Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social | 0 | |
0103-6564 | Psicologia USP | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Psicologia | 0 | |
1678-5177 | Psicologia USP | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Psicologia. | 0 | |
0394-2864 | Psicoterapia e scienze umane | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0214-9915 | Psicothema | Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Facultad de Psicologías, Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | ✔ |
1886-144X | Psicothema | Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Facultad de Psicologías, Universidad de Oviedo | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5935 | PS online (e-vir) | American Political Science Assoc. | 1 | ✔ |
1088-5870 | PSYART | Institute for the Psychological Study of the Arts | 0 | |
0033-2623 | Psyche | 0 | ||
0033-2747 | Psychiatry | Guilford Press | 0 | ✔ |
1943-281X | Psychiatry (e-vir) | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1610-5087 | Psychoanalyse & Körper | 0 | ||
0941-5378 | Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch | 0 | ||
1048-1885 | Psychoanalytic dialogues | Analytic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9222 | Psychoanalytic dialogues (e-vir) | Analytic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0735-1690 | Psychoanalytic inquiry | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9133 | Psychoanalytic inquiry (e-vir) | International Universities Press | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2836 | Psychoanalytic review | National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis [etc.] | 0 | |
1522-8878 | Psychoanalytic social work | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9033 | Psychoanalytic social work (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1616-8836 | Psychoanalytische Familientherapie | Psychosozial-Verl.. | 0 | |
0771-5862 | Psycho-analytische perspektieven | Rijksuniversiteit te Gent - Faculteit voor psychologische en pedagogische wetenschappen | 0 | |
1720-1632 | Psychofenia | Università di Lecce. | 0 | |
1722-8093 | Psychofenia | Congedo Editore. | 0 | |
0033-2909 | Psychological bulletin | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1455 | Psychological bulletin | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2917 | Psychological medicine | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8978 | Psychological medicine (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0340-0727 | Psychological research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1430-2772 | Psychological research = | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0033-295X | Psychological review | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2190-0493 | Psychological test and assessment modeling | Pabst Science Publ. | 0 | |
2190-0507 | Psychological test and assessment modeling (e-vir) | Pabst Science Publ. | 0 | |
0340-1677 | Psychologie heute | Beltz | 0 | |
1014-8167 | Psychologie in der Medizin | WUV-Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
0342-183X | Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht | E. Reinhardt | 0 | |
1025-1839 | Psychologie in Österreich | WUV-Universitätsverlag | 0 | |
0170-0537 | Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik | Prolit | 0 | |
0033-3042 | Psychologische Rundschau | Psychologie,Verlag Fur | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6238 | Psychologische Rundschau | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2152-7180 | Psychology | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2152-7199 | Psychology (e-vir) | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0742-6046 | Psychology & marketing | Van Nostrand Reinhold | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6793 | Psychology & marketing (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1476-0835 | Psychology and psychotherapy | BPS | 0 | |
2044-8341 | Psychology and psychotherapy (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
2307-2202 | Psychology in Russia: state of the art (e-vir) | Psychology in Russia: state of the art | 2 | ✔ |
2074-6857 | Psychology in Russia. State of the art | Russian Psychological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3085 | Psychology in the schools | Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6807 | Psychology in the schools (e-vir) | Clinical Psychology]; Wiley Periodicals | 1 | ✔ |
2083-8506 | Psychology of language and communication (e-vir) | Uniwersytet Warszawski; "Versita" | 1 | ✔ |
1234-2238 | Psychology of Language and Communication | "Energeia"; "Matrix" | 0 | |
0305-7356 | Psychology of music | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3087 | Psychology of music (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2211-1522 | Psychology of well-being | Springer Netherlands | 0 | |
0361-6843 | Psychology of women quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6402 | Psychology of women quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3123 | Psychometrika | Psychometric Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1860-0980 | Psychometrika | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1069-9384 | Psychonomic bulletin & review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5320 | Psychonomic bulletin & review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0048-5772 | Psychophysiology | Society for Psychophysiological Research | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8986 | Psychophysiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0171-3434 | Psychosozial | Psychosozial-Verlag | 0 | |
0935-6185 | Psychotherapeut | Springer-Verlag | 0 | |
1432-2080 | Psychotherapeut | Springer | 0 | |
0943-1950 | Psychotherapie-Forum | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7604 | Psychotherapie-Forum | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-2637 | Psychotherapie im Alter | 0 | ||
1436-4638 | Psychotherapie und Sozialwissenschaft | Psychosozial-Verl. | 0 | |
1056-4942 | Public & access services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | |
0033-3352 | Public administration review | American society for public administration | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6210 | Public administration review (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0887-0373 | Public affairs quarterly | Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
2152-0542 | Public affairs quarterly (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3094 | Publication de la Revue générale de droit international public | Pédone, | 0 | |
0959-3683 | Publications of the English Goethe Society | English Goethe Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6284 | Publications of the English Goethe Society (e-vir) | Maney on behalf of the English Goethe Society | 0 | ✔ |
0076-0811 | Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies | Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London. | 0 | |
0030-8129 | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1938-1530 | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (e-vir) | Modern Language Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
0048-5829 | Public choice | Martinus Nühoff Social Sciences division | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7101 | Public choice (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0899-2363 | Public culture | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8018 | Public culture (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3476 | Public finance | Paris | 0 | |
1037-9851 | Public history review | Professional Historians Association (N.S.W.) | 0 | |
1833-4989 | Public history review | UTSePress | 0 | |
0161-6846 | Public library quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-1540 | Public library quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0954-0962 | Public money & management | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9302 | Public money & management (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0033-362X | Public opinion quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5331 | Public opinion quarterly (e-vir) | Public Opinion Quarterly, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1566-7170 | Public organization review | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7098 | Public organization review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1942-4604 | Public relations journal (e-vir) | Public Relations Society of America | 0 | |
1522-8959 | Public services quarterly | Haworth Information press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9114 | Public services quarterly | Haworth Information Press | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7159 | Public transport (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1866-749X | Public transport | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1087-724X | Public works management & policy | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7549 | Public works management & policy (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1824-7482 | Publif@rum | Associazione F@rum | 0 | |
0048-5950 | Publius | Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple University. | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7107 | Publius (e-vir) | Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple University | 0 | ✔ |
0033-4006 | Publizistik | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2569 | Publizistik | Verl. für Sozialwiss. | 0 | ✔ |
1462-4745 | Punishment & society | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3095 | Punishment & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2165-0683 | Pushkin review (e-vir) | Slavica | 0 | |
1526-1476 | Pushkin review = | Slavica | 0 | |
1593-8441 | QA. La questione agraria | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0033-4839 | Qadmônîyyôt | Israel Exploration Society. | 0 | |
0951-8398 | QSE | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0226-8043 | Quaderni d'italianistica | Canadian Society for Italian Studies. | 0 | |
2293-7382 | Quaderni d'italianistica (e-vir) | Canadian Society for Italian Studies.; Iter (Toronto, Ont.),$eissuing body. | 0 | ✔ |
1135-934X | Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria | Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona | 0 | |
1885-4516 | Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria | Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona | 0 | |
0014-9527 | Quaerendo | Theatrum Orbis Terrarum | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0690 | Quærendo (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1468-7941 | Qualitative research | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3109 | Qualitative research (e-vir) | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1473-3250 | Qualitative social work | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3117 | Qualitative social work (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0162-0436 | Qualitative sociology | [Human Sciences Press, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7837 | Qualitative sociology | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0033-5177 | Quality & quantity | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7845 | Quality and quantity (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1759-7323 | Quantitative economics | Econometric Society | 0 | ✔ |
1759-7331 | Quantitative economics. (e-vir) | Econometric Society | 0 | ✔ |
0341-9495 | Quatember | Evangelische Michaelsbruderschaft.; Berneucher Dienst. | 0 | |
0033-6041 | Queen's quarterly | Queen's University. | 0 | |
0929-8592 | Queeste | Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
2667-1689 | Queeste (e-vir) | Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
0079-9068 | Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken | M. Niemeyer [etc.] | 0 | |
1865-8865 | Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0033-6297 | Quest | National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2750 | Quest (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1720-4518 | Questione giustizia | Magistratura democratica (associazione) | 0 | |
1041-8385 | Qui parle | University of California, Berkeley | 0 | ✔ |
1938-8020 | Qui parle (e-vir) | University of California | 0 | ✔ |
1022-3169 | Quo vadis, Romania? | Institut für Romanistik, Universität Wien | 0 | |
0033-7250 | Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7059 | Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | ✔ |
1415-6555 | RAC. Revista de Administração Contemporânea | Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração. | 0 | ✔ |
1982-7849 | RAC. Revista de Administração Contemporânea (e-vir) | Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Administração | 0 | ✔ |
1935-8644 | Race/ethnicity | Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.; Ohio State University. | 0 | |
1935-8652 | Race/ethnicity (e-vir) | Indiana University Press; 2007- | 0 | |
0306-3968 | Race & class | Institute of Race Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3125 | Race & class (e-vir) | Institute of Race Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1748 | Race and social problems | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1756 | Race and social problems | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1388-4441 | Radical philosophy review | Humanities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1659 | Radical philosophy review (e-vir) | Brill Academic Publishers] | 0 | ✔ |
1809-2039 | RAI (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração. | 0 | |
1291-1941 | Raisons politiques | Raisons politiques, | 0 | |
1518-6776 | RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração | 0 | |
1678-6971 | RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie (e-vir) | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração | 0 | |
2229-578X | Ramon journal of applied ethics (e-vir) | Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | |
2938-4362 | Ramon journal of applied ethics (e-vir) | Universitat Ramon Llull | 0 | |
2013-8393 | Ramon Llull journal of applied ethics | Ramon Llull University; Prohom | 0 | |
0048-671X | Ramus | Monash University. | 0 | ✔ |
2202-932X | Ramus | Aureal Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0909-8976 | Rask | Department of Language and Communication, University of Sourthern Denmark | 0 | |
1332-1986 | Rasprave iz hrvatske kulturne prošlosti | Odsjek za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti | 0 | |
0033-9881 | Rassegna storica toscana | Società toscana per la storia del Risorgimento. | 0 | |
1869-778X | Rationality, markets and morals | Frankfurt-School-Verl. | 0 | |
1043-4631 | Rationality and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7358 | Rationality and society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1024-137X | Raum | Österreichisches Institut für Raumplannung, ÖIR | 0 | |
0034-0111 | Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Heymann | 0 | |
1869-4179 | Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0818 | RBPH | Société pour le progrès des études philologiques et historiques | 0 | |
1678-765X | RDBCI (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Sistema de Bibliotecas. | 0 | ✔ |
0178-8930 | RDV | Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherung e.V., Bonn.; GDD. | 0 | |
0922-4777 | Reading & writing | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0905 | Reading & writing (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0723-0338 | REAL | 0 | ||
1080-8620 | Real estate economics | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6229 | Real estate economics (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association | 0 | ✔ |
1148-7941 | Réalités industrielles | GEDIM | 0 | |
1120-5741 | Recercare | Libreria Musicale Italiana Editrice | 0 | |
0034-1258 | Recherches de science religieuse | aux bureaux de la revue | 0 | |
2104-3884 | Recherches de science religieuse (e-vir) | Centre Sèvres | 0 | |
1783-1717 | Recherches de théologie et de philosophie médiévales (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
1370-7493 | Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales | Abbaye du Mont César | 0 | |
1422-7606 | Recherches et rencontres | Université de Genève; Librairie Droz | 0 | |
1778-8099 | Recherches philosophiques | Faculté de philosophie de l'Institut catholique de Toulouse | 0 | |
1782-1592 | Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques | Unité d'anthropologie et de sociologie. | 0 | |
2033-7485 | Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques | Unité d'anthropologie et de sociologie | 0 | |
0935-2538 | Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen. | 0 | |
0944-128X | Recht der Energiewirtschaft | 0 | ||
0340-7926 | Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft | Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, dfv Mediengruppe | 0 | |
0034-1312 | Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens | Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0486-1469 | Recht der Landwirtschaft | Agricola-Verlag. | 0 | |
0034-1339 | Recht im Amt | Luchterhand. | 0 | |
0165-0882 | Rechtsgeleerd magazijn Themis | Tjeenk Willink | 0 | ✔ |
1877-4105 | Rechtsgeleerd magazijn Themis (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Paris | 0 | |
0937-9819 | Rechtsmedizin | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1434-5196 | Rechtsmedizin (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0034-1398 | Rechtstheorie | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-519X | Rechtstheorie (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0344-7871 | Recht und Politik | BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2366-6757 | Recht und Politik (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0034-3056 | Reformed world | World Alliance of Reformed Churches. | 0 | |
1359-7566 | Regional & federal studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9434 | Regional & federal studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1436-378X | Regional environmental change (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1436-3798 | Regional environmental change | Springer | 4 | ✔ |
2079-9705 | Regional research of Russia | Pleiades Publishing :; Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
2079-9713 | Regional research of Russia (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0166-0462 | Regional science and urban economics | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2308 | Regional science and urban economics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0034-3404 | Regional studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0591 | Regional studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4757 | Reinardus | Alfa; Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9951 | Reinardus | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0185-0814 | Relaciones internacionales | UNAM. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. | 0 | |
1699-3950 | Relaciones internacionales | Asociación para el Estudio de la Disciplina de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 0 | ✔ |
0034-379X | Relations industrielles | Dép. des relations industrielles, Université Laval | 0 | |
0033-6882 | RELC journal | SEAMEO Regional Language Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1745-526X | RELC journal (e-vir) | SEAMEO Regional Language Centre | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5045 | Relief | Igitur | 0 | ✔ |
0048-721X | Religion | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-1151 | Religion | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1438-955X | Religion, Staat, Gesellschaft | Duncker u. Humblot. | 0 | |
0963-7494 | Religion, state & society | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3974 | Religion, state & society (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5417 | Religion and gender | IWFT Vrouwennetwerk Theologie | 0 | ✔ |
1079-9265 | Religion and the arts | Boston College; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5292 | Religion and the arts (e-vir) | Boston College | 0 | ✔ |
1866-6639 | Religionsunterricht an berufsbildenden Schulen | VKR.; Verband Katholischer Religionslehrerinnen und -lehrer. | 0 | |
0034-4125 | Religious studies | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-901X | Religious studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0319-485X | Religious studies review | Council on the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0922 | Religious studies review (e-vir) | Council on the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
2177-5184 | REMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing (e-vir) | Universidade Nove de Julho, Departamento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas | 0 | ✔ |
0741-9325 | Remedial and special education | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4756 | Remedial and special education (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0034-429X | Renaissance and Reformation | Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium and the Victoria University Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. | 0 | ✔ |
2293-7374 | Renaissance and Reformation (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0034-4338 | Renaissance quarterly | Renaissance Society of America. | 0 | ✔ |
1935-0236 | Renaissance quarterly (e-vir) | Renaissance Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1603-8509 | Res cogitans | Institut for Filosofi og Religionsstudier, Syddansk Universitet | 0 | |
1532-8090 | Research and issues in music education (e-vir) | Research and Issues in Music Education | 0 | |
0958-2029 | Research evaluation | Beech Tree Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1471-5449 | Research evaluation (e-vir) | Beech Tree Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0034-5210 | Research in African literatures | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1527-2044 | Research in African literatures (e-vir) | African and Afro-American Research Institute, University of Texas at Austin | 0 | |
1941-3424 | Research in business and economics journal (e-vir) | Academic and Business Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2327-5405 | Research in business and economics journal | Academic and Business Research Institute. | 0 | |
1464-7893 | Research in dance education | Carfax, | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1111 | Research in dance education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0034-5237 | Research in education | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2050-4608 | Research in education (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0361-0365 | Research in higher education | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-188X | Research in higher education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0085-5553 | Research in phenomenology | Duquesne University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1640 | Research in phenomenology | Brill :; Humanities Press | 0 | ✔ |
1359-6748 | Research in post-compulsory education | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5112 | Research in post-compulsory education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0157-244X | Research in science education | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1898 | Research in science education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1543-8627 | Research in sports medicine | Taylor and Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1543-8635 | Research in sports medicine (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Health Sciences | 1 | ✔ |
1891-6511 | Research on Steiner education | Rudolf Steiner University College; Alanus University ofArts and Social Sciences | 0 | |
0098-647X | Research opportunities in Renaissance drama | Modern Language Association of America. | 0 | |
0048-7333 | Research policy | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7625 | Research policy (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0270-1367 | Research quarterly for exercise and sport | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. | 0 | ✔ |
2168-3824 | Research quarterly for exercise and sport (e-vir) | American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance | 0 | ✔ |
1321-103X | Research studies in music education | USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland | 0 | ✔ |
1834-5530 | Research studies in music education (e-vir) | USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-7367 | Research studies in music education (e-vir) | USQ Press and the Faculty of Arts, University of Southern Queensland | 0 | |
0112-871X | Reserve Bank bulletin | Reserve Bank of New Zealand. | 0 | |
1177-8644 | Reserve Bank bulletin (e-vir) | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | 0 | |
1174-7943 | Reserve Bank of New Zealand bulletin | Reserve Bank of New Zealand. | 0 | |
0886-571X | Residential treatment for children & youth | The Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0358 | Residential treatment for children & youth (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1868-9531 | ReSource | 0 | ||
1356-4765 | Res publica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8692 | Res publica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0034-5806 | Restaurator | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8431 | Restaurator | de Gruyter Saur | 0 | ✔ |
0933-4017 | Restauro | Callwey | 0 | |
0162-9905 | Restoration | University of Tennessee, Knoxville. | 0 | |
1941-952X | Restoration (e-vir) | University of Tennessee | 0 | |
0486-5642 | Restoration quarterly | Restoration Quarterly Corp. | 0 | |
0893-5696 | Rethinking Marxism | Association for Economic and Social Analysis | 0 | ✔ |
1475-8059 | Rethinking Marxism (e-vir) | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1853-6034 | Rétor | Asociación Argentina de Retórica | 0 | |
0486-5901 | Reutlinger Geschichtsblätter | Reutlinger Geschichtsverein e.V.; Stadtarchiv Reutlingen. | 0 | |
2327-445X | Review (e-vir) | Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations, State University of New York at Binghamton | 0 | |
0147-9032 | Review - Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations | Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations. | 0 | |
1380-6653 | Review of accounting studies | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7136 | Review of accounting studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0305-6244 | Review of African political economy | Merlin Press | 0 | |
1740-1720 | Review of African political economy (e-vir) | Merlin Press] | 0 | |
1099-0046 | Review of biblical literature | Society of Biblical Literature | 0 | |
1099-0321 | Review of biblical literature (e-vir) | Scholars Press | 0 | |
1877-9751 | Review of cognitive linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1877-976X | Review of cognitive linguistics | Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1380-6645 | Review of derivatives research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7144 | Review of derivatives research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1434-4742 | Review of economic design | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1434-4750 | Review of economic design | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
2366-035X | Review of economics (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1569-5239 | Review of economics of the household | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7152 | Review of economics of the household (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6543 | Review of educational research | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1046 | Review of educational research (e-vir) | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0162-5748 | Review of higher education | The Association for the Study of Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
0889-938X | Review of industrial organization | M & S Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7160 | Review of industrial organization (e-vir) | M & S Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1305-5208 | Review of international law & politics | ULUSLARARASI STRATEJİK ARAŞTIRMALAR KURUMU DERNEĞİ İKTİSADİ İŞLETMESİ | 0 | |
0969-2290 | Review of international political economy | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4526 | Review of international political economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1863-6683 | Review of managerial science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-6691 | Review of managerial science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3685 | Review of Middle East economics and finance | De Gruyter | 0 | |
1475-3693 | Review of Middle East economics and finance (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3481 | Review of Middle East studies | Middle East Studies Association of North America | 0 | ✔ |
2329-3225 | Review of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Middle East Studies Association of North America | 0 | ✔ |
1446-9022 | Review of network economics (e-vir) | Network Economics Consulting Group | 0 | ✔ |
2194-5993 | Review of network economics | 0 | ✔ | |
1878-5158 | Review of philosophy and psychology | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5166 | Review of philosophy and psychology | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0953-8259 | Review of political economy | Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3982 | Review of political economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0924-865X | Review of quantitative finance and accounting | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7179 | Review of quantitative finance and accounting (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0486-6134 | Review of radical political economics | Union for Radical Political Economics | 0 | ✔ |
0034-673X | Review of religious research | Religious Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
2211-4866 | Review of religious research (e-vir) | Religious Research Association; Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0091-732X | Review of research in education | American Educational Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1038 | Review of research in education (e-vir) | F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0267-6834 | Review of Scottish culture | John Donald Publishers; National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland | 0 | |
0034-6764 | Review of social economy | Association for Social Economics | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1162 | Review of social economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1417-8648 | Review of sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association | Hungarian Sociological Association. | 0 | |
1588-2845 | Review of sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
1610-2886 | Review of world economics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1610-2878 | Review of World Economics | Springer; Institute for World Economics | 0 | ✔ |
0048-7511 | Reviews in American history | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6628 | Reviews in American history (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0093-8157 | Reviews in anthropology | Gordon & Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1556-3014 | Reviews in anthropology | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9418 | Reviews in religion and theology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0048-7554 | Reviews on environmental health | Scientific Publ. Division, Freund Publ. House | 0 | ✔ |
2191-0308 | Reviews on environmental health | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1414-0594 | Revista ACB | Associação Catarinense de Bibliotecários. | 0 | ✔ |
2317-6040 | Revista ACB (e-vir) | Associação Catarinense de Bibliotecários | 0 | |
1852-4206 | Revista argentina de ciencias del comportamiento (e-vir) | Asociacion Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento; Facultad de Psicologia, Universidad de Córdoba | 0 | ✔ |
0034-7191 | Revista brasileira de estudos políticos | UFMG, Faculdade de direito | 0 | |
2359-5736 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito | 0 | |
1679-0731 | Revista Brasileira de Finanças | Sociedade Brasileira de Finanças. | 0 | |
1984-5146 | Revista Brasileira de Finanças (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Finanças | 0 | |
1806-4892 | Revista brasileira de gestão de negócios | Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado. | 0 | |
1983-0807 | Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios (e-vir) | Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado | 0 | |
1677-2504 | Revista Brasileira de Inovação | Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos; Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Instituto de Geociências, Departamento de Política Científica e Tecnológica | 0 | ✔ |
2178-2822 | Revista Brasileira de Inovação = | Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos.; Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências, Departamento de Política Científica e Tecnológica | 0 | ✔ |
1983-3121 | Revista brasileira de política internacional (e-vir) | Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais. | 0 | |
0034-7329 | Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional | Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais. | 0 | |
1806-1222 | Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde | Universidade de Fortaleza, Centro de Ciências da Saúde | 0 | ✔ |
1806-1230 | Revista brasileira em promoção da saúde = | Universidade de Fortaleza, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. | 0 | ✔ |
0384-8167 | Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos | Asociación canadiense de hispanistas. | 0 | |
0211-5913 | Revista canaria de estudios ingleses | Universidad. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Inglés | 0 | |
2145-9932 | Revista CES salud pública (e-vir) | Universidad CES | 0 | |
0048-7651 | Revista chilena de literatura | Departamento de Literatura, Universidad de Chile | 0 | |
0718-2295 | Revista chilena de literatura (e-vir) | Departamento de Literatura, Universidad de Chile | 0 | |
0121-5469 | Revista colombiana de Psicologia | Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Departamento de Psicologia | 0 | ✔ |
2344-8644 | Revista colombiana de psicología (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1130-2496 | Revista complutense de educación | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1988-2793 | Revista complutense de educación | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1981-7509 | Revista conatus (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual do Ceará | 0 | |
1981-7517 | Revista conatus | Universidade Estadual do Ceará | 0 | |
1519-7077 | Revista Contabilidade & Finanças | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Contabilidade e Atuária | 0 | |
1808-057X | Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Contabilidade e Atuária | 0 | |
0254-1106 | Revista crítica de ciências sociais | CES | 0 | ✔ |
2182-7435 | Revista crítica de ciências sociais (e-vir) | CES | 0 | ✔ |
1983-4659 | Revista de Administração da UFSM | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Departamento de Ciências Administrativas | 0 | |
1679-5350 | Revista de administração da Unimep (e-vir) | Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios. | 0 | |
1516-3865 | Revista de Ciências da Administração | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Ciências da Administração | 0 | ✔ |
2175-8077 | Revista de Ciências da Administração (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Ciências da Administração | 0 | ✔ |
1138-4891 | Revista de contabilidad | Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4672 | Revista de contabilidad | Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad | 0 | ✔ |
0252-8843 | Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana | Latinoamericana editores. | 0 | |
0034-7930 | Revista de derecho puertorriqueño | Escuela de Derecho, Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico | 0 | |
0034-7981 | Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares | Instituto Antonio de Nebrija; Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes"; Instituto de Filología (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas); Centro de Estudios de Etnología Peninsular; Instituto de la Lengua Española; Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología | 0 | |
1988-8457 | Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares | Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC | 0 | |
0124-5996 | Revista de economia institucional | Universidad Externado de Colombia. Facultad de Economia | 0 | ✔ |
2346-2450 | Revista de economía institucional (e-vir) | Universidad Externado de Colombia | 0 | ✔ |
0210-2854 | Revista de estudios extremeños | Centro de Estudios Extremeños (Badajoz) | 0 | |
0716-5455 | Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | 0 | |
0717-6260 | Revista de estudios histórico-jurídicos (e-vir) | Escuela de Derecho, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | 0 | |
1133-0406 | Revista de filología alemana | Editorial Complutense | 0 | ✔ |
1698-1057 | Revista de filología alemana (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1988-2823 | Revista de filología alemana (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | ✔ |
0210-9174 | Revista de filología española | CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
1988-8538 | Revista de filología española | Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
0212-999X | Revista de filología románica | Editorial de la Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1698-3262 | Revista de filología románica (e-vir) | Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Románica.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Románica. | 0 | |
1988-2815 | Revista de filología románica | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
0034-8244 | Revista de filosofia | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
1695-5129 | Revista de filosofia (e-vir) | UCM. Filosofía.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filosofía. | 0 | |
1988-284X | Revista de filosofía | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0034-8260 | Revista de filosofie | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1645-2259 | Revista de história da sociedade e da cultura | Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura | 0 | ✔ |
2183-8615 | Revista de história da sociedade e da cultura (e-vir) | Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | ✔ |
0034-8341 | Revista de Indias | Instituto Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3188 | Revista de Indias | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1139-1146 | Revista de investigación lingüística | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-4554 | Revista de investigación lingüística | Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1699-5880 | Revista de investigación psicoeducativa | Instituto de Orientación Psicológica EOS; Universidad de Almería | 0 | |
0034-8392 | Revista de istorie şi teorie literarǎ | Institutul de istorie şi teorie literarǎ ŐGeorge CǎlinescuŸ | 0 | |
1989-1628 | Revista del Centro de Investigación del Flamenco Telethusa | Centro de Investigación del Flamenco Telethusa | 0 | |
0101-3505 | Revista de letras | Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Departamento de Letras Modernas | 0 | |
1981-7886 | Revista de letras (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Departamento de Letras Modernas | 0 | |
0034-849X | Revista de literatura | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Miguel de Cervantes de Filologíia Hispánica | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4192 | Revista de literatura | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0212-5056 | Revista de llengua i dret | Escola d'Administració Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya | 0 | |
2013-1453 | Revista de llengua i dret | Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya | 0 | |
0163-0350 | Revista de música latinoamericana | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0199 | Revista de música latinoamericana = (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0034-8635 | Revista de occidente | Fundación José Ortega y Gasset | 0 | |
0034-8759 | Revista de Psihologie | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1698-7454 | Revista electrónica complutense de investigación en educación musical | Departamento de Expresión Musical y Corporal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1696-2095 | Revista electrónica de investigación psicoeducativa y psicopedagógica = | Universidad de Almería, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1575-9563 | Revista electrónica de LEEME (e-vir) | [Universidad de La Rioja. Departamento de Expresión Artística]. | 0 | ✔ |
0034-9372 | Revista española de derecho canónico | Instituto San Raimundo de Peñafort; Instituto de Ciencias Jurídicas; Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
2660-9541 | Revista española de derecho canónico (e-vir) | Instituto "San Raimundo de Peñafort" | 0 | |
0210-0614 | Revista española de documentación científica | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1988-4621 | Revista española de documentación científica | (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro Nacional de Información y Documentación Científica) | 0 | ✔ |
0210-1874 | Revista española de lingüística | Sociedad Española de Lingüística | 0 | |
2254-8769 | Revista española de lingüística (e-vir) | Gredos | 0 | |
0213-2028 | Revista española de lingüística aplicada | SGEL-Educación | 0 | |
2254-6774 | Revista española de lingüística aplicada (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada | 0 | |
0034-9461 | Revista española de pedagogía | Instituto "San José de Calasanz" de Pedagogía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. | 0 | ✔ |
2174-0909 | Revista española de pedagogía (e-vir) | Instituto "San José de Calasanz" | 0 | ✔ |
0210-7112 | Revista española de teología | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Francisco Suárez. | 0 | |
0924-0608 | Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del caribe = | CEDLA; RILA | 0 | ✔ |
1988-7116 | Revista Globalización, competitividad y gobernabilidad = | Universia; Georgetown University | 0 | |
0034-9593 | Revista hispánica moderna | Casa de las Españas, Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
1944-6446 | Revista hispánica moderna (e-vir) | Casa de las Españas, Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
0034-9631 | Revista iberoamericana | Instituto internacional de literatura iberoamericana | 0 | ✔ |
2154-4794 | Revista Iberoamericana (e-vir) | Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana | 0 | ✔ |
1579-9425 | Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana | Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert | 0 | |
2255-5218 | Revista internacional de lingüística iberoamericana (e-vir) | Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert; VervuertVerlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
1988-429X | Revista internacional de sciología | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0034-9712 | Revista internacional de sociología | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1018-0443 | Revista istorica | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1852-9178 | Revista latinoamericana de filosofia | Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas | 0 | |
0325-0725 | Revista latinoamericana de filosofía | Centro de investigaciones filosóficas | 0 | |
1852-7353 | Revista latinoamericana de filosofía (e-vir) | Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas | 0 | |
1665-2436 | Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa | IPN, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Comité Latinoamericano de Matemática Educativa | 0 | |
2007-6819 | Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa(en línea) | Colegio Mexicano de Matemática Educativa, A.C. | 0 | |
0120-0534 | Revista latinoamericana de psicologia | Fundacion para el Avance de la Psicologia | 0 | |
0100-0888 | Revista Letras | Universidade de Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes | 0 | |
0185-1918 | Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales | UNAM. Facultad de ciencias políticas y sociales. | 0 | ✔ |
2448-492X | Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales (e-vir) | Universidad nacional autónoma de México | 0 | ✔ |
0188-2503 | Revista mexicana de sociología | Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. UNAM. | 0 | |
2594-0651 | Revista mexicana de sociología (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 0 | |
1135-691X | Revista murciana de antropología | Seminario Permanente de Estudios de Cultura Popular y Patrimonial de la Región de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-6204 | Revista murciana de antropología | Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0254-7376 | Revista musical de Venezuela | Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones y Estudios Musicales Vicente Emilio Sojo | 0 | |
0718-3712 | Revista observaciones filosóficas | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | 0 | |
1982-8756 | Revista organizações em contexto | Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração | 0 | |
1011-0410 | Revista peruana de ciencias sociales | Asociación peruana para el fomento de las ciencias sociales | 0 | |
0870-5283 | Revista portuguesa de filosofia | Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa | 0 | |
2183-461X | Revista portuguesa de filosofia (e-vir) | Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural | 0 | |
1851-9083 | Revista psiencia | Proyecto COBAND | 0 | |
2392-8549 | Revista româna de sociologie (e-vir) | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
1224-9262 | Revista românǎ de sociologie | Editura Academiei Române | 1 | |
2067-1725 | Revista română de studii baltice şi nordice | Cetatea de scaun | 0 | ✔ |
2067-225X | Revista românæa de studii baltice şi nordice | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0451 | Revista signos | Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | 0 | |
0718-0934 | Revista signos: (e-vir) | Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | 0 | |
1809-3337 | Revista universo contábil | Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Contábeis | 0 | |
1013-2368 | Revista venezolana de filosofía | Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela)Sociedad Venezolana de Filosofía. | 0 | |
0954-6545 | Revolutionary Russia | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7873 | Revolutionary Russia (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0737 | Revue archéologique | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3868 | Revue archéologique (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0745 | Revue archéologique de l'Est et du Centre-Est | [Université] | 0 | |
0220-6617 | Revue archéologique du centre de la France | Revue archéologique du centre de la France | 0 | |
1951-6207 | Revue archéologique du Centre de la France (e-vir) | [Fédération pour l'édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France] | 0 | |
0035-077X | Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art | Académie royale d'archéologie de Belgique. | 0 | |
0035-0869 | Revue belge d'histoire contemporaine | Fondation Jan Dhondt | 0 | |
0035-0788 | Revue belge de droit international | Société belge de droit international | 0 | |
2566-1906 | Revue belge de droit international (e-vir) | Bruylant | 0 | |
2034-1938 | Revue belge de musicologie (e-vir) | Société belge de musicologie | 0 | |
0771-6788 | Revue belge de musicologie = | Société belge de musicologie | 0 | |
0035-0893 | Revue Bénédictine | Abbeye de Maredsous.; Brepols Publishers | 0 | |
0035-0907 | Revue biblique | Lecoffre | 0 | |
2466-8583 | Revue biblique (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0225-5189 | Revue canadienne d'études du développement = | Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa. | 0 | ✔ |
2158-9100 | Revue canadienne d'études du développement = (e-vir) | Éditions de l'universite d'Ottawa = University of Ottawa Press | 0 | ✔ |
2033-7019 | Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine | University of Ghent | 0 | |
2295-9106 | Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine (e-vir) | University of Ghent | 0 | |
0035-0974 | Revue d'Allemagne | Centre d'études germaniques (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
1141-3085 | Revue d'Alsace | au bureau de la Revue d'Alsace | 0 | |
0373-6032 | Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale | Presses Universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3817 | Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2107-0865 | Revue d'économie régionale & urbaine (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | ✔ |
0180-7307 | Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine | Association des directeurs d'instituts et des centres universitaires d'études économiques régionales (France) | 0 | ✔ |
0035-1849 | Revue d'égyptologie | Société française d'égyptologie | 0 | |
0338-0599 | Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest | Centre national de la recherche scientifique | 0 | |
2259-6100 | Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest (e-vir) | [Centre national de la recherche scientifique] | 0 | |
0151-4105 | Revue d'histoire des sciences | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
1969-6582 | Revue d'histoire des sciences (e-vir) | [A. Colin] | 0 | |
0048-7996 | Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications | PUF | 0 | |
1622-468X | Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines | Presses universitaires du Septentrion,; Sciences humaines, | 0 | |
1963-1022 | Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines (e-vir) | [Sciences humaines] | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2365 | Revue d'histoire diplomatique | Société d'histoire générale et d'histoire diplomatique (France) | 0 | |
1291-2530 | Revue d'histoire du théâtre | Société d'histoire du théâtre | 0 | |
0035-2381 | Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique | Université catholique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
2294-1088 | Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique (e-vir) | Université Catholique de Louvain | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2403 | Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses | Université de Strasbourg (1538-1970) | 0 | |
0035-2411 | Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France | Armand Colin | 0 | |
2105-2689 | Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | |
0048-8003 | Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine | Société d'histoire moderne | 0 | ✔ |
1776-3045 | Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
0556-7378 | Revue de droit canonique | Revue de droit canonique | 0 | |
0775-4663 | Revue de droit international et de droit comparé | Bruylant. | 0 | |
2105-7508 | Revue Défense nationale | Comité d'études de défense nationale (Paris) | 0 | |
0035-1326 | Revue de l'art | Flammarion | 0 | |
0035-1423 | Revue de l'histoire des religions | E. Leroux | 0 | ✔ |
2105-2573 | Revue de l'histoire des religions (e-vir) | [A. Colin] | 0 | ✔ |
1265-9576 | Revue de l'OFCE | Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques | 0 | |
0035-1466 | Revue de littérature comparée | Didier Érudition | 0 | |
0035-1601 | Revue de musicologie | Librairie Fischbacher | 0 | |
1958-5632 | Revue de musicologie (e-vir) | Librairie Fischbacher | 0 | |
0035-1652 | Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes | Librairie C. Klincksieck | 0 | |
0035-1725 | Revue de Qumrân | Gabalda | 0 | |
2506-7567 | Revue de Qumrân (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Peeters | 0 | |
0035-1733 | Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé | Sirey | 0 | |
1760-7620 | Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé (e-vir) | Éd. Dalloz | 0 | |
0035-2004 | REVUE des ètudes anciennes | L`Universitè de Bordeaux | 0 | |
1783-1741 | Revue des études arméniennes (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0035-2039 | Revue des études grecques | Les belles lettres | 0 | |
2260-8079 | Revue des études grecques (e-vir) | [Association pour l'encouragement des études grecques en France] | 0 | |
0484-8616 | Revue des études juives | Société des études juives (France) | 0 | |
0373-5737 | Revue des Etudes Latines | Belles Lettres | 0 | |
0080-2557 | Revue des études slaves | Institut d`études slaves; Institut d'étude et de recherche sur les nouvelles institutions et sociétés à l'Est | 0 | |
2117-718X | Revue des études slaves (e-vir) | [Institut national d'études slaves] | 0 | |
0035-2063 | Revue des études Sud-est européennes | Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România | 0 | |
0223-3711 | Revue des langues romanes | Société pour l'étude des langues romanes | 0 | |
2391-114X | Revue des langues romanes (e-vir) | Bureau des publications de la Société pour l'étude des langues romanes; Librairie de A. Franck | 0 | |
0035-2136 | Revue des lettres modernes | Lettres modernes | 0 | |
0035-2195 | Revue des sciences humaines | Faculté des lettres | 0 | |
2540-3362 | Revue des sciences humaines (e-vir) | Presses universitaires du Septentrion | 0 | |
0035-2209 | Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques | Le Saulchoir | 0 | |
2118-4445 | Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques (e-vir) | Vrin | 0 | |
0035-2217 | Revue des sciences religieuses | Université de Strasbourg (1538-1970); Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
0035-1776 | Revue de synthèse | Albin-Michel | 0 | ✔ |
1955-2343 | Revue de synthèse (e-vir) | Springer France | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2578 | Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger | Chevalier-Marescq | 0 | |
0035-2624 | Revue du Nord | Tallandier; Leleu; Van Oest; Revue du Nord | 0 | |
1166-486X | Revue du Nord | Revue du Nord | 0 | |
0035-2764 | Revue économique | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1950-6694 | Revue économique (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
2104-3345 | Revue Flaubert (e-vir) | [Université de Rouen, Laboratoire CÉRÉDI] | 0 | |
0037-9212 | Revue française d'histoire du livre | Société Française d'Histoire du Livre; Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne; Librairie Droz | 0 | |
1151-2385 | Revue française de droit constitutionnel | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2950 | Revue française de science politique | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
1950-6686 | Revue française de science politique (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
0035-2969 | Revue Francaise de Sociologie | Edition Ophrys | 0 | |
1958-5691 | Revue française de sociologie (e-vir) | Ophrys; Association Revue française de sociologie | 0 | |
0035-3256 | Revue hellénique de droit international | Institut hellénique de droit international et étranger | 0 | |
0035-3264 | Revue historique | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3825 | Revue historique (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3280 | Revue historique de droit français et étranger | Librairie de la Société du Recueil Sirey | 0 | |
2496-8250 | Revue historique de droit français et étranger (e-vir) | Éditions Dalloz | 0 | |
0035-3299 | Revue historique de l'armée | France; France | 0 | |
1965-0779 | Revue historique des armées (e-vir) | Service historique de la défense | 0 | |
0035-3337 | Revue internationale de droit comparé | Société de législation comparée | 0 | |
1953-8111 | Revue internationale de droit comparé (e-vir) | Société de législation comparée | 0 | |
1010-8831 | Revue internationale de droit économique | De Boeck-Wesmael. | 0 | |
0223-5404 | Revue internationale de droit pénal | Godde; Érès | 0 | |
1951-6312 | Revue internationale de droit pénal (e-vir) | Erès | 0 | |
0048-8143 | Revue internationale de philosophie | Groeninghe; diffusion Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
2033-0138 | Revue internationale de philosophie (e-vir) | Association R.I.P. | 0 | |
0035-3515 | Revue internationale du droit d'auteur | H. Lemoine | 0 | |
1710-7377 | Revue interventions économiques (e-vir) | Télé-université | 0 | |
0035-368X | Revue militaire suisse | Revue militaire suisse | 0 | |
0484-8942 | Revue Numismatique | Société française de numismatique; diffusion Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres" | 0 | |
0035-3833 | Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
2104-385X | Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3841 | Revue philosophique de Louvain | Institut supérieur de philosophie | 0 | |
1783-1768 | Revue philosophique de Louvain (e-vir) | Peeters Publishers | 0 | |
0035-3906 | Revue romane | Institut d'études romanes de l'Université de Copenhague | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0811 | Revue romane (e-vir) | Dept. of Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3957 | Revue roumaine de linguistique | Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania | 0 | |
1965-0906 | Revue TAL (e-vir) | Association pour le traitement automatique des langues | 0 | ✔ |
0035-4295 | Revue thomiste | P. Lethielleux | 0 | |
0397-9873 | Revue trimestrielle de droit civil | Sirey; Dalloz | 0 | |
0244-9358 | Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit économique | Sirey | 0 | |
1350-7303 | Rewiews in religion and theology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0342-1805 | Rheinische Heimatpflege | Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz e.V., | 0 | |
0080-2697 | Rheinisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde | Dümmler | 0 | |
0035-449X | Rheinisches Museum für Philologie | Sauerländer | 0 | ✔ |
0035-4473 | Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter | R. Habelt | 0 | |
0556-8218 | Rheinisch-westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde | Abteilung für Rheinische Volkskunde des Instituts für Geschichtliche Landeskunde der Rheinlande an der Universität Bonn; Volkskundliche Kommission für Westfalen | 0 | |
1094-8392 | Rhetoric & public affairs | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1534-5238 | Rhetoric & public affairs (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | |
0720-5775 | Rhetorik | Niemeyer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9160 | Rhetorik (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1312-3963 | Rhizai | Southeast-European Association for Ancient Philosophy | 0 | |
0394-980X | Ricerche storico bibliche | Centro Editoriale Dehoniano | 0 | |
2190-3328 | RIHA journal (e-vir) | International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art c/o W. Tegethoff c/o Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte | 0 | |
0213-2370 | RILCE | Universidad de Navarra. | 0 | ✔ |
2174-0917 | RILCE | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. | 0 | ✔ |
0080-3073 | Rinascimento | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
1128-0689 | Risorsa uomo | Perseo | 0 | |
0035-6042 | Rivista di archeologia cristiana | Pontificio Istituto di archeologia cristiana | 0 | |
0035-6158 | Rivista di diritto internazionale | Giuffrè | 0 | |
0035-6182 | Rivista di diritto processuale | Cedam | 0 | |
0035-6247 | Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7926 | Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
0392-825X | Rivista di letteratura italiana | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-0638 | Rivista di letteratura italiana | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. | 0 | ✔ |
0391-2108 | Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate | Sansoni | 0 | |
0035-6468 | Rivista di politica economica | S.I.P.I. | 0 | |
1825-5442 | Rivista di psicoterapia relazionale | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0393-3849 | Rivista di scienze dell'educazione | Editirce LAS | 0 | |
1827-7365 | Rivista di storia del cristianesimo | Editrice Morcelliana | 0 | |
0393-2516 | Rivista di storia della filosofia | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1972-5558 | Rivista di storia della filosofia (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0035-6573 | Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
0390-3877 | Rivista di studi fenici | Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto per la civiltà fenicia e punica "Sabatino Moscati"; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Centro di studio per la civiltà fenicia e punica; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico | 0 | |
1724-1855 | Rivista di studi fenici | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali | 0 | |
0035-6611 | Rivista di studi politici internazionali | Monnier | 0 | |
0391-0946 | Rivista di teologia morale | Centro editoriale dehoniane | 0 | |
0035-6697 | Rivista geografica italiana | Società di studi geografici | 0 | ✔ |
2499-748X | Rivista geografica italiana (e-vir) | Pacini, (2011-2018) | 0 | ✔ |
0485-2435 | Rivista giuridica dell'edilizia | Giuffrè | 0 | |
0394-6282 | Rivista internazionale di musica sacra | E.I.M.A. Editrice internazionale Musica e Arte. | 0 | |
2421-2148 | Rivista internazionale di musica sacra (e-vir) | LIM Editrice | 0 | |
0035-676X | Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7918 | Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
2037-4445 | Rivista italiana di filosofia analitica junior | E. Brocca, L. Caffo | 0 | |
0035-6867 | Rivista italiana di musicologia | Leo Olschki | 0 | |
2036-5586 | Rivista italiana di musicologia (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0035-6913 | Rivista italiana di studi napoleonici | Centro nazionale di studi napoleonici e di storia dell'Elba. | 0 | |
0035-7073 | Rivista storica italiana | Edizioni scientifiche italiane | 0 | |
2532-8948 | Rivista storica italiana (e-vir) | Edizioni scientifiche italiane | 0 | |
0557-1464 | Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico | Giuffrè | 0 | |
1972-4942 | Rivista trimestrale di scienza della amministrazione (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0391-190X | Rivista trimestrale di scienze dell'amministrazione | Giuffrè | 1 | |
1660-0622 | RL | Theologischer Verlag, | 0 | |
2011-5474 | RLE | Red Latinoamerica de Etnomatematica | 0 | |
1971-0534 | RM Reti Medievali (e-vir) | Firenze University Press | 0 | |
1593-2214 | RM Rivista | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0361-1299 | Rocky Mountain review of language and literature | Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. | 0 | |
1939-9014 | Rocky Mountain review of language and literature (e-vir) | Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. | 0 | |
0080-3545 | Rocznik Orientalistyczny | Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0278-3193 | Roeper review | Roeper City and Country School | 0 | ✔ |
1940-865X | Roeper review (e-vir) | Roeper School | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8002 | Romance philology | University of California Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9017 | Romance philology (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
0883-1157 | Romance quarterly | University Press of Kentucky | 0 | ✔ |
1940-3216 | Romance quarterly (e-vir) | University Press of Kentucky] | 0 | ✔ |
0263-9904 | Romance studies | University of Wales | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8153 | Romance studies (e-vir) | University of Wales | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8029 | Romania | Librairie Franck | 0 | |
2391-1018 | Romania (e-vir) | Librairie Franck | 0 | |
1584-3734 | Romanian Journal of English Studies | Mirton | 0 | ✔ |
2286-0428 | Romanian Journal of English Studies | Editura Universitæaţii de Vest | 0 | |
1582-8271 | Romanian Journal of European Affairs | I.E.R. | 0 | |
1841-4273 | Romanian Journal of European Affairs | I.E.R. | 0 | |
1843-8520 | Romanian Journal of Regional Science (e-vir) | Asociaţia Româna de Ştiinţe Regionale | 0 | |
2688-5220 | Romanic review (e-vir) | Dept. of French and Romance Philology of Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8118 | Romanic Review | Department of French and Romance Philology of Columbia University | 0 | ✔ |
0035-8126 | Romanische Forschungen | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
1864-0737 | Romanische Forschungen | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
0947-0565 | Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart | 0 | ||
0947-0573 | Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Beiheft | 0 | ||
0080-3898 | Romanistisches Jahrbuch | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0413 | Romanistisches Jahrbuch | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0343-379X | Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte | Winter | 0 | |
1528-0748 | Romani studies | Gypsy Lore Society | 0 | ✔ |
1757-2274 | Romani studies (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0391-285X | Romanobarbarica | Herder editrice e libreria | 0 | |
0557-272X | Romanoslavica | Editura universitãţii; Asociaţia Slaviştilor din România = Romanian Association of Slavic Studies | 0 | |
2537-4214 | Romanoslavica (e-vir) | Editura Universitaţii din Bucureşti | 0 | |
Y502-6997 | Romanoslavica | Editura universitãţii; Asociaţia Slaviştilor din România = Romanian Association of Slavic Studies | 0 | |
1916-1441 | Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (e-vir) | Université de Montréal | 0 | |
1957-7958 | Romantisme (e-vir) | [Société des études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes] | 0 | ✔ |
0485-4306 | Romerike Berge | Bergischer Geschichtsverein.; Schlossbauverein Burg an der Wupper. | 0 | |
0080-3790 | Römische historische Mitteilungen | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
1815-5839 | Römische historische Mitteilungen | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
0035-7812 | Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte | Herder | 0 | |
0940-7855 | Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana | E. Wasmuth | 0 | |
1192-5604 | Rorschachiana | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2151-206X | Rorschachiana | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1752-1580 | Rosetta | Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham | 0 | |
0869-6063 | Rossijskaja arheologija | Nauka | 0 | |
1430-0524 | Rostocker Arbeitspapiere zu Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Human Resource Development | Universität Rostock, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik, Forschungsgruppe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. | 0 | |
0947-6016 | Rostocker Beiträge zur Regional- und Strukturforschung | Universität Rostock, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät. | 0 | |
0947-3025 | Rostocker Informationen zu Politik und Verwaltung | Universität Rostock, Institut für Politik und Verwaltungswissenschaften. | 0 | |
1435-9952 | Rostocker Schriften zum Bankrecht | Institut für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft an der Universität Rostock e.V. | 0 | |
0722-7531 | Rottenburger Jahrbuch für Kirchengeschichte | J. Thorbecke | 0 | |
0035-8533 | Round table | Butterworth Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1358-2461 | Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-3555 | Royal Institute of Philosophy supplement (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1612-6394 | Rpfleger | Bund Deutscher Rechtspfleger e.V. | 0 | |
0958-0433 | RSA journal | RSA | 1 | |
1866-8011 | Rural 21 | DLG-Verl.-GmbH | 0 | |
0036-0112 | Rural sociology | Rural Sociology Section, American Sociological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1549-0831 | Rural sociology (e-vir) | Rural Sociological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0307-1847 | RUSI | Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0957-1760 | Rusistika | Association for Language Learning (Great Britain) | 0 | |
1572-8714 | Russian linguistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3487 | Russian Linguistics | Reidel Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3479 | Russian literature | Mouton | 1 | |
1878-3678 | Russian literature (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
1068-3739 | Russian meteorology and hydrology | Allerton Press | 0 | ✔ |
1934-8096 | Russian meteorology and hydrology | Allerton Press | 0 | ✔ |
1061-1983 | Russian studies in history | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1558-0881 | Russian studies in history (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1061-1975 | Russian studies in literature | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1944-7167 | Russian studies in literature (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | |
1061-1967 | Russian studies in philosophy | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
1558-0431 | Russian studies in philosophy (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe, Inc. | 0 | |
0175-274X | S + F | Nomos | 0 | |
0080-5157 | Saalburg Jahrbuch | P. von Zabern | 0 | |
0949-6785 | Sache, Wort, Zahl | 0 | ||
0945-2842 | Sachsen und Anhalt | Historische Kommission für Sachsen-Anhalt. | 0 | |
0486-8234 | Sächsische Heimatblätter | Kulturbund der DDR. Bezirksleitung; Kulturbund der DDR. Bezirksleitung; Kulturbund der DDR. Bezirksleitung | 0 | |
0943-2442 | Sächsische Verwaltungsblätter | Boorberg. | 0 | |
0036-2190 | Sacra doctrina | Ancora; Edizioni Studio domenicano, | 0 | |
0771-7776 | Sacris Erudiri | St-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge. | 0 | ✔ |
2295-9025 | Sacris Erudri (e-vir) | St-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge | 0 | ✔ |
0080-5319 | Saeculum | Alber | 0 | |
0036-0775 | SAIS review | School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University | 0 | |
2832-7802 | SAIS review (e-vir) | School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University | 0 | |
0036-3537 | Salmanticensis | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | 0 | |
0080-5696 | Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie | Universitätsverlag Anton Pustet | 0 | |
0348-6133 | Samlaren (e-vir) | Svenska litteratursällskapet | 0 | |
1863-0332 | Sammler Journal | Gemi | 0 | |
0036-3928 | Samtiden | Aschehoug | 0 | |
0036-2328 | Sänger- und Musikantenzeitung | Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl. | 0 | |
0391-7819 | Santo | Centro Studi Antoniani | 0 | |
1357-1559 | Sartre studies international | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5476 | Sartre studies international (e-vir) | Berghahn Books, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1600-1974 | Sats | Philosophia Press | 0 | |
1869-7577 | Sats | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0231-7532 | Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity | Univerzita J. E. Purkyně | 0 | |
0358-5522 | Scandinavian economic history review | Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography. | 0 | ✔ |
1750-2837 | Scandinavian economic history review (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0031-3831 | Scandinavian journal of educational research | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1170 | Scandinavian journal of educational research (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0080-6757 | Scandinavian political studies | Universitetsforlaget; Stage publications | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9477 | Scandinavian political studies (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0036-5602 | Scandinavian public library quarterly | Nordic Directorates for Public Libraries | 0 | |
1604-4843 | Scandinavian public library quarterly (e-vir) | Nordic Directorates for Public Libraries.; Nordic Public Library Authorities. | 0 | |
0036-5637 | Scandinavian studies | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
2163-8195 | Scandinavian studies | Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study; Brigham Young University | 0 | ✔ |
0036-5653 | Scandinavica | Academic Press | 0 | |
2754-0804 | Scandinavica (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0259-3599 | Schaffhauser Beiträge zur Geschichte | Historischer Verein des Kantons Schaffhausen | 0 | |
1432-7880 | Schiff und Zeit | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schiffahrts- und Marinegeschichte e.V.; DGSM. | 0 | |
0586-7614 | Schizophrenia bulletin | U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration; [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1701 | Schizophrenia bulletin (e-vir) | Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center; U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0940-4376 | Schlangenbrut | Schlangenbrut e.V. | 0 | |
1437-5095 | Schlesischer Kulturspiegel | Stiftung Kulturwerk Schlesien.; Slęaski Przeglęad Kulturalny.; Slezské Kulturní Zrcadlo. | 0 | |
1439-2917 | Schmalenbach business review | Verl.-Gruppe Handelsblatt | 0 | |
2194-072X | Schmalenbach business review | Verl.-Gruppe Handeslblatt | 0 | |
Y503-9401 | Schmalenbach business review | Verl.-Gruppe Handelsblatt | 0 | |
0036-6196 | Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | Westdt. Verl.. | 0 | |
1923-0702 | Scholarly and research communication (e-vir) | CCSP Press, Simon Fraser University | 0 | ✔ |
0924-3453 | School effectiveness and school improvement | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5124 | School effectiveness and school improvement (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1523-4320 | School library media research | American Association of School Librarians | 0 | |
0143-0343 | School psychology international | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7374 | School psychology international (e-vir) | School Psychology Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0174-2132 | Schreibheft | Rigodon-Verlag | 0 | |
0933-2502 | Schriften der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen | Historische Kommission für Westfalen. | 0 | |
0082-3880 | Schriften der Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft | Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens. | 0 | |
1616-0711 | Schriften des Vereins für Schleswig-Holsteinische Kirchengeschichte | Verein für Schleswig-Holsteinische Kirchengeschichte. | 0 | |
0930-5165 | Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Rates für Landespflege | Deutscher Rat für Landespflege | 0 | |
1617-6340 | Schubert : Perspektiven | 0 | ||
0947-2746 | Schulmagazin 5 bis 10 | 0 | ||
0341-8235 | Schul-Management | 0 | ||
1869-9758 | Schultheater | 0 | ||
0174-2345 | Schütz-Jahrbuch | Bärenreiter-Verlag | 0 | |
0342-7595 | Schwäbische Heimat | Schwäbischer Heimatbund | 0 | |
0036-794X | Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Volkskunde | 0 | ✔ |
1424-3946 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung | 0 | |
2624-8492 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften (e-vir) | [Academic Press Fribourg] | 0 | ✔ |
0036-7834 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Geschichte | Schwabe & Co AG | 0 | |
1662-6370 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Rüegger | 0 | ✔ |
1424-7755 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft = | Association suisse de science politique. | 0 | |
0379-3664 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie | 0 | ✔ |
0036-7400 | Schweizer Monatshefte | Gesellschaft Schweizer Monatshefte | 0 | |
1420-4185 | Schweizer Volkskunde | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Volkskunde | 0 | |
1552-8251 | Science, technology, & human values (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2439 | Science, technology & human values | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0926-7220 | Science & education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1901 | Science & education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0302-3427 | Science & public policy | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0036-8237 | Science & society | Science & society | 1 | ✔ |
1943-2801 | Science & society (e-vir) | Science and Society, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0194-262X | Science & technology libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-1109 | Science & technology libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0036-8121 | Science activities | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1302 | Science activities | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1353-3452 | Science and engineering ethics | Opragen. | 0 | ✔ |
1471-5546 | Science and engineering ethics (e-vir) | Opragen | 1 | ✔ |
1471-5430 | Science and public policy (e-vir) | [Science Policy Foundation]; Beech Tree Publishing; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0950-5431 | Science as culture | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1189 | Science as culture (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0036-8326 | Science education | W.G. Whitman | 0 | ✔ |
1098-237X | Science education | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1450-104X | Science education international | ICASE.; International Council of Associations for Science Education. | 0 | |
2077-2327 | Science education international (e-vir) | International Council of Associations for Science Education | 0 | |
0091-7729 | Science-fiction studies | SFS Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2327-6207 | Science-fiction studies (e-vir) | Dept. of English, Indiana State University | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8897 | Science in context | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0664 | Science in context (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1764-7223 | Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'éducation et la formation (e-vir) | LIUM [Laboratoire d'informatique de l'Université du Maine] | 0 | |
1431-5041 | Scientia poetica | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-9418 | Scientia poetica (e-vir) | de Gruyter; e Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2210-4372 | Scientific study of literature | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | |
2210-4380 | Scientific study of literature | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1470-2541 | Scottish geographical journal | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1751-665X | Scottish geographical journal (e-vir) | [Edinburgh University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0264-0198 | Scottish language | Association for Scottish Literary Studies | 0 | |
1756-5634 | Scottish literary review | Association for Scottish Literary Studies | 0 | |
2050-6678 | Scottish literary review (e-vir) | Association for Scottish Literary Studies. | 0 | |
0036-9543 | Screen | Society for Education in Film and Television | 10 | ✔ |
1460-2474 | Screen (e-vir) | Society for Education in Film and Television | 0 | ✔ |
0036-973X | Scripta mercaturae | Scripta-Mercaturae-Verlag. | 0 | |
1138-9788 | Scripta nova (e-vir) | Universitat de Barcelona, Servei d'Informació i Publicacions. | 0 | |
0254-1807 | Scriptura | Departement Bybelkunde van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. | 0 | ✔ |
2305-445X | Scriptura | [Department of Old and New Testament, Stellenbosch University] | 0 | ✔ |
1070-4795 | Searcher | Learned Information | 0 | |
0267-6583 | Second language research | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0326 | Second language research (e-vir) | Edward Arnold Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0967-0106 | Security dialogue | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3640 | Security dialogue (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1852 | Security studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0963-6412 | Security Studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0037-0894 | Sefarad | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Arias Montano de Estudios Hebraicos, Sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-320X | Sefarad | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1121-6530 | Segni e comprensione | Università degli studi di Lecce. Dipartimento di filosofia.; Centro italiano di ricerche fenomenologiche di Roma.; Comunità di Ricerca di Milano. | 0 | |
1828-5368 | Segni e comprensione | Coordinamento SIBA | 0 | ✔ |
1615-343X | Selbstpsychologie | 0 | ||
1937-8912 | Semantics and pragmatics (e-vir) | Linguistic Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1676-5435 | Semina | Universidade Estadual de Londrina | 0 | |
1679-0367 | Semina (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual de Londrina. | 0 | |
0037-1939 | Seminar | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1431-2859 | Seminar | Bundesarbeitskreis der Seminar- und Fachleiter/innen; Deutscher Verein zur Förderung der Lehrerfortbildung und Lehrerweiterbildung | 0 | |
1911-026X | Seminar | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0037-1998 | Semiotica | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3692 | Semiotica | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0354-2734 | Sentandrejski zbornik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
0742-3330 | Serbian studies | North American Society for Serbian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1941-9511 | Serbian studies (e-vir) | North American Society for Serbian Studies. | 0 | |
1869-4187 | Series | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1869-4195 | Series | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1862-8508 | Service business | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1862-8516 | Service business | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2969 | Services marketing quarterly | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2977 | Services marketing quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1516-9294 | Sessões do imaginário | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade dos Meios de Comunicação Social | 0 | |
1980-3710 | Sessões do imaginário | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade dos Meios de Comunicação Social | 0 | |
1838-0743 | Settler colonial studies (e-vir) | Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology | 0 | ✔ |
2201-473X | Settler colonial studies | 0 | ✔ | |
0360-0025 | Sex roles | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2762 | Sex roles (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1984-6487 | Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad (e-vir) | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Medicina Social, Centro Latinoamericano de Sexualidad Y Derechos Humanos | 0 | |
1363-4607 | Sexualities | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7382 | Sexualities (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1095-5143 | Sexuality & culture | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4822 | Sexuality & culture (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1553-6610 | Sexuality research & social policy (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1868-9884 | Sexuality research and social policy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2941 | Sexual offender treatment (e-vir) | Pabst Science Publ.. | 0 | |
0080-9128 | Shakespeare-Jahrbuch | Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
0037-3222 | Shakespeare quarterly | Folger Shakespeare Library | 0 | ✔ |
1538-3555 | Shakespeare quarterly (e-vir) | Shakespeare Association of America | 0 | ✔ |
0582-9399 | Shakespeare studies | Fairleigh Dickinson University Press | 0 | |
0080-9152 | Shakespeare survey | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
2056-3655 | Shakespeare survey (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
0037-3583 | Shenandoah | Shenandoah | 0 | |
0882-8539 | Shofar | Jewish Studies Program, Purdue University | 0 | ✔ |
1534-5165 | Shofar (e-vir) | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | ✔ |
2043-0701 | Short fiction in theory and practice | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2043-071X | Short fiction in theory and practice (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1361-7362 | Sibirica | Ryburn | 0 | ✔ |
1476-6787 | Sibirica | Routledge; Berghahn | 0 | ✔ |
0109-6028 | Siden Saxo | Dansk Historisk Fællesforening; Rigsarkivet | 0 | |
0175-761X | Siebenbürgische Familienforschung | 0 | ||
0175-0046 | Siedlungsforschung | Arkum | 0 | |
0722-7833 | Siegener Periodicum zur internationalen empirischen Literaturwissenschaft | PL Academic Research | 0 | |
1435-7364 | Siegerland | Siegerländer Heimat- und Geschichtsverein e.V. | 0 | |
2515-5164 | Sight & sound (e-vir) | British Film Institute. | 0 | |
0037-4806 | Sight and sound | British Institute of Adult Education | 12 | |
1387-9316 | Sign language & linguistics | John Benjamins Publishing Company; John Benjamins & HAG Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1569-996X | Sign language & linguistics | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0097-9740 | Signs | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6943 | Signs (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2199-5931 | Signum temporis (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1691-4929 | Signum Temporis | RPIVA. | 0 | |
1614-7111 | Silesia nova | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | 0 | |
0037-5411 | Simiolus | Schwarz; Unieboek; Dutch Art-Historical Publications | 0 | |
1875-6379 | Simiolus | Nederlandse Universiteitspers | 0 | |
0037-5756 | Sinn und Form | Rütten und Loening | 0 | |
0103-4332 | Síntese | Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia, Departamento de Filosofia | 0 | |
1026-8367 | SIR-Mitteilungen und Berichte | Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung & Wohnen | 0 | |
2185-3762 | Sisal journal | [Kanda University of International Studies] | 0 | |
1980-5160 | Sistemas & Gestão | Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção | 0 | |
0342-5991 | Sitzungsberichte | Beck in Komm | 0 | |
0138-3957 | Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | |
1904-7843 | Skandinaviske sprogstudier | [Nordisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet] | 0 | |
1336-782X | SKASE Journal of theoretical linguistics (e-vir) | University Library of Prešov University | 0 | |
1105-1582 | Skepsis | Diethnes Kentro Filosofias kai Diepistäemonikäes Ereunas | 0 | |
0144-039X | Slavery & abolition | F. Cass; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9523 | Slavery & abolition (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0037-6736 | Slavia | Slovanský ústav | 0 | |
0080-9993 | Slavia antiqua | Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
2545-0212 | Slavia Antiqua (e-vir) | Instytut Archeologii UAM; Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk | 0 | ✔ |
0081-0002 | Slavia Occidentalis | Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk | 0 | |
0037-6744 | Slavia Orientalis | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1522-8886 | Slavic & East European information resources | The Haworth Information Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9041 | Slavic & East European information resources | Haworth | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-3476 | Slavic & East European information resources | The Haworth Information Press | 0 | |
0771-1395 | Slavica Gandensia | Department of Slavonic Philology. State University | 0 | |
0037-6752 | Slavic and East European journal | American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages | 0 | |
2325-7687 | Slavic and East European journal (e-vir) | American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages | 0 | |
0037-6779 | Slavic review | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2325-7784 | Slavic review (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1361-7427 | Slavonica | Ryburn | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8145 | Slavonica (e-vir) | Ryburn | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7031 | Slovo a slovesnost | Ústav pro jazyk český | 0 | |
2571-0885 | Slovo a slovesnost (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0921-898X | Small business economics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0913 | Small business economics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7317 | Smith College studies in social work | Smith College School for Social Work. | 0 | |
1553-0426 | Smith College studies in social work | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | |
1464-9365 | Social & cultural geography | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1197 | Social & cultural geography (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0964-6639 | Social & legal studies | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7390 | Social & legal studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0155-977X | Social analysis | Dept. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5727 | Social analysis (e-vir) | Dept. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide | 0 | ✔ |
0301-2212 | Social behavior and personality | Society for Personality Research | 0 | |
1179-6391 | Social behavior and personality (e-vir) | Society for Personality Research] | 0 | |
0176-1714 | Social choice and welfare | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-217X | Social choice and welfare | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0278-016X | Social cognition | Guilford Press | 0 | |
0037-7686 | Social compass | Centre de recherches socio- religieuses | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7404 | Social compass (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0269-1728 | Social epistemology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5297 | Social epistemology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7732 | Social forces | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | ✔ |
1534-7605 | Social forces (e-vir) | published for the University of North Carolina Press by the Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0307-1022 | Social history | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1200 | Social history (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0951-631X | Social history of medicine | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4666 | Social history of medicine (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0303-8300 | Social indicators research | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1573-0921 | Social indicators research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0141-2442 | Socialist review | Socialist Workers' Party (Great Britain) | 0 | |
1043-1578 | Social justice | Social Justice | 0 | |
2327-641X | Social justice (e-vir) | Social Justice | 0 | |
0885-7466 | Social justice research | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6725 | Social justice research (e-vir) | Springer International Publishing AG | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7112 | Social medicine (e-vir) | Social Medicine Publication Group | 0 | |
0265-0525 | Social philosophy & policy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6437 | Social philosophy and policy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1543-4044 | Social philosophy today | E. Mellen Press | 0 | ✔ |
2153-9448 | Social philosophy today (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1072-4745 | Social politics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2893 | Social politics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7791 | Social problems | Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8533 | Social problems (e-vir) | [Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems] | 0 | ✔ |
1864-9335 | Social psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2590 | Social psychology | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1381-2890 | Social psychology of education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1928 | Social psychology of education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0190-2725 | Social psychology quarterly | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8999 | Social psychology quarterly (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0037-783X | Social research | Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research | 0 | ✔ |
1944-768X | Social research | Published by the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science organized under the New School for Social Research, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2066-6861 | Social Research Reports | Expert Projects | 0 | |
2067-5941 | Social Research Reports | Expert Projects | 0 | |
0894-4393 | Social science computer review | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8286 | Social science computer review (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0145-5532 | Social science history | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8034 | Social science history (e-vir) | University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
0539-0184 | Social science information | International social science council | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7412 | Social science information (e-vir) | International Social Science Council | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5355 | Social science journal (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4941 | Social science quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6237 | Social science quarterly (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Southwestern Social Science Association; Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
0049-089X | Social science research | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0317 | Social science research (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0134-5486 | Social Sciences | "Nauka" | 0 | |
0306-3127 | Social studies of science | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3659 | Social studies of science (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8211 | Social theory & health | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1477-822X | Social theory & health (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0037-802X | Social theory and practice | Dept. of Philosophy, Florida State University. | 0 | ✔ |
2154-123X | Social theory and practice (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0953-5225 | Social work & social sciences review | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
1746-6105 | Social work and social sciences review (e-vir) | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
0098-1389 | Social work in health care | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-034X | Social work in health care | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2985 | Social work in mental health | Haworth Social Work Practice Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-2993 | Social work in mental health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1937-190X | Social work in public health | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-1918 | Social work in public health | Haworth Press, Inc.; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0160-9513 | Social work with groups | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9481 | Social work with groups (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1542-6300 | Sociation today | North Carolina Sociological Association | 0 | |
0391-6987 | Società e storia | Franco Angeli Editore | 0 | |
0765-3697 | Sociétés | Editions scientifiques internationales publications.; Masson. | 0 | |
1782-155X | Sociétés (e-vir) | De Boeck Université | 0 | |
1150-1944 | Sociétés contemporaines | L'Harmattan | 0 | |
1950-6899 | Sociétés contemporaines (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
1871-8868 | Societies without borders | Brill | 0 | |
1872-1915 | Societies without borders (e-vir) | Brill | 1 | |
0147-2011 | Society | Transaction, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4725 | Society (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1588-970X | Society and economy (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-9726 | Society and economy | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
2156-8693 | Society and mental health | American Sociological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2156-8731 | Society and mental health (e-vir) | Sage Publications on behalf of American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1028-9852 | Society in transition | South African Sociological Association. | 0 | |
0933-1883 | Sociolinguistica | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1865-939X | Sociolinguistica | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0390-0851 | Sociologia del diritto | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
1972-5760 | Sociologia del diritto (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | ✔ |
1121-1733 | Sociologia della comunicazione | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0392-5048 | Sociologia del lavoro | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1972-554X | Sociologia del lavoro (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1121-1148 | Sociologia e ricerca sociale | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1971-8446 | Sociologia e ricerca sociale (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0038-0164 | Sociologia internationalis | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5580 | Sociologia internationalis (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1517-4522 | Sociologias | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia | 0 | |
1807-0337 | Sociologias (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia | 0 | |
0392-4939 | Sociologia urbana e rurale | Franco Angeli | 1 | |
1971-8403 | Sociologia urbana e rurale (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0884-8971 | Sociological forum | Kluwer Academic/Plenum publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7861 | Sociological forum (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0245 | Sociological inquiry | Univ. of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-682X | Sociological inquiry (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0081-1750 | Sociological methodology | Jossey-Bass. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9531 | Sociological methodology (e-vir) | Jossey-Bass | 0 | ✔ |
0049-1241 | Sociological methods & research | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8294 | Sociological methods & research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0731-1214 | Sociological perspectives | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8673 | Sociological perspectives (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0253 | Sociological quarterly | University of Missouri-Columbia, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0261 | Sociological review | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0735-2751 | Sociological theory | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9558 | Sociological theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1728-192X | Sociologičeskoe obozrenie | Centr fundamentalʹnoj sociologii. | 0 | ✔ |
1728-1938 | Sociologičeskoe obozrenie (e-vir) | Centr fundamentalʹnoj sociologii. | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0296 | Sociologie du travail | Seuil | 0 | |
1777-5701 | Sociologie du travail | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0038-030X | Sociologie et sociétés | Presses de l`Université de Montréal | 0 | |
0038-0377 | Sociologus | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5106 | Sociologus (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0385 | Sociology | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8684 | Sociology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2160-083X | Sociology mind | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2160-0848 | Sociology mind | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0407 | Sociology of education | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8573 | Sociology of education (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0741-1235 | Sociology of sport journal | Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2785 | Sociology of sport journal (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0176-3946 | Soester Zeitschrift | Westfälische Verlagsbuchhandlung Mocker und Jahn | 0 | |
0217-9520 | Sojourn | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 0 | |
1793-2858 | Sojourn (e-vir) | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 0 | |
1439-5886 | Sonderheft ... der Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft | 0 | ||
1866-9344 | Sonderpädagogische Förderung heute | Beltz Juventa | 0 | |
1989-1938 | Sonograma | Webdemusica.org | 0 | |
0038-1527 | Sophia | Melbourne University, Department of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1873-930X | Sophia (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 1 | ✔ |
0804-0486 | Sosiologisk tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2928 | Sosiologisk tidsskrift (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0258-2473 | South african historical journal | South African Historical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1726-1686 | South African Historical Journal (e-vir) | South African Historical Society; Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2222-3436 | South African journal of economic and management sciences (e-vir) | Department of Economics, University of Pretoria | 0 | ✔ |
0256-0100 | South African journal of education | Foundation for Education, Science and Technology. Bureau for Scientific Publications | 0 | |
2076-3433 | South African journal of education | Education Association of South Africa | 0 | |
1560-683X | South African journal of information management (e-vir) | Department of Information Studies, University of Johannesburg | 0 | ✔ |
2078-1865 | South African journal of information management | Department of Information Studies, University of Johannesburg | 0 | ✔ |
2304-8263 | South African journal of libraries and information science | Forum Press | 0 | |
0256-8861 | South African journal of library and information science | Bureau for Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology | 0 | |
0258-0136 | South African journal of philosophy | Bureau for Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
2073-4867 | South African journal of philosophy = | School of Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal | 0 | ✔ |
0081-2463 | South African journal of psychology | South African Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2078-208X | South African journal of psychology = (e-vir) | Bureau of Scientific Publications of the Foundation for Education, Science and Technology [etc.] | 0 | |
0085-6401 | South Asia | South Asian Studies Assoc. of Australia and New Zealand. | 0 | ✔ |
1479-0270 | South Asia (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0377-5437 | Southeast Asian affairs | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. | 0 | |
1793-9135 | Southeast Asian affairs (e-vir) | Institute of Souhteast Asian Studies | 0 | |
0038-366X | Southeastern geographer | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
1549-6929 | Southeastern geographer (e-vir) | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
1840-118X | South East European journal of economics and business | School of economics and business | 0 | |
2233-1999 | South East European journal of economics and business (e-vir) | Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu | 2 | ✔ |
1998-8125 | Southern African business review | College of Economics and Management Sciences | 0 | |
1681-5564 | Southern African humanities | Council of the Natal Museum | 0 | |
2305-2791 | Southern African humanities (e-vir) | Council of the Natal Museum | 0 | |
1607-3614 | Southern African linguistics and applied language studies | NISC | 0 | ✔ |
1727-9461 | Southern African linguistics and applied language studies | NISC. | 0 | ✔ |
1068-8218 | Southern cultures | Duke University Press | 0 | |
1534-1488 | Southern cultures (e-vir) | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
0038-4186 | Southern humanities review | Auburn University. | 0 | |
1360-8746 | South European society & politics | Frank Cass. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9612 | South European society & politics (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4712 | Southwest review | Southern Methodist University Press | 0 | |
2168-5487 | Southwest review (e-vir) | Southern Methodist University | 0 | |
1869-4748 | Sozial.Geschichte online (e-vir) | Universität Duisburg-Essen | 0 | |
0490-1606 | Soziale Arbeit | DZI | 0 | ✔ |
1867-0180 | Soziale Passagen | Springer VS | 0 | ✔ |
1867-0199 | Soziale Passagen | Verl. für Sozialwiss. | 0 | ✔ |
0939-608X | Soziale Probleme | 0 | ||
2364-3951 | Soziale Probleme (e-vir) | Centaurus | 0 | |
0038-609X | Sozialer Fortschritt | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5386 | Sozialer Fortschritt (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1439-9326 | Sozialer Sinn | Lucius u. Lucius. | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0228 | Sozialer Sinn (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0490-1630 | Soziale Sicherheit | Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund. | 0 | |
0948-423X | Soziale Systeme | Leske u. Budrich | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0473 | Soziale Systeme (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0038-6073 | Soziale Welt | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
Y509-8165 | Soziale Welt (e-vir) | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
0931-279X | Sozial extra | 0 | ✔ | |
1863-8953 | Sozial extra | VS-Verl./Springer-Fachmedien | 0 | ✔ |
0340-8469 | Sozialmagazin | Beltz | 0 | |
1868-2596 | Sozialraum.de (e-vir) | Socialnet GmbH | 0 | |
1613-0707 | Sozialwirtschaft | Nomos-Verl.-Ges.. | 0 | ✔ |
0724-3464 | Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis | 0 | ||
0175-6559 | Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur-Rundschau | Verl. Neue Praxis | 0 | |
0340-918X | Soziologie | Leske u. Budrich | 0 | |
0343-4109 | Soziologische Revue | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2196-7024 | Soziologische Revue (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1356-2576 | Space & polity | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1470-1235 | Space & polity (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1571-0718 | Spanish in context | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1571-0726 | Spanish in context | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0256-2510 | Special language | Wilhelm Braumüller | 0 | |
2162-3244 | Spectrum | Indiana University. | 0 | |
2162-3252 | Spectrum (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
0038-7134 | Speculum | Mediaeval Academy of America. | 0 | ✔ |
2040-8072 | Speculum (e-vir) | Mediaeval Academy of America | 0 | ✔ |
0170-2971 | Spektrum der Wissenschaft | Spektrum-der-Wissenschaft-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
0783-5892 | Sphinx | Societas scientiarum Fennica | 0 | |
0176-3008 | Spiegel der Forschung | Justus-Liebig-Universität | 0 | |
0038-7479 | Spiegel der letteren | De Sikkel | 0 | |
2199-8078 | SPIEL (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1864-5275 | Spirale der Zeit | Haus der Frauengeschichte.; House of Women's History.; Hdfg. | 0 | |
1533-1709 | Spiritus | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-3117 | Spiritus | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0081-4059 | Spomenik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti = Serbische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Kunste = Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts = Académie Serbe des sciences et des arts | 0 | |
0354-1479 | Spomenik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti | 0 | |
1913-0465 | Spontaneous generations (e-vir) | University of Toronto | 0 | |
1617-5646 | Sport & Spiel | 0 | ||
1087-1659 | Sport history review | Human Kinetics | 0 | ✔ |
1938-6974 | Sport management education journal | NASPE and NASSM | 0 | ✔ |
2163-2367 | Sport management education journal (e-vir) | NASPE and NASSM | 0 | ✔ |
0171-4953 | Sportpädagogik | Friedrich | 0 | |
0176-5906 | Sport-Praxis | Limpert | 0 | |
0342-2402 | Sportunterricht | Hofmann | 0 | |
0342-2380 | Sportwissenschaft | Hofmann | 0 | |
1868-1069 | Sportwissenschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1617-7606 | SportZeit | Verl. Die Werkstatt. | 0 | |
0038-8475 | Sprache im technischen Zeitalter | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0343-5202 | Sprache und Datenverarbeitung | Univ.-Verl. Rhein-Ruhr, | 0 | |
1438-1680 | Sprache und Literatur | W. Fink | 0 | ✔ |
2589-0859 | Sprache und Literatur (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2193-6196 | Sprachförderung und Sprachtherapie in Schule und Praxis | Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
0038-8483 | Sprachkunst | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Literaturwissenschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1727-6993 | Sprachkunst (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
0178-644X | Sprachreport | Institut für Deutsche Sprache | 0 | |
1218-5736 | Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik / | KLTE,; Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó ;; Nodus Publikationen; Nodus Publikationen | 0 | |
0344-8169 | Sprachwissenschaft | Winter | 0 | |
0081-3834 | Sprawozdania archeologiczne | Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | |
1029-1830 | Springerin | Verein "Springerin" | 0 | |
0816-5432 | Spunti e ricerche | University of Melbourne. | 0 | |
0170-4613 | SPW. Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft | SPW-Verlag. | 0 | |
0378-486X | Sri Lanka journal of the humanities | University of Sri Lanka. | 0 | |
0353-8257 | Srpski dijalektološki zbornik | Institut za srpskohrvatski jezik | 0 | |
0172-4029 | Stadion | Academia-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
1067-8867 | Stained glass | Stained Glass Association of America. | 0 | |
0174-3635 | Standort | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-220X | Standort | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0731-5082 | Stanford journal of international law | Stanford University, School of Law | 0 | |
2164-8301 | Stanford journal of international law (e-vir) | Stanford University. | 0 | |
0160-323X | State & local government review | Institute of Government, University of Georgia | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3409 | State & local government review (e-vir) | Institute of Government, University of Georgia | 0 | ✔ |
1120-4699 | State Archives of Assyria. Bulletin | Sargon. | 0 | |
0932-5026 | Statistical papers | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-9798 | Statistical papers | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2151-7509 | Statistics, politics, and policy (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6299 | Statistics, politics, and policy | 0 | ✔ | |
0039-0747 | Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift | Fahlbeckska stiftelsen; Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsrådet; Vetenskapsrådet | 0 | |
0935-5332 | Steadycam | Vgs-Verl.-Ges.. | 0 | |
0940-6905 | Stein | 0 | ||
1424-0025 | Steuer-Revue | Cosmos-Verlag, | 0 | |
1952-8302 | STICEF | Association des technologies de l'information pour l'éducation et la formation (France) | 0 | |
0039-1492 | Stimmen der Zeit | Herder | 0 | |
2628-5738 | Stimmen der Zeit (e-vir) | Herder | 0 | |
1861-3675 | STI studies | Universität Dortmund, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Fachgebiet Techniksoziologie. | 0 | |
1403-5715 | STM online (e-vir) | Svenska samfundet för musikforskning | 0 | |
0392-8926 | Storia della storiografia | Editoriale Jaca Book; Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | |
2281-1141 | Storia della storiografia (e-vir) | Fabrizio Serra Editore | 0 | |
1826-7505 | Storia delle donne | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1826-7513 | Storia delle donne | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1828-2008 | Storia in Lombardia | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0391-2248 | Storia urbana | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
1536-0555 | Storytelling | Eastern Kentucky University. Center for the Study of Popular Narrative. | 0 | |
0175-4467 | Streit | Verein "Frauen Streiten für Ihr Recht" | 0 | |
0039-2618 | Strumenti critici | Einaudi | 0 | ✔ |
2612-0925 | Strumenti critici (e-vir) | Società Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1988-1088 | Studia aurea (e-vir) | Studia Aurea | 0 | ✔ |
2462-6813 | Studia aurea | Universidad de Girona; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | 0 | |
0039-310X | Studia canonica | Faculté de droit canonique, Université Saint-Paul = Faculty of Canaon Law, Saint Paul University. | 0 | |
0081-6353 | Studia celtica | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
2058-5098 | Studia Celtica (e-vir) | University of Wales Press | 0 | |
1337-7493 | Studia commercialia Bratislaviensia | Obchodná fakulta Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave | 0 | |
0770-2965 | Studia diplomatica | Institut royal des relations internationales | 0 | |
0221-5004 | Studia iranica | Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes (France) | 0 | |
0585-5292 | Studia islamica | Larose | 0 | ✔ |
1958-5705 | Studia islamica (e-vir) | Maisonneuve & Larose | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3185 | Studia Leibnitiana | 0 | ✔ | |
2366-228X | Studia Leibnitiana (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2083-4624 | Studia Linguistica Universatitatis Cracoviensis | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego; "Versita" | 0 | ✔ |
1897-1059 | Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis | Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3207 | Studia liturgica | Societas Liturgica. | 0 | ✔ |
2517-4797 | Studia liturgica (e-vir) | Wyt | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8730 | Studia logica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3215 | Studia Logica | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | ✔ |
0080-3987 | Studia missionalia | Universita Gregoriana Editrice | 0 | |
0081-6736 | Studia moralia | Accademia Alfonsiana. Istituto Superiore Teologia Morale | 0 | |
1788-6244 | Studia musicologica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1789-2422 | Studia musicologica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0332-5024 | Studia musicologica Norvegica | Norsk musikkforskerlag | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2960 | Studia musicologica Norvegica (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3274 | Studia neophilologica | Almqvist & Wiksell periodical co. | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2308 | Studia neophilologica | Taylor & Francis; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0208-4597 | Studia Niemcoznawcze | Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. | 0 | |
0039-3282 | Studia orientalia | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0081-685X | Studia Psychologiczne | Zakład im. Ossolińskich Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | |
2300-8520 | Studia Psychologiczne (e-vir) | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej (Warszawa) | 0 | |
1424-7607 | Studia religiosa Helvetica | P. Lang, | 0 | |
0039-3363 | Studia slavica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-290X | Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3371 | Studia Socjologiczne | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
2545-2770 | Studia Socjologiczne (e-vir) | Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Komitet Socjologii PAN; Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii UW | 0 | |
0179-3896 | Studia Spinozana | Königshausen u. Neumann | 0 | |
0039-338X | Studia theologica | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7791 | Studia theologica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis AS | 0 | ✔ |
0942-7635 | Studia Troica | 0 | ||
0391-7835 | Studi danteschi | Sansoni; Le Lettere, | 0 | |
0392-5110 | Studi di filologia italiana | Le lettere | 0 | |
0391-4151 | Studi di grammatica italiana | Le Lettere | 0 | |
0392-5218 | Studi di lessicografia italiana | Le Lettere | 0 | |
0585-4768 | Studi di letteratura francese | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
0039-291X | Studi di sociologia | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7896 | Studi di sociologia (e-vir) | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1125-7326 | Studi di teologia | Istituto Biblico Evangelico; IFED, | 0 | |
0039-2928 | Studi economici | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0393-8417 | Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni | Japadre | 0 | |
0303-4224 | Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens und seiner Zweige | Pustet | 0 | |
1027-3360 | Studien zum Neuen Testament und Seiner Umwelt | Studien zum Neuen Testament und Seiner Umwelt | 0 | |
0340-2215 | Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur | Buske. | 0 | |
0585-6027 | Studien zur Frankfurter Geschichte | Kramer. | 0 | |
0930-9578 | Studien zur Musikwissenschaft | Bretikopf & Härtel; Artaria | 0 | |
0145-7888 | Studies in 20th century literature | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
0091-8083 | Studies in American fiction | Dept. of English, Northeastern University. | 0 | ✔ |
0730-3238 | Studies in American Indian literatures | The Association | 0 | |
1548-9590 | Studies in American Indian literatures | University of Nebraska Press | 0 | |
0271-9274 | Studies in American Jewish literature | Society for Study of American Jewish Literature. | 0 | |
1948-5077 | Studies in American Jewish literature | State University of New York Press | 0 | |
0081-7600 | Studies in bibliography | University Press of Virginia. | 0 | |
1553-3891 | Studies in bibliography (e-vir) | Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 0 | |
1017-1274 | Studies in Chinese linguistics | Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute of Chinese Studies, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre | 0 | |
2470-8275 | Studies in Chinese linguistics; Studies in Chinese linguistics = (e-vir) | De Gruyter Open | 0 | ✔ |
0953-9468 | Studies in Christian ethics | T & T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5235 | Studies in Christian ethics (e-vir) | T & T Clark | 0 | ✔ |
2192-4007 | Studies in communication, media (e-vir) | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
1424-4896 | Studies in communication sciences | Università della Svizzera italiana | 0 | ✔ |
2296-4150 | Studies in communication sciences (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3606 | Studies in comparative international development | s.n.; Distributed by Transaction Periodicals Consortium. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-6167 | Studies in comparative international development (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0925-9392 | Studies in East European thought | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0948 | Studies in East European thought | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3657 | Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 | Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9270 | Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press for Rice University | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3665 | Studies in family planning | Population Council | 0 | ✔ |
1728-4465 | Studies in family planning | Population Council. | 0 | ✔ |
1524-0657 | Studies in gender and sexuality | Analytic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-9206 | Studies in gender and sexuality (e-vir) | Analytic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0307-5079 | Studies in higher education | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1470-174X | Studies in higher education (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3681 | Studies in history and philosophy of science | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2510 | Studies in history and philosophy of science (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0378-4177 | Studies in language | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9978 | Studies in language | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1832-2050 | Studies in learning, evaluation, innovation and development (e-vir) | Division of Teaching and Learning Services, Central Queensland University | 0 | |
1923-1555 | Studies in literature and language | Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture. | 0 | |
1923-1563 | Studies in literature and language (e-vir) | Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture | 0 | |
1081-1826 | Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1558-3708 | Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3738 | Studies in philology | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
1543-0383 | Studies in philology (e-vir) | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
0039-3746 | Studies in philosophy and education | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-191X | Studies in philosophy and education (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0707-8552 | Studies in political economy | Carleton University, Graphic Services. | 0 | ✔ |
1918-7033 | Studies in political economy (e-vir) | Studies in Political Economy | 0 | ✔ |
2042-0587 | Studies in religion (e-vir) | Wilfrid Laurier University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4298 | Studies in religion = | Published by University of Toronto Press for the Canadian Corp. for Studies in Religion | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3762 | Studies in romanticism | Graduate School, Boston University | 0 | |
2330-118X | Studies in romanticism (e-vir) | Graduate School, Boston University | 0 | |
0272-2631 | Studies in second language acquisition (e-vir) | Indiana University Linguistics Club | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1545 | Studies in second language acquisition (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1923-0176 | Studies in sociology of science | Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. | 0 | |
1923-0184 | Studies in sociology of science (e-vir) | Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. | 0 | |
0266-0830 | Studies in the education of adults | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education = NIACE | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9833 | Studies in the education of adults (e-vir) | NIACE | 0 | ✔ |
1943-2186 | Studies in the history of gardens & designed landscapes | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1460-1176 | Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3819 | Studies in the literary imagination | Dept. of English, Georgia State University, etc. | 0 | |
0039-3827 | Studies in the novel | North Texas State University | 0 | ✔ |
1934-1512 | Studies in the novel (e-vir) | North Texas State University | 0 | ✔ |
1075-7007 | Studies on russian economic development | Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1531-8664 | Studies on russian economic development (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2944 | Studi francesi | Rosemberg e Sellier | 0 | |
0039-2952 | Studi germanici | Istituto italiano di studi germanici. | 0 | |
1584-143X | Studii de gramatica contrastiva | Editura Universitaţii din Piteşti, | 0 | |
2344-4193 | Studii de gramatica contrastiva (e-vir) | Editura Universitaţii din Piteşti | 0 | |
0039-2987 | Studi italiani di Filologia classica | Le Monnier | 0 | |
0390-6809 | Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata | Liviana Editrice | 0 | |
0394-3569 | Studi linguistici italiani | Salerno editrice | 0 | |
0585-4954 | Studi magrebini | Istituto universitario orientale. Centro studi magrebini. | 0 | |
0391-8467 | Studi medievali | Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo | 0 | |
0391-7789 | Studi musicali | Leo Olschki; Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia Fondazione | 0 | |
2037-6413 | Studi musicali (e-vir) | Leo S. Olschki; Accademia nazionale di santa Cecilia. Fondazione | 0 | |
0392-7261 | Studi piemontesi | Centro Studi Piemontesi. | 0 | |
0081-6248 | Studi Secenteschi | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
1824-7601 | Studi slavistici (e-vir) | Firenze Univerity Press | 0 | ✔ |
1824-761X | Studi slavistici | Firenze university press | 0 | ✔ |
0585-4997 | Studi sul Boccaccio | Sansoni; Casa editrice Le Lettere, | 0 | |
1876-9055 | Studium | Gewina, Belgisch-Nederlands Genootschap voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteitsgeschiedenis/Société Belgo-Néerlandaise pour l'Histoire des Sciences et des Universités; Huygens Instituut; Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis | 0 | |
2212-7283 | Studium | Igitur publishing, Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | 0 | |
0049-2426 | Substance | SubStance | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2095 | SubStance (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | ✔ |
0889-7077 | Substance abuse | Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown Univer; Haworth Presssity | 0 | ✔ |
1547-0164 | Substance abuse (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic-Plenum-Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1082-6084 | Substance use & misuse | Marcel Dekker | 1 | ✔ |
1532-2491 | Substance use & misuse (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0939-5911 | Sucht | Neuland-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2856 | Sucht | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
0039-4564 | Sudhoffs Archiv | Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2352 | Sudhoffs Archiv (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
1434-7067 | Südostasien | Philippinenbüro; Verein für Entwicklungsbezogene Bildung zu Südostasien; Stiftung Asienhaus | 0 | |
0722-480X | Südosteuropa | Südost-Institut; R. Oldenbourg Verlag | 7 | ✔ |
2364-933X | Südosteuropa (e-vir) | de Gruyter Oldenbourg | 0 | |
0340-174X | Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen | Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft | 1 | |
0081-9077 | Südost-Forschungen | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2364-9321 | Südost-Forschungen (e-vir) | de GruyterOldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
1868-0348 | Südslavistik online (e-vir) | J. Raecke c/o Slavisches Seminar der Universität Tübingen | 0 | |
1015-8812 | Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe | Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe, Universiteit van Pretoria | 0 | ✔ |
0173-458X | Suizidprophylaxe | Roderer. | 0 | |
0121-4381 | Suma Psicologica | Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz | 0 | |
2145-9797 | Suma Psicologica (e-vir) | Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz | 0 | |
1431-7168 | Supervision | Beltz | 0 | |
1477-7487 | Surveillance & society | Surveillance & Society.; Surveillance Studies Network | 0 | ✔ |
1864-3361 | Survey research methods (e-vir) | Survey Research Methods | 1 | |
0039-6338 | Survival | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2699 | Survival (e-vir) | International Institute for Strategic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0143-8204 | Sussex archaeological collections | Sussex Archaeological Society. | 0 | |
1862-4057 | Sustainability science (e-vir) | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1862-4065 | Sustainability science | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
0968-0802 | Sustainable development | MCB University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1099-1719 | Sustainable development (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons; ERP Environment | 0 | ✔ |
1100-2298 | Svensk exegetisk °arsbok | Uppsala exegetiska sällskap | 0 | |
2001-9424 | Svensk exegetisk årsbok (e-vir) | Svenska exegetiska sällskapet | 0 | |
0081-9816 | Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning | 0 | ✔ | |
2002-021X | Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning = (e-vir) | Svenska samfundet för musikforskning | 0 | ✔ |
1614-2373 | Swahili-Forum | Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien. | 0 | |
1421-0185 | Swiss journal of psychology = | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychologie | 0 | |
1662-0879 | Swiss journal of psychology = | H. Huber | 0 | |
2297-8348 | Swiss journal of sociology (e-vir) | Seismo Verlag ;; De Gruyter Open | 0 | ✔ |
1835-0151 | Sydney journal | Dictionary of Sydney | 0 | |
0039-7679 | Symbolae Osloenses | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7805 | Symbolae Osloenses | In aedibus Some et Sociorum; A.W. Brøgger; Fabritius & Sønner; In aedibus Universitetsforlaget; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0082-0660 | Symbolon | Lang. | 0 | |
1069-0697 | Symplokäe | Jeffrey R. Dileo | 0 | |
1534-0627 | Symploke (e-vir) | Jeffrey R. Di Leo | 0 | |
0039-7709 | Symposium | Syracuse Univerity Press | 0 | ✔ |
1931-0676 | Symposium | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0039-7857 | Synthese | Reidel[etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0964 | Synthese (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0256-7245 | Synthesis | Editura Academiei republicii socialiste România | 0 | |
0352-7875 | Synthesis philosophica | Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo; Savez filozofskih društava Jugoslavije | 4 | ✔ |
1848-2317 | Synthesis philosophica (e-vir) | Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
0093-0709 | Syracuse journal of international law and commerce | Syracuse University, College of Law | 0 | |
0346-251X | System | Pergamon [for] the Pergamon Institute of English (Oxford) | 1 | ✔ |
1879-3282 | System (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1652-8719 | Systems, signs & actions | Linköping University; Aarhus University | 0 | |
0724-7923 | System ubw | Ahriman-Verlag. | 0 | |
0204-8701 | Sʺpostavitelno ezikoznanie | Sofijski universitet "Kliment Ohridski" | 0 | |
0082-5433 | T'oung pao | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5322 | T'oung pao | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0039-8691 | Taal en tongval | Dialektcentrale; Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2215-1214 | Taal en tongval (e-vir) | Amsterdam University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1080-5400 | Taboo | P. Lang Pub. | 0 | |
2164-7399 | Taboo | P. Lang Pub.; Caddo Gap Press] | 0 | |
1729-4649 | Taiwan journal of linguistics | Crane Publishing C., Ltd.. | 0 | |
1994-2559 | Taiwan journal of linguistics = | Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University | 0 | |
1248-9433 | TAL | ATALA; TAL | 0 | ✔ |
1886-9440 | Talia dixit (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones de la UEX | 0 | |
0724-1062 | Tanzen | Volkstanz-Beratungsstelle H. Wager.; Deutscher Bundesverband Tanz. | 0 | |
0494-7061 | Tareas | CELA | 0 | |
0924-1884 | Target | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9986 | Target (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1089-7747 | TC | Scholars Press | 0 | ✔ |
1054-2043 | TDR | MIT Press | 13 | ✔ |
1531-4715 | TDR | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1366-4530 | Teacher development | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5120 | Teacher development (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0737-5328 | Teacher education quarterly | California Council on the Education of Teachers | 0 | |
2167-4779 | Teaching & learning inquiry | Indiana University. | 0 | ✔ |
2167-4787 | Teaching & learning inquiry (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0742-051X | Teaching and teacher education | Elsevier Sciece Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2480 | Teaching and teacher education (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1642-1027 | Teaching English with Technology (e-vir) | IATEFL Poland. Computer Special Interest Group. | 0 | |
0730-1383 | Teaching history | Emporia Kansas State College.; Emporia State University.; Ball State University. | 0 | |
0145-5788 | Teaching philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
2153-6619 | Teaching philosophy | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0092-055X | Teaching sociology | Sage; American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-862X | Teaching sociology (e-vir) | American Sociological Association, [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0731-7131 | Technical services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1555-3337 | Technical services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0040-117X | Technikgeschichte | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
2211-1662 | Technology, knowledge and learning | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
2211-1670 | Technology, knowledge and learning (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1475-939X | Technology, pedagogy and education | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5139 | Technology, pedagogy and education (e-vir) | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0953-7325 | Technology analysis & strategic management | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3990 | Technology analysis & strategic management (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0040-165X | Technology and culture | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-3729 | Technology and culture (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-7075 | TechTrends (e-vir) | Association for Educational Communications & Technology | 0 | ✔ |
8756-3894 | TechTrends | Association for Educational Communications & Technology | 0 | ✔ |
1666-1680 | Técnica administrativa (e-vir) | M. C. Perissé | 0 | |
0334-4355 | Tel Aviv | Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology | 0 | ✔ |
2040-4786 | Tel Aviv (e-vir) | Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University] | 0 | ✔ |
0932-8408 | Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte | Wallstein | 0 | |
0943-4755 | Televizion | IZI | 0 | |
2199-918X | Televizion (e-vir) | IZI | 0 | |
0280-6495 | Tellus | Swedish geophysical society; Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0280-6509 | Tellus | Swedish geophysical society; Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0870 | Tellus (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0889 | Tellus (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1669-6301 | Telondefondo (e-vir) | B. A. Trastoy | 0 | |
0090-6514 | Telos | Telos Press | 0 | |
1940-459X | Telos | Telos Press Publishing | 0 | |
0497-1817 | Temenos | Suomen uskontotieteellinen seura | 0 | |
2342-7256 | Temenos (e-vir) | Finnish Society for the Study of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1433-2078 | Tempora | Bahá'í-Verl. | 0 | |
1913-5963 | Temps zéro | [Département des littératures de l'Université Laval] | 0 | |
0497-2384 | Tennessee studies in literature | Tennessee Philological Association.; University of Tennessee (Knoxville campus) | 0 | |
0495-1549 | Teología espiritual | Facultad de Teología de S. Vicente Ferrer. Sección Padres Dominicos. Valencia. | 0 | |
0049-3449 | Teología y vida | Facultad de Teología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
0717-6295 | Teología y vida (e-vir) | Facultad de Teología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 0 | |
1893-0263 | Teologisk tidsskrift | Universitetet i Oslo; Det Teologiske menighetsfakultet | 0 | ✔ |
1893-0271 | Teologisk tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget i samarbeid med Teologisk fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo og Det teologiske menighetsfakultetet | 0 | ✔ |
0394-1248 | Teoria politica | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0391-2868 | Terapia familiare | ITF. Istituto di Terapia Familiare | 0 | |
1972-5442 | Terapia familiare (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0716-6184 | Terapia psicológica | Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica | 0 | |
0718-4808 | Terapia psicológica (e-vir) | Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica | 0 | |
0494-8440 | Te Reo | Linguistic Society of New Zealand. | 0 | |
0929-9971 | Terminology | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9994 | Terminology (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 1 | ✔ |
1825-8689 | Territorio | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
2239-6330 | Territorio (e-vir) | Politecnico, Milano. Dipartimento di architettura e pianificazione | 0 | |
0954-6553 | Terrorism and political violence | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1836 | Terrorism and political violence (e-vir) | F. Cass; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0947-9732 | Tertium comparationis | Waxmann. | 0 | |
1434-1697 | Tertium comparationis | Waxmann. | 0 | |
1072-4303 | TESL-EJ | TESL-EJ | 0 | |
0039-8322 | TESOL quarterly | TESOL | 0 | ✔ |
1545-7249 | TESOL quarterly (e-vir) | TESOL | 0 | ✔ |
0040-4691 | Texas studies in literature and language | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1534-7303 | Texas studies in literature and language (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1860-7330 | Text & talk | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | |
1860-7349 | Text & talk (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5329 | Text + Kritik | Edition Text u. Kritik | 0 | |
0715-8920 | Texte | Editions Trintexte. | 0 | |
0342-7358 | Textilarbeit + Unterricht | Schneider, Verl. Hohengehren. | 0 | |
1475-9756 | Textile | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1751-8350 | Textile (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0040-4969 | Textile history | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2952 | Textile history (e-vir) | David & Charles | 0 | ✔ |
0934-3342 | Textilkunst international | 0 | ||
1824-3967 | Textus | Tilgher | 0 | |
1558-7967 | The accounting review | American Accounting Association | 0 | ✔ |
0001-4826 | The Accounting review | American Accounting Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9842 | The Africal archaeological review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0263-0338 | The African archaeological review | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8717 | The African book publishing record | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0002-4341 | The Alabama review | Alabama Historical Association; University of Alabama Press | 0 | |
0360-9081 | The American archivist | Society of American Archivists | 0 | ✔ |
2327-9702 | The American archivist (e-vir) | Society of American Archivists | 0 | |
0002-7642 | The American behavioral scientist | A. De Grazia | 1 | ✔ |
1552-3381 | The American behavioral scientist (e-vir) | [A. De Grazia] | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8282 | The American economic review | American Economic Association. | 0 | |
1944-7981 | The American economic review (e-vir) | American Economic Association | 0 | |
0002-8762 | The American historical review | American Historical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1937-5239 | The American historical review (e-vir) | Macmillan Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-919X | The American journal of comparative law | American Society of Comparative Law | 0 | ✔ |
2326-9197 | The American journal of comparative law (e-vir) | American Association for the Comparative Study of Law | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9246 | The American journal of economics and sociology | American Journal of Economics and Sociology | 0 | ✔ |
1536-7150 | The American journal of economics and sociology (e-vir) | American Journal of Economics and Sociology | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9300 | The American journal of international law | American Society of International Law | 0 | ✔ |
2161-7953 | The American journal of international law (e-vir) | Baker, Voorhis & Co. for the American Society of International Law | 0 | ✔ |
0065-8995 | The American journal of jurisprudence | Notre Dame Law School. | 0 | ✔ |
2049-6494 | The American journal of jurisprudence (e-vir) | Notre Dame Law School; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9319 | The American journal of legal history | Temple University School of Law | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6741 | The American journal of psychoanalysis (e-vir) | Springer Science + Media | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9556 | The American journal of psychology | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8298 | The American journal of psychology (e-vir) | E.C. Sanford | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0112 | The American music teacher | Music Teachers' National Association. | 0 | |
0003-0554 | The American political science review | American Political Science Association.; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5943 | The American political science review (e-vir) | American Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
0003-066X | The American psychologist | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0272-2011 | The American review of Canadian studies | Association for Canadian Studies in the United States | 0 | ✔ |
1943-9954 | The American review of Canadian studies (e-vir) | Association for Canadian Studies in the United States | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0937 | The American scholar | Phi Beta Kappa Society | 0 | |
2162-2892 | The American scholar (e-vir) | United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa | 0 | |
0003-1232 | The American sociologist | American Sociological Association. | 1 | ✔ |
1936-4784 | The American sociologist (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1615 | The Americas | Academy of American Franciscan History | 0 | ✔ |
1533-6247 | The Americas (e-vir) | Academy of American Franciscan History | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4827 | The Annals of Iowa | Iowa.; State Historical Society of Iowa.; Iowa.; Iowa. | 0 | |
0570-1864 | The annals of regional science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0592 | The annals of regional science | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0003-5769 | The Antioch review | Antioch Review, Inc. | 0 | |
2326-9707 | The Antioch review (e-vir) | Antioch Review | 0 | |
0003-5815 | The antiquaries journal | Society of Antiquaries | 0 | ✔ |
1758-5309 | The antiquaries journal (e-vir) | Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press; Society of Antiquaries of London | 0 | ✔ |
0004-1610 | The Arizona quarterly | University of Arizona | 0 | ✔ |
0004-1823 | The Arkansas historical quarterly | Arkansas Historical Association. | 0 | |
2327-1213 | The Arkansas historical quarterly | Arkansas Historical Association | 0 | |
0004-2366 | The Armenian review | Hairenik Association. | 0 | |
1559-6478 | The art bulletin (e-vir) | College Art Association of America | 0 | |
0004-3079 | The Art bulletin | College Art Association of America. | 0 | ✔ |
0119-5646 | The Asia-Pacific education researcher | De La Salle University. College of Education. | 0 | |
2243-7908 | The Asia-Pacific education researcher | DLSU-College of Education | 0 | ✔ |
1444-2213 | The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology | Department of Anthropology, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific; School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College of Arts and Social Sciences atthe Australian National University | 0 | ✔ |
1740-9314 | The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5507 | Theater heute | Friedrich | 8 | |
0192-2882 | Theatre journal | Published by the Johns Hopkins University Press for the University and College Theatre Association | 7 | ✔ |
1086-332X | Theatre journal (e-vir) | American Theatre Association | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5523 | Theatre notebook | Society for Theatre Research | 0 | |
0307-8833 | Theatre research international | Oxford University Press | 8 | ✔ |
1474-0672 | Theatre research international (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1065-4917 | Theatre symposium | Southeastern Theatre Conference (U.S.) | 0 | |
1054-8378 | Theatre topics | Johns Hopkins University Press in cooperation with the Association for Theatre in Higher Education | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3346 | Theatre topics | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1448-5052 | The Australasian journal of logic (e-vir) | Victoria University of Wellington,; Australasian Association for Logic, | 0 | |
2045-5852 | The Australasian journal of popular culture | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2045-5860 | The Australasian journal of popular culture (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0004-9441 | The Australian journal of education | Australian Council for Educational Research] | 0 | ✔ |
1935-1682 | The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6108 | The B.E. journal of economic and analysis & policy | de Gruyter | 0 | |
1935-1690 | The B.E. journal of macroeconomics (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6116 | The B.E. journal of macroeconomics | 0 | ||
1935-1704 | The B.E. journal of theoretical economics (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1944-3676 | The Baltic international yearbook of cognition, logic and communication (e-vir) | New Prairie Press | 0 | |
0005-576X | The Baptist quarterly | Baptist Historical Society (Great Britain) | 0 | ✔ |
1832-3391 | The Bible and critical theory[electronic resource] | Monash University ePress. | 0 | ✔ |
0067-9488 | The Bodleian Library record | Bodleian Library | 0 | ✔ |
0006-7237 | The book collector | Collector Ltd. | 0 | |
0734-8665 | The Brecht yearbook = | International Brecht Society | 0 | |
1474-001X | The British journal for the history of science (e-vir) | British Society for the History of Science | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0882 | The British journal for the philosophy of science | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3537 | The British journal for the philosophy of science (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0904 | The British journal of aesthetics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2842 | The British journal of aesthetics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0998 | The British journal of educational psychology | Scottish Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-8317 | The British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology (e-vir) | J. Wright & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0045-3102 | The British journal of social work | British Association of Social Workers | 1 | ✔ |
1468-263X | The British journal of social work (e-vir) | British Association of Social Workers | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1186 | The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists | American Society of Papyrologists. | 0 | |
1938-6958 | The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (e-vir) | Scholarly Pub. Office, University of Michigan Library | 0 | |
0007-6287 | The Burlington magazine | Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd. | 4 | |
2044-9925 | The Burlington magazine (e-vir) | K. Trevelyan-Kee | 0 | |
2044-768X | The business history review (e-vir) | Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0007-6899 | The business lawyer | The Section | 0 | |
2164-1838 | The business lawyer (e-vir) | Section on Corporation, Banking and Mercantile Law, American Bar Association | 0 | |
0301-7257 | The Byron journal | Byron Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0263 | The Byron journal (e-vir) | [Byron Society] | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0064 | The Canadian geographer = (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1093 | The Canadian historical review (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1918-2902 | The Canadian journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning (e-vir) | Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | 0 | |
1481-868X | The Canadian journal of applied linguistics = | The Association = L'Association | 0 | |
0316-1218 | The Canadian journal of higher education | Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education. | 0 | |
0703-1459 | The Canadian journal of Irish studies | Canadian Association for Irish Studies | 0 | |
2816-2455 | The Canadian journal of Irish studies (e-vir) | Canadian Association for Irish Studies. | 0 | |
1710-1115 | The Canadian journal of linguistics (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4131 | The Canadian journal of linguistics = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4506 | The Canadian modern language review | Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1131 | The Canadian modern language review = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1925-0169 | The Canadian yearbook of international law (e-vir) | Canadian Council on International Law.; International Law Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0069-0058 | The Canadian yearbook of international law = | Publication Centre, University of British Columbia | 0 | ✔ |
0008-7912 | The Catholic Biblical quarterly | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 0 | |
2163-2529 | The Catholic Biblical quarterly (e-vir) | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 0 | |
0008-8080 | The Catholic historical review | Catholic University of America Press | 0 | |
1534-0708 | The Catholic historical review (e-vir) | Catholic University of America Press | 0 | |
0273-3072 | The Cato journal | Cato Institute | 0 | |
0009-2002 | The Chaucer review | Pennsylvania State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1528-4204 | The Chaucer review (e-vir) | Pennsylvania State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1324-9347 | The China journal | Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University | 0 | |
1835-8535 | The China journal (e-vir) | Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University | 0 | |
1468-2648 | The China quarterly (e-vir) | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1097-1475 | The Chinese economy | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1558-0954 | The Chinese economy (e-vir) | M.E. Sharpe | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6844 | The classical quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-840X | The Classical review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3561 | The Classical review (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8418 | The Classical world | Classical Association of the Atlantic States. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-9234 | The Classical world (e-vir) | Classical Association of the Atlantic States | 0 | ✔ |
0010-003X | The coat of arms | Heraldry Society (Great Britain) | 0 | |
0195-7678 | The comparatist | Southern Comparative Literature Association | 0 | |
1559-0887 | The comparatist | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
1015-2881 | The Cyprus review | Intercollege | 0 | |
1460-6925 | The design journal | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1756-3062 | The design journal (e-vir) | [Gower House] | 0 | ✔ |
0012-2440 | The Dickensian | The Dickens Fellowship | 0 | |
0012-5806 | The Downside review | College of St. Gregory (Downside, England).; Downside Abbey (Bath, England) | 0 | |
2397-3498 | The Downside review (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1475-4932 | The economic record (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1553-3832 | The economists' voice (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0796 | The ecumenical review | World Council of Churches | 0 | ✔ |
1758-6623 | The ecumenical review (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0193-5380 | The Eighteenth century | Texas Tech Press | 0 | ✔ |
1935-0201 | The Eighteenth century (e-vir) | Texas Tech Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5556 | The electronic journal of human sexuality | Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality | 0 | |
1087-3430 | The electronic journal of science education (e-vir) | University of Nevada | 0 | |
0013-5984 | The elementary school journal | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8279 | The elementary school journal (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1059-6879 | The Emily Dickinson journal | University Press of Colorado | 0 | ✔ |
1096-858X | The Emily Dickinson journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0013-8266 | The English historical review | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4534 | The English historical review (e-vir) | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1021-6790 | The Ethiopian journal of health development | Department of Community Health. | 0 | |
1468-4497 | The European accounting review (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1824-2979 | The European journal of comparative economics (e-vir) | Universita Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC | 0 | |
1351-847X | The European journal of finance | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4364 | The European journal of finance (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
0967-2567 | The European journal of the history of economic thought | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5936 | The European journal of the history of economic thought (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1350-5068 | The European journal of women's studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1316 | The European legacy (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1084-8770 | The European legacy, toward new paradigms | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1939-926X | The explicator (e-vir) | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0014-4940 | The Explicator | HELDREF Publications, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1745-5308 | The expository times (e-vir) | T. & T. Clark | 0 | ✔ |
0393-1358 | The Federalist | EDIF | 0 | |
1591-8483 | The Federalist debate | Altiero Spinelli Institute for federalist studies.; Movimento federalista europeo.; JEF.; Jeunes européens fédéralistes.; UEF.; Union européenne des fédéralistes.; WFM.; World Federalist Movement. | 0 | |
1540-8884 | The forum (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6183 | The forum | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0016-111X | The French review (e-vir) | American Association of Teachers of French. | 0 | |
2329-7131 | The French review (e-vir) | American Association of Teachers of French | 0 | |
1054-8289 | The future of children | Center for the Future of Children | 0 | |
1550-1558 | The future of children (e-vir) | Center for the Future of Children | 0 | |
0016-3317 | The Futurist | World Future Society | 0 | |
1475-4959 | The geographical journal (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0016-7398 | The Geographical journal | Royal Geographical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1534-9977 | The George Washington international law review | George Washington University | 0 | |
0046-578X | The Georgia journal of international and comparative law | Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law | 0 | |
0016-8386 | The Georgia review | University of Georgia | 0 | |
2329-714X | The Georgia review (e-vir) | University of Georgia | 0 | |
0016-8890 | The Germanic review | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1930-6962 | The Germanic review (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0016-8831 | The German quarterly | American Association of Teachers of German | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1183 | The German quarterly (e-vir) | American Association of Teachers of German | 0 | ✔ |
1932-8648 | The global South | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1932-8656 | The global South (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
0017-3894 | The Greek Orthodox theological review | Holy Cross School of Theology, Hellenic College | 0 | |
0017-8160 | The Harvard theological review | Harvard Divinity School | 0 | ✔ |
0093-0334 | The Hastings Center report | Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1552-146X | The Hastings Center report (e-vir) | Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0273-0340 | The Henry James review | Dept. of English, University of Louisville, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6555 | The Henry James review | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0018-1196 | The Heythrop journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2265 | The Heythrop journal (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0018-1498 | The high School journal | School of Education of the University of North Carolina | 0 | |
1534-5157 | The High school journal (e-vir) | School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 0 | |
0018-2168 | The Hispanic American historical review | Board of Editors of the Hispanic American Review | 0 | ✔ |
1527-1900 | The Hispanic American historical review (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5103 | The historical journal (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1790-3572 | The Historical review | Institute of Historical Research. Department of Neohellenic Research; Institut de Recherches Historiques. Département de Recherches Néohelléniquesue | 0 | |
1791-7603 | The Historical Review (e-vir) | Institouto Neoellinikon Ereunon | 0 | |
1042-7716 | The History of Economics Society bulletin | The Society | 0 | |
1945-2292 | The history teacher (e-vir) | History Teachers' Association, University of Notre Dame | 0 | |
0018-2745 | The History teacher | Society for History Education | 0 | |
1848-0071 | The holistic approach to environment (e-vir) | Association for Promotion of Holistic Approach to Environment | 1 | ✔ |
0018-702X | The Hudson review | Hudson Review, inc. | 0 | |
2325-5935 | The Hudson review (e-vir) | Hudson Review, Inc. | 0 | |
0018-7399 | The Humanist | The American Humanist Association and the American Ethical Union | 0 | |
2163-3576 | The Humanist (e-vir) | American Humanist Association.; American Ethical Union. | 0 | |
0019-5170 | The Indian journal of economics | O.K. Ghose; William Dawson & Sons | 0 | |
1540-1669 | The industrial geographer (e-vir) | GGA, Indiana State University | 0 | |
0305-9332 | The Industrial Law Journal | Sweet and Maxwell for the Industrial Law Society | 0 | ✔ |
1541-5015 | The interdisciplinary journal of problem-based learning | Purdue University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0485 | The international communication gazette | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0493 | The international communication gazette (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1949-6540 | The international history review (e-vir) | [University of Toronto] | 0 | ✔ |
1433-3015 | The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0091-4150 | The international journal of aging & human development | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3535 | The international journal of aging and human development (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0739-098X | The International journal of applied philosophy | H.A. Heise | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8182 | The international journal of children's rights | Martinus Nijhoff Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0927-5568 | The International Journal of Children's Rights | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7144 | The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis | Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5183 | The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis (e-vir) | Sage Periodicals; ProQuest Information and Learning Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2157-1074 | The international journal of critical pedagogy (e-vir) | Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy | 0 | |
1466-4399 | The International journal of human resource management (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1744-053X | The international journal of human rights (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1753-240X | The international journal of inclusive democracy (e-vir) | International Network for Inclusive Democracy | 0 | |
1446-5019 | The International journal of narrative therapy and community work | Dulwich Centre Publications Pty Ltd | 0 | |
1095-9270 | The international journal of nautical archaeology (e-vir) | Published for the Nautical Archaeology Society by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1057-2414 | The International journal of nautical archaeology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-3527 | The international journal of psychiatry in medicine (e-vir) | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0091-2174 | The International journal of psychiatry in medicine | Baywood Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4509 | The international journal of sustainable development and world ecology | Sapiens | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2627 | The international journal of sustainable development and world ecology (e-vir) | Parthenon Pub. Group] | 0 | ✔ |
1875-0281 | The international journal of the commons (e-vir) | Igitur | 0 | ✔ |
1838-2959 | The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education (e-vir) | Queensland University of Technology | 0 | |
1743-9035 | The International journal of the history of sport (e-vir) | F. Cass | 1 | ✔ |
0952-3367 | The International Journal of the History of Sport | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1942-3241 | The international journal of transpersonal studies (e-vir) | Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center | 0 | |
1321-0122 | The International journal of transpersonal studies | Bolda-Lok Publishing and Educational Enterprises, | 0 | |
1747-7379 | The international migration review (e-vir) | Center for Migration Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0959-3969 | The international review of retail, distribution and consumer research | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4402 | The international review of retail, distribution and consumer research (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1750-399X | The interpreter and translator trainer | St. Jerome | 0 | ✔ |
1757-0417 | The interpreter and translator trainer (e-vir) | St. Jerome Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1029-3523 | The Investment analysts journal | Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa | 0 | ✔ |
2077-0227 | The Investment analysts journal = | Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1400 | The Irish theological quarterly | Faculty of Theology Maynooth College | 0 | ✔ |
0261-4340 | The Italianist | Department of Italian Studies, University of Reading | 0 | ✔ |
1748-619X | The Italianist (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0021-6682 | The Jewish quarterly review | Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning | 0 | ✔ |
1553-0604 | The Jewish quarterly review (e-vir) | D. Nutt | 0 | ✔ |
2051-0969 | The journal for critical education policy studies | Institute for Education Policy Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1740-2743 | The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (e-vir) | Institute for Education Policy Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0193-3922 | The Journal for specialists in group work | Sage Publications for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1549-6295 | The Journal for specialists in group work | Sage Publications for the Association for Specialists in Group work | 0 | ✔ |
1543-7809 | The journal of aesthetic education (e-vir) | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8510 | The Journal of aesthetic education. | University of Illinois Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8529 | The journal of aesthetics and art criticism | Blackwell Publishing; American Society for Aesthetics | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6245 | The journal of aesthetics and art criticism (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1535-1882 | The journal of American folklore (e-vir) | Houghton Mifflin | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8715 | The Journal of American folklore | Boston aNew York cHoughton Mifflin | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8723 | The journal of American history | Organization of American Historians | 0 | ✔ |
1945-2314 | The journal of American history (e-vir) | Mississippi Valley Historical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5922 | The journal of analytical psychology (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8774 | The Journal of analytical psychology | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2365 | The journal of architecture | E & FN Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4410 | The journal of architecture (e-vir) | E & FN Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1930-7799 | The journal of arts management, law, and society (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1063-2921 | The Journal of arts management, law, and society | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1752-0401 | The journal of Asian studies (e-vir) | Far Eastern Association | 0 | |
0021-9118 | The Journal of Asian Studies | Association for Asian Studies, etc. | 0 | |
1526-1018 | The journal of Ayn Rand studies | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation | 0 | |
2169-7132 | The journal of Ayn Rand studies (e-vir) | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation | 0 | |
1545-6986 | The journal of British studies (e-vir) | Conference on British Studies at Trinity College | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9371 | The Journal of British studies | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2198-2635 | The journal of Chinese sociologys (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2220-6043 | The Journal of commerce | Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab | 0 | |
1741-6442 | The Journal of Commonwealth literature (e-vir) | Bowker | 0 | |
1352-3279 | The journal of communist studies and transition politics | Frank Cass | 0 | |
1743-9116 | The journal of communist studies and transition politics (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | |
1572-8552 | The Journal of comparative Germanic linguistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8766 | The journal of conflict resolution (e-vir) | Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0027 | The Journal of conflict resolution | Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan | 0 | ✔ |
1067-0564 | The journal of contemporary China | Center for Modern China | 0 | ✔ |
1554-558X | The journal of continuing education in the health professions (e-vir) | [Taylor & Francis]; Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education; Council on CME, Association for Hospital Medical Education | 0 | ✔ |
0894-1912 | The Journal of continuing education in the health professions | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2160-0325 | The journal of criminal law & criminology (e-vir) | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | |
0091-4169 | The Journal of criminal law & criminology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
0022-0388 | The JOURNAL of development studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0485 | The Journal of economic education | Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
2152-4068 | The Journal of economic education (e-vir) | Joint Council on Economic Education | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6372 | The journal of economic history (e-vir) | New York University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0507 | The Journal of economic history | Economic History Association at the University of Pennsylvania | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1721 | The journal of economic inequality | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-8701 | The journal of economic inequality (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9427 | The journal of economic methodology (e-vir) | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1944-7965 | The journal of economic perspectives (e-vir) | American Economic Association | 0 | |
0895-3309 | The Journal of economic perspectives | American Economic Association | 0 | |
0022-0671 | The journal of educational research | Public School Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0675 | The journal of educational research (e-vir) | Published for the University of Illinois, Bureau of Educational Research by the Public School Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1547-500X | The journal of educators online (e-vir) | M. Elbeck | 0 | |
1080-2711 | The journal of electronic publishing | University of Michigan Press | 0 | ✔ |
0363-6941 | The Journal of English and Germanic philology | University of Illinois | 0 | ✔ |
1070-4965 | The journal of environment & development | Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5465 | The journal of environment & development (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1892 | The journal of environmental education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0095-8964 | The Journal of environmental education | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1382-4554 | The journal of ethics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8609 | The Journal of ethics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0683 | The journal of experimental education (e-vir) | Edwards Brothers, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0973 | The Journal of experimental education | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6261 | The journal of finance (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1082 | The Journal of finance | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1527-2060 | The journal of general education (e-vir) | State University of Iowa | 0 | |
0022-1309 | The Journal of general psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-0888 | The Journal of general psychology (e-vir) | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1341 | The Journal of geography | National Council for Geographic Education. | 0 | ✔ |
1752-6868 | The Journal of geography (e-vir) | National Council for Geographic Education | 0 | ✔ |
1203-1542 | The journal of Hebrew scriptures (e-vir) | [E. Ben Zvi] | 0 | ✔ |
0952-1909 | The Journal of historical sociology | New York; Basil Blackwell | 0 | |
1540-353X | The journal of housing for the elderly | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1548-8004 | The journal of human resources (e-vir) | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-166X | The JOURNAL of human resources | University of Wisconsin Press | 0 | ✔ |
0308-6534 | The journal of imperial and Commonwealth history | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9329 | The Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1522-2527 | The journal of individual psychology | Published by the University of Texas Press for NASAP, the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology | 0 | ✔ |
2332-0583 | The journal of individual psychology (e-vir) | North American Society of Adlerian Psychology. | 0 | ✔ |
0092-2323 | The Journal of Indo-European studies | Journal of Indo-European Studies | 0 | |
1530-9169 | The journal of interdisciplinary history (e-vir) | M.I.T. Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1953 | The Journal of interdisciplinary history | M.I.T. Press | 0 | ✔ |
0963-8199 | The journal of international trade & economic development | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9559 | The journal of international trade & economic development (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1353-1042 | The journal of Israeli history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0548 | The journal of Israeli history (e-vir) | Frank Cass [published for the Institute for Research in the History of Zionism] | 0 | ✔ |
1935-4932 | The journal of Latin American and Caribbean anthropology | University of California Press for the American Anthropological Association; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1935-4940 | The journal of Latin American and Caribbean anthropology | UC Press Journals and Digital Pub. Div.; Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5285 | The journal of law & economics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Law School | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2186 | The Journal of law & economics | University of Chicago Law School. | 0 | ✔ |
0144-0365 | The journal of legal history | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0564 | The Journal of legal history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1385-3457 | The journal of management and governance | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-963X | The journal of management and governance (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3645 | The Journal of medical humanities | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5019 | The journal of medicine and philosophy (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0360-5310 | The Journal of medicine and philosophy | Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8263 | The journal of medieval and early modern studies (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1543-7795 | The journal of military history (e-vir) | Published by the Virginia Military Institute and the George C. Marshall Foundation for the American Military Institute | 0 | |
0899-3718 | The Journal of military history | Virginia Military Institute; George C. Marshall Foundation | 0 | |
0271-0137 | The Journal of mind and behavior | Journal of Mind and Behavior, Inc. | 0 | |
0022-2771 | The Journal of Mississippi history | Mississippi.; Mississippi Historical Society. | 0 | |
1469-7777 | The journal of modern African studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6772 | The journal of modern craft | Berg; Bloomsbury | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6780 | The journal of modern craft (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5358 | The journal of modern history (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2801 | The Journal of modern history | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7240 | The Journal of moral education | Pemberton Publ. Co.; Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1603-7170 | The journal of music and meaning (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1547-7304 | The journal of musicological research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0141-1896 | The Journal of musicological research | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0277-9269 | The journal of musicology | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8347 | The journal of musicology (e-vir) | Imperial Print. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2917 | The journal of music therapy | National Association for Music Therapy | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9605 | The journal of Pacific history (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0306-6150 | The Journal of peasant studies | F. Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9361 | The Journal of peasant studies (e-vir) | F. Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8549 | The journal of philosophy (e-vir) | F.J.E. Woodbridge; W.T. Bush | 0 | ✔ |
0022-362X | The Journal of philosophy | F.J.E. Woodbridge; The Journal of philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1537-534X | The journal of political economy (e-vir) | University Press of Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3816 | The Journal of politics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2508 | The Journal of politics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5931 | The journal of popular culture (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1930-6458 | The journal of popular film and television (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1759-5150 | The journal of practice teaching & learning | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
1460-6690 | The journal of practice teaching in social work and health | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
1746-6113 | The journal of practice teaching in social work and health (e-vir) | Whiting & Birch | 0 | |
0278-095X | The Journal of primary prevention | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6547 | The Journal of primary prevention (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3980 | The Journal of psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1019 | The Journal of psychology (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0895-5638 | The journal of real estate finance and economics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-045X | The journal of real estate finance and economics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1090-4999 | The journal of regional analysis & policy | Mid-Continent Regional Science Association and UNL College of Business Administration | 0 | |
2376-5003 | The journal of regional analysis & policy (e-vir) | Mid-Continent Regional Science Association.; University of Nebraska--Lincoln. | 0 | |
1549-6538 | The journal of religion (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4189 | The Journal of religion | University of Chicago Press | 1 | ✔ |
1092-1311 | The journal of religion and film | University of Nebraska at Omaha, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion | 0 | |
0022-4235 | The Journal of religious thought | School of Religion, Howard University. | 0 | |
1552-731X | The journal of research in crime and delinquency (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 2 | ✔ |
0022-4278 | The Journal of research in crime and delinquency | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0075-4358 | The journal of Roman studies | Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9316 | The journal of scholarship of teaching and learning (e-vir) | Indiana University South Bend | 0 | ✔ |
1559-8519 | The journal of sex research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4499 | The Journal of sex research | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1355-2600 | The journal of sexual aggression | Whiting and Birch Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1742-6545 | The journal of sexual aggression (e-vir) | Brunner-Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1351-8046 | The journal of slavic military studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1556-3006 | The journal of slavic military studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0193-5941 | The Journal of social and political studies | Council on American Affairs | 0 | |
2325-6893 | The journal of southern history (e-vir) | Southern Historical Association | 0 | |
0022-4642 | The Journal of southern history | Southern Historical Association | 0 | |
1538-4764 | The journal of special education (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4669 | The Journal of special education | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1740-357X | The journal of specialised translation (e-vir) | London Metropolitan University, Department of Humanities, Arts and Languages. | 0 | |
1527-9383 | The journal of speculative philosophy (e-vir) | [publisher not identified] | 0 | ✔ |
0891-625X | The Journal of speculative philosophy | s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0140-2390 | The Journal of strategic studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-937X | The Journal of strategic studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0892-9912 | The Journal of technology transfer | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7047 | The Journal of technology transfer (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1708-6892 | The journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (e-vir) | Canadian Health Libraries Association] | 0 | ✔ |
2154-4727 | The journal of the Civil War era | George and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center. | 0 | |
2159-9807 | The journal of the Civil War era (e-vir) | University of North Carolina Press | 0 | |
0022-5185 | The journal of theological studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-4607 | The journal of theological studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0160-5682 | The Journal of the Operational Research Society | Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society | 1 | ✔ |
1359-0987 | The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | Royal Anthropological Institute | 1 | ✔ |
1467-9655 | The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (e-vir) | Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
2331-3781 | The Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries (e-vir) | Rutgers University Libraries | 0 | |
0036-0473 | The Journal of the Rutgers University Library | Associated Friends of the Library of Rutgers University | 0 | |
1759-3999 | The journal of transport history (e-vir) | Manchester University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1916-8128 | The journal of unschooling and alternative learning (e-vir) | [Nipissing University] | 0 | |
1063-0732 | The Journal of urban technology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5363 | The journal of value inquiry | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0492 | The journal of value inquiry (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-6858 | The jurist | School of Canon Law, the Catholic University of America | 0 | |
2326-6236 | The jurist (e-vir) | Catholic University of America.; Catholic University of America. | 0 | |
0163-075X | The Kenyon review | Kenyon College | 0 | |
2327-8307 | The Kenyon review (e-vir) | Kenyon College | 0 | |
1753-2167 | The Language learning journal (e-vir) | Association for Language Learning | 0 | ✔ |
0023-933X | The law quarterly review | Stevens and Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1524-1556 | The Leibniz review | Leibnitz Society of North America | 0 | ✔ |
2153-9162 | The Leibniz review | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0024-2160 | The Library | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1744-8581 | The Library (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0024-2519 | The library quarterly | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1549-652X | The library quarterly (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0167-6318 | The Linguistic review | Mounton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3676 | The Linguistic review (e-vir) | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0147-2593 | The lion and the unicorn | J. Hopkins University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6563 | The lion and the unicorn (e-vir) | J. Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0024-4589 | The literary review | Fairleigh Dickinson University | 0 | |
0144-932X | The Liverpool law review | Deborah Charles; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8625 | The Liverpool law review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0024-5585 | The local historian | Standing Conference for Local History.; British Association for Local History. | 0 | |
0024-5984 | The London archaeologist | London Archaeologist Publishing Committee | 0 | |
1551-5680 | The looking glass (e-vir) | A. Briggs | 0 | |
0779-5815 | The Low Countries | Stichting Ons Erfdeel | 0 | |
1463-6786 | The Manchester School | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9957 | The Manchester School (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0025-9373 | The Mennonite quarterly review | Goshen College.; Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries.; Mennonite Historical Society.; Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary. | 0 | |
1871-1340 | The mental lexicon | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1375 | The mental lexicon | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4559 | The mental lexicon | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | |
0890-1686 | The Michigan historical review | Published by the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University in cooperation with the Historical Society of Michigan | 0 | |
2327-9672 | The Michigan historical review (e-vir) | Published by the Clarke Historical Library and the History Dept. at Central Michigan University in cooperation with the Historical Society of Michigan | 0 | |
0026-3141 | The Middle East journal | Middle East Institute | 0 | |
1940-3461 | The Middle East journal (e-vir) | Middle East Institute | 0 | |
0026-3451 | The Midwest quarterly | Pittsburg State University | 0 | |
0026-5667 | The Minnesota review | Minnesota Review; Distributed in the U.S. by B. de Boer | 0 | ✔ |
2157-4189 | The Minnesota review (e-vir) | Minnesota Review; Distributed in the U.S. by B. de Boer | 0 | ✔ |
0026-637X | The Mississippi quarterly | College of Arts and Sciences of Mississippi State University | 0 | |
2689-517X | The Mississippi quarterly (e-vir) | Mississippi State College, Social Science Research Center | 0 | |
0026-7902 | The modern language journal | National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4781 | The modern language journal (e-vir) | National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4319 | The modern language review | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0026-7961 | The modern law review | Sweet & Maxwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2230 | The modern law review (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0026-9662 | The monist | The Hegeler Institute | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3601 | The monist (e-vir) | [Open Court for the Hegeler Institute] | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4631 | The Musical quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-8399 | The Musical quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2397-5318 | The musical times (e-vir) | Novello & Co. | 0 | |
0027-4666 | The Musical times | Orpheus Publications Ltd | 0 | |
1938-1573 | The national interest (e-vir) | National Affairs | 0 | |
0884-9382 | The National interest | National Affairs, Inc. | 0 | |
0028-4866 | The New England quarterly | The New England Quarterly, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2213 | The New England quarterly (e-vir) | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0028-5048 | The new era | World Education Fellowship | 0 | |
0305-9529 | The New internationalist | New Internationalist | 0 | |
0028-8322 | The New Zealand journal of history | University of Auckland. | 0 | |
0029-2494 | The North Carolina historical review | North Carolina Historical Commission | 0 | |
2334-4458 | The North Carolina historical review (e-vir) | North Carolina Historical Commission | 0 | |
0029-277X | The North Dakota quarterly | University of North Dakota | 0 | |
2054-9202 | The numismatic chronicle (e-vir) | Royal Numismatic Society | 0 | |
1495-7922 | Theoforum | Saint Paul University (Ottawa, Ont.). | 0 | |
0938-5320 | Theologia practica | Kaiser :; Gütersloher Verl.-Haus Mohn. | 0 | |
1937-8904 | Theological librarianship (e-vir) | American Theological Library Association | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5639 | Theological studies | Theological Studies, inc., etc. | 0 | ✔ |
2169-1304 | Theological studies (e-vir) | Theological Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1862-1678 | Theologie.geschichte | L. Scherzberg c/o Universität des Saarlandes, Institut für Katholische Theologie; A. Leugers-Scherzberg | 0 | ✔ |
2191-1584 | Theologie.Geschichte | 0 | ✔ | |
0342-1457 | Theologie der Gegenwart | Butzon u. Bercker | 0 | |
0049-366X | Theologie und Glaube | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0040-5655 | Theologie und Philosophie | Herder | 0 | |
2626-5346 | Theologie und Philosophie (e-vir) | Herder | 0 | |
0342-2372 | Theologische Beiträge | SCM R. Brockhaus | 0 | |
0040-5671 | Theologische Literaturzeitung | Evangelische Verlagsanstalt | 0 | |
0342-1430 | Theologische Quartalschrift | Schwabenverlag | 0 | |
0040-568X | Theologische Revue | Aschendorff | 0 | |
2699-5328 | Theologische Revue (e-vir) | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0040-5698 | Theologische Rundschau | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-727X | Theologische Rundschau (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0040-5701 | Theologische Zeitschrift | Universität Basel; Verlag Friedrich Reinhardt | 0 | |
0040-5663 | Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift | F. Pustet | 0 | |
1335-5570 | Theologos | Náboženské vydavatelstvo Petra | 0 | |
1745-5170 | Theology & sexuality (e-vir) | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-6700 | Theology and science | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1474-6719 | Theology and science (e-vir) | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
1355-8358 | Theology and sexuality | Sheffield Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5736 | Theology today | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2556 | Theology today (e-vir) | Westminster Press | 0 | ✔ |
1874-9151 | The Open business journal | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | |
1874-9194 | The open economics journal | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | |
1874-9224 | The open family studies journal | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | |
1874-9496 | The open political science journal (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | |
1874-3501 | The open psychology journal (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1874-9453 | The Open social science journal (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | |
1874-9461 | The Open sociology journal (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | |
0736-0053 | The opera quarterly | University Press | 0 | |
1476-2870 | The opera quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1533-8592 | The oral history review (e-vir) | Oral History Association | 0 | ✔ |
0094-0798 | The Oral history review | Oral History Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1664-0136 | ThéoRèmes | [IRSE (Institut romand de systématique et d'éthique), Université de Genève] | 0 | |
0177-798X | Theoretical and applied climatology | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1434-4483 | Theoretical and applied climatology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2065-3921 | Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management (e-vir) | Academy of Economic Studies, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services | 0 | |
2065-3913 | Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management | CCASP | 0 | |
1362-4806 | Theoretical criminology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7439 | Theoretical criminology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1555-7561 | Theoretical economics (e-vir) | Society for Economic Theory | 0 | ✔ |
1933-6837 | Theoretical economics | Society for Economic Theory.; Econometric Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4428 | Theoretical linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4060 | Theoretical linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5817 | Theoria | Berghahn Books for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5825 | Theoria | Filosofoska institutionen, Kungshuset Lundag°ard. | 0 | ✔ |
0495-4548 | Theoria | Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5816 | Theoria (e-vir) | Shuter & Shooter | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2567 | Theoria (e-vir) | C.W.K. Gleerup | 0 | ✔ |
2171-679X | Theoria | Universidad del País Vasco; CALIJ | 0 | ✔ |
0342-2275 | Theorie und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit | Arbeitewohlfahrt, Bundesverband e. V. | 0 | |
0342-7145 | Theorie und Praxis der Sozialpädagogik | 0 | ||
0263-2764 | Theory, culture & society | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1460-3616 | Theory, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4109 | Theory, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0959-3543 | Theory & psychology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7447 | Theory & psychology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5833 | Theory and decision | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7187 | Theory and decision (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1799-2591 | Theory and practice in language studies | Academy Publisher | 0 | |
2053-0692 | Theory and practice in language studies (e-vir) | Academy Publisher Inc. | 0 | |
1477-8785 | Theory and research in education | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3192 | Theory and research in education (e-vir) | Sage Publications. | 1 | ✔ |
0304-2421 | Theory and society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7853 | Theory and society (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-0502 | Theo-Web (e-vir) | M. Rothgangel c/o Uni Göttingen | 0 | |
2153-3385 | The owl of Minerva | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
0030-7580 | The Owl of Minerva | Philosophy Dept., Villanova University | 0 | ✔ |
0951-2748 | The Pacific review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1332 | The Pacific review (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
2169-8546 | The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography (e-vir) | Historical Society of Pennsylvania | 0 | |
0031-4587 | The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography | Historical Society of Pennsylvania. | 0 | |
1467-9191 | The philosophical forum (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0031-806X | The Philosophical forum | Dept. of Philosophy, Boston University | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8094 | The philosophical quarterly | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9213 | The philosophical quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1558-1470 | The philosophical review (e-vir) | Ginn and Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8108 | The Philosophical review | Sage School of Cornell University | 0 | ✔ |
1804-0462 | The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (e-vir) | Univerzita Karlova v Praze | 0 | |
1467-9272 | The professional geographer (e-vir) | Association of American Geographers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-0124 | The Professional geographer | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2933 | The Psychological record | Denison University | 0 | ✔ |
2163-3452 | The Psychological record | Denison University | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1471 | The psychological review | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0079-7421 | The psychology of learning and motivation | Academic Press | 0 | |
1533-8576 | The public historian (e-vir) | Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California | 0 | ✔ |
0272-3433 | The Public historian | Graduate Program in Public Historical Studies, Dept. of History, University of California | 0 | ✔ |
1061-7639 | The Public manager | The Bureaucrat, Inc. | 0 | |
1531-4650 | The quarterly journal of economics (e-vir) | George H. Ellis | 0 | ✔ |
0033-5533 | The QUARTERLY journal of economics | Published for Harvard University by the MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0218 | The quarterly journal of experimental psychology | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0226 | The quarterly journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-1117 | The reference librarian (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0276-3877 | The Reference librarian | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0889-3047 | The review of Austrian economics | Ludwig Von Mises Institute; Lexington Books | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7128 | The review of Austrian economics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6446 | The Review of Black political economy | National Economic Association; Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4814 | The Review of Black political economy (e-vir) | National Economic Association [etc.]; [Distributed by] Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9142 | The review of economics and statistics (e-vir) | Dept. of Economics, Harvard University | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6535 | The REVIEW of economics and statistics | North Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6527 | The review of economic studies | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1467-937X | The review of economic studies (e-vir) | University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6551 | the Review of English studies | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6968 | The review of English studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2067-2713 | The Review of Finance and Banking | Editura ASE, | 0 | |
2067-3825 | The Review of Finance and Banking (e-vir) | Editura ASE | 0 | |
1090-7009 | The review of higher education | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-7431 | The review of international organizations | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1559-744X | The review of international organizations (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2154-1302 | The review of metaphysics (e-vir) | Philosophy Education Society | 0 | |
0034-6632 | The Review of metaphysics | Philosophy Education Society | 0 | |
1748-6858 | The review of politics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6705 | The Review of politics | University of Notre Dame. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8502 | The review of radical political economics | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1867-3236 | The review of socionetwork strategies | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1454-4296 | The Romanian Economic Journal | Editura ASE | 0 | |
2286-2056 | The Romanian Economic Journal = | Editura Universitæaţii din Oradea | 0 | |
1474-029X | The round table (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2154-543X | The Ruffin series in business ethics (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | |
1744-0378 | The RUSI journal (e-vir) | The Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0036-0341 | The Russian review | Ohio State University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9434 | The Russian review | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-3367 | The Saint Anselm journal | Institute for Saint Anselm Studies | 0 | |
2689-6230 | The Saint Anselm journal | Institute for Saint Anselm Studies | 0 | |
0040-604X | Thesaurus | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0143-8301 | The Scottish journal of religious studies | University of Stirling. | 0 | |
1745-8927 | The senses & society | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1745-8935 | The senses and society (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
1541-1095 | The serials librarian (e-vir) | The Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0361-526X | The Serials librarian | Haworth Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9507 | The service industries journal (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0264-2069 | The Service industries journal | Frank Cass | 1 | ✔ |
0037-511X | The Sikh courier | Sikh Cultural Society of Great Britain. | 0 | |
0217-5908 | The Singapore economic review | Economic Society of Singapore | 0 | ✔ |
1793-6837 | The Singapore economic review (e-vir) | World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0725-5136 | Thesis eleven | Thesis eleven | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7455 | Thesis eleven (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2326-0726 | The sixteenth century journal (e-vir) | Foundation for Reformation Research and the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference | 0 | ✔ |
0361-0160 | The Sixteenth century journal | Sixteenth Century Press | 0 | ✔ |
2222-4327 | The Slavonic & East European review (e-vir) | Modern Humanities Research Association; Maney Publishing | 0 | |
0037-6795 | The Slavonic and East European review | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
0362-3319 | The Social science journal | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5404 | The social service review (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7961 | The Social service review | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7996 | The Social studies | McKinley Publishing Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2152-405X | The Social studies (e-vir) | McKinley Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8525 | The sociological quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-954X | The Sociological review (e-vir) | Blackwell Synergy; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1607-0658 | The South African journal of clinical nutrition | Health and Medical Publishing Group Ltd., HMPG; Multimedia Publications; Medpharm Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2221-1268 | The South African journal of clinical nutrition | Medpharm Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0038-2876 | The South Atlantic quarterly | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8026 | The South Atlantic quarterly (e-vir) | [Duke University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4283 | The Southern journal of philosophy | Department of Philosophy, University | 0 | ✔ |
2041-6962 | The Southern journal of philosophy (e-vir) | [Dept. of Philosophy, Memphis State University] | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4291 | The Southern literary journal | Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | 0 | |
1534-1461 | The Southern literary journal (e-vir) | Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 0 | |
0038-4496 | The Southern quarterly | University of Southern Mississippi] | 0 | |
2377-2050 | The Southern quarterly (e-vir) | University of Southern Mississippi. | 0 | |
1138-7416 | The Spanish journal of psychology | Faculty of Psychology, Complutense University of Madrid. | 0 | ✔ |
1988-2904 | The Spanish journal of psychology (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0888-4781 | The sport psychologist | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2793 | The sport psychologist (e-vir) | Human Kinetics Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2049 | The Strad | Orpheus publ. | 0 | |
2077-0448 | The Taipei Chinese PEN | Taipei Chinese Center, International PEN; Zhōnghuá Mínguó bĭhuì | 0 | |
0040-0025 | The Tax executive | Tax Executives Institute | 0 | |
1355-6509 | The translator | St. Jerome Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1757-0409 | The translator (e-vir) | St. Jerome | 0 | ✔ |
1839-289X | The University of Queensland law journal (e-vir) | University of Queensland.; H.W. Wilson Company.; Informit. | 0 | |
0042-0972 | The Urban review | Center for Urban Education | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1960 | The Urban review | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1542-4251 | The velvet light trap (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
0149-1830 | The Velvet light trap | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
0042-675X | The Virginia quarterly review | University of Virginia | 0 | |
2154-6932 | The Virginia quarterly review (e-vir) | University of Virginia | 0 | |
0083-792X | The Welsh history review (e-vir) | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
0043-2431 | The Welsh history review = | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
0043-4388 | The Westminster theological journal | Westminster Theological Seminary. | 0 | |
0043-5597 | The William and Mary quarterly | Institute of Early American History and Culture. | 0 | |
1933-7698 | The William and Mary quarterly (e-vir) | College of William and Mary | 0 | |
1943-7366 | The Wisconsin magazine of history (e-vir) | State Historical Society of Wisconsin | 0 | |
2059-7495 | The world today (e-vir) | Royal Institute of International Affairs | 0 | |
0044-0094 | The Yale law journal | Yale Journal Co. | 0 | |
1939-8611 | The Yale law journal (e-vir) | Yale Law Journal Co. | 0 | |
Y505-5474 | The Yale law journal (e-vir) | Yale Law Journal Company | 0 | |
0044-0124 | The Yale review | Yale University Press | 0 | |
1467-9736 | The Yale review (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
0044-0175 | The Yale University library gazette | Yale University Library | 0 | |
2222-4289 | The yearbook of English studies | Modern Humanities Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
1388-3720 | The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies | Rodopi | 0 | |
1875-8118 | The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies (e-vir) | Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies | 0 | |
1477-1756 | Think | Royal Institute of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1196 | Think (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0952-8822 | Third text | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1475-5297 | Third text (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0143-6597 | Third world quarterly | Third World Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2241 | Third world quarterly (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0935-6983 | Thomas-Mann-Jahrbuch | Klostermann. | 0 | |
0941-7648 | Thüringer Verwaltungsblätter | Boorberg | 0 | |
0176-6511 | Tibia | Moeck. | 0 | |
1504-6893 | Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis | Fagbokforlaget | 0 | |
1890-6990 | Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis (e-vir) | Fagbokforlaget | 0 | |
1399-1442 | Tidsskrift for arbejdsliv | Center for Studier i Arbejdsliv. | 0 | |
0907-6581 | Tidsskrift for børne- & ungdomskultur | Børnekultursammenslutningen; KulturPrinsen (institution) | 0 | |
0040-716X | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning | Institutt for samfunnsforskning | 0 | ✔ |
1504-291X | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0040-7356 | Tiers monde | Institut d'études du développement économique et social (Paris) | 0 | |
0040-747X | Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie | Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9663 | Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0040-7518 | Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis | Wolters-Noordhoff :; Noordhoff :; Van Gorcum | 0 | ✔ |
2352-1163 | Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis (e-vir) | AUP | 0 | ✔ |
0040-7550 | Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal- en letterkunde | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2212-0521 | Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde (e-vir) | Uitgeverij Verloren | 0 | ✔ |
0040-750X | Tijdschrift voor Philosophie | Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte | 0 | |
0082-4313 | Tijdschrift voor privaatrecht | Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij E. Story-Scientia | 0 | |
0040-7585 | Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis | Universitaire pers Leiden; Kluwer; Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8190 | Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0168-2148 | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek | 0 | |
1875-9505 | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek (e-vir) | Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek | 0 | |
1572-1701 | Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis | Aksant | 0 | ✔ |
2468-9068 | Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis (e-vir) | Aksant | 0 | ✔ |
0168-9959 | Tijdschrift voor theologie | s.n.] | 0 | |
1751-696X | Time & mind | Berg, | 0 | ✔ |
1751-6978 | Time & mind (e-vir) | Berg | 0 | ✔ |
0961-463X | Time & society | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1461-7463 | Time & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y500-0580 | Time & society | Sage Publications | 0 | |
1579-7422 | Tirant (e-vir) | Universitat de Valencia, Departamento de Filología. | 0 | ✔ |
1013-8919 | Tiroler Heimat | Universitätsverlag Wagner | 0 | |
1547-3155 | Tolkien studies (e-vir) | West Virginia University Press | 0 | |
1547-3163 | Tolkien studies (e-vir) | West Virginia University Press | 0 | |
1577-6921 | Tonos digital (e-vir) | Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones. | 0 | |
0271-1214 | Topics in early childhood special education | Aspen Systems Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4845 | Topics in early childhood special education (e-vir) | PRO-ED | 0 | ✔ |
0167-7411 | Topoi | Reidel; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8749 | Topoi | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0942-752X | Topos | Callwey | 0 | |
1708-3885 | Toronto Slavic annual | Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto | 0 | |
1332-7461 | Tourism | Institute for Tourism; Croatian National Tourist Board | 1 | |
1849-1545 | Tourism (e-vir) | Institute for Tourism; Croatian National Tourist Board | 0 | |
1461-6688 | Tourism geographies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1340 | Tourism geographies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1660-5373 | Tourism review | Emerald Group Publishing Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1759-8451 | Tourism review (e-vir) | AIEST | 0 | |
1468-7976 | Tourist studies | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3206 | Tourist studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0041-0020 | Town planning review | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1478-341X | Town planning review (e-vir) | Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0082-5638 | Trabajos de prehistoria | Instituto de Historia, Departamento de Prehistoria, CSIC | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3218 | Trabajos de prehistoria | (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) | 0 | ✔ |
0362-1529 | Traditio | Fordham University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2166-5508 | Traditio (e-vir) | Cosmpolitan Science & Art Service Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1513 | Traditio et innovatio | Universität Rostock | 0 | |
1697-0101 | Trans (e-vir) | Sociedad de Etnomusicología. | 0 | |
0101-3173 | Trans/Form/Ação | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Departamento de Filosofia | 0 | |
1980-539X | Trans/Form/Ação (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Departamento de Filosofia | 0 | |
0020-2754 | Transactions Institute of British Geographers | Institute of British Geographers | 0 | ✔ |
0360-5949 | Transactions of the American Philological Association | Scholars Press | 0 | |
1533-0699 | Transactions of the American Philological Association (e-vir) | For the Association by the Press of Case Western Reserve University | 0 | |
0951-001X | Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society | Ancient Monuments Society. | 0 | |
0068-1032 | Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society | Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. | 0 | |
0009-1774 | Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society | University of Massachusetts Press | 0 | |
1558-9587 | Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society (e-vir) | University of Massachusetts Press | 0 | |
1475-5661 | Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0079-1636 | Transactions of the Philological Society | Basil Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1467-968X | Transactions of the Philological Society (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0080-4401 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society | Royal Historical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0648 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2191-1150 | Transcience | R. Baghel [u.a.] | 0 | |
1363-4615 | Transcultural psychiatry | McGill University. | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7471 | Transcultural psychiatry (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1444-3775 | Transformations | Central Queensland University, Editorial Committee, Transformations | 0 | |
1941-2258 | Transformative works and cultures (e-vir) | Organization for Transformative Works | 0 | ✔ |
1551-9627 | Transit (e-vir) | Dept. of German, University of California, Berkeley | 0 | |
1527-8042 | Transition (e-vir) | Transition | 0 | |
1614-4007 | Transition studies review | Springer | 0 | |
1614-4015 | Transition studies review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
Y504-4235 | Transition studies review | Springer | 0 | |
1836-9324 | Translation & Interpreting | University of Western Sydney | 0 | |
1876-2700 | Translation and interpreting studies (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1932-2798 | Translation and interpreting studies | American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association | 1 | ✔ |
2352-1805 | Translation and translanguaging in multilingual contexts | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | |
2352-1813 | Translation and translanguaging in multilingual contexts (e-vir) | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | |
0737-4836 | Translation review | University of Texas at Dallas | 0 | ✔ |
2164-0564 | Translation review (e-vir) | University of Texas at Dallas] | 0 | |
2211-3711 | Translation spaces | J. Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
2211-372X | Translation spaces (e-vir) | J. Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1836-4845 | Transnational literature | Flinders University, Humanities Research Centre | 0 | |
0049-4488 | Transportation | Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9435 | Transportation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0174-559X | Transportrecht | 0 | ||
0144-1647 | Transport reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5327 | Transport reviews (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2391-7385 | Transversal (e-vir) | De Gruyter Poland | 0 | |
1842-2845 | Transylvanian review of administrative sciences | Faculty of Political Sciences, Public Administration and Communication | 2 | |
2247-8310 | Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences (e-vir) | Accent Media | 0 | |
1247-1194 | Travaux & documents | Université de la Réunion | 0 | |
0995-6794 | Travaux de littérature | Klincksieck; ADIREL | 0 | |
1420-4355 | Traverse | Chronos-Verlag, | 0 | |
0334-3650 | Trbyąs | Magnes Press | 0 | |
1866-7473 | Trends in classics | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1866-7481 | Trends in classics (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1861-4302 | Trends in linguistics | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | |
1084-4791 | Trends in organized crime | Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4830 | Trends in organized crime (e-vir) | [Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center] | 6 | ✔ |
0082-6413 | Tribus | Linden-Museum, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde | 0 | |
0041-2945 | Trierer theologische zeitschrift | Paulinus-Verlag. | 0 | |
0041-2953 | Trierer Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst des Trierer Landes und seiner Nachbargebiete | Rheinisches Landesmuseum | 0 | |
2197-1927 | Triple helix (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2590-0366 | Triple helix | Springer | 0 | |
0082-6847 | Turcica | Klincksieck | 0 | |
1431-4983 | Turkic languages | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
1308-2140 | Turkish studies (e-vir) | Mehmet dursun erdem | 0 | |
1468-3849 | Turkish studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9663 | Turkish studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1303-734X | Türk Silahlű Kuvvetler Koruyucu hekimlik bilgisi | Gülhane Askeri Tűp Akademisi | 0 | |
0344-4023 | TUS. Turnen + Sport | Pohl | 0 | |
0957-1752 | Tuttitalia | Association for Language Learning. | 0 | |
0391-7967 | Tuttoscuola | Editoriale Tuttoscuola | 0 | |
0041-462X | Twentieth century literature | Hofstra University Press, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
2325-8101 | Twentieth century literature (e-vir) | Swallow Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1010-9161 | Tyche | Adolf Holzhausens Nfg. | 0 | |
2409-5540 | Tyche (e-vir) | Verlag Holzhausen | 0 | |
1682-4490 | Tydskrif vir hedendaagse romeins-hollandse reg | Butterworths | 0 | |
0174-6065 | Üben & Musizieren | Schott. | 0 | |
0041-5715 | Ufahamu | James S. Coleman African Studies Center.; University of California, Los Angeles.; University of California, Los Angeles. | 0 | |
2150-5802 | Ufahamu | African Activist Association, African Studies Center, University of California | 0 | |
0709-549X | Ultimate reality and meaning | University of Toronto Press. | 0 | |
1304-7310 | Uluslararasi ilişkiler dergisi | Uluslararasi İlişkiler Konseyi İktisadi İşletmesi | 0 | |
0049-5123 | Umění | Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd České republiky | 0 | |
1437-2533 | Umrisse | Wiederspahn | 0 | |
1424-7186 | Umwelt | Schweiz; Schweiz | 0 | |
0943-3481 | UmweltWirtschaftsForum | Springer | 0 | |
1432-2293 | UmweltWirtschaftsForum | Springer | 0 | |
0342-1465 | Una Sancta | Kyrios | 0 | |
0724-2778 | Una-voce-Korrespondenz | Una Voce Deutschland e.V. | 0 | |
0937-924X | Unesco heute | Deutsche Unesco-Kommission | 0 | |
0344-9254 | Unitas Fratrum | Wittig. | 0 | |
1615-5289 | Universal access in the information society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1615-5297 | Universal access in the information society (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1698-5117 | Universia business review | Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación.; Portal Universia | 0 | |
2174-0933 | Universia business review (e-vir) | Portal Universia | 0 | |
0041-9079 | Universitas | Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH | 0 | |
2070-6790 | Universitas forum | Universitas Programme of the ART Initiative; Universitas Programme of the KIP Initiative | 0 | |
1657-9267 | Universitas Psychologica | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Facultad de Psicologia | 0 | |
1086-7872 | University of Pennsylvania journal of international economic law | University of Pennsylvania Law School | 0 | |
0083-4041 | University of Queensland law journal | [University of Queensland Press]. | 0 | |
0042-0220 | University of Toronto law journal | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1710-1174 | University of Toronto law journal (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0042-0247 | University of Toronto quarterly | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1712-5278 | University of Toronto quarterly | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
2011-2777 | Univesitas psychologica (e-vir) | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 0 | ✔ |
0937-1508 | Unsere Heimat | Borken <Westfalen, Landkreis> | 0 | |
1017-2696 | Unsere Heimat | Verein für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich | 0 | |
0342-5258 | Unsere Jugend | E. Reinhardt. | 0 | |
0341-5260 | Unterricht Biologie | Friedrich | 0 | |
0340-4099 | Unterrichtswissenschaft | Juventa | 0 | ✔ |
2520-873X | Unterrichtswissenschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
2191-6624 | Unterricht Wirtschaft + Politik | 0 | ||
0174-0652 | Ural-altaische Jahrbücher | Harassowitz. | 0 | |
0894-6019 | Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development | Institute for the Study of Man, Inc. | 0 | |
2328-1022 | Urban anthropology and studies of cultural systems and world economic development | Institute for the Study of Man, Inc. | 0 | |
1357-5317 | Urban design international | E. & F. N. Spon | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4519 | Urban design international (e-vir) | E & FN Spon; Palgrave | 0 | ✔ |
0042-0859 | Urban education | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8340 | Urban education (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1015-3802 | Urban forum | Witwatersrand University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6330 | Urban forum (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1944-9674 | Urban library journal | City University of New York. | 0 | |
1944-9682 | Urban library journal (e-vir) | Library Association of the City University of New York | 0 | |
1027-4278 | Urban morphology | International Seminar on Urban Form | 0 | |
0042-0980 | Urban studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1360-063X | Urban studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0042-1235 | Us wurk | Ryksuniversiteit Grins. Frysk Ynstitút | 0 | |
0953-8208 | Utilitas | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-6183 | Utilitas (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1857-6974 | UTMS Journal of Economics | University of Tourism and Management | 0 | |
1857-6982 | UTMS Journal of Economics (e-vir) | University of Tourism and Management | 0 | |
0933-0690 | UVP-Report | UVP-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0090-2594 | Vanderbilt journal of transnational law | Vanderbilt University, School of Law] | 0 | |
1450-8486 | Vardarski zbornik | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Međuodeljenjski vardarski odbor.; Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. Comite interdepartemental recueil de Vardar. | 0 | |
1424-7631 | Variations | Universität (Zürich) | 0 | |
0893-4851 | Vera lex | Natural Law Society | 0 | |
0210-377X | Verba | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España) | 0 | |
0930-8369 | Verbraucher und Recht | Nomos-Verl.-Ges.. | 0 | ✔ |
1585-079X | Verbum | Akadémiai Kiadó | 1 | |
1588-4309 | Verbum (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0042-3696 | Verbum SVD | Steyler Missionswissenschaftliches Institut, Sankt Augustin. | 0 | |
0042-3718 | Verdad y vida | Padres Franciscanos Españoles | 0 | |
0042-384X | Vereinte Nationen | Engel | 0 | |
2366-6773 | Vereinte Nationen (e-vir) | BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
0506-7286 | Verfassung und Recht in Übersee | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
1013-1973 | Verhaltensmodifikation und Verhaltensmedizin | Mackinger-Verlag | 0 | |
1016-6262 | Verhaltenstherapie | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0402 | Verhaltenstherapie | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0342-2518 | Verhandlungen des Historischen Vereins für Oberpfalz und Regensburg | Historischer Verein für Oberpfalz und Regensburg | 0 | |
0718-9273 | Veritas (e-vir) | Pontificio Seminario Mayor San Rafael | 0 | |
0717-4675 | Veritas: revista de filosofía y teología | Pontificio Seminario Mayor San Rafael | 0 | |
0179-535X | Verkehrszeichen | VZ Kalwitzki, | 0 | |
0342-2410 | Verkündigung und Forschung | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
2198-0454 | Verkündigung und Forschung (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
1565-8872 | Verniana (e-vir) | Jules Verne Forum | 0 | ✔ |
0232-2811 | Veröffentlichungen der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock | Universitätsbibliothek | 0 | |
0379-0231 | Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum | Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum | 0 | |
0933-4548 | Versicherungsmedizin | Verl. Versicherungswirtschaft | 0 | |
0103-1414 | Verso e Reverso | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Centro de Comunicação. | 0 | |
1806-6925 | Verso e Reverso (e-vir) | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Centro de Ciências da Comunicação. | 0 | ✔ |
0042-4501 | Verwaltungsarchiv | Heymann | 0 | |
0720-2407 | Verwaltungsblätter für Baden-Württemberg | Boorberg. | 0 | |
0342-5592 | Verwaltungsrundschau | Kohlhammer. | 0 | |
0947-9856 | Verwaltung und Management | NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1930-286X | Vestnik | School of Russian and Asian Studies | 0 | |
0321-0391 | Vestnik drevnej istorii | Nauka | 0 | |
0130-0075 | Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta | Izdatelʹstvo Moskovskogo universiteta | 0 | |
0042-4935 | Vetus Testamentum | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5330 | Vetus Testamentum (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2176-6800 | Via Litterae | Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Unidade de Ciências Sócio-Econômicas e Humanas | 0 | |
0873-1233 | Via spiritus | C.I.U.H.E.; I.C.P. | 0 | |
2183-0444 | Via spiritus (e-vir) | C.I.U.H.E.; I.C.P. | 0 | |
0083-5897 | Viator | University of California Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2031-0234 | Viator (e-vir) | Brepols Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0709-4698 | Victorian periodicals review | Research Society for Victorian Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
1712-526X | Victorian periodicals review (e-vir) | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0042-5206 | Victorian poetry | West Virginia University. | 0 | |
1530-7190 | Victorian poetry (e-vir) | West Virginia University | 0 | |
0042-5222 | Victorian studies | Indiana University. | 0 | |
1527-2052 | Victorian studies (e-vir) | Indiana University | 0 | |
0308-4957 | Vida hispánica | Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (Great Britain); Association for Language Learning (Great Britain) | 0 | |
1728-5305 | Vienna yearbook of population research (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 0 | ✔ |
1728-4414 | Vienna yearbook of population research .. | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 3 | ✔ |
0017-9655 | Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete | Institut für Heilpädagogik | 0 | |
2365-2136 | Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0042-5702 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2196-7121 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0340-1707 | Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung | Duncker u. Humblot. | 0 | ✔ |
1861-1559 | Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (e-vir) | Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung | 0 | ✔ |
0507-7230 | Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik | Kamp. | 0 | ✔ |
2589-0581 | Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Pädagogik (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0042-6032 | Vigiliae christianae | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0720 | Vigiliae Christianae (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0271-3012 | VII | Wheaton College (Ill.); Wheaton College (Ill.). | 0 | |
2767-3685 | VII (e-vir) | [Wheaton College] | 0 | |
0294-1759 | Vingtième siècle | Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques | 0 | |
1950-6678 | Vingtième siècle (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
0042-6571 | Virginia journal of international law | Virginia Journal of International Law Association | 0 | |
0894-9468 | Visual anthropology | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5920 | Visual anthropology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1058-7187 | Visual anthropology review | Center for Visual Anthropology, University of Southern California | 0 | ✔ |
1548-7458 | Visual anthropology review (e-vir) | American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1470-3572 | Visual communication | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3214 | Visual communication (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1936-1912 | Visual culture & gender | s.n.] | 0 | |
1471-4787 | Visual culture in Britain | Ashgate Publishing,; Manchester University Press; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1941-8361 | Visual culture in Britain (e-vir) | Ashgate Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0197-3762 | Visual resources | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2809 | Visual resources (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0042-725X | Vita e pensiero | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
0735-1909 | Vitae scholasticae | Center for Educational Biography.; International Society for Educational Biography. | 0 | |
0042-7543 | Vivarium | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5349 | Vivarium | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0132-3776 | Vizantijskij vremennik | Nauka. | 0 | |
0507-1925 | Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske | Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
1334-6938 | Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske (e-vir) | Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
1845-7789 | Vjesnik za arheologiju i povijest dalmatinsku | Arheološki muzej | 0 | |
1874-785X | Vocations and learning | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7868 | Vocations and learning (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0236-2058 | Voennaâ myslʹ | Ministerstvo oborony Soûza SSR | 0 | |
0173-5780 | Vogelschutz | Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern | 0 | |
1504-1611 | Voices | Sogn og Fjordane University College | 0 | ✔ |
1925-0614 | Voix plurielles (e-vir) | Association des professeur-e-s de français des universités et collèges canadiens | 0 | |
0957-8765 | Voluntas | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7888 | Voluntas (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0042-8744 | Voprosy filosofii | Nauka | 0 | |
0042-8779 | Voprosy istorii | Nauka | 0 | |
0507-4150 | Vorgänge | Humanistische Union | 0 | |
0042-899X | Vox romanica | Francke Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0941-861X | VSSR. Vierteljahresschrift für Sozialrecht | 0 | ||
0340-8728 | VSWG | F. Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0042-9945 | Waffen- und Kostümkunde | W. Hofmann KG | 1 | |
1545-6196 | Wagadu (e-vir) | State University of New York at Cortland | 0 | |
2150-2226 | Wagadu | State University College at Cortland. | 0 | |
2042-4345 | War & society (e-vir) | Department of History, University of New South Wales | 0 | ✔ |
0729-2473 | War and society | University of New South Wales, Dept. of History | 0 | ✔ |
0968-3445 | War in history | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0385 | War in history (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0043-0978 | Wasserwirtschaft | Franckh | 0 | |
0043-0986 | Wasserwirtschaft, Wassertechnik | Verlag für Bauwesen | 0 | |
1965-0175 | Water alternatives (e-vir) | [Water alternatives] | 0 | |
0097-8078 | Water resources | Consultants Bureau | 0 | ✔ |
1608-344X | Water resources (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
2175-6163 | WebMosaica | Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall | 0 | |
0172-1623 | Wechselwirkung | Remember. | 0 | |
0940-9394 | Wege ohne Dogma | Freireligiöse Landesgemeinde Baden K.d.ö.R. | 0 | |
0043-2040 | Wege zum Menschen | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 0 | |
0043-2059 | Wege zur Sozialversicherung | 0 | ||
0043-2199 | Weimarer Beiträge | Aufbau-Verlag | 0 | |
1861-0501 | Weiterbildung | Grundlagen der Weiterbildung e.V. | 0 | |
1362-0681 | Welsh music history | University of Wales, Bangor. Centre for Advanced Welsh Music Studies. | 0 | |
1431-2379 | Welt und Umwelt der Bibel | Kath. Bibelwerk | 0 | |
0257-9332 | Werk, Bauen + Wohnen | Verlegergemeinschaft Werk, Bauen u. Wohnen; Verlag Bauen u. Wohnen | 0 | |
2701-1992 | WerkstattGeschichte (e-vir) | Transcript | 0 | |
0942-704X | Werkstatt Geschichte | Verein für Kritische Geschichtsschreibung | 0 | |
0511-4926 | Wertheimer Jahrbuch | Staatsarchiv Wertheim.; Historischer Verein Wertheim. | 0 | |
2153-5531 | West 86th | Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture. | 0 | ✔ |
2153-5558 | West 86th (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Bard Graduate Center | 0 | ✔ |
0043-3462 | Western American literature | Western Literature Association | 0 | |
1948-7142 | Western American literature (e-vir) | Western Literature Association | 0 | |
0140-2382 | West European politics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9655 | West European politics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0043-4337 | Westfalen | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0083-9027 | Westfälische Forschungen | Aschendorff | 0 | |
0083-9043 | Westfälische Zeitschrift | Verlag Bonifacius-Druckerei. | 0 | |
0511-8484 | Westpreussen-Jahrbuch | Landsmannschaft Westpreussen. | 0 | |
0172-049X | Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis | dfv-Mediengruppe | 0 | |
0508-6213 | Wetterauer Geschichtsblätter | Bindernagel. | 0 | |
0721-8834 | Widersprüche | Verl. 2000 | 0 | |
1757-3920 | Wide screen | Subaltern Studies | 0 | |
0083-9981 | Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte | Hermann Böhlaus | 0 | |
0083-999X | Wiener Jahrbuch für Philosophie | Wilhelm Braumüller | 0 | |
0084-0041 | Wiener slavistisches Jahrbuch | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
2224-8846 | Wiener slavistisches Jahrbuch (e-vir) | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0084-005X | Wiener Studien | C. Geroldʼs Sohn | 0 | |
1813-3924 | Wiener Studien | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | |
0084-0076 | Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes | Orientalisches Institut der Universität Wien | 0 | |
1728-3124 | Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens (e-vir) | Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 0 | ✔ |
0084-0084 | Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens und Archiv für Indische Philosophie | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | 0 | ✔ |
0084-0416 | Winterthur portfolio | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-6927 | Winterthur portfolio (e-vir) | Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum | 0 | ✔ |
0935-879X | Wirkendes Wort | Bouvier | 0 | |
0043-6275 | Wirtschaftsdienst | Verlag Weltarchiv | 0 | ✔ |
1613-978X | Wirtschaftsdienst | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0937-6429 | Wirtschaftsinformatik | Vieweg | 0 | |
1861-8936 | Wirtschaftsinformatik (e-vir) | Springer Fachmedien | 0 | |
1615-7729 | Wirtschaftspsychologie | Pabst Science Publ., | 0 | |
1611-9207 | Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell | Deutscher Psychologen-Verl., | 0 | |
0930-3855 | Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter | Springer | 0 | |
1864-3434 | Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0341-339X | Wirtschaft und Berufs-Erziehung | ZIEL | 0 | |
0720-003X | Wirtschaft und Verwaltung | 0 | ||
0043-6151 | Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb | Handelsblatt-GmbH | 0 | |
0043-6534 | Wisconsin magazine of history | State Historical Society of Wisconsin. | 0 | |
0043-6976 | Wissenschaftsrecht, Wissenschaftsverwaltung, Wissenschaftsförderung | Mohr | 0 | |
0043-678X | Wissenschaft und Weisheit | Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung. | 0 | |
0340-1650 | WiSt. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium | Beck :; Vahlen. | 0 | |
0721-6890 | Wistra | Müller; Hüthig. | 0 | |
1868-7431 | Wittgenstein-Studien | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7458 | Wittgenstein-Studien (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1651-436X | WMU journal of maritime affairs | World Maritime University (WMU) | 0 | ✔ |
1654-1642 | WMU journal of maritime affairs | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-3611 | Wochenschau | Wochenschau-Verl. | 0 | |
2190-362X | Wochenschau | Wochenschau-Verl. | 0 | |
0933-2766 | Wohnrechtliche Blätter | Springer-Verlag | 0 | |
1613-7647 | Wohnrechtliche Blätter (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0176-0513 | Wohnung + Gesundheit | Institut für Baubiologie + Oekologie | 0 | |
0948-7441 | Wohnungslos | Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe | 0 | |
0509-0717 | Wohnungswirtschaft & Mietrecht | Verlagsgesellschaft des Dt. Mieterbundes. | 0 | |
0340-6318 | Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten | Herzog August Bibliothek | 0 | |
0341-2253 | Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte | Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreis für Bibliotheks-, Buch- und Mediengeschichte; Herzog August Bibliothek; Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreis für Geschichte des Buchwesens | 0 | |
0340-9457 | Wolfram-Studien | Schmidt | 0 | |
0961-2025 | Women's history review | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-583X | Women's history review (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0049-7878 | Women's studies | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1547-7045 | Women's studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0277-5395 | Women's studies international forum | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-243X | Women's studies international forum (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0732-1562 | Women's studies quarterly | Feminist Press | 0 | |
1934-1520 | Women's studies quarterly (e-vir) | Feminist Press | 0 | |
0969-9082 | Women's writing | Triangle Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5848 | Women's writing (e-vir) | Triangle Journals Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0897-4454 | Women & criminal justice | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0323 | Women & criminal justice (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0363-0242 | Women & health | Haworth Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0331 | Women & health | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-7505 | Women & music | International Alliance for Women in Music | 0 | |
1553-0612 | Women & music (e-vir) | International Alliance for Women in Music. | 0 | |
0270-3149 | Women & therapy | The Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0315 | Women & therapy (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
8755-4550 | Women and language | s.n. | 0 | |
1058-7446 | Women in German yearbook | University Press of America | 0 | |
1940-512X | Women in German yearbook (e-vir) | University Press of America | 0 | |
0043-7956 | Word | Linguistic Circle of New York.; International Linguistic Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2373-5112 | Word (e-vir) | S.F. Vanni | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8722 | Work, employment & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0950-0170 | Work, employment and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0730-8884 | Work and occupations | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8464 | Work and occupations (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0043-8200 | World affairs | American Peace Society | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1582 | World affairs (e-vir) | American Peace Society | 0 | ✔ |
0043-8243 | World archaeology | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1375 | World archaeology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0305-750X | World development | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5991 | World development (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0883-2919 | World Englishes | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-971X | World Englishes (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0260-4027 | World futures | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1844 | World futures (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1931-8642 | World history connected | University of Illinois Press | 0 | |
1925-0746 | World journal of education | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1925-0754 | World journal of education | Sciedu Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1309-0348 | World journal on educational technology (e-vir) | Near East University | 0 | |
Y506-7839 | World journal on educational technology (e-vir) | Near East University | 0 | |
1309-1506 | World Journal on Educational Technology | Academic World Education and Research Center (AWER) | 0 | |
0196-3570 | World literature today | University of Oklahoma Press | 0 | |
1945-8134 | World literature today (e-vir) | University of Oklahoma Press | 0 | |
0043-8774 | World of music | Heinrichshofen | 0 | |
0740-2775 | World policy journal | World Policy Institute | 0 | |
1936-0924 | World policy journal (e-vir) | World Policy Institute | 0 | |
1935-6226 | World political science review (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | |
2194-6248 | World political science review | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0043-8871 | World politics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3338 | World politics (e-vir) | Yale Institute of International Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0043-9134 | World today | Royal Institute of International Affairs | 0 | |
1363-5247 | Worldviews | White Horse Press | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5357 | Worldviews | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0342-6378 | Wort und Antwort | Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag | 0 | |
0340-9031 | WPg | IDW Verlag | 0 | |
1754-9035 | Writing technologies (e-vir) | Nottingham Trent University. | 0 | |
1570-6001 | Written language & literacy | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1387-6732 | Written language and literacy | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1435-3059 | WRP (e-vir) | Dt. Fachverl. | 0 | |
0342-300X | WSI-Mitteilungen | Bund-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
0084-3067 | Württembergisch Franken | Historischer Verein für Württembergisch Franken | 0 | |
0342-3093 | Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter | Bischöfliches Ordinariatsarchiv | 0 | |
0012-4273 | XVIIe siècle | Société d'étude du XVIIe siècle | 0 | ✔ |
0044-0078 | Yale French studies | Yale French studies | 0 | |
1793-1584 | Yazhou yishu | Oriental Art Magazine Pte Ltd., | 0 | |
0075-8744 | Year book | Secker & Warburg | 0 | ✔ |
1758-437X | Year book (e-vir) | Secker & Warburg for the Leo Baeck Institute | 0 | ✔ |
0740-1558 | Yearbook for traditional music | International Council for Traditional Music | 0 | ✔ |
2304-3857 | Yearbook for Traditional Music (e-vir) | International Council for Traditional Music | 0 | ✔ |
0084-3695 | Yearbook of comparative and general literature | Indiana University | 0 | |
1947-2978 | Yearbook of comparative and general literature | Toronto Press | 0 | |
0306-2473 | Yearbook of English studies | Moder Humanities Research Assoc. | 0 | ✔ |
1868-632X | Yearbook of phraseology | De Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1868-6338 | Yearbook of phraseology | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0021-3306 | ywn | Hebrew University of Jerusalem. | 0 | |
0044-1791 | Zapiski historyczne | Towarzystwo naukowe | 0 | |
2449-8637 | Zapiski Historyczne (e-vir) | Towarzystwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0721-5746 | ZAR. Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik | Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft. | 0 | ✔ |
1330-7134 | Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti | 1 | |
1848-896X | Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (e-vir) | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. | 0 | |
0353-5967 | Zbornik o Srbima u Hrvatskoj | SANU, Odbor za istoriju Srba u Hrvatskoj | 0 | |
0354-9461 | Zbornik za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine | Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Odbor za istoriju Bosne i Hercegovine | 0 | |
0179-5465 | ZBV | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bildungsverwaltung e.V.; DGBV. | 0 | |
1863-9690 | ZDM | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-9704 | ZDM (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1619-0459 | Zeitenblicke (e-vir) | Zeitenblicke c/o M. Kaiser c/o Universität zu Köln, Historisches Seminar - Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit | 0 | |
1612-6033 | Zeithistorische Forschungen | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht. | 0 | |
1612-6041 | Zeithistorische Forschungen = | Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht. | 0 | |
0341-0137 | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft | Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
2747-4402 | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (e-vir) | Harrassowitz Verlag | 0 | |
0072-4254 | Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte | 0 | ||
0323-4045 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte | H. Böhlaus | 0 | ✔ |
0323-4096 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte | H. Böhlaus | 0 | ✔ |
0323-4142 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte | H. Böhlaus | 0 | ✔ |
2304-4861 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | ✔ |
2304-4896 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | ✔ |
2304-4934 | Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | ✔ |
0067-5792 | Zeitschrift des Bergischen Geschichtsvereins | Schmidt. | 0 | |
1434-2766 | Zeitschrift des Breisgau-Geschichtsvereins Schau-ins-Land | Breisgau-Geschichtsverein Schauinsland | 0 | |
0012-1169 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0044-2135 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft | Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft | 0 | |
0437-5890 | Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereines für Steiermark | Selbstverlag des Historischen Vereines für Steiermark | 0 | |
0342-3131 | Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben | Wißner | 0 | |
0083-5587 | Zeitschrift des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte | Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. | 0 | |
0342-3107 | Zeitschrift des Vereins für hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde | Verein für Hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde | 0 | |
0943-9846 | Zeitschrift des Vereins für Thüringische Geschichte | Verein für Thüringische Geschichte, | 0 | |
0044-2194 | Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie | DLG-Verlag | 0 | |
0044-216X | Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde | Akad.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2196-713X | Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0044-2216 | Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0932-4461 | Zeitschrift für Althebraistik | W. Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0948-0587 | Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2190-0191 | Zeitschrift für angewandte Linguistik | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0943-1780 | Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung | Analytica-Verl.. | 0 | |
0044-2305 | Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik | Verl. Enzyklopädie | 0 | ✔ |
2196-4726 | Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
0949-9571 | Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-961X | Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0170-026X | Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
2747-4437 | Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik (e-vir) | Harrassowitz Verlag | 0 | |
1614-3485 | Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung | W. Kohlhammer | 0 | |
1867-8343 | Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0932-4089 | Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie | Hogrefe, Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie; Verlag TÜV Rheinland | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6270 | Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0340-2444 | Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft | O. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
2366-4681 | Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0340-0824 | Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters | Rheinland-Verlag; Habelt in Komm | 0 | |
0084-5299 | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-1150 | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2186 | Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft | Bouvier | 0 | |
0049-8599 | Zeitschrift für ausländische Landwirtschaft | 0 | ||
0930-861X | Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht | C. F. Müller | 1 | |
1866-2188 | Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Springer VS, Springer-Fachmedien | 0 | ✔ |
1866-2196 | Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik | Springer VS, Springer-Fachmedien | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2356 | Zeitschrift für Balkanologie | Harrassowitz | 0 | |
0936-2800 | Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft | RWS-Verl. Kommunikationsforum | 0 | ✔ |
2199-1715 | Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (e-vir) | RWS-Verl. Kommunikationsforum | 0 | ✔ |
0342-4316 | Zeitschrift für bayerische Kirchengeschichte | Verein für Bayerische Kirchengeschichte. | 0 | |
0044-2364 | Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte | Beck. | 0 | |
0514-2571 | Zeitschrift für Beamtenrecht | Kohlhammer. | 0 | |
0172-2875 | Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2372 | Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft | Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler | 0 | ✔ |
0340-2398 | Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | |
1866-8852 | Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft | Verl. für Sozialwiss. | 0 | |
0044-2380 | Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie | Vittorio Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
1864-2950 | Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (e-vir) | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6890 | Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen.; ÖFEB. | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6904 | Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung | Springer VS | 0 | ✔ |
0084-5302 | Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie | 0 | ✔ | |
1865-889X | Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0044-2410 | Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht | Gieseking | 0 | |
0044-2429 | Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen | Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht | 1 | ✔ |
2366-0414 | Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0044-2437 | Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht | Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft | 0 | |
0341-4019 | Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen | Knapp | 0 | |
0044-2496 | Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie | Erich Schmidt Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7806 | Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1865-2018 | Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie digital (e-vir) | E. Schmidt | 0 | |
0044-2518 | Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur | Steiner-Verl.-Wiesbaden-GmbH | 0 | |
Y509-979X | Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur (e-vir) | [200-]- | 0 | |
0169-7536 | Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie | Komitee zur Förderung des Studiums der Theologie | 0 | |
0044-1449 | Zeitschrift für dialektologie und linguistik | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2395 | Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2191-0766 | Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften | Wochenschau-Verl. | 0 | |
0949-1147 | Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften | Verlag Schmidt & Klaunig | 0 | ✔ |
2197-988X | Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2526 | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-0103 | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2550 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft | Mohr | 0 | |
0084-5310 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft | De Gruyter | 1 | ✔ |
1612-703X | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft | de Gruyter Recht | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2585 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft | Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft; Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft; Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9748 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2607 | Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0342-3344 | Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ermlands | Historischer Verein für Ermland. ;; Fromm in Komm.. | 0 | |
0044-2615 | Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-009X | Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche (e-vir) | W. de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1868-8934 | Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken (e-vir) | Deutschtürken-Verb., Inst. für die Welt der Türken | 0 | |
1869-2338 | Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken | 0 | ||
0343-5377 | Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft | Vieweg | 0 | |
1866-2765 | Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft | Springer Vieweg | 0 | |
0049-8637 | Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie | Verlag für Psychologie Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6262 | Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1434-663X | Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft | Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden | 0 | ✔ |
1862-5215 | Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss. | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2666 | Zeitschrift für Ethnologie | Reimer | 0 | |
2942-5387 | Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (e-vir) | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde; Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte | 0 | |
1868-7938 | Zeitschrift für europäisches Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
2191-3420 | Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht (e-vir) | Verlag Österreich GmbH | 0 | |
1619-5515 | Zeitschrift für Evaluation | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl.. | 0 | |
0044-2674 | Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
2197-912X | Zeitschrift für evangelische Ethik (e-vir) | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2690 | Zeitschrift für evangelisches Kirchenrecht | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0044-2747 | Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2425 | Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
2192-1741 | Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | ✔ |
2524-6976 | Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
2198-4298 | Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik | Hochschulverband für Geographiedidaktik | 0 | |
2698-6752 | Zeitschrift für Geographiedidaktik (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0323-7982 | Zeitschrift für Germanistik | Verlag Bibliographisches Institut/Enzyklopädie | 0 | |
2235-1272 | Zeitschrift für Germanistik (e-vir) | P. Lang | 0 | |
1613-0626 | Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1610-5982 | Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
0044-2828 | Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft | Metropol | 0 | |
1615-6404 | Zeitschrift für Gestaltpädagogik | EHP-Verlag A. Kohlhage | 0 | |
0943-8149 | Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie | 0 | ||
2190-6289 | Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | |
0722-8856 | Zeitschrift für Gottesdienst und Predigt | Gütersloher Verl.-Haus | 0 | |
0513-9066 | Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik | Klinkhardt. | 0 | |
0340-0174 | Zeitschrift für historische Forschung | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5599 | Zeitschrift für historische Forschung (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1617-7126 | Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik | Springer; Verlag Österreich GmbH | 0 | |
1613-7655 | Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagment und Hochschulpolitik (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0342-393X | Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Individualpsychologie e.V. | 0 | |
2193-9144 | Zeitschrift für Indologie und Südasienstudien | 0 | ||
1864-5321 | Zeitschrift für Innere Führung | Streitkräfteamt, Informations- und Medienzentrale der Bundeswehr. | 0 | |
1869-3660 | Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik | Transcript-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
2198-0330 | Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik (e-vir) | Transcript | 0 | ✔ |
1205-6545 | Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht (e-vir) | Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek | 0 | ✔ |
0946-7165 | Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1612-1864 | Zeitschrift für Jugendkriminalrecht und Jugendhilfe | Deutsche Vereinigung für Jugendgerichte und Jugendgerichtshilfen e.V.; DVJJ. | 0 | |
1862-5886 | Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft | R. Pokoyski c/o Universität Hannover, Seminar für Religionswissenschaft; S. Führding c/o Universität Hannover, Seminar für Religionswissenschaft; A. Rödel c/o Universität Marburg, Fachgebiet Religionswissenschaft. | 0 | |
0932-2221 | Zeitschrift für Katalanistik | Deutsch-Katalanische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0044-2895 | Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie | Echter | 0 | |
1422-4917 | Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie. | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2880 | Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2007 | Zeitschrift für Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz | Konferenz der Kantone für Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz KOKES; Konferenz für Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutz KOKES; Vereinigung Schweizerischer Amtsvormundinnen und Amtsvormunde; Schweizerische Vereinigung der Berufsbeiständinnen und Berufsbeistände | 0 | |
0044-2925 | Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte | W. Kohlhammer | 0 | |
1435-6015 | Zeitschrift für Klein- und Mittelunternehmen | Duncker u. Humblot | 0 | |
1616-3443 | Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2190-6297 | Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5114 | Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1619-8301 | Zeitschrift für kritische Musikpädagogik (e-vir) | J. Vogt | 0 | |
0945-7313 | Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie | zu Klampen. | 0 | |
0044-2976 | Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch | Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen | 0 | |
2197-9111 | Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaft (e-vir) | Transcript-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2197-9103 | Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften | 0 | ✔ | |
0044-2992 | Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte | Deutscher Kunstverlag | 0 | ✔ |
2569-1619 | Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2747-6480 | Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
2365-953X | Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0340-8329 | Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht = | Heymann. | 0 | |
0944-7652 | Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik | Schwabenverlag | 0 | |
2949-8570 | Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | |
0940-5569 | Zeitschrift für medizinische Psychologie | 0 | ||
1875-9246 | Zeitschrift für medizinische Psychologie (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | |
1864-6492 | Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte | Wochenschau-Verl. | 0 | |
0943-7592 | Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9776 | Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte = | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1435-2249 | Zeitschrift für Neues Testament | Francke. | 0 | |
2941-0924 | Zeitschrift für Neues Testament (e-vir) | Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG | 0 | |
0948-4396 | Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht | Springer | 0 | |
1613-7663 | Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0344-9777 | Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen | Nomos | 0 | |
2701-4215 | Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (e-vir) | Gesellschaft für Öffentliche Wirtschaft | 0 | |
1868-9078 | Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0044-3239 | Zeitschrift für Ostforschung | J.-G.-Herder-Institut | 0 | |
0948-8294 | Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung | Herder-Instut | 0 | |
2701-0449 | Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung (e-vir) | Herder Institute Publishing Section | 0 | |
0044-3247 | Zeitschrift für Pädagogik | Beltz | 0 | |
0514-2717 | Zeitschrift für Pädagogik | Beltz | 0 | |
1437-7160 | Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie | Diesterweg. | 0 | ✔ |
1010-0652 | Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2910 | Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie = | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
0084-5388 | Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik | Habelt | 0 | |
0340-1758 | Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2534 | Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (e-vir) | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | ✔ |
0179-6437 | Zeitschrift für Personalforschung | Hampp | 0 | ✔ |
1862-0000 | Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0934-9677 | Zeitschrift für Personalvertretungsrecht | Dbb Beamtenbund und Tarifunion. | 0 | |
0044-3301 | Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
1439-2615 | Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung (e-vir) | Klostermann | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3360 | Zeitschrift für Politik | Heymann | 0 | ✔ |
1865-4789 | Zeitschrift für Politikberatung | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
1865-4797 | Zeitschrift für Politikberatung | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | |
1430-6387 | Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | Springer Nature | 1 | ✔ |
2366-2638 | Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
1661-4747 | Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie | H. Huber; Hogrefe | 0 | |
1664-2929 | Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie | H. Huber | 0 | |
0169-3395 | Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Theorie und Praxis | 0 | ||
1619-5507 | Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie | Springer VS/Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2526 | Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
2190-8370 | Zeitschrift für Psychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2604 | Zeitschrift für Psychologie = | Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
1438-3608 | Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
2196-8349 | Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (e-vir) | Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht | 0 | |
1438-8324 | Zeitschrift für qualitative Bildungs-, Beratungs- und Sozialforschung | Budrich | 0 | |
0514-6496 | Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik | Beck | 0 | |
2366-0392 | Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0174-0202 | Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie = | Lucius u. Lucius | 0 | ✔ |
1570-0739 | Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3441 | Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte = | Brill; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2194-508X | Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1691 | Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1705 | Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0049-8661 | Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie | Max Niemeyer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1865-9063 | Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3484 | Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte | Vereinigung für Schweizerische Kirchengeschichte | 0 | |
0170-6241 | Zeitschrift für Semiotik | Stauffenburg | 0 | |
0932-8114 | Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung | Enke | 0 | ✔ |
1438-9460 | Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
0344-3418 | Zeitschrift für siebenbürgische Landeskunde | Arbeitskreis für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde | 0 | |
2509-7482 | Zeitschrift fur Slavische Philologie | 0 | ||
0044-3492 | Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie | Winter | 0 | |
0044-3506 | Zeitschrift für Slawistik | Akademie Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
2196-7016 | Zeitschrift für Slawistik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0721-0752 | Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie | Gauke, Abt. Fachverl. für Sozialökonomie | 0 | |
1610-2339 | Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik | Beltz Juventa | 0 | |
0254-928X | Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik | Psychologische Gesellschaft für Persönlichkeists - und Organisationsentwicklung | 0 | |
0514-2776 | Zeitschrift für Sozialreform | 0 | ✔ | |
2366-0295 | Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0340-1804 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Brockhaus Commission | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0325 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie (e-vir) | Lucius & Lucius | 0 | ✔ |
1436-1957 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation = | Juventa-Verl.. | 0 | |
1612-5010 | Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 0 | |
2190-6300 | Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie | Hogrefe | 0 | |
0721-9067 | Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1613-3706 | Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft | Mouton de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1610-7780 | Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften | De Gruyter Rechtswissenschaften | 0 | |
1612-7013 | Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften | Nomos | 0 | |
1866-9875 | Zeitschrift für systemische Therapie und Beratung | Verl. Modernes Lernen | 0 | |
1430-7820 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Gemeinde | Gesellschaft für Freikirchliche Theologie und Publizistik e.V.; GFTP. | 0 | |
0044-3549 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
1868-7377 | Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0931-0983 | Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht | Deutscher Fachverlag | 0 | |
0943-383X | Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht | Rhombos | 0 | ✔ |
0340-2479 | Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht | De Gruyter Rechtswissenschaften Verlags | 0 | ✔ |
1612-7048 | Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht | de Gruyter Recht. | 0 | ✔ |
1865-2654 | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
1865-2646 | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft = | Springer VS | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3638 | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft | Verl. Recht u. Wirtschaft | 0 | |
0044-3670 | Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft | Verkehrs-Verlag Fischer | 0 | |
0044-3700 | Zeitschrift für Volkskunde | Waxmann | 0 | |
1615-2581 | Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte | 0 | ||
0044-3751 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie | 0 | ||
2365-7693 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | |
0721-3808 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik | 0 | ✔ | |
2366-0317 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0723-9416 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht | Verlag Kommunikationsforum Recht, Wirtschaft, Steuern | 0 | |
0342-1783 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | |
1439-880X | Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik | Hampp | 0 | ✔ |
1862-0043 | Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (e-vir) | Hampp | 0 | ✔ |
0342-3468 | Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess | C. Heymann | 0 | |
0044-3816 | Zeitschrift Interne Revision | Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1868-7814 | Zeitschrift Interne Revision (e-vir) | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1431-7451 | Zeitsprünge | Klostermann. | 0 | ✔ |
2751-515X | Zeitsprünge (e-vir) | Vittorio Klostermann GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1616-4164 | Zeitzeichen | Kreuz-Verl.. | 0 | |
0514-857X | Zentralasiatische Studien des Seminars für Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft Zentralasiens der Universität Bonn | Universität Bonn; International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies | 0 | |
0944-2502 | Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie | Haefner | 0 | ✔ |
2198-0713 | Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie (e-vir) | Haefner | 0 | ✔ |
0514-7336 | Zephyrus | Ediciones Universidad | 0 | ✔ |
2386-3943 | Zephyrus (e-vir) | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | ✔ |
1611-1958 | ZESAR | Erich Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
0867-5791 | Zeszyty Naukowe | Uniwersytet Szczeciński. | 0 | |
1439-586X | ZeT. Zeitschrift für Tagesmütter und -väter | Tagesmütter Bundesverband | 0 | |
0176-7887 | Zettelkasten | 0 | ||
1433-9889 | ZfAL | P. Lang | 0 | ✔ |
0939-7299 | ZFF | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung. | 0 | |
1437-2940 | ZfF. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung | Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik und Familienforschung; Universität Bamberg | 0 | |
1860-4633 | ZfKE | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
0944-4521 | ZfL. Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht | Juristen-Vereinigung Lebensrecht e.V.. | 0 | ✔ |
0722-7485 | Zfo. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation | FBO-Fachverlag für Büro- u. Organisationstechnik Göller; Verlagsunion, Zeitschriftenvertrieb | 0 | |
0943-8610 | ZfR. Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft | Diagonal-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
1434-5668 | ZFSH/SGB. Sozialrecht in Deutschland und Europa | Schulz. | 0 | |
0722-8910 | ZFW. Zeitschrift für Wasserrecht | Heymann. | 0 | |
0301-3294 | ZGL | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0930-8997 | Zibaldone | Piper | 0 | |
0341-5864 | Zielsprache Deutsch | Hueber | 2 | |
0514-7727 | Živa antika | Sojuz na društvata za antički studii na Makedonija | 0 | ✔ |
2671-3985 | Živa Antika (e-vir) | Faculty of Philosophy | 0 | ✔ |
2150-4083 | Zi xun shang ye (e-vir) | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2150-4075 | Zi xun shang ye; 資訊商業 | Scientific Research Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0340-7497 | ZMR. Zeitschrift für Miet- und Raumrecht | 0 | ||
1439-5908 | ZTR | Rehm, Verl.-Gruppe Jehle-Rehm. | 0 | |
0177-6762 | ZUM | Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
1618-7652 | Zunamen | 0 | ||
0254-4407 | Zwingliana | Theologischer Verlag | 0 | |
0591-2385 | Zygon | Joint Publication Board of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science and Meadville Theological Seminary of Lombard College | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9744 | Zygon (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6234 | 0 | |||
0024-9707 | 0 | |||
0035-2021 | 0 | |||
0035-6984 | 0 | |||
0040-5884 | 0 | |||
0040-6708 | 0 | |||
0041-1191 | 0 | |||
0055-1458 | 0 | |||
0060-9896 | 0 | |||
0083-9965 | 0 | |||
0174-6342 | 0 | |||
0178-4360 | 0 | |||
0184-6957 | 0 | |||
0212-392X | 0 | |||
0227-4224 | 0 | |||
0234-5272 | 0 | |||
0256-9645 | 0 | |||
0313-0300 | 0 | |||
0336-9306 | 0 | |||
0338-0487 | 0 | |||
0340-5479 | 0 | |||
0342-3240 | 0 | |||
0379-6415 | 0 | |||
0391-6061 | 0 | |||
0392-7388 | 0 | |||
0412-257X | 0 | |||
0862-8459 | 0 | |||
0914-8008 | 0 | |||
0940-3229 | 0 | |||
0948-4507 | 0 | |||
1026-9676 | 0 | |||
1111-0411 | 0 | |||
1208-2071 | 0 | |||
1216-8001 | 0 | |||
1225-5196 | 0 | |||
1316-7939 | 0 | |||
1375-2434 | 0 | |||
1400-1750 | 0 | |||
1403-8417 | 0 | |||
1406-1818 | 0 | |||
1433-0202 | 0 | |||
1450-2887 | 0 | |||
1456-8483 | 0 | |||
1467-9825 | 0 | |||
1485-1165 | 0 | |||
1500-1900 | 0 | |||
1522-8014 | 0 | |||
1660-1700 | 0 | |||
1718-9985 | 0 | |||
1750-1800 | 0 | |||
1861-4247 | 0 | |||
1933-1945 | 0 | |||
1973-4585 | 0 | |||
1985-8280 | 0 | |||
2195-9676 | 0 | |||
2218-8118 | 0 | |||
2229-337x | 0 | |||
5100-3144 | 0 | |||
Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne bibliografske baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti s spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Vključene niso tiste revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznamov revij ni bilo možno pridobiti v celoti. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen. Seznami se od leta 2014 naprej vsako leto vzpostavljajo na novo. To pomeni, da OSIC-i vsako leto na novo prevzamejo sezname s spletnih strani proizvajalcev; ti seznami potem veljajo za tekoče leto oz. do prejema novih seznamov. Od leta 2014 naprej se torej članki v revijah v določenem letu vrednotijo v skladu z uvrstitvijo na sezname v tem letu. Članki v tekočem letu se do prejema novih seznamov vrednotijo v skladu z zadnjo prejeto verzijo seznamov. Za članke do vključno leta 2013 pa veljajo še stari kumulativni seznami, pri katerih so se revije na sezname samo dodajale, ne pa tudi iz njih odstranjevale, četudi je revija iz baze izpadla. V stolpcu Odprti dostop so s kljukico označene revije, za katere so v informacijskem servisu SHERPA/RoMEO objavljeni podatki o licenčnih pogojih založb in politiki arhiviranja posameznih revij. S klikom na kljukico se prestavimo na zapis revije z informacijami o politiki odprtega dostopa. |
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